雅芳 AVON 〔a:f^n〕
雅诗兰黛Estee Lauder [estei laude]
雅姿ARTISTRY [^tistri]
倩碧Clinique [klinike(r)]
Shiseido资生堂 [tziseidou]
兰蔻Lancome [l^nkou]
Dior迪奥 [di):r] 里面小反括弧代表右半圆符号
香奈儿 CHANEL [seinel] 前面那个s代表去掉一横的f 读起来像“许”的,这里打不出来
娇兰Guerlain [ju:rlein]
Maybelline美宝莲 [meibelain]
碧欧泉Biotherm [bi):0em] 0中间再加一小横
玉兰油Olay 〔oulei〕
欧珀莱AUPRES [aupris] p浊化为b
玫琳凯Mayr Kay [meir kei]
羽西YUE SAI [ju: r sai :]
Loreal 欧莱雅 〔louri:l〕
如新NuSkin [nju:skin]
问题一:洗面奶英文怎么写 洗面奶常用的英文是:(Deep cleaning cream)或者(Foaming cleanser)
给你举我用的两个牌子的洗面奶上的英语:LANE(兰蔻):Deep Purifying and Cleansing Foam
AUPRES(欧泊莱):Balancing Cleaning Foam
问题二:洗面奶英文怎么写? facial cleanser
比如兰芝三合一洗面奶就是multi cleanser
清洁洗面奶是detergent cleanser
问题三:洗面奶用英语怎么说 洗面奶
facial cleanser更多释义>>
洗面奶 cleansing milk;facial cleanser;Facial Foam啤酒洗面奶 foaming cleaner
卸装洗面奶 forting Cream Cleanser
问题四:洗面奶英文怎么写 cleansing foam ?
问题五:“洗面奶”英语怎么说 Facial cleaner
问题六:英文洗面奶是怎么说 洗面奶
[词典] mildy wash;
We like Neutrogena Oil-Free Ae Wash Pink Grapefruit Facial Cleanser and Bior é Blemish Fighting Ice Cleanser
问题七:洗面乳的英文怎么写 cleansing facial milk 或者facial cleansing milk
问题八:“洗面奶”英语怎么说? face wash
facial cleanser
如果一定要那种乳装的洗面奶的话是cleansing milk
问题九:洗面奶的英文翻译 Cleansing Cream
cleansing foam
兰蔻1935年诞生于法国,是由Armand Petitjean(阿曼达·珀蒂让)创办的品牌。作为全球知名的高端化妆品品牌,兰蔻涉足护肤、彩妆、香水等多个产品领域,主要面向教育程度、收入水平较高,年龄在25~40岁的成熟女性 。
对芬芳情有独钟的灵感使Armand Petitjean开始了辉煌的一步:1935年,他从5个有名的香料开始推出了兰蔻的品牌。好狂妄的举动,确实是的,但只要了解了阿曼达·珀蒂是Francois Coty学校的毕业生,是“20世纪奢华香水之父”,一切就变得理所当然了。
晚些时候,兰蔻推出了 Oceane产品系列(1955),产品的概念至今仍然在使用:即配方中含有非常纯净的海草,辅之以海藻和标记元素。这些革新在很大程度上要归功于 “techniciennes”,即那些毕业于兰蔻的学校并将兰蔻的品牌带到了世界各地的女性技术人员的努力。
Lancôme has epitomized beauty and glamour with a quintessential French touch since its inception Founded in 1935 by Armand Petitjean, Lancôme’s name was born when the cosmetic chemist encountered the historic ruins of the Château de Lancosme while vacationing in the French countryside The mystic yellow flowers that covered the estate grounds inspired the rose emblem of the brand
Some of the silver screen’s most iconic stars have been part of the Lancôme family Today, Academy Award winning actresses Julia Roberts, Kate Winslet and Penélope Cruz are ambassadresses for Lancôme, as are supermodels Daria Werbowy, and Arlenis Sosa Top makeup artist Sandy Linter is Lancôme’s Beauty at Every Age Expert Lancôme is a division of the global cosmetics company, L’Oréal