4人 初一 口语 英语 短剧

4人 初一 口语 英语 短剧,第1张

孙悟空 Monkey ( M for short )

白骨精 Jenny White ( J1 & J2 for short )

唐僧 Tang Seng ( T for short )

黄袍怪 Yellow ( Y for short )

沙僧 Sha Seng ( S for short )

猪八戒 Piggy ( P for short )

A Tale ofThe Journey To The West…

Once there was true love for me, but I did nottreasure it Now it’s too late to regret Nothing in the world can be morepainful than that If only time could go back, if only God could give me onemore chance, I would say to the girl: “I love you” If you dare ask me how longmy love will last, my answer will be at least 10,000 years

Act 1,


J1 照着镜子上台,手捧一盒化装品(如Clean & Clear等)

J1: Another pimple!

All theselotion and cream and gel are of no use What can I do(困扰状)



Y: Hello! It’s me

J1: I know it’s you You’ve been calling me every day since400 years ago

Y: And today, I’ll ask the same question again This isthe 99th time I ask you to marry me

J1: To hell with you! I’m busy with myface now I’ve got one more pimple How terrible! I’ll never see anyone unless Ican cure it



Y: Ah! That’s easy I just call totell you that I’ve read a book, and it said the meat of Tang Seng can make yourskin feel as smooth as silk, and make you more beautiful than any other witchin the world What’s more, I’ve just got the news that Tang Seng will soon comeinto our territory We can go and catch him together Is this idea wonderful

J1: All right All right I’m going tohang off


Act 2,

J: How nasty he is! ( 她想了想,对B道 ) But Tang Seng isreally tempting I’ll keep tabs on his track


( 欢喜万分 ) Ah-ha, there he is!

(凑上前去, 舔舌头,咬手指)



J1: ( 向B招手) Bring me my Magic Ear




T: Monkey! I’ve told you a million and once times,that our journey to the western Paradise is tough and challenging If itis not, how can people know that we are great and unique; how… (T得意地发表他的演说,最后语速放慢)

S: how can we be heroes remembered byothers; how can we make millions of girls faint for us, is that right (无奈状,双手摊开)

T: Don’t interrupter me! (气愤状)


P: Sir! I’m so hungry(羞怯,吃手指, 摸肚子)

T: I know that I’m hungry too So Monkey, wouldyou please go and buy some food Remember that we have very little money, only2 yuan for a week So you should not go to those expensive restaurants, such asDining Hall 6 and 2, just go to Dining Hall 1 Even if … (最后语速放慢)

S: Even if the dining hall is too far away, don’tbuy the take-out It’s not clean I advise you to go to some old lady’s houseand ask for some buns Mind you, don’t forget to wash your lunch-box first!

T:Tell you again,Don’t stop me! (开始抓狂)



J1: It’s a good chance(自言自语状)



J1 转身变成一个老太婆,挎着篮子慢慢走到了T师徒的面前。

P: Ah, here comes an old lady Hello granny! What’s inyour basket Smells nice! (上前翻寻)

J2: Some pancakes formy son He is working in the field(喘气,很累状)

P: I’m hungry Can I have some Only a little bit(不好意思状)


T: Piggy!I’ve told you a million and once times, remember to be polite to old ladies(上前制止)

J2: You are very kindIt looks as if you are starving and need some food I can give you some forfree

T: (双手合十)阿弥陀佛,善哉善哉。


M: ( 一把抓住了J的手腕 ) It’s not a hand of an ugly old lady Who are you Anugly old lady (激动壮)


J2: You……you dare touch my hand! (迅速缩手)

M: Monster!




P: Beautiful lady


M: No matter how powerful you are, I’ll kill anyone whotries to harm my master

J1: No matter howpowerful you are I’ll kill anyone who prevents me from beautifying myself


M: Monster! Take my stick!


P: Beauty, run! Run away!

