

Avril Lavigne Biography

Unapologetically original Unabashedly in your face Avril Lavigne's 2002 debut Let Go gave young women a defiant voice and set it to music they could rock out to Fourteen million albums and eight Grammy nominations later, the Canadian chanteuse returns with Under My Skin but if you're expecting a whole lot of the same, you've got another thing coming This is not a girl who rests on her laurels

Under My Skin opens with the dramatic tracks "Take Me Away" and "Together," which set the scene for the kick-ass guitars and radio-ready chorus of "Don't Tell Me," a song of willful female empowerment that picks up where "Complicated" left off From there it's a one-two punch of three-chord guitar licks ("He Wasn't") and head-bopping optimism ("Who Knows") alongside swirling, brooding melodies ("Freak Out") and moody tracks ("Forgotten," "Nobody's Home") that reveal a darker side of Avril Lavigne

"I grew up so much in the past two years," admits the Napanee, Ontario, native "I've been through a lot, I've learned a lot, and experienced a lot both good and bad These songs are about all of that, and each is very personal to me" Working with producers, Butch Walker (of the Marvelous 3), Raine Maida (of Our Lady Peace), Don Gilmore (Linkin Park, Pearl Jam), Avril co-wrote the dozen introspective songs on Under My Skin in near secrecy "I'd just come off my world tour and got back to Toronto and was writing right away," the 19-year-old says "I had no idea what I was going to do No one did People wondered if I'd run out of things to write about, but it was the opposite"

After a lunch date with fellow Canadian singer-songwriter Chantal Kreviazuk turned into a major chick-bonding session, Avril and Chantal sat down to write The chemistry was ineffable "We got together one night and all of a sudden we had a song," she says "No one knew what I was up to, not my management, not my label" The duo got together the next night and wrote another song "We did that for two weeks and wrote 12 songs" Momentum took over and by summer Avril was moving into Chantal and her husband Raine Maida's Malibu house to record "I was only off my tour for a couple of weeks, and I was ready to record," Avril recalls

The California air provided a needed escape from Avril's frantic life "It was a great time for me, living out there, being out of the public eye, and having my independence And my friendship with Chantal evolved into one of the best I've ever had" Chantal and Avril would spend all night in the studio perfecting the songs During the day, Avril learned the city by driving to and from the studio and wherever she needed to be No photos, no interviews, no pressure Eventually they recorded most of the songs in Raine's studio, and those songs appear unaltered on Under My Skin The rest of the tracks, co-written with her guitarist Evan Taubenfeld (and one track with former Evanescence guitarist Ben Moody), were cut just up the road "I was involved in every aspect of making this record I'm very hands-on," she says "I knew how I wanted the drums, the guitar tones, and the structures to be I understand the whole process so much better this time because I've been through it I'm really picky with my sound"

Picking favorites out of her 12 hand-made babies is another matter "They all mean so much to me, but I love ‘Together,’ which is all about being in a relationship and knowing it's not right It's a song that basically says, it's not working out honey" A couple of other tracks mine dysfunctional relationships and have hooks as catchy as those on "Complicated" and real-life narratives (like "Sk8er Boi"), but what truly underscores Avril's growth are the more positive tracks, such as "Who Knows" and "Take Me Away" "I guess that's just the way that I am now," admits the former supposed attitude junkie Deep, piano-driven tracks like "Together" and "Forgotten" reflect Avril's growth, maturity, and change since the release of Let Go "I'm happy with what I'm doing and have faith that everything is going to work out for the best" She's also found a feminine side to offset her well-publicized tomboyishness "I'm such a chick I'm a hopeless romantic, and surprisingly old-fashioned," Avril laughs "That's why I wrote a song about not giving it up to just any guy ["Don't Tell Me"]" Girly quirks aside, Avril's anxious to get the show on the road "It feels so good to be singing new songs," she says "I feel refreshed and I'm looking forward to the next thing"

