







英文介绍/For English:

Not all lipsticks are made of cochineal insects, most lipsticks are colored by colorants, and only a small part of lipsticks are dyed with cochineal insects

Cochineal is a precious insect that parasitizes on cacti There are only nine classifications and it is expensive Cochineal contains a lot of carmine acid Pharmaceuticals and other industries

Cochineal was first raised by the Spaniards as a dye Later, the lipstick industry developed rapidly, and cochineal was used in lipstick coloring As a result, lipstick appeared red However, because cochineal is expensive, many lipsticks are used in the market now All are cosmetic grade pigments

Cochineal insects are non-toxic and harmless After the dead body is processed, a large amount of dark red liquid can be squeezed out Later, it is used in various cosmetics In addition to lipstick, blush and eye shadow and other cosmetics are also dyed with cochineal insects

However, even if cochineal is used in cosmetics, medicines and food industries, it is highly processed and will not cause health problems, and the cochineal itself is non-toxic and harmless, and the lipstick can be eaten when it is made Worry about accidents such as poisoning

1标准脸 脸型特点 化妆方法 粉底:打上肤色粉底,在两颊加上深色粉底即可使脸型更显立体感。 眉毛:任何眉型均适合。 鼻影:视鼻子长短来修饰,以自然立体为主。 口红:适合标准唇型。 腮红:两颊轻刷上椭圆形的腮红或标准腮红。 发型:任何发型均适用。 2长形脸: 脸型特点 脸部比较长,有的是额部长,有的是下巴长,给人脸长而不柔和的感觉。 化妆重点 在脸上打好均匀肤色粉底,在两腮和下巴部位加上深色粉底,使脸不会太长,看起来会比较秀气。 化妆方法 粉底:额部和下巴都要打上深色粉底。 眉毛:眉毛2/3画直,眉峰不宜太高,也不要往下,画长一点(类似一字眉)。 眼线:画成椭圆形。 鼻影:不适合太明显的鼻影,应以自然为宜。 口红:上唇不要画得太丰满,下唇可画丰满些。 腮红:腮红要往耳边擦,以横刷为佳。 发型:不适合中分,也不要梳得太高,前额留些刘海。 3圆形脸 脸型特点 最可爱的脸型就是这种,但缺点是脸型太圆太宽,而且下巴及发际都呈圆形,缺乏立体感。 化妆重点 最好能在两腮和额头两边加深色粉底,并且以长线条的方式刷染,强调纵向的线条,拉长脸型。下巴和额头中间则加上白色粉底,这样就会使圆脸看起来感觉长一点,有立体感。 化妆方法 粉底:两腮加深色粉底,下巴和额头中间加白色粉底。 眉毛:眉峰1/2带角度,眉毛画高点,两眉距离近点,眉梢往上,眉毛不宜过长,画淡一点。 眼线:长形的眼线比较适合。 鼻影:视鼻子长短来华,在鼻梁两旁画深色鼻影,鼻子中间画白色鼻影。 口红:避免画成圆形,淡色佳。 腮红:在两颊刷高些。 发型:往上面梳,但不要梳的太宽。 4方形脸 脸型特点 脸型线条较直,方方正正,额头和面额都宽,下巴稍微嫌狭小,缺乏温柔感。 化妆重点 修饰方法是在宽大的两腮和额头两边加深色粉底,额头中间和下巴加白色粉底,另外再强调出眉和唇等部分的妆彩,这样方型的脸就会显得修长,表现出温和的特质。 化妆方法 粉底:两腮和额头两边加深色粉底,下巴和额头中间加白色粉底。 眉毛:标准眉型或角度眉皆适合,但眉峰不宜太明显。 眼线:圆形眼线适合。 鼻影:视鼻子的长短来画,鼻梁两旁颜色不宜太深。 口红:上下嘴唇画圆些。 腮红:两颊颜色刷深、刷高或刷长。 发型:两颊头发不宜太短,宜往前面梳。 5倒三角型 脸型特点 脸型比较尖,具有上宽下窄的特征,额头较宽,下巴较尖,会给人忧愁的感觉。 化妆重点 需在颧骨、下巴和额头两边着深色粉底造成暗影效果,脸颊较瘦的两腮用白色或浅色粉底来修饰,使整个脸看起来较丰满、明朗化。 化妆方法 粉底:在额头两边、下巴和颧骨部位加深色粉底,两腮加白色粉底。 眉毛:以细眉为主,眉头与眉尾平行。画法与标准眉型相同。 眼线:依眼睛形状来画,需明显些。 鼻影:视鼻子长短来修饰。 口红:唇型画明显些。 腮红:颧骨部位颜色加深。 发型:前面头发往下梳。 6正三角形 脸型特点 上窄下宽,额头窄小两腮方大,给人沉着又威严的感觉。 化妆重点 可运用暖色调强调出正三角形脸的沉着、大方、亲切之感。在两腮较宽部位加深色粉底,会显得比较深凹,从而弥补下部宽大的缺点,在狭小额头和下巴处加上白色粉底,突出它的饱满感。 化妆方法 粉底:两腮加深色粉底,下巴和额头两边加白色粉底。 眉毛:用自然眉型画法,眉头加粗,眉尾处比眉头稍高。 眼线:画椭圆形比较适合。 鼻影:视鼻子长短来修饰,下嘴唇不宜画成圆形。 腮红:在两颊刷高些,长些,以为斜刷为宜。 发型:发型以自然为宜,忌往上梳。 教您如何检查化装效果 化完妆以后,要仔细地从局部到整体检查一下化妆的效果。检查化妆效果,应从下面几点入手: 1 粉底打得是否自然,在适当的光线下是否显得太白或没有起到适当的掩饰,面部与脖子耳朵之间有没有明显的颜色差。笑一笑,如果皱纹太明显就表示粉用得过多了,可以用化妆海绵打湿以后再面上压一压,就会显得好多了。 2 眼妆。两眼左右效果是否一致,色彩是否浓淡适宜,过渡是否自然。再半闭上眼睛,看看效果是否理想。 3 睫毛。睫毛膏是否均匀,有没有粉沾在上面。要是不满意,可以用睫毛刷把睫毛上的粉刷掉,再一根根刷开。 4 眉毛。两边眉毛的颜色和形状都应该一致,浓淡应该与整个妆面协调,眉形应该与整个脸型协调。眉毛上要是沾有粉,要用眉毛刷刷掉。 5 脸颊。胭脂的用量是否合适,色彩是否自然。 6 唇膏。唇形应该左右一致,整个唇部的轮廓要整齐。用嘴部各个表情试一试,注意嘴角的唇膏有没有遗漏。上下嘴角处不应该留有空白。牙齿上不要沾有唇膏。 7 观察左右妆颜是否一致,有没有显得不协调的地方。 8 从两边侧面看一看化妆后的效果是否理想。 9 站远一些,看一看整体的形象。整个妆颜的色彩是否协调,是否与三W(When,Where,What)相适应,整体感觉是否理想,人工的痕迹是否太重。 在检查你的化妆中再不断做适当的微调,得出自己最满意的效果。

