


NENUZHNAYA POBEDA, 1882 - Turha voitto (suom Vilho Elomaa)

'Khameleon', 1884 - Chameleon (tr by Ralph E Matlaw)

'Ustritsy', 1884 - Oysters (tr by Ralph E Matlaw)

'Drama na okhote', 1884-85 - The Shooting Party (translators: AE Chamot; Ronald Wilks) / The Huntsman (tr by Ralph E Matlaw) - Kohtaaminen metsästysretkellä (suom Valdemar Melanko) - film: 1978, Moy laskovyy i nezhnyy zver, dir by Emil Loteanu

'Zhivaya Khronologiya', 1885 - A Living Chronology (tr by Ralph E Matlaw)

O VREDE TABAKA, 1886 (play) - On the Harmfulness of Tobacco / Smoking is Bad for You / On the Injurious Effects of Tobacco / The Evils of Tobacco (tr by Laurence Senelick) / The Dangers of Tobacco (tr by Paul Schmidt)

'Toska', 1886 - Misery (tr by Ralph E Matlaw)

'Panikhida', 1886 - The Requiem (tr by Ralph E Matlaw)

IVANOV, 1887 (play, rev ed 1889) - Ivanov (translators: Ariadne Nicolaeff; Karl Kramer; Ronald Hingley; Paul Schmidt; Yasen Peyankov and Peter Christensen; Paul Schmidt; Laurence Senelick) - Ivanov (suom Esa Adrian)

LEBEDINAIA PESNIA, 1888 (play) - The Swan Song (tr by Paul Schmidt; Laurence Senelick; Ronald Hingley) - film: 1992, dir by Kenneth Branagh, starring John Gielgud

'Step', 1888 - The Steppe (trans by Constance Garnett) - Aro ja muita novelleja (suom Ulla-Liisa Heino)

'Ogni', 1888 - Tuulet (suom Ulla-Liisa Heino, Mestarinovelleja I, 1975)

'Neprijatnost', 1888 - Nolo tapaus (suom Marja Koskinen, Mestarinovelleja I, 1975)

MEDVED, 1888 (play) - The Bear (trans by Sergius Ponomarov; Paul Schmidt; Laurence Senelick; Ronald Hingley) - Karhu: pila yhdessä näytöksessä (suomentanut R W S) - films: 1938, dir by Isidor Annensky; 1961, dir by Martin Fric; 1996, The Boor, dir by Ian Thompson; 2000, Speed for Thespians, dir by Kalman Apple

Skuchnaia istoriia', 1889 - A Dreary Story / A Boring Story (tr by Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky) - Ikävä tarina (suom L Grönlund & V Levänen, Novelleja, 1960) / Ikävä tapaus (suom Juhani Konkka, Valitut novellit, 1960) / Ikävä tarina (suom Ulla-Liisa Heino, Mestarinovelleja I, 1975)

PREDLOZHENIE, 1889 (play) - The Marriage Proposal (trans by Sergius Ponomarov) / The Proposal (tr by Paul Schmidt) - Kosinta: yksinäytöksinen pila (suomentanut Reino Silva)

SVADBA, 1889 (play) - The Wedding (trans by Sergius Ponomarov; Ronald Hingley) / The Wedding Reception (tr by Paul Schmidt)

LESHII, 1889 (play) - The Wood Demon (trans by S S Koteliansky) / The Wood Goblin (tr by Laurence Senelick) - Metsähiisi (suom Esa Adrian)

TRAGIK PONEVOLE, 1890 (play) - The Reluctant Tragedian / A Tragedian in Spite of Himself / A Tragic Role (tr by Ronald Hingley) / A Reluctant Tragic Hero (tr by Paul Schmidt)

'Duel', 1891 - The Duel (trans by Constance Garnett) - Kaksintaistelu (suom Emil Mannstén; Ulla-Liisa Heino, Mestarinovelleja I, 1975)

'Poprygun'ia', 1892 - The Grasshopper (trans by A E Chamot) - Hepsakka (suom Reino Silvanto & Erkki Valkeila)

IUBILEI, 1892 (play) - The Anniversary (trans by Sergius Pomonorov; Ronald Hingley) / A Jubilee / The Celebration (tr by Laurence Senelick)

'Palata No 6', 1897 - Ward No 6 (trans by Constance Garnett; Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky) / Ward Number Six (trans by Ronald Hingley) - Sali n:o 6 (suom Juhani Konkka, Valitut novellit, 1960) / Kuudes osasto (suom Vilho Elomaa) - films: 1974, Krankensaal 6, dir by Karl Fruchtmann1978; Paviljon VI, dir by Lucian Pintilie

