1 梅龙镇伊势丹 上海市南京西路1038号
2 久光百货 上海市南京西路1618号
3 太平洋徐汇店 上海市徐汇区衡山路932号
4 太平洋淮海店 上海市卢湾区淮海中路333号
5 太平洋站前店 上海市闸北区天目西路218号
6 第一八佰伴 上海市张杨路501号
7 香港新世界巴黎春天 上海市淮海中路939-947
8 东方商厦 上海市漕溪北路8号
9 虹桥友谊 上海市遵义南路6号
10 九百城市广场 上海万航渡路1号
11 百盛 上海市淮海中路918号
番木瓜(Carica papaya L)又称木瓜、乳瓜、万寿果,为热带、亚热带常绿软木质大型番木瓜科多年生草本植物,常绿软木质小乔木,高达8-10米,具乳汁;茎不分枝或有时于损伤处分枝,具螺旋状排列的托叶痕。果实长于树上,外形像瓜,故名之木瓜。番木瓜的乳汁是制作松肉粉的主要成份。
In Guanbai department stores in Beijing-Canton Road shop counters Johnson Portland, Where Miss Li said it has received a new list, to be held this year on January 15 from all prices, rose 10 yuan SKUs -180 yuan Among them, the Royal Tinglan spent the ultimate restoration of the cream-wide efficiency rose to 3,000 yuan from 3,180 yuan, 2,100 yuan from the emulsion rose 2,200 yuan; series of high-density trophoblastic late frost rose to 1,500 yuan from 1,570 yuan; 30 ml liquid from the foundation 640 yuan rose to 670 yuan
In addition, Wei-tzu, of the rationale for skin-chuen, Yang Ya-makeup of the EU, such as single-price goods will occur in 10 to 30 yuan rate rise Beijing Road in Guangzhou-China medicine, the reporter has learned that Wei-tzu only increase the price of individual species, up about 10 yuan
It is learnt that the round of price increases in the tide, some Gaudio relatively late, on February 1 will be increased in future prices And Estee Lauder, Clinique, Africa and Europe, such as Accor posture of the high-end cosmetics are not known acoustic prices Industry said the euro's appreciation, as well as some of scarce raw materials prices, contributed to this round of price hikes in the high-end cosmetics collectively the main reason
Is the main cause of rising costs
When the counters throughout the country in the high-end cosmetics in the "rose" a sound New Year, accompanied by the "rose" is the voice of the various manufacturers excuse businesses, as well as consumers preferred mixed response
For prices similar to the interpretation of the brand L'Oreal cosmetics of the high-end public relations director Zhou Ke Jia told reporters explained that the brands Lancome price increase was mainly due to the current sharp rise in costs, especially the scarcity of raw materials and packaging materials price increases, to take the company to a lot of pressure Beijing Road, Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Jian-Min Wei-tzu corner of Daogouyuan also said, the prices of raw materials because of the European Union, also adjusted accordingly brand prices Ningbo Ya Yang corner of a Daogouyuan even said that under the present situation, but will next year cosmetics prices rose
Similarly, the department store cosmetics Ningbo Yintai Department Tujingli also believes that price is an inevitable trend because of the price of raw materials are up, and product development, marketing and human costs are rapidly rising
In these certainty the reasons for the former, in the face of price increases fait accompli, the consumer response is not the same Indifferent, reluctantly accepted, offensive, which varies Tianhe City Department Stores Guanbai shop counters long Lancome counters that because it is just price, customers do not reflect the strong department store Guanbai Beijing Road shop counters Private Rhythms-chuen told reporters, consumer prices also acceptable She stressed: "Consumers have long heard on the national news cosmetics tariff increase, and the remaining are some multinational brands rose is not just a rose of this"
广 百 股 份 包 含 有 百 货 、 购 物 中 心 、 专 业 店 、 批 发 代 理 、 网 购 等 等 。 旗 下 有 广 百 百 货 、 新 大 新 百 货 、 广 百 新 一 城 、 广 百 广 场 、 广 百 电 器 、 广 百 超 市 、 广 百 荟 、 李 占 记 等 品 牌 。 以 上 内 容 辛 苦 百 度 来 的 , 拿 走 不 谢 ! 记 得 点 个 赞 !。您的采纳是我前进的动力