T 逃过一劫,对各位徒弟尤其是M的拼死保护感动之至,情不自禁地唱起了Only You。其结果,三个土地全头痛欲裂,大吐特吐。


T: ( 清清嗓子 ) Monkey, go and buy the lunch I’m starving to death

M: I’ll draw a circle here ( 边走边画 ) Just stay in the circle and you’ll besafe Don’t trust anyone Good bye sir



J1: Ouch!


J1: Come, come and eat this Come and eat this(招手引诱T)




M: You again!

J1: You touch my hand again! How nasty you are!

M: Now you cannot run away!

T 刚刚清醒,想到自己又一次有惊无险,不仅又唱起了Only You。M不堪忍受此歌声,抓着J1的手也放松了。J1乘机溜走了。



P: ( 调侃地 ) Ah, that beautiful witch has taken your heart away

M 回过神来,发现自己的失态,给了P一拳。

T: Monkey,I know that witch is nice, but you can’t fall in love with her Because you area monkey and she is a witch Monkey should marry a monkey and witch shouldmarry a wizard Even if a monkey can marry a witch, I bet there are hundreds ofwizards fighting to marry her How can you defeat themS&T: What is more, chasing girls needs time, energy and money Now,you have to go to the Western Paradise withme, you don’t have enough time To make things worse, we have only 2 yuan perweek to live on, you don’t have enough money(后半部分S学T讲话,但不出声)

M: Surely I won’t How can I fall in love with a witch whowants to eat my master

T: That’sfine I can rest assured I’m hungry, where is my lunch

M: Here Please sit in the shade of the trees over thereI’ll go and fetch some water


Act 6,


M:Oh ,you go!(悲痛状)


J1:Just now I found actually I like you(凑上前去)

M:No I can’t ,I am a monkey and I am a monk

I had forgotten what is love…


欲知后事如何 请看下集分解!

1 红血丝皮肤


2 干燥肌肤



Pure Evil _Platinum

-Unlocked all other Trophies for The Evil Within解锁其他所有奖杯

Weapon of Choice_ Bronze

-Defeat the Sadist within the village打倒村里的虐待狂

ThisTrophy is story related 故事奖杯

Old Flame _Bronze

-Finish off a shrieking beast打倒尖叫的怪兽

ThisTrophy is story related故事奖杯

Two on Two _Bronze

-Take out both Guardians before the church在到达教堂前干掉2个守卫者

ThisTrophy is story related故事奖杯

What’s In TheBox! _ Bronze

-Escape the Keeper beneath the catacombs逃出地下墓园的看守

ThisTrophy is story related故事奖杯

The First, Notthe Last _ Bronze

-End a monstrosity in the underground garage打倒地下停车场的怪物

ThisTrophy is story related故事奖杯

Arachnophobia _Bronze

-Outrun a gigantic threat in the city逃出城市里的巨大威胁

ThisTrophy is story related 故事奖杯

Slither intoOblivion _ Bronze

-Remove an invisible enemy from the equation从方程式中去掉一个隐形的敌人。(不知道具体说的是哪里,往指出)

ThisTrophy is story related 故事奖杯

One of the Many _Bronze

-Defeat the ultimate evil within打倒最终的心魔

ThisTrophy is story related故事奖杯

First Step intoDarkness _ Bronze

-Complete the game on Casual difficulty完成游戏休闲难度。

See the Trophy “Master of Horror”for more details 参考“恐怖大师”奖杯细节。

Another Day onthe Job _ Silver

-Complete the game on Survival difficulty完成游戏生存难度

See the Trophy “Master of Horror”for more details 参考“恐怖大师”奖杯细节。

Master of Horror_ Silver

-Complete the game on Nightmare difficulty完成游戏噩梦难度

Nightmaredifficulty is unlocked by completing the game on Survival difficulty This isjust basically playing the game on hard You take more damage and deal lessdamage Ammo is also more scarce The difficulty trophies stack but to playNightmare, you’ll need to beat it on Survival (normal) first to unlockNightmare 当完成游戏的生存者难度后,噩梦难度解锁。这只是游戏的基本困难模式。你将受到更多的伤害,给予敌人的伤害也会被减轻。弹药更少。此游戏难度是隐藏的。只有当你完成生存者难度后(普通)才可以解锁此难度。

