line friends怎么读

line friends怎么读,第1张


英 [laɪn] 美 [laɪn]



n 朋友( friend的名词复数 ); 资助者; 同胞; 指做傻事或烦人的事而说话者不认识的人


大家对于插座类产品的固有印象是不是还停留在四四方方的黑白外型,浓浓的实用设计风格似乎让很多人觉得和美观赏析悦目没有什么太大的关系。那么今天就给大家介绍一款公牛集团与LINE FRIENDS品牌跨界合作推出的公牛LINE FRIENDS小魔方USB插座。

  说到LINE FRIENDS大家应该都不会陌生,作为一款潮流品牌,它旗下的布朗熊,莎莉鸡和可妮兔形象在国内都有着相当高的人气知名度。此次的合作也是将这些形象的可爱元素融合到公牛的小魔方USB插座之中。接下来就让我们来看看这样的结合会产生什么样的神奇化学反应吧。


  外形方面,公牛LINE FRIENDS小魔方USB插座采用的依旧是经典的六面立方造型,这样独特的排布方式好处是可以将插孔和按键都很好的融入多个不同的面,既小巧方便使用起来也不会互相干扰。造型上对于LINE FRIENDS元素的融入也是非常良心,除了对应形象的配色之外,正面也可清晰看到人物的标志面部神情,这无疑对喜爱LINE FRIENDS品牌的人群来说有着巨大的吸引力。

  首先我们来看插座的顶部,配置有两个USB接口,单口最大输出为24A,由于采用了智能分流技术,公牛LINE FRIENDS小魔方USB插座能够做到自动识别充电设备,合理安排输出电流,保证充电设备充电过程的高效安全。此外顶端还有一个控制通电的开关按键,按键键程略短,对于开启关闭电源开关来说非常省力了,而且可以明显感受到按下去时候的清脆反馈声。


  外壳方面,这几款公牛LINE FRIENDS小魔方USB插座也都是采用了耐高温抗阻燃壳体,可有效阻燃,使用过程更安全省心。

  插座底部印有该产品的相关参数信息,由此可知,公牛LINE FRIENDS小魔方USB插座强电口支持最大功率2500W,最大电流10A,额定电压250V,USB输出5V=24A。


  公牛LINE FRIENDS小魔方USB插座除了有线插座,也有无线版本,如果为了外出旅游携带方便,其实无线版也是一个非常不错的选择,它不仅也有小巧的优势,没有了电线的牵绊携带出门也会更加便利。

  此外需要额外提一句的是,此次的公牛LINE FRIENDS小魔方USB插座系列一共有四个系列产品,分别是三个有线版本:布朗熊、可妮兔、莎莉鸡;以及一个布朗熊无线版本。



  笔者首先进行的是空载测试,通过上图测试可得,公牛LINE FRIENDS小魔方USB插座的功率测试结果,空载电压为513V,电流为0A。

  接着笔者用iPhone X接入公牛LINE FRIENDS小魔方USB插座进行测试,测得数据为电压515V,电流为164A,总体来说,充电速度效率还是非常快的。此外,公牛LINE FRIENDS小魔方USB插座的USB插孔支持过压过流保护、防静电保护、防短路保护以及防浪涌保护这五重保护措施。


  总体来说,这款公牛LINE FRIENDS小魔方USB插座不仅仅继承了公牛魔方插座,小巧轻便,插孔数量丰富,多重的安全防护措施这些优良特性。也让大家固有思维里插座产品无美观性的这一认知被彻底打破。在提供色彩斑斓的好看插座的同时,功能特性也没有任何缩水,依旧的便利实用,对颜值有一定追求的用户来说,公牛LINE FRIENDS小魔方USB插座有着足够的吸引力。如果心动,那还不如赶快行动,可通过以下链接购买哟!


Online friends

Now internet has become a part of our life More and more people love to surf the Internet and chat with people that they really do not know

So, is it good to make online friends Some people say it is not wise, because you don't know the people, and the online people may cheat you! But some people say it is ok to make online friends, because you can broad your horizen through these people!

In my opinion, it is OK to make friends online, but we should not go far beyond a friend Internet presents an unreal world to us In this world, you can tell your sufferings to your friends online and you need not worry about being laughed at You can share your ideas about people with your friends online, and they can surely keep the secrets because they really do not know who you are

But there are still many people who want to cheat their friends online Because it is an unreal world ,they blow horse to get their friends’ trust, and try to get moneyjewelry and even their feeling from them We can see many things like this from newspapers, TV programs and so on So it is the bad aspect of making friends online

As members of a modern society ,we should use Internet in the right way Chatting online with friends is very relaxing It may be a pride to have some good friends online On the contrary , we should take care and try not to be cheated

<a friend on the line>2008-02-19 11:54 Before I even finished dialing, I somehow knew I'd made a mistake The phone rang once, twice-then someone picked it up