OSTROV SAKHALIN, 1893 - The Island: A Journey to Sakhalin (trans by Luba and Michael Terpak) - Sahalin (suom Valdemar Melanko)

'Rasskaz neizvestnovo cheloveka', 1893 - An Anonymous Story / Tuntemattoman tarina (suom Marja Koskinen, Mestarinovelleja I, 1975)

'Babje tsarstvo', 1893 - Naisten kuningaskunta (suom Ulla-Liisa Heino, Mestarinovelleja II, 1975)

'Chernyi monakh', 1894 - The Black Monk (trans by R E C Long; Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky) - Musta munkki (suom Juhani Konkka, Valitut novellit, 1960)

'Skripka Rotshil’da', 1894 - Rothschild's Fiddle (tr by Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky) - Rothschildin viulu (suom L Holm, Novelleja, 1960)

'Uchitel slovenosti', 1894 - The Teacher of Literature - Kielen ja kirjallisuuden opettaja (suom L Holm, Novelleja, 1960) / Kirjallisuuden lehtori (suom Juhani Konkka, Valitut novellit, 1960)

'Student', 1894 - The Student (tr by Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky)

'Tri goda', 1895 - Three years - Kolme vuotta (suom Ulla-Liisa Heino, Mestarinovelleja II, 1975)

'Ubijstvo', 1895 - Tappo (suom Marja Koskinen, Mestarinovelleja II, 1975)

'Ariadna', 1895 - Ariadna (trans) - Ariadna (suom Marja Koskinen, Mestarinovelleja II, 1975)

'Moya zhizh', 1895 - My Life (trans by Constance Garnett) - Elämäni (suom Ulla-Liisa Heino, Mestarinovelleja II, 1975)

Anna na sheye', 1895 - Anna on the Neck (tr by Ralph E Matlaw; Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky) - Anna kaulassa (suom L Holm, Novelleja, 1960) - film: 1954, Anna na shee, dirby Isidor Annensky

'Dom s mezonimom', 1896 - The House with the Mezzanine (tr by S S Koteliansky and Gilbert Cannan; Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky) - Taiteilijan tarina (suom Ulla-Liisa Heino, Mestarinovelleja II, 1975)

CHAIKA, 1896 (play) - The Seagul (translators: Fred Eisemann; Karl Kramer; Michael Frayn; Jean-Claude Van Itallie; Tom Stoppard) - Lokki (suom: Markku Lahtela; Martti Anhava) - films: 1968, dir by Sidney Lumet, starring James Mason, Vanessa Redgrave, Simone Signoret; 1970, dir by Yuli Karasik; 2003, La Petite Lili, dir by Claude Miller; 2007, Nachmittag, dir by Angela Schanelec

DYADYA VANYA, 1897 (play) - Uncle Vanya (translators: Stark Young; Karl Kramer; Michael Frayn; Mike Poulton; Laurence Senelick) - Vanja-eno (suom Martti Anhava) - films: 1957, dir by John Goetz & Franchot Tone; 1970, dir by Andrei Konchalovsky; 1990, Zio Vania di Anton Cechov, dir by Antonio Salines; 1994, Country Life, dir by Michael Blakemore, starring Sam Neill, Greta Scacchi; John Hargreaves; Kerry Fox; 1994, Vanya on 42nd Street, dir by Louis Malle; 1996: August (based on the play), dir by Anthony Hopkins

'Muzhiki', 1897 - The Peasants - Talonpoikia (suom L Helo, Novelleja, 1960; Ulla-Liisa Heino, Mestarinovelleja II, 1975)

Na podvode, 1897 - In the Cart / A Journey by Cart (tr by Ralph E Matlaw) - Rattailla (suom L Grönlund, Novelleja, 1960; Marja Koskinen, Mestarinovelleja II, 1975)

'Kryzhovnik', 1898 - Gooseberries (tr by Ralph E Matlaw) - Karviaismarjoja (suom V Levänen, Novelleja, 1960; Ulla-Liisa Heino, Mestarinovelleja II, 1975)

'Ionych', 1898

Sluchay iz praktiki, 1898 - A Doctor's Visit (tr by Ralph E Matlaw) - Sairaskäynnillä (suom L Grönlund, Novelleja, 1960)

'Chelovek v futliare', 1898 - The Man in a Case (tr by Ralph E Matlaw) - Koteloitunut ihminen (suom Reino Silvanto ja Erkki Valkeila)

'Dama s sobachkoi', 1899 - The Lady with the Dog and Other Stories (translated by Constance Garnett) / The Lady with a Lapdog (trans by David Magarshack) / The Lady with the Little Dog (tr by Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky) - Rouva, jolla oli koira (suom L Holm Novelleja, 1960) / Nainen ja sylikoira (suom Ulla-Liisa Heino, Mestarinovelleja II, 1975)