Every Nook andCranny _ Silver

-Collect every collectible in the game搜集所有游戏里的可搜集物品

Thereis a total 106 collectibles Key items cannot be missed as they are needed forstory progression Anything you have found will carry over to your New GamePlus play-through 本游戏共有106件可收藏品。关键道具因为关乎故事发展,所以肯定是不会错过的。你所有找到的东西都将继承到NewGame+中。

AudioTapes _ 10磁带-10

MissingPerson Posters _ 15 失踪人员海报-15

Documents_ 16 文件-16

Newspapers_ 21 新闻报纸-21

MapFragments _ 28 地图碎片-28

Journal_ 16 日志-16(让我想起了Jornal这个葡语单词,也是newspaper的意思,果然很久没有看英文了。。。。)

Master ofUnlocking _ Bronze

-Open up all the lockers in the save room打开记录房间的所有储藏柜

Thesave room is hospital where you can save your game at the desk You’ll be takenhere as part of the story After you complete Chapter 4, you’ll be taken to themorgue area where the lockers are There are 45 lockers to be opened Key areneeded to open the lockers The keys can be found in chests, crates, smallwhite statues or even in some of the morgue lockers The crates and statues arebroken by using a melee attack 记录房间在医院里面,你可以在医院里记录你的游戏进度。随着故事的发展你会到达那里,当完成故事第四章后,你会被到达有储藏柜的停尸间区域。一共需要45把要是来打开。这些钥匙可以在箱子、板条箱、女神像甚至在储藏柜里面找到,在女神像和板条箱里面的钥匙依靠近战攻击打破取得。

Hardbody _ Silver

-Fully upgrade all of Sebastian’s attributes 全部升级男主角的能力

See the trophy “Why Can’t I Hold All This Ammo”for more details 参看奖杯“为什么我不能把这些弹药全部拿走”。

My Best Friend _Bronze

-Completely upgrade one weapon 完全升级一件武器

See the trophy “Why Can’t I Hold All This Ammo”for more details 参看奖杯“为什么我不能把这些弹药全部拿走”。

The Power of Three _ Bronze

-Completely upgrade three weapons完全升级三件武器

See the trophy “Why Can’t I Hold All This Ammo”for more details 参看奖杯“为什么我不能把这些弹药全部拿走”。

UnstoppableArsenal _ Gold

-Completely upgrade all weapons完全升级所有武器。

See the trophy “Why Can’t I Hold All This Ammo”for more details 参看奖杯“为什么我不能把这些弹药全部拿走”。

Why Can’t I HoldAll This Ammo _ Bronze

-Upgrade all options in the stock menu 升级库存菜单里面的所有内容

GreenGel is used to upgrade everything in this game The Gel can be found in thechapters and can also be dropped by killing enemies You’re going to need a lotof it so keep your eyes peeled for it as you play through the game 脑残液是游戏中用于升级一切的东西。可以在各章节中或游戏中杀敌找到。当你玩游戏的时候,睁大你的眼睛好好去找找。

Allweapons _ 638,000 Gel 全武器

Allattributes _ 178,000 Gel 全属性

Allstock options _ 112,800 Gel 全库存项目

Blow Up thePlaying Field _ Silver

-Use a secret explosive weapon to kill 10 enemies (Agony Bolt effects negateresults)使用隐藏的爆炸武器杀敌10人(痛苦弓弩效果无效)

You’llearn the secret rocket launcher for completing the game You can then use itduring your New Game Plus play-through 当游戏通关后,你可以得到一把火箭发射器。你可以在NewGame+中使用。

Full House _Bronze

-Kill five enemies with each type of Agony Bolt使用全部痛苦弓弩击杀5个敌人

Thereare five different types of Agony Bolts, Explosive, Shock, Freeze, Flash andHarpoon All you gotta do is kill five enemies with each bolt type For theFlash Bolts, you have Sneak Kill them while they are stunned by the Flash Bolt


Silent Kill _Bronze

-Kill five enemies in a row with a sneak kill without being discovered连续使用潜行击杀5个敌人。