"You got the wrong number" a husky male voice snapped before the line went dead Mystified, I dialed again

"I said you got the wrong number!" came the voice Once more the phone clicked in my ear How could he possibly know I had wrong number At that time, I worked for the New York City Police Department A cop is trained to be curious-and concerned So I dialed a third time "Hey, c'mon," the man said "Is this you again" "Yeah, it's me," I answered "I was wondering how you knew I had the wrong number before I even said anything" "You figure it out" The phoned slammed down I sat there awhile, the receiver hanging loosely in my fingers I called the man back "Did you figure it out yet" he asked "The only thing I can think of is…nobody ever calls you" "You got it!" The phone went dead for the fourth time Chucking, I dialed the man back "What do you want now" he asked "I thought I'd call…just to say hello" "Hello Why" "Well, if nobody ever calls you, I thought maybe I should" "Okay Hello Who is this" At last, I had got through Now he was curious I told him who I was and asked who he was "My name is Adolf Meth I'm 88 years old, and I haven't had this many wrong numbers in one day in 20 years!" We both laughed We talked for 10 minutes Adolf had no family, no friends Everyone he had been close to had died Then we discovered we had something in common: he'd worked for the New York City police Department for nearly 40 years Telling me about his days there as an elevator operator, he seemed interesting, even friendly I asked if I could call him again "Why would you wanna do that" he asked, surprised "Well, maybe we could be phone friends You know, like pen pals" He hesitated "I wouldn't mind…having a friend again" His voice sounded a little tentative I called Adolf the following afternoon and several days later Easy to talk with, he related his memories of World War I and II, the Hindenburg disaster and other historical events He was fascinating I gave him my home and office numbers so he could call us He did --almost every day I was not just being kind to a lonely man Talking to Adolf was important to me, because I, too, had a big gap in my life Raised in orphanages and foster homes, I never had a father Gradually, Adolf took on a kind of fatherly importance to me I talked about my jop and college courses, which I attended at night Adolf warmed to the role of counselor While discussing a disagreement 'd had with a supervisor, I told my new friend, "I think I've had it with him" "What's the rush " Adolf cautioned "Let things cool down When you get as old as I am, you find out that time takes care of a lot If things get worse, then you can talk to him" There was a long silence "You know," he said softly, "I am talking to you just the way I'd talk to a boy of my own I always wanted a family-and children You're too young to know how that feels" No, I wasn't I'd always wanted a family-and a father But I didn't say anything, afraid I wouldn't be able to hold back the hurt I'd felt for so long One evening, Adolf mentioned his 89th birthday was coming up After buying a piece of fiberboard, I designed a 2''x5'' greeting card with a cake and 89 candles on it I asked all the cops an my Office Commissioner to sign it I gathered nearly a hundred signatures Adolf would get a kick out of this, I knew We'd been talking on the phone for four months now, and I thought this would be a good time to meet face to face So I decided to deliver the card by hand I didn't tell Adolf I was coming; I just drove to his address one morning and parked the car up the street from his apartment house A postman was sorting mail in the hallway when I entered the building He nodded as I checked the mailboxes for Adolf's name There it was Apartment 1H, some 20 feet from where I stood My heart pounded with excitement Would we have the same chemistry in person that we had on the phone I felt the first stab of doubt Maybe he would reject me the way my father rejected me when he went out of my life I tapped on Adolf 's door When there was no answer, I knocked harder The postman looked up from his sorting "No one's there," he said "Yeah," I said, feeling a little foolish "If he answered his door the way he answers his phone, this may take all day" "Are you a relative or something" "No, just a friend" “I'm really sorry, " he said quietly, "but Mr Meth died day before yesterday" Died Adolf For a moment, I couldn't answer I stood there in shock and disbelief Then, pulling myself together, I thanked the postman and stepped into the late-morning sun I walked toward the car, misty-eyed Then, rounding the corner, I saw a church, and a line from the Old Testament leaped into my mind: A friend loveth at all times And especially in death, I realized This brought a moment of recognition Often it takes some sudden and sad turn of events to awaken us to the beauty of a special presence in our lives Now, for the first time, I sensed how very close Adolf and I had become It has been easy, and I knew this would make it even easier the next time , with my next close friend Slowly, I felt a warmth surging through me I heard Adolf's growly voice shouting, "Wrong number!" Then I heard him asking why I wanted to call again "Because you mattered, Adolf," I said aloud to no one “Because I was your friend" I placed the unopened birthday card on the back seat of my car and got behind the wheel Before starting the engine, I looked over my shoulder "Adolf," I whispered "I didn't get the wrong number at all I got you"































一天晚上,阿道夫提到了自己的第八十九岁生日即将到来。买一块板后,我设计了一个2 ''x5”贺卡与蛋糕上的蜡烛,89。我问警察我局局长签字。我收集了近一百个签名。阿道夫将从中获得一个点球,我知道。















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