'Dushechka', 1899 - The Darling (trans by Constance Garnett; Ralph E Matlaw; Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky) - Kullanmuru (suom Juhani Konkka, Valitut novellit, 1960)

V ovrage, 1900 - In the Ravine (tr by Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky) - Rotkossa (suom L Helo; Ulla-Liisa Heino, Mestarinovelleja II, 1975) - film: 1991, Kasba, dir by Kumar Shahani

TRI SESTRY, 1901 (play) - Three Sisters (translators: Jenny Covan; Constance Garnett; Jean-Claude van Itallie; Brian Friel; Michael Frayn; Paul Schmidt; Laurence Senelick) - Kolme sisarta (suom: Eino ja Jalo Kalima; Martti Anhava) - films: 1964, dir by Samson Samsonov; 1970, dir by Laurence Olivier, starring Laurence Olivier, Joan Plowright, Jeanne Watts, Louise Purnell, Derek Jacobi; 1987, dir by Margarethe von Trotta, starring Fanny Ardant, Greta Sacchi, Valeria Golino, Peter Simonischek, Peter Castellito; 1992, A Három növér, dir by Andor Lukáts; 1993, dir by Boris Blank; 1994, dir by Sergei Solovyov; 2005, dir by Arthur Allan Seidelman

'Arkhierei', 1902 - The Bishop (trans by Constance Garnett; Ralph E Matlaw) - Piispa (suom Juhani Konkka, Valitut novellit, 1960)

'Nevesta', 1903 - The Fiancée (trans by Ronald Wilks; Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky) / The Bride (tr by Robert Payne) - Morsian (suom Juhani Konkka, Valitut novellit, 1960)

VISHNYOVY SAD, 1904 (play) - The Cherry Orchard (translators: Jenny Covan; Constance Garnett; Jean-Claude van Itallie; Elisaveta Lavrova; Karl Kramer and Margaret Booker; Laurence Senelick) - Kirsikkapuisto (suom Eino ja Jalo Kalima; Markku Lahtela) / Kirsikkatarha (suom Martti Anhava) - films: 1978, El Jardín de los cerezos, dir by Gonzalo Martínez Ortega; 1993, dir by Anna Tchernakova; 1999, dir by Mihalis Kakogiannis, starring Charlotte Rampling, Alan Bates, Katrin Cartlidge, Owen Teale, Tushka Bergen

Tales, 1916-22 (13 vols)

PESA PEZ NAZVANIA, 1923 (play) - That Worthless Fellow Platonov (tr by John Cournos) / Platonov (trans by David Magarshack) - Isättömyys eli Platonov (suom Esa Adrian) - film: 1977, Neokonchennaya pyesa dlya mekhanicheskogo pianino / Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano, dir by Nikita Mikhalkov

Letters on the Short Story, the Drama and other Literary Topics, 1924 (ed by Louis S Friedland)


TAT'IANA REPINA, 1944-51 (play) - Tatyana Repin (tr by Ronald Hingley)

NA BOLSHOI DOROGE, 1944-55 (play) - On the Highway / On the High Road (tr by Ronald Hingley) / Along the Highway (tr by Laurence Senelick)

The Selected Letters of Anton Chekhov, 1955 (edited and with an introduction by Lillian Hellman)

Plays, 1959 (tr by Elisaveta Fen)

The Oxford Chekhov, 1964-80 (9 vols)

Letters of Anton Chekhov, 1973 (tr by Michael Henry Heim, ed by Simon Karlinsky)


Plays, 1977 (ed and transl by Michael Frayn)

The Kiss and Other Stories, 1982 (trans by Ronald Wilks)

Chekhov, the Early Stories, 1883-1888, 1982 (tr by Patrick Miles and Harvey Pitcher)

The Duel and Other Stories, 1984 (tr by Ronald Wilks)

The Party and Other Stories, 1985 (tr by Ronald Wilks)

The Fiancée and Other Stories, 1986 (trans by Ronald Wilks)

The Chekhov Omnibus, 1986 (tr by Constance Garnett)

Anton Chekhov: A Life in Letters, 1994 (tr and ed by Gordon McVay)

Dear Writer Dear Actress: The Love Letters of Olga Knipper and Anton Chekhov, 1996 (ed and transl by Jean Benedetti)

Chekhov's Major Plays, 1996 (tr by Karl Kramer and Margaret Booker)

The Plays of Anton Chekhov, 1997 (tr by Paul Schmidt)

The Complete Early Short Stories of Anton Chekhov, vol one (1880–82): 'He and She' and Other Stories, 2001 (tr by Peter Sekirin)




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