Tosneak kill, hold R1 to crouch and then press X when you’re near an enemyChapter 2 on the road toward opening the big gate is a good place to earn thisSimply kill five in a row without alerting any of the enemies and the Trophy isyours 要使用潜行击杀,按住R1,当靠近敌人以后按X键。推荐第二章在去向大门的路上解锁这个奖杯。只要你在不惊动敌人情况下,连续击杀5个敌人即可。

Burn, Baby, Burn!_ Bronze

-Kill five enemies with a torch使用火把消灭5个敌人

Torchescan be picked up from enemies who are carrying one after you’ve killed themWith the torch equipped, press Triangle to attack and kill an enemy with itIt’s a one hit kill but you can only kill one enemy per torch 当打到携带火把的敌人后,可以捡起火把。按三角键攻击,可以对敌人一击必杀。火把是一个一次性道具。

And the CorpsesMount _ Bronze

-Kill 30 enemies 杀死30个敌人

See the Trophy “One Man Army” formore details

Krimson PD Fury _Bronze

-Kill 200 enemies 杀死200个敌人

See the Trophy “One Man Army” formore details

One Man Army _Silver

-Kill 400 enemies 杀死400个敌人

ThisTrophy will unlock as you play through the game Simply kill enemies you comeacross to add to your total Your kill count will carry over to otherplay-throughs, it does not need to be completed in one play-through


AmmoConservationist _ Bronze

-Kill 25 enemies with melee attacks使用近战攻击杀死25个敌人。

Youcan use the melee attack by pressing Triangle This is another Trophy that willunlock as you progress through the game This is a Trophy that is easiercompleted on Casual difficulty You can use other weapons to damage the enemy,but the killing blow must be a melee strike


Bloody Bar Brawl_ Bronze

-Sneak kill an enemy after hitting them with a bottle用瓶子打到敌人后潜伏击杀敌人。

Bottlescan be found almost everywhere in the game Pick one up and throw it at anenemy Make sure you hit them in the head with the bottle to stun them Whilethey are stunned, run up to them, hold R1 and press X to sneak kill them


Drop It Like It’sHot _ Bronze

-Kill three living enemies with one drop of a match使用1根火柴消灭3个活着的敌人。

Onceyou knock down an enemy you have the option (IF you have matches) to pressCircle and light the enemy on fire to kill them Shooting an enemy in the legwill cause them to fall over You can either get three enemies on the groundnext to each other or drop one enemy and light him on fire as two stand nearThere are many chance to earn this throughout the game as enemies attack ingroups quite frequently


The Quick and theDead _ Gold

-Finish the game with a clear time of under 5:00:00五小时内通关游戏

Thisis best done on Casual difficulty on New Game Plus You’ll have all your upgradeditems and a special one hit kill rocket launcher unlocked Skip the cutscenesand avoid fighting enemies by running past them and straight to the objectivesif possibleIt’s recommended to not attempt this until after you’vefinished the story and are comfortable with the game


It is What It Is_ Gold

-Finish the game without upgrading any skills with Green Gel


ThisTrophy is easiest earned on Casual difficulty All you gotta do is play throughand complete the game without upgrading anything During Chapter 2 you’ll beforced to spend 100 Green Gel, that will not negate the Trophy as it is anunavoidable story requirement


You Asked For It_ Gold

- Finish the game on __(AKUMU) mode完成游戏 AKUMU模式

Akumumode is unlocked by completing the game on Survival difficulty In this mode ifyou get hit once, you die If you are damaged in any way, its instant deathYou cannot play this on New Game Plus When you start the mode it’ll be with anew character with no upgrades Just stay aware of what’s going on aroundNever get close to enemies, always try to take them out from a distance Aimfor the legs so you can make them fall When you get enemies on the groundimmediately run over to them and burn them with matches Always be on thelookout for matches as they will help you dispose of enemies quickly Someattributes to upgrade that will help out with this are Sprint Duration,Matches, Freeze and Flash Bolts and any of the other weapons


A la Corvo



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上一篇 2023-12-11


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