


rudenko - everybody

kraftwerk - tour de france

2ne1 - fire

brown eyed girls - abracadabra

black eyed peas 黑眼豆豆 - boom boom pow

IU - boo

4minute - hot issue

dj jazzy jeff n fresh prince - boom shake the room

t-ara - 놀아볼래

steady b - ding ding ding

Elize - i can be a bitch

french affair - heart goes boom

snsd - 소원을 말해봐

wonder girls - tell me

배슬기 裴涩琪 - 지겨워

snsd - chocolate love

f(x) - chocolate love

sandara - kiss

이현지 李贤智 - kiss me

prince - kiss

우이경 禹怡京 - 2% 부족한사이

Katy Perry 凯迪派瑞 - I kissed a girl

t-ara - bo peep bo peep

snsd - gee

super junior - sorry sorry

boa - i did it for love

paradiso girls - patron tequila

boa - energetic

wonder girls - 쪼요쪼요

f(x) - chu

esmee denters - outta here

우이경 禹怡京 - 나만봐

kara - 똑같은맘

rainbow - gossip girl

소리 Sori - 입술이 정말

leva's polka

koyote - 아 정말

2ne1 - let's go party

rudenko - everybody

stacey q - two of hearts

britney spears 布兰妮 - 3

duke - party tonight

kurtis blow - aj scratch

윤하 尹河 -123

rihanna 蕾哈娜 - russian roulette

after school - 너때문에

g-dragon - heartbreaker

brand new day - mascara

한예서 - No0

u-kiss - 만만하니

shakira - she wolf

lady gaga - poker face

michael jackson 迈克尔杰克逊 - billie jean

pussycat dolls - don't cha

lady gaga - just dance

shinee - ring ding dong

french affair - ring ding dong

tomb raider sample

jewelry - variety

after school - ah

손담비 孙丹菲 - 토요일밤에

IU - 미아

한다연 韩佳人- 어어어

brown eyed girls - sign

devil n angel - bad girl

2pm - again n again

brown eyed girls - candyman

손담비 孙丹菲 n after school - amoled

ciara - love sex , magic

채연 蔡妍 - 흔들려 摇摆

씨야 다비치 지연 - 여성시대

NS 윤지 允智 - 머리아파

ciara - work

the saturdays - work

k-will - 눈물이 뚝뚝

seeya - 그놈 목소리


t-ara - 놀아볼래 想玩吗

snsd - 소원을 말해봐 说出你的愿望(Genie)

배슬기 裴涩琪 - 지겨워 厌烦了

우이경 禹怡京 - 2% 부족한사이 缺少2%的关系

wonder girls - 쪼요쪼요 拿走吧(?)

우이경 禹怡京 - 나만봐 只看着我

kara - 똑같은맘 一样的心

소리 Sori - 입술이 정말 嘴唇真是

koyote - 아 정말 啊,真是的

after school - 너때문에 因为你

u-kiss - 만만하니 好欺负吗

손담비 孙丹菲 - 토요일밤에 星期六晚上

IU - 미아 迷儿

한다연 韩佳人- 어어어 哦哦哦()

