

《星蝶公主》(英语:Star vs the Forces of Evil)。

迪士尼电视动画制作的美国动画电视喜剧。该系列于2015年1月18日在迪士尼频道首映,并将于2015年3月30日在迪斯尼XD首映。 [1]  故事讲述了外星另一时空妙尼王国 (Mewni) 上的公主星蝶按传统于十四岁生日时继承家族的传家宝物“皇家魔杖”,但由于操控不善结果造成大混乱,所以被安排来到地球学习。并入住男孩马可的家中当留学生。星蝶一边和马可四处冒险一边学习如何操控皇家魔法杖,同时还要应付想抢夺魔法杖的邪恶势力。


Makeup is a long history of female beauty technology Ancient people in the face and body painted various colors and Oil, said that the incarnation of God, this evil cured by the devil, and show its position and presence Later this dress gradually become a means of decoration, on the one hand in the theater and look at the need to change gear to show the characters; on the other hand is practical and rise

If the ancient Egyptians painted in the color around the eyes, so that the eyes to avoid direct sunlight damage in the physical painted sesame oil, in order to protect the skin from sunlight and insects intrusive, and so on Today, the makeup has become the pursuit of their own to meet women as a means of the United States, and its main purpose is to use cosmetics and the use of artificial techniques to increase natural United States

1 Similar colour and at the end of powder, skin glamour, natural hands clean 2 End to a thin layer of powder, skin look more radiant 3 Stays on the painting, painted white shades, and then stays in the black and white of the painting upside stays and let your eyes look spirit 4 Folder mascara, Tu Mascara, not footprint gives fresh feeling 5 Painted hint of blush, painted naturally shiny lip gloss, looks more spirit



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