


读音:tian ruo you qing ying shou bai nian yu jun jie,ren shui wu si du jiang qian gu rang ying xiong

An exciting and unfettable experience made me absent from school on last Monday Last monday morning

I went to school as usual

when I was passing through a jewellery shop

a white car suddenly stopped in front of the shop Four tall men wearing masks e out from the car and immediately rushed into the shop One of them took out a gun

pointed it to the ceiling and fired by 3 times He shouted : "Hands up! Don't move!" Obviously they are robbers I immediately ran to a red car and hid myself behind it I took out my mobile phone and used it to record what happened in the shop The actions of the robbers were so quick Five minutes later

they left the shop with lot of jewelleries in their hands Just at this moment

my phone suddenly rang As a result

I was discovered by the robbers One of them immediately ran towards me I thought : "If I am caught by him

then I will be killed!" I immediately threw out my mobile phone towards the robber The phone hit onto his hand and the gun in his hand then fell onto the ground I rushed forward

used my left leg to kick his foot He lost his balance and fell on the ground 2009-11-15 23:37:17 补充: I took his gun immediately

pointed it to his head and put my right arm around his neck I shouted : "Don't move! Otherwise

I will shoot!" With the robber as the hostage

I believed that they would follow what I said 2009-11-15 23:37:57 补充: However

it was out of my expectation! The three robbers immediately pointed their guns towards me It was very likely that they would fire! I quickly pointed my gun towards them and fired my 3 times 2009-11-15 23:38:23 补充: Two of the robbers were shot Their guns then fell onto the ground Almost at the same time

the other robber fired his gun by 2 times As a result

my shoulder and the robber hosted by me was shot 2009-11-15 23:38:48 补充: Just at this moment

the police arrived The robber without any injury immediately rushed into his car and attempted to drive away However

his car was blocked a police car Obviously

he could not escape and was under arrested 2009-11-15 23:39:15 补充: Several policemen e to me and asked me whether I needed any help My shoulder was painful and bloody A few seconds later

I lost my balance and fainted 2009-11-15 23:39:31 补充: When I woke up

I discovered that I was sleeping on a bed in a hospital I looked outside the window It was evening By that time

all the students should have left their schools 2009-11-15 23:40:46 补充: One week later

I was totally recovered When I e back to school

I was surrounded by many newspaper reporters They asked me lot of questions related to what had happened in the robbery 2009-11-15 23:40:50 补充: On the next day

that robbery was on the headline of almost all the newspapers I was admired by the newspapers and they called me as "School Hero" 2009-11-15 23:46:13 补充: Sorry! Typing mistake: referring to the wer posted at : 2009-11-15 23:37:58 补充 However

it was out of my expectation! The three robbers immediately pointed their guns towards me It was very likely that they would fire! I quickly pointed my gun towards them and fired my 3 times 2009-11-15 23:46:20 补充: The last sentence " I quickly pointed my gun towards them and fired my 3 times" It should be corrected as "I quickly pointed my gun towards them and fired BY 3 times" 2009-11-15 23:48:43 补充: Typing mistake : Referring to the wer posted at 2009-11-15 23:38:48 补充 I corrected it as : However

his car was blocked BY a police car



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