Optimistic or melancholic, Avril's two-year wild-ride on the rock-star express has shaped her world view and taught her a whole lot about balance "The songs on Under My Skin are definitely deeper than those on Let Go," she says, "But I still love a good pop song I'm basically just a girl who likes to write, who likes to rock out, and who wants music to be a part of my life forever"

She's also just a girl with a bell-clear voice and the ability to bottle youthful anguish and enthusiasm into tidy, infectious songs Avril Lavigne's Under My Skin is sure to get under yours




18岁的艾薇儿,因首张专辑『展翅高飞』全球大卖的关系,必须为了专辑宣传四处飞。欢度十八岁生日时,大老板LA瑞德亲自「下海」陪她打曲棍球,这让从小就喜欢打曲棍球的艾薇儿开心不已,觉得这比什么昂贵的礼物还要更好。讨好她很容易, 不要把她当成千万畅销歌手,只要将她当成平凡小女孩就好。


谈到她18岁生日最想要的生日礼物,就是能赶快交一个男朋友!原来这个总是穿着大垮裤、简单背心上衣的女孩,可是早就在心中描绘好她完美新娘礼服的样子。 艾薇儿的梦幻新娘礼服得要是高腰设计,不喜欢露胸、露肚的她,希望这件礼服能露出她的背部,当然最重要的,一定要有一个完美的头纱,因为当新郎掀起她的头纱亲吻她时才会够浪漫!

出道一年以来,艾薇儿最坚持的一件事就是做自己。从她的歌到她的人,每一样都是原汁原味,艾薇儿特喜欢强调出道前和出道后的她,完全一样没有改变。拿服装来说,艾薇儿坚持穿自己喜欢的衣服,而不穿唱片公司找设计师帮他准备的服装。有趣的是,艾薇儿的穿著竟然成为今年万圣节,青少女最喜欢模仿的装扮。不过当艾薇儿知道之后,她不好意思的笑说: 『大概是我这种白背心、领带 + 垮裤买起来很便宜的关系吧。』而且艾薇儿身上从来没有刺青,原来她完全不知道她想要刺什么图案!在舞台造型部分,一头长长金发甩啊甩,完全跟随音乐节奏满场乱乱跑,和乐团男生就像哥儿般相处。艾薇儿也喜欢和歌迷近距离接近,时常唱到一半就跳入人群中。


艾薇儿喜欢和男生一起玩,她甚至回加拿大的家休假时,最喜欢的也是和父亲和哥哥一起去打猎。问艾薇儿喜欢和什么样的男孩去约会?艾薇儿想都不想的说: 『不知道耶,不过如果能跟个摇滚歌手约会的话一定很酷!』不过说是这么说,艾薇儿2002年的感情方面却交了白卷,她说在2001年的圣诞节前夕,和前男友正式分手,至今还在等下一位有缘人呢。


艾薇儿说:『我还是个平凡人,我会受伤,对一些事情会不爽,但音乐给我灵感,我爱创作,那是对我来说最自在的事情。 』走红一整年的艾薇儿,依旧保有最原始的灵魂。

对于自己现在在全球走红的原因,艾薇儿只淡淡的说: 『大概是我在对的时间,碰到了对的人吧!还有就是我一直都坚信这一切都会发生在我身上!』诚实的她也在媒体面前招认,她并不喜欢、也不擅长面对媒体的访问,艾薇儿喜欢现场的演唱会,记者会上有媒体问她演唱时如果音响效果不佳,会不会影响她的心情?她回答得很妙,她说: 『我在台上唱歌时都戴着监听器,我自己都觉得还不错,不过演唱会有时现场的气氛更重要,歌迷来看得开心,我也唱得愉快,这才是最重要的 』。也道出走红后的心情: 『我想这一年对我来说真是太棒了,我感到开心不已,虽然我不可能再过像这一年的日子,但未来又是新的开始。』