채연 蔡妍 - 흔들려 摇摆

씨야 다비치 지연 - 여성시대 女生时代

NS 윤지 允智 - 머리아파 头痛

k-will - 눈물이 뚝뚝 眼泪哗哗

seeya - 그놈 목소리 他的声音

歌名 Freakmix Yearmix 2009





rudenko - everybody

kraftwerk - tour de france

2ne1 - fire

brown eyed girs - abracadabra

black eyed peas 黑眼豆豆 - boom boom pow

IU - boo

4minute - hot issue

dj jazzy jeff n fresh prince - boom shake the room

t-ara - 놀아볼래

steady b - ding ding ding

Elize - i can be a bitch

french affair - heart goes boom

snsd - 소원을 말해봐

wonder girls - tell me

배슬기 裴涩琪 - 지겨워

snsd - chocolate love

f(x) - chocolate love

sandara - kiss

이현지 李贤智 - kiss me

prince - kiss

우이경 禹怡京 - 2% 부족한사이

Katy Perry 凯迪派瑞 - I kissed a girl

t-ara - bo peep bo peep

snsd - gee

super junior - sorry sorry

boa - i did it for love

paradiso girls - patron tequila

boa - energetic

wonder girls - 쪼요쪼요

f(x) - chu

esmee denters - outta here

우이경 禹怡京 - 나만봐

kara - 똑같은맘

rainbow - gossip girl

소리 Sori - 입술이 정말

leva's polka

koyote - 아 정말

2ne1 - let's go party

rudenko - everybody

stacey q - two of hearts

britney spears 布兰妮 - 3

duke - party tonight

kurtis blow - aj scratch

윤하 尹河 -123

rihanna 蕾哈娜 - russian roulette

after school - 너때문에

g-dragon - heartbreaker

brand new day - mascara

한예서 - No0

u-kiss - 만만하니

shakira - she wolf

lady gaga - poker face

michael jack son 迈克尔杰克逊 - billie jean

pussycat dolls - don't cha

lady gaga - just dance

shinee - ring ding dong

french affair - ring ding dong

tomb raider sample

jewelry - variety

after school - ah

손담비 孙丹菲 - 토요일밤에

IU - 미아

한다연 韩佳人- 어어어

brown eyed girls - sign

devil n angel - bad girl

2pm - again n again

brown eyed girls - candyman

손담비 孙丹菲 n after school - amoled

ciara - love sex , magic

채연 蔡妍 - 흔들려 摇摆

씨야 다비치 지연 - 여성시대

NS 윤지 允智 - 머리아파

ciara - work

the saturdays - work

k-will - 눈물이 뚝뚝

seeya - 그놈 목소리

两种新型土壤活化剂在土壤使用棉隆或石灰氮(氰氨化钙)进行消毒后,土壤中的有害生物菌、地下害虫、草籽及线虫的成虫和卵都被除净的同时,有益生物菌也随之受到土壤消毒的影响而减少或消退,因此需要在土壤中补充有益生物菌来增加土壤活力,从而提高肥料利用、提升作物抗病害侵染的能力。现介绍两种土壤活化剂。  凯迪瑞:是一种集生物菌、有机质、中微量元素、金属蛋白酶四位一体的有机生物菌肥。具有提高土壤活性、提高肥料利用率、提高作物品质、增加产量的作用。  使用方法:(1)育苗:凯迪瑞1袋可以育苗一亩地。首先将凯迪瑞与土壤混匀,加入适量复合肥,装营养钵。(2)移栽:每亩可以用4~5袋,穴施或条施或耕地前撒施。注意穴施或条施时一定要将凯迪瑞与土壤混匀。(3)基肥:在大田作物中可以与复合肥配合使用,每亩40公斤,均匀撒施。  肥老伴:是复合生物菌,具有改善土壤团粒结构、增加土壤透气性、促进根系发育、抑制有害微生物的繁殖和生长、抗重茬、防死棵、解磷解钾、提高肥料利用率、改善作物品质、提高作物产量等多种功效。  使用方法:(1)撒施:移栽定植之前全田撒施,每亩用量1公斤,或用05公斤肥老伴进行扩培再撒施,可以降低成本。(2)扩培使用:按照1:10:100的比例分别加入肥老伴、红糖、高蛋白有机质(如豆面、豆饼、棉饼、豆渣等),加入适量的水进行发酵扩增。发酵后可以撒施、冲施。(3)发酵有机肥:按照1:500的比例发酵有机肥,可以充分腐熟有机质,作为发酵的引子可以扩培产物,但扩培次数不能超过两次

you make me wanna文本歌词 you make me wannaLrc歌词 点击下载此LRC歌词到电脑

歌曲播放: you make me wanna在线试听

歌 手: 精选英文歌曲歌曲大全

this is what you do

this is what you do

this is what you do

this is what you do

you make me wanna leave the one i’m with

start a new relationship with you

this is what you do

i think about a ring and all the things that come along with you

make me

you make me wanna leave the one i’m with

start a new relationship with you

this is what you do

i think about a ring and all the things that come along with you

make me

you make me

before anything began between us

you were like my best friend

the one i used to run and talk to

when me and my girl was having problems

you used to say it’ll be ok

suggest little nice things i should do

and when i go home at night and lay my head down

last thing i think about was you

and how

you make me wanna leave the one i’m with

start a new relationship with you

this is what you do

i think about a ring and all the things that come along with you

make me

you make me wanna leave the one i’m with

start a new relationship with you

this is what you do

i think about a ring and all the things that come along with you

make me

you make me

now what’s bad is you’re the one that hooked us up

knowing it should have been you

what’s sad is that i love her but i’m falling for you

what should i do

should i tell my baby bye-bye

should i do exactly what i feel inside

could i, i don’t wanna go, don’t need to stay

but i really need to get it together

you make me wanna leave the one i’m with

start a new relationship with you

this is what you do

i think about a ring and all the things that come along with you

make me

you make me wanna leave the one i’m with

start a new relationship with you

this is what you do

i think about a ring and all the things that come along with you

make me

you make me

at this point the situation’s out of control

i never meant to hurt her

but i gotta let her go

and she may not understand it

while all of this is going on

i tried, i tried to fight it

but the feeling’s just too strong

you make me, make me

you make me wanna

you make me wanna

you make me wanna

you make me wanna

you make me wanna

you make me wanna

you make me wanna

you makin’ me

you make me wanna leave the one i’m with

start a new relationship with you

this is what you do

i think about a ring and all the things that come along with you

make me

you make me wanna leave the one i’m with

start a new relationship with you

this is what you do

i think about a ring and all the things that come along with you

make me

you make me

you make me wanna leave the one i’m with

start a new relationship with you

this is what you do

i think about a ring and all the things that come along with you

make me



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