秋瓷炫是一名女演员,她的外文名是Choo JaHyun。我非常喜欢她,因为她很漂亮,演技也很棒,我

秋瓷炫是一名女演员,她的外文名是Choo JaHyun。我非常喜欢她,因为她很漂亮,演技也很棒,我,第1张

Choo Jahyun, is an actressI like ner very much,for her pretty appearance and great performanceI like to watch her TV products,such as 《Wood house》。She was born on 120,1979 in South KoreaHer height is 170 cm and she likes singing and dancing best
Choo Jahyun,an actress who was born in January 201979 in koreashe grew up with her parentsshe was a shy girl ,but she did well in study When she was young,her mother sent her to learn taekwondo so that she can protect herself,she loved it and kept on practicingwhen she was 18 years old her parents’ marriage brokealthough she lived alone,she never lost heartShe worked hard in order to go to collegeThe first TV play she did in China called <Scent of love>
Now Jahyun is one of the most famous actresses in Asiashe has lots of fans all of them love her because she is really good at
making performances and she always trys hers best to do everything So do I I treat her as my sisterI have learnt a lot from hershe is not only my idol,but also a good example in my life Nowadays,more and more people advocate make track for stars,especially teenagersBut most of them make track for a star it's all because of the star's appearanceI'm not against I also make track for a star,but I pay more attention to their innerMy favourite star is Choo Jyun,who was born on January 20th,1979,a girl from KoreaAlthough she is not very famous(其实想用unknown,(^__^) 嘻嘻……),but she has made not a few films and television works,such as: Scent of Love,Life and Death Decisions ,etcI'm through 《Home Seduction》and 《Happy Camp 》began to know about her, know her and like herShe is not the most beautiful,but she is different with other starsShe is very sincere, strong, optimistic, kind She has a nice heart,she always remember to say "Thank you" to her fans------Porcelain doll after carrying off a prizeI treat her as my dear sister,she is all the Porcelain dolls' familyAll of us are proud of her,because of her,we are happyIt is for her this special personality charm,I decided to take my lifetime to protect herShe gives me the power to go on, she teaches me to challenge the difficulties, she teaches me to be braveShe is not only my favourite star,but also is an example of my life on the road

Do you know who is Choo Jahyun?Have you seen the TV play Home temptation?Oh,yes,she is LIN PINRU in it,She can also speak Chinese
Choo Jahyun is known as the "SOWN WHITE" in Korea
She was born in 1979she is a KoreanShe has a hard and sad life when she is teeanageHer youngger sister died,because of drowningHer sister is so lovely when she is aliveSo Jahyun became very sadFor this reason,her parents were strict with herEven if she felt tired everyday,she still hard-working,so that she got NO1 in her school each timeShe said she only wanted to make her parents happy and be pleased with her
At the age of 18,Jahyun became a movie star in KoreaThis was also her first movie"The clear and distinct young girl records successfully"(明朗少女成功记)She suddenly had millions of fans
But her parents wanted to break a marriage(离婚),to our surprise,when she knew this,she is tranquil(平静的),she said:"If you don't love each other any more,just break your marriage,it's ok,I'm 18 now,I can go to work to earn money,and take care of my self"
She was a sensible girlEven if her parents havn't give her any money and support,she also be grateful to themWhen she is about 28 years old,she have enough money and took her parents and thier new family to travelThey are so happy because of their good daughter
Nowadays,Jahyun said:"I think the most avluable and important thing are relatives and familyI had less concern(关心) from my parents when I was young, but I really thank for them so much"
Yes,not only Jahyun,but also all of us,we should be stronger and more tolerant(宽容)They are the key of success



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上一篇 2023-10-16


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