Avril Lavigne Biography

Unapologetically original Unabashedly in your face Avril Lavigne's 2002 debut Let Go gave young women a defiant voice and set it to music they could rock out to Fourteen million albums and eight Grammy nominations later, the Canadian chanteuse returns with Under My Skin but if you're expecting a whole lot of the same, you've got another thing coming This is not a girl who rests on her laurels

Under My Skin opens with the dramatic tracks "Take Me Away" and "Together," which set the scene for the kick-ass guitars and radio-ready chorus of "Don't Tell Me," a song of willful female empowerment that picks up where "Complicated" left off From there it's a one-two punch of three-chord guitar licks ("He Wasn't") and head-bopping optimism ("Who Knows") alongside swirling, brooding melodies ("Freak Out") and moody tracks ("Forgotten," "Nobody's Home") that reveal a darker side of Avril Lavigne

"I grew up so much in the past two years," admits the Napanee, Ontario, native "I've been through a lot, I've learned a lot, and experienced a lot both good and bad These songs are about all of that, and each is very personal to me" Working with producers, Butch Walker (of the Marvelous 3), Raine Maida (of Our Lady Peace), Don Gilmore (Linkin Park, Pearl Jam), Avril co-wrote the dozen introspective songs on Under My Skin in near secrecy "I'd just come off my world tour and got back to Toronto and was writing right away," the 19-year-old says "I had no idea what I was going to do No one did People wondered if I'd run out of things to write about, but it was the opposite"

After a lunch date with fellow Canadian singer-songwriter Chantal Kreviazuk turned into a major chick-bonding session, Avril and Chantal sat down to write The chemistry was ineffable "We got together one night and all of a sudden we had a song," she says "No one knew what I was up to, not my management, not my label" The duo got together the next night and wrote another song "We did that for two weeks and wrote 12 songs" Momentum took over and by summer Avril was moving into Chantal and her husband Raine Maida's Malibu house to record "I was only off my tour for a couple of weeks, and I was ready to record," Avril recalls

The California air provided a needed escape from Avril's frantic life "It was a great time for me, living out there, being out of the public eye, and having my independence And my friendship with Chantal evolved into one of the best I've ever had" Chantal and Avril would spend all night in the studio perfecting the songs During the day, Avril learned the city by driving to and from the studio and wherever she needed to be No photos, no interviews, no pressure Eventually they recorded most of the songs in Raine's studio, and those songs appear unaltered on Under My Skin The rest of the tracks, co-written with her guitarist Evan Taubenfeld (and one track with former Evanescence guitarist Ben Moody), were cut just up the road "I was involved in every aspect of making this record I'm very hands-on," she says "I knew how I wanted the drums, the guitar tones, and the structures to be I understand the whole process so much better this time because I've been through it I'm really picky with my sound"

Picking favorites out of her 12 hand-made babies is another matter "They all mean so much to me, but I love ‘Together,’ which is all about being in a relationship and knowing it's not right It's a song that basically says, it's not working out honey" A couple of other tracks mine dysfunctional relationships and have hooks as catchy as those on "Complicated" and real-life narratives (like "Sk8er Boi"), but what truly underscores Avril's growth are the more positive tracks, such as "Who Knows" and "Take Me Away" "I guess that's just the way that I am now," admits the former supposed attitude junkie Deep, piano-driven tracks like "Together" and "Forgotten" reflect Avril's growth, maturity, and change since the release of Let Go "I'm happy with what I'm doing and have faith that everything is going to work out for the best" She's also found a feminine side to offset her well-publicized tomboyishness "I'm such a chick I'm a hopeless romantic, and surprisingly old-fashioned," Avril laughs "That's why I wrote a song about not giving it up to just any guy ["Don't Tell Me"]" Girly quirks aside, Avril's anxious to get the show on the road "It feels so good to be singing new songs," she says "I feel refreshed and I'm looking forward to the next thing"

