比起一专和改版来讲的话,超暴力(ultraviolence)最大的特点就是更加的偏向独立,抛弃了很多1专倾向于pop的抓耳特点,歌曲基本上都缓慢而阴沉(),但是更加的耐听,但如果没有接触过lana的人来听的话可能入不了耳= =(这是事实)
old money 公认2专大神曲
west coast 西海岸火葬场,二专首单,洗脑哭
money power glory 个人比较喜欢的一首,副歌让人有一种起鸡皮疙瘩的冲动= =(前提要先循环个几遍)
Lana Del Rey的歌曲风格具有独特的迷幻和颓废的Trip-Hop曲风,同时融合了20世纪60年代的美国流行音乐元素。她的音乐与好莱坞**有着紧密的联系,歌曲主题也常常关注悲伤、孤独和渴望逃离现实等情感。
她的音乐风格被描述为“好莱坞流行乐/伤心悲歌”,她的艺名Lana Del Rey与她的音乐相互辉映,优雅复古的艺名与她的音乐风格形成了独特的统一感。
因此,Lana Del Rey的歌曲风格是一种独特的、融合了多种音乐元素的风格,具有强烈的迷幻和颓废感,同时又与好莱坞**和20世纪60年代的美国流行音乐有着紧密的联系。
i was in the winter of my life-and the men i met along the read were my only summerAt night i fell asleep with visions of myself dancing and laughing and crying with themThree years down the line of being on an endless world tour and my memories of them were the only things that sustained me,and my only real happy timesI was a singer,not a very popular one,who once had dreams of becoming a beautiful poet-but upon an unfortunate series of events saw those dreams dashed and divided like a million stars in the night sky that i wished on over and over again-sparking and broken But didn't really mind because i knew that it takes getting everything you ever wanted and them losing it to know what true freedom is
when the people i used to know found out what i had been doinghow i had been living-they asked me why but there's no use in talking th people who have a home,they have no idea what its like to seek safety in other people,for home to be wherever you lie your head
i was always an unusual girl,my mother told me i had a chameleon soul,No moral campass pointing due north,no fixed personality,Just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the oceanAnd if i said that i didn't plan for it to turn out this way Id be lying-because i was born to be the other woman,Ibelonged to ne one0who belonged th everyonewho had nothing-who wanted everything with a fire for every experience and an obsession for freedom that terrified me to the point that i couldn't even talk about-and pushed me to a namadic point of madness that both dazzled and dizzied me
every night i used to prat that i'd find my people-and finally i did-on the open mad,We had nothing to losenothing to gain,nothing we desired anymore-except to make our lives into a work of art
I believe in the country America used to beI believe in the person i want to become,
I believe in the freedom of the open roadAnd my motto is the same as ever-
I believe in the kindess of strangers,And when i'm at war with myself - I Ride,I Just Ride
who are youAre you in touch with all of your darest fantasies
Have you created a life for yourself where you're free to experience them
I have
I Am fuking Crazy,But I Am Free
这首歌是她为自己一位因恋父而自杀的朋友写的,前四句里出现的pussy喻作cola以及后一句的cherry pies都暗指的年轻女孩妙曼的身姿,是与父亲恋爱的快感和美妙的隐喻。其实恋父情结自古就存在,例如古希腊神话里的爱列屈拉公主,因为母亲与情人谋杀了父亲,公主为父亲复仇杀死了母亲。往往恋父情结伴有对母亲的嫉妒仇恨,但打雷这首Cola中去恰恰相悖,But she wouldn't mind一句中she就指的是那个自杀女孩的母亲,可能是在说他们生活照常在一起。