明星风采,纯纯关怀(美加净) ——化妆品广告语
雅芳-----全新的感觉! 雅芳牌化妆品美白,自信新感受!
女性魅力来自丽花丝宝! 丽花丝宝化妆品
问君哪得貌如许,醉人清风“阿美“牌! 阿美牌化妆品
最明“脂“的选择------“特调脂“! 特调脂化妆品 要想容颜美,还是用芭蕾! 芭蕾牌化妆品
女人总该有一丁点“虚荣心“ 虚荣心牌化妆品
随88所至,展发型风采! 88牌化妆品
青春亮丽,惟有发佳丽! 发佳丽牌化妆品
爱美之心人人皆有之,华美为你增添光彩! 美华牌化妆品
天然精华,如水轻柔! 美华牌化妆品
至美至真,华美精神! 美华牌化妆品
给你欢乐,给你追求! 少女牌化妆品
你希望在五十岁时还年轻吗 少女牌化妆品
苗条天姿,来自洁士! 洁士牌化妆品
洁士福星到,新春添风采! 洁士牌化妆品
苗条霜,真诚的奉献! 洁士牌化妆品
每次面对镜子,都让您信心十足 宝贝化妆品
肌肤润油,光艳照人 宝贝化妆品
常用肌肤液,保持毛细孔畅通 宝贝化妆品
肌肤柔嫩的良液,清洁卫生的宝贝 宝贝化妆品
宝贝您的秀发 宝贝化妆品
美加净燕窝润肤霜,天然滋润充满生机! 美加净牌化妆品
名人润肤霜常用贵妃液,令您秀发如云! 贵妃液化妆品
帝花之秀,青春好朋友帝花之秀化妆品 夏天的选择! 奥琪化妆品 奥琪晒不黑------青春脸的渴望! 奥琪化妆品 慧眼识霞飞! 霞飞牌化妆品
美和霞飞,别无他求! 霞飞牌化妆品
早一天使用,多一份青春! 霞飞牌化妆品
女性魅力,尽在霞飞! 霞飞牌化妆品
霞飞创造你的自然美! 霞飞牌化妆品
我只用“霞飞“ 霞飞牌化妆品
清新爽洁,不紧绷。 (碧柔洁面乳)——化妆品广告语
明星风采,纯纯关怀(美加净) ——化妆品广告语
雅芳-----全新的感觉! 雅芳牌化妆品美白,自信新感受! 美白牌化妆品
女性魅力来自丽花丝宝! 丽花丝宝化妆品
让节日温馨的娇客,再显女士美丽的憧憬! 丽花丝宝化妆品
拥有精美化妆,完美体现自我! 阿美牌化妆品
问君哪得貌如许,醉人清风“阿美“牌! 阿美牌化妆品
最明“脂“的选择------“特调脂“! 特调脂化妆品
要想容颜美,还是用芭蕾! 芭蕾牌化妆品
女人总该有一丁点“虚荣心“ 虚荣心牌化妆品
随88所至,展发型风采! 88牌化妆品
青春亮丽,惟有发佳丽! 发佳丽牌化妆品
爱美之心人人皆有之,华美为你增添光彩! 美华牌化妆品
天然精华,如水轻柔! 美华牌化妆品
至美至真,华美精神! 美华牌化妆品
给你欢乐,给你追求! 少女牌化妆品
你希望在五十岁时还年轻吗? 少女牌化妆品
苗条天姿,来自洁士! 洁士牌化妆品
洁士福星到,新春添风采! 洁士牌化妆品
苗条霜,真诚的奉献! 洁士牌化妆品
每次面对镜子,都让您信心十足 宝贝化妆品
肌肤润油,光艳照人 宝贝化妆品
常用肌肤液,保持毛细孔畅通 宝贝化妆品
肌肤柔嫩的良液,清洁卫生的宝贝 宝贝化妆品
宝贝您的秀发 宝贝化妆品
美加净燕窝润肤霜,天然滋润充满生机! 美加净牌化妆品
“名人“献给天下有情人 名人润肤霜
常用贵妃液,令您秀发如云! 贵妃液化妆品 劳动护肤哪里有,月中桂系列可满足! 月中桂护肤品
爱人的星期天------心中只有格兰蒙! 格兰蒙化妆品
天花缤纷,光彩永恒! 天花化妆品
至美至真,虹雨精神! 虹雨化妆品
虹雨,把青春的梦想与选择,揉成永恒的美! 虹雨化妆品
令您在任何场合,都特别清丽动人! 虹雨化妆品
丽丽化妆,神采飞扬! 丽丽化妆品
明星风采,纯纯关怀! 纯纯化妆品
可蒙化妆,美的世界! 可蒙化妆品
当您眼角出现皱纹时,申花防皱霜会令您换然一新,重现朝气! 申花牌化妆品
国货精华,上海申花! 申花牌化妆品
绿宝、绿宝,植物之宝! 绿宝牌化妆品
岁月留苍老,“黑马“葆青春! 黑马牌化妆品
修护明眸娇颜,重拾流金岁月! 依柔片牌化妆品
要苗条,找洁士! 洁士牌化妆品
洁士苗条霜,恢复你健美体形! 洁士牌化妆品
灿烂缤纷的每一天,都需要 女宝牌化妆品
特别的美属于特别的您! 女宝牌化妆品
女宝------征服时间,恒葆青春! 女宝牌化妆品
早一天使用,多一天青春! 七宝牌化妆品
白发不用染,七宝还青丝! 七宝牌化妆品
走遍天涯海角,人间处处有大宝 大宝化妆品
俏佳人护肤系列,还你娇嫩肤肌 俏佳人护肤品
虹美化妆品:早一天使用,迟一天衰老 虹美化妆品
帝花之秀,青春好朋友 帝花之秀化妆品 夏天的选择! 奥琪化妆品
奥琪晒不黑------青春脸的渴望! 奥琪化妆品
慧眼识霞飞! 霞飞牌化妆品
美和霞飞,别无他求! 霞飞牌化妆品
早一天使用,多一份青春! 霞飞牌化妆品
女性魅力,尽在霞飞! 霞飞牌化妆品
霞飞创造你的自然美! 霞飞牌化妆品
潘虹:我只用“霞飞“ 霞飞牌化妆品 清新爽洁,不紧绷。 (碧柔洁面乳)——化妆品广告语
1 Drink a little every day, a little more healthy
2 Your healthy life, your rock springs Yan Yongquan, healthy living every day - Rock springs
3 Are you hungry Xxx is your best companion!
4 You and I Yi Bao - Cestbon
5 Nongfushangquan a little sweet - Nongfushangquan
6 hammer million hit the mountains, drinking health in the world
7 pro-not pro, hometown, the United States is not the United States, the hometown of water
8 clear license mineral water, cool you and me
9 How deep the spring, how true love
10 Shangshiruo Shui, perseverance, memorable!
11 the good water, Houdezaiwu!
12 on good water, food for thought!
13 Mountain green out of good water, drink water to drink rock springs - Rock springs
14 Life in the natural breeding! Good quality of water from the fountain of life, enjoy the natural flavor