youaremysunshine慢板是carlysimon唱的快的有好多人唱可以听群星唱。歌词:TheothernightdearasIlaysleeping  IdreamedIheldyouinmyarms  WhenIawokedearIwasmistaken  AndIhungmyheadandcried  Youaremysunshinemyonlysunshine  Youmakemehappywhenskiesaregray  You\'llneverknowdearhowmuchIloveyou  Pleasedon\'ttakemysunshineaway  I\'llalwaysloveyouandmadeyouhappy  Ifyouwillonlysaythesame  Butifyouleavemetoloveanother  You\'llregretitallsomeday  Youaremysunshinemyonlysunshine  Youmakemehappywhenskiesaregray  You\'llneverknowdearhowmuchIloveyou  Pleasedon\'ttakemysunshineaway  Youtoldmeoncedearyoureallylovedme  Andnooneelsecouldcomebetween  Butnowyou\'veleftmeandloveanother  Youhaveshatteredallmydreams  Youaremysunshinemyonlysunshine  Youmakemehappywhenskiesaregray  You\'llneverknowdearhowmuchIloveyou  Pleasedon\'ttakemysunshineaway

Makeup is a kind of decorate, can emphasize color and facial features advantages or conceal flaws Delicate make-up can add personal feminine charm and style, in the work environment, appropriate makeup can show individual mature capable of image, the more can deepen others the impression to you

1, powdery bottom

Facial ministry skin modification is the key to the whole makeup, everyone should have at least two different shades of pink, because when the seasons change color changes (winter, summer skin lighter skin is darker), also can decorate facial form

Brunet powdery bottom can make daub, narrow place generation deep-set effect But with lighter pink impression with in two buccal, other part use light color powdery bottom, in order to increase the face stereo feeling

2, camber

For many, it is not easy to draw eyebrows, but be in the eye makeup before draw eyebrow, because eyebrows can define the scope of the eyes, and can emphasize the eyes,

3, eye shadow

Eyes are the window of the person mind, the eyes of makeup look to mental state play a crucial role Alar, outside canthus and eyebrow peripheral these three points is usually in line, draw the eye shadow is the focus of the eye should be in this line drawing, that is to say, do not exceed this line below

Harmonic color types and shades skill is very important, avoid too much eye shadow, wipe at a draught rub a little at a time, slowly deepen, light color, brunet picture eye shadow when bright color or not, these shades lower eye shadow, can be used to balance eye prominent part, also can decorate the shape of the eye, white, light, bright color, these high shades of eye shadow, their use in contrast to emphasize sunken place, or foil eye shadow part, for example, to make the eyes are deep-set, throughout the eyelid brush on brunet eye shadow, upwards dizzy bright show light eye shadow is rub along the brow lower part, if want to let an eye round a bit, then along the eyelid subsidence area brunet eye shadow, then along the brunet eye shadow rubbed bright show light eye shadow

4 and lip with choice shape

Labial ministry makeup should start with lip shape pen will be ideal for lip corridor trace, then wipe lipstick, lips, use palm red or HeGongSe lipstick, extremely daytime work is dressed up, most can show clear health and beauty

5, cheek is red ornament

Cheek is red brush in the frontal above, can emphasize zygomatic outline, one can go way, called "smile of apple", as long as the brush in smiles, cheek appears on the apple shape A round face cheek is red spin help balance facial form

Feeling at work or get a little sample is better Especially when the teacher, do not make up too tender, town not students



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