Danielle全名Danielle Peita Graham,一九七七年七月九日生于吉隆坡,是爱尔兰和马来西亚混血儿。16岁开始做兼职模特儿,在澳洲完成学业后,一心想做模特的她,于一九九八年被香港TVC发掘到港发展,成为全职模特儿。在港发展的短短几年间,已有骄人成绩,除了是欧蕾、周生生金饰、渣打银行、MonaLisa、玉兰油等知名品牌的指定代言人外,还被日本EliteTokyo邀请越洋发展。并在2001年由香港广告界评选的“十大模特儿选举”中和琦琦、马诗慧等前辈同时获选十大,是公认的靓绝香港Model界TOP 1的混血美女。尽管在同年被踢爆介入张惠妹和周立璟之间,但广告商仍然对其不不离不弃,足以证明她在广告界的地位和分量。
“翻版关芝琳”之美喻的Danielle,平日行事却一向极为低调。在港发展多年,Danielle通常只出现在电视广告中,也不时接拍时装摄影杂志的硬照广告。访问可免则免,就连天王郭富城 当年找她拍戏她也照样Say No!虽然后来与谢霆锋、冯德伦一起参加了**《2002》的演出,但Danielle表示,她并未曾想过成为娱乐圈中人。很难想象年纪轻轻的Danielle会看得开模特圈诸多诱人的浮华而一心专注工作本身。其实原因也很简单,就是
歌手:Natasha Bedingfield
I am unwritten,
You cant read my mind,
Im undifined,
Im just beginning,
The pens in my hand,
Ending unplanned
Staring at the blank page before you,
Open up the dirty window,
Let the sun illuminate the words that you cannot find,
Reaching for something in the distance,
So close you can almost taste it,
Release your innovition
Natasha Bedingfield
Feel the rain on your skin,
No-one else can feel it for you,
Only you can let it in,
No-one else no-one else,
Can speak the words on your lips,
Judge your self in words unspoken,
Live your life with eyes wide open,
Today is where your book begins,
The rest is still unwritten
I break tradition,
Sometimes my tries are outside the lines,(yeah yeah)
We've been conditioned,
To not make mistakes,
But i can't live that way No No
Staring at the blank page before you,
Open up the dirty window,
Let the sun illuminate the words that you cannot find,
So close you can almost taste it,
Release your innovition
Chorus x 2
Staring at the blank page before you,
Open up the dirty window,
Let the sun illuminate the words that you cannot find,
Reaching for something in the distance,
So close you can almost taste it,
Release your innovition
Chorus x 2
Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah
The rest is still unwritten
Uh uh uh uh
Woah woah woah woah woah woah