Optimistic or melancholic, Avril's two-year wild-ride on the rock-star express has shaped her world view and taught her a whole lot about balance "The songs on Under My Skin are definitely deeper than those on Let Go," she says, "But I still love a good pop song I'm basically just a girl who likes to write, who likes to rock out, and who wants music to be a part of my life forever"

She's also just a girl with a bell-clear voice and the ability to bottle youthful anguish and enthusiasm into tidy, infectious songs Avril Lavigne's Under My Skin is sure to get under yours




18岁的艾薇儿,因首张专辑『展翅高飞』全球大卖的关系,必须为了专辑宣传四处飞。欢度十八岁生日时,大老板LA瑞德亲自「下海」陪她打曲棍球,这让从小就喜欢打曲棍球的艾薇儿开心不已,觉得这比什么昂贵的礼物还要更好。讨好她很容易, 不要把她当成千万畅销歌手,只要将她当成平凡小女孩就好。


谈到她18岁生日最想要的生日礼物,就是能赶快交一个男朋友!原来这个总是穿着大垮裤、简单背心上衣的女孩,可是早就在心中描绘好她完美新娘礼服的样子。 艾薇儿的梦幻新娘礼服得要是高腰设计,不喜欢露胸、露肚的她,希望这件礼服能露出她的背部,当然最重要的,一定要有一个完美的头纱,因为当新郎掀起她的头纱亲吻她时才会够浪漫!

出道一年以来,艾薇儿最坚持的一件事就是做自己。从她的歌到她的人,每一样都是原汁原味,艾薇儿特喜欢强调出道前和出道后的她,完全一样没有改变。拿服装来说,艾薇儿坚持穿自己喜欢的衣服,而不穿唱片公司找设计师帮他准备的服装。有趣的是,艾薇儿的穿著竟然成为今年万圣节,青少女最喜欢模仿的装扮。不过当艾薇儿知道之后,她不好意思的笑说: 『大概是我这种白背心、领带 + 垮裤买起来很便宜的关系吧。』而且艾薇儿身上从来没有刺青,原来她完全不知道她想要刺什么图案!在舞台造型部分,一头长长金发甩啊甩,完全跟随音乐节奏满场乱乱跑,和乐团男生就像哥儿般相处。艾薇儿也喜欢和歌迷近距离接近,时常唱到一半就跳入人群中。


艾薇儿喜欢和男生一起玩,她甚至回加拿大的家休假时,最喜欢的也是和父亲和哥哥一起去打猎。问艾薇儿喜欢和什么样的男孩去约会?艾薇儿想都不想的说: 『不知道耶,不过如果能跟个摇滚歌手约会的话一定很酷!』不过说是这么说,艾薇儿2002年的感情方面却交了白卷,她说在2001年的圣诞节前夕,和前男友正式分手,至今还在等下一位有缘人呢。


艾薇儿说:『我还是个平凡人,我会受伤,对一些事情会不爽,但音乐给我灵感,我爱创作,那是对我来说最自在的事情。 』走红一整年的艾薇儿,依旧保有最原始的灵魂。

对于自己现在在全球走红的原因,艾薇儿只淡淡的说: 『大概是我在对的时间,碰到了对的人吧!还有就是我一直都坚信这一切都会发生在我身上!』诚实的她也在媒体面前招认,她并不喜欢、也不擅长面对媒体的访问,艾薇儿喜欢现场的演唱会,记者会上有媒体问她演唱时如果音响效果不佳,会不会影响她的心情?她回答得很妙,她说: 『我在台上唱歌时都戴着监听器,我自己都觉得还不错,不过演唱会有时现场的气氛更重要,歌迷来看得开心,我也唱得愉快,这才是最重要的 』。也道出走红后的心情: 『我想这一年对我来说真是太棒了,我感到开心不已,虽然我不可能再过像这一年的日子,但未来又是新的开始。』





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