歌曲名:White Shoes
歌手:Conor Oberst
专辑:Outer South
Conor Oberst - White Shoes
You can wear your new white shoes
In the muddy afternoon
Walking past the drunks, too
They whistle with their hands
But I could be your catcall, too
Anything you want to do
Anything you want to do
You can take your slide trombone
Play it in your catacombs
Find a town that moves real slow
And turn it on its head
And I could be your pharaoh's tomb
Anything you want to do
Lover, anything you want to do
And if you want to be common
I can claim that I tamed you
A demigod in a bonnet
They're going to know it ain't true
You can paint your nails lime green
Rent yourself a limousine
Kidnap the professor's niece
Tell them that she's dead
We'll party in a hotel room
Anything you want to do
Sister, anything you want to do
You can get your hair all wet
Sleeping on the riverbed
Kiss a frog and then dissect
You got to find out what's inside
And you can have my bad side, too
Anything you want to do
Sure, anything you want to do
And if you want to be common
I will claim that I tamed you
A demigod in a bonnet
They're going to know it ain't true
And yes, you are King David's star
And the crescent moon, and the crescent moon
You must sweep the Bowdhi tree
I sit beneath, and I sit beneath
You can wear your new white shoes
In the dirty afternoon
Walking through the traffic fumes
A flower in your hair
And I will swing upon your moods
Anytime you want me to
Just tell me what you want to do
Anything you want to do
Anything you want to do
Anything you want to do
歌曲名:White As Snow
歌手:Maranatha! Music
专辑:Praise 16 - The Power Of Your Love
U2 - No Line On The Horizon
★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师
Where I grew up there were no hills at all
The land was flat, the highway straight and wide
My brother and I, we'd drive for hours,
like we'd years instead of days
Our faces as pale as the dirty snow
Once I knew there was a love divine
Then came a time I thought it knew me not
Who can forgive forgiveness when forgiveness is not
Only the land as white as snow
And the water it was icy
As it washed over me
And the moon shined above me
Now this dry ground it bears no fruit at all
Only laugh under a crescent moon
The road refuses strangers
The land, the seeds we sow
Where might we find a land as white as snow
As boys we would go hunting in the wood
To sleep, the night shun out the stars
Now the wolves are every passing stranger
Every face we cannot know
If only a heart could be as white as snow
If only a heart could be as white as snow
歌曲名:White As Snow (Split Track)
歌手:Maranatha! Acoustic
专辑:Acoustic Worship: God Our Savior
U2 - No Line On The Horizon
★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师
Where I grew up there were no hills at all
The land was flat, the highway straight and wide
My brother and I, we'd drive for hours,
like we'd years instead of days
Our faces as pale as the dirty snow
Once I knew there was a love divine
Then came a time I thought it knew me not
Who can forgive forgiveness when forgiveness is not
Only the land as white as snow
And the water it was icy
As it washed over me
And the moon shined above me
Now this dry ground it bears no fruit at all
Only laugh under a crescent moon
The road refuses strangers
The land, the seeds we sow
Where might we find a land as white as snow
As boys we would go hunting in the wood
To sleep, the night shun out the stars
Now the wolves are every passing stranger
Every face we cannot know
If only a heart could be as white as snow
If only a heart could be as white as snow
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Horizontal ten finger crust images suddenly appear, have eight fingers crust be unable tosee the crescent moon white
Mama and I were both wearing white gowns again the next tame I saw the crescentmoon