可以去下角质,然后用海藻面膜,最好是洗澡的时候做,因为可以借着热气效果会更好。我用的是相宜本草的去角质的,好像是六十几。面膜用的是美肌水的,74元。海藻面膜主要是补水去些脏什么的,也可以用自己调的那种。一般店里都有,十元左右一包。爽肤水和乳液是欧泊莱绿色的那套,用起来挺清爽的。眼膜用的是相宜本草的,因为我们现在不需要过于营养的,只要基本补充水分什么的就行了。卡尼尔的那款走珠按摩眼部的也还好,一百元左右 。另外,也推荐羽西白玲珑系列的东西,很增白的,而且那款低泡的洗面奶用后皮肤很润,没来得及拍水也不会觉得紧绷,他家的生机之水1号也很好用,有浓浓的中药味儿,只是一套东西贵了点。
"I love using lotion, but all too often, I end up with one that makes my hands feel sticky, has a cloying scent, or both I normally use Lubriderm Unscented, and it works okay Nothing special I was skeptical about Skin MD Natural, because it came with a ton of literature about how fabulous it is I don't know why, but literature about how fabulous your product is always makes me skeptical “我喜欢用化妆水,但常常,我结束了一个让我感到棘手的手里,有一个小家碧玉的气味,或两者兼而有之。我通常使用Lubriderm无味,和它的作品没关系。没什么特别的。我是持怀疑态度的人们皮肤医师自然,因为它是如何美妙的是文学吨来了。我不知道为什么,但对您的产品是多么美妙的总是让我怀疑的文献。
I tried the lotion and found it had a very, very light scent and didn't make my hands feel sticky我尝试了乳液,发现它有一个非常,非常轻的气味,并没有使我的手感到棘手。 So far, so good到目前为止,一切顺利。 But what I noticed that was even more interesting was the fact that it made my hands appear less wrinkly但我注意到,更加有趣的是,它使我的手显得不那么皱。 Ever since I was a teenager I have lamented my wrinkly looking hands自从我是一个十几岁我都在抱怨我的皱纹纸看手中。 Something about this lotion makes your wrinkles less noticeable, and just for that, I'd buy it这个乳液的东西使你的皱纹不太明显,而只是说,我就买它。
I noticed it said for face, hand, and body我注意到它表示,脸,手和身体。 So I tried it in place of my usual moisturizer于是,我就在我平时的滋润的地方。 Now, this is during my usual breakout time of the month, and I was concerned that it would make my breakout worse现在,这是在我这个月通常爆发的时间,我担心这会令我的突破恶化。 No need to have worried, I had one pimple, which is about the same as my usual breakout when using the Clinique moisturizer有没有必要担心,我有一个疙瘩,这是我平时的分组讨论时,对同一使用倩碧润肤露。 As far as how well it worked, I'd say it was better in reducing the crow's feet around my eyes than the Clinique至于它的工作有多好,我会说这是在减少约比倩碧我的眼睛乌鸦的脚好。
I have excessively dry legs and feet, and the Skin MD did such a good job I was able to skip a day when I had to drive to Indiana and my legs and feet didn't get ashy on me like they normally would我有过干的腿和脚,皮肤医师没有这么好的工作,我能跳过一天,我开车到了印第安纳州和我的腿和脚也没有得到他们对我像通常那样灰。
Skin MD Natural is a great product皮肤医学博士自然就是一个伟大的产品。 A little goes a very long way, so a bottle would last a long time有一点走一段很长的路,让一个瓶子将持续很长时间。 It's great for anyone on body and hands, but is better for people with dry skin as a facial moisturizer"它非常适合于身体和双手的人,但对于作为一个人面部滋润干燥的皮肤更好。“