15 Shigu-dong, drink out of the moving! - Shigu dong
16 The essence of water, is pure, natural!
17 water aristocratic - King Tin hundred years mineral water
18 Sound of nature, health, you and me
19 natural, is healthy! - Kunlun Mountains mineral water
20 My beautiful water nursing - Nestle water nursing
1 "Drink" collar fashion, xxx, holy water health
Pure mountain pure, good water go hand in hand
3 The milk of the earth, the generation of children
4 Underground deep water, drink is the taste
5 Oriental magic water, xxx supreme
6 A little more, life is healthier! - Master Kong mineral water
7 High "silicon" good water, natural treasure - Lu Po mineral water
8 Alpine seek water, Concert in the world
9 Who do you drink I want me!
10 good mountain with good water, Huiyan know health
11 Fortunately, natural, expensive in quality
12 Drink the door ring the water, sing the world
13 drink, cool look
14 Hongxing Yang mineral water, sweet warm drip
15 Healthy new life, starting from "Robust" - Robust
16 Healthy new life, from the beginning to drink Yan Yongquan - Yan Yongquan
17 9,000 licensing mineral water, to give you the taste of nine thousand years ago - nine thousand years of glacier spring
18 Aerobic mineral water that can be used for fish farming
19 From the bottom of the Alps - Evian mineral water
20 Longmenquanquan, hear the good mountain water! - ring of water holes
1, the screen began to appear a glass of water, water into the child's head, and then into a child
2, the child came to the front of the withered safflower, a blossoming safflower on the moment bloom
3, children jump to a soap above the soap bubble becomes white
4, a burst of rain washed away the child's body foam, and then turned into blue water children
5, the child jumped into the hair group is not clean, hair thrown toss, water children into a number of water children
6, sponge suction children, a child from the sponge was squeezed out
7, children playing on the water column
8, children dissolve a box of sugar
9, children into the keyhole, into three small water child
10, a small water boy into a water droplets together to put out the flame, firecrackers
11, children save goldfish, jump into the filter into many children
12, snow-capped mountains into the ice water into the pot into a heart-shaped, a lightning into a boy and girl
13, the boy to the girl to marry, combined, gave birth to a group of children, in the sunset, into the sea, return to nature
14, the screen freeze into Evian mineral water advertising signs Advertising creative
The branch of France Evian mineral water ad to a bright, simple, lively, the image of the animation means successful propaganda Evian water effectAdvertising in the water cartoon water is Evian water changes, advertising every scene is reflected Evian water out of the magical effect