welcome to the black parade中文意思[速]

welcome to the black parade中文意思[速],第1张


这首歌的灵感来源于主唱Gerard Way 小时爸爸曾带他去城中看游行队伍,对他说他自己总有一天会死去叫他要勇敢地面对生命,不要放弃,永远支持下去并帮助他人给他人带来光明,带大家走出黑暗,即使有死亡的阻挠,也要把精神代代传承。

这张The Black Parade仍是一张概念专辑,主题围绕一个即将死去的病人展开。主唱Gerard Way接受iTunes采访时说:“这张专辑讲述了一个在医院中死去的病人的故事。在即将死去的那段日子,他极力的回顾自己的一生,总结自己所犯的错误。他印象最深的是小时候爸爸带他去参加一个游行的事情。因此,死亡来临的时候以black parade的形式。”

When I was a young boy,

My Father took me into the city,

To see a marching band


He said "Son when you grow up, would you be the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned"


He said "will you defeat them, your demons and all the non-believers, the plans they have made"


"Because one day I leave you,

A phantom to lead you in the summer,

To join the black parade"


When I was a young boy, (同上)

My father took me into the city

To see a marching band

He said, "Son when you grow up, will you be the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned"

Sometimes I get the feeling

She's watching over me

And other times I feel like I should go

And through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets

When you're gone we want you all to know






We'll carry on, 我们会坚持

We'll carry on 我们会坚持

And though you're dead and gone believe me 尽管你死了你也要相信我

Your memory will carry on 你的记忆会继续

Carry on 继续

We'll carry on 我们会坚持

And in my heart I can't contain it 我的心没有办法容忍

The anthem wont explain it 即使赞美诗也没办法解释

And we will send you reeling from decimated dreams 我们将让你从杀戮的梦中解脱出来

Your misery and hate will kill us all 你的苦和恨将杀了我们所有人

So paint it black and take it back 所以,把它涂黑,把它收回

Let's shout it loud and clear 让我们大声清晰的喊出来。

Do you fight it to the end 你会和它战斗到底

We hear the call to我们听见高喊声

Carry on 坚持

We'll carry on 我们会坚持

Though you're dead and gone believe me尽管你死了你也要相信我

Your memory will carry on 你的记忆会继续

We'll carry on 我们会坚持

And though you're broken and defeated尽管你曾被征服,被打败

You're weary widow marches 但你已厌倦再哀伤孤独下去


And on we carry through the fears 一次次,我们穿越痛苦

Ooh oh ohhhh 哦

The disappointed faces of your peers 你们这些贵族们失望的脸

Ooh oh ohhhh 哦

Take a look at me cos I could not care at all 看我的吧因为

Do or die 是我不会顾虑,就算决一死战

You'll never make me 你没办法控制我

Cos the world, will never take my heart 就算是全世界也不能占据我的心

You can try, you'll never break me 你可以试,但是你们没办法削弱我

Want it all, I'm gonna play this part我要所有 我要扮演这个角色

Wont explain or say I'm sorry 我不会解释任何 不会说对不起

I'm not ashamed, I'm gonna show my scar我要给你们看我的伤疤,我不会惭愧

You're the chair, for all the broken你安抚所有失意的人

Listen here, because it's only听着,因为……

I'm just a man, I'm not a hero 我只是个凡人 我不是英雄

Just a boy, who's meant to sing this song 只是个男孩 唱这首歌的男孩

Just a man, I'm not a hero 我是个凡人 我不是英雄

I DON'T CARE!! 我不介意

Carry on 坚持

We'll carry on我们会坚持

Though you're dead and gone believe me 尽管你死了你也要相信我

Your memory will carry on 你的记忆会继续

We'll carry on 我们会坚持

And though you're broken and defeated 尽管你曾被征服,被打败

Your weary widow marches on 但你已厌倦再哀伤孤独下去

Do or die决一死战

You'll never make me 你们无法安排我

Cos the world, will never take my heart 就算是全世界也不能占据我的心

You can try, you'll never break me 你可以试,但是你们没办法削弱我

We'll carry on 我们会坚持

We'll carry on

We'll carry on

We'll carry

We'll carry on

When I was a young boy,

My Father took me into the city,

To see a marching band


He said "Son when you grow up, would you be the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned"


He said "will you defeat them, your demons and all the non-believers, the plans they have made"


"Because one day I leave you,

A phantom to lead you in the summer,

To join the black parade"


When I was a young boy, (同上)

My father took me into the city

To see a marching band

He said, "Son when you grow up, will you be the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned"

Sometimes I get the feeling

She's watching over me

And other times I feel like I should go

And through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets

When you're gone we want you all to know






We'll carry on, 我们会坚持

We'll carry on 我们会坚持

And though you're dead and gone believe me 尽管你死了你也要相信我

Your memory will carry on 你的记忆会继续

Carry on 继续

We'll carry on 我们会坚持

And in my heart I can't contain it 我的心没有办法容忍

The anthem wont explain it 即使赞美诗也没办法解释

And we will send you reeling from decimated dreams 我们将让你从杀戮的梦中解脱出来

Your misery and hate will kill us all 你的苦和恨将杀了我们所有人

So paint it black and take it back 所以,把它涂黑,把它收回

Let's shout it loud and clear 让我们大声清晰的喊出来。

Do you fight it to the end 你会和它战斗到底

We hear the call to我们听见高喊声

Carry on 坚持

We'll carry on 我们会坚持

Though you're dead and gone believe me尽管你死了你也要相信我

Your memory will carry on 你的记忆会继续

We'll carry on 我们会坚持

And though you're broken and defeated尽管你曾被征服,被打败

You're weary widow marches 但你已厌倦再哀伤孤独下去


And on we carry through the fears 一次次,我们穿越痛苦

Ooh oh ohhhh 哦

The disappointed faces of your peers 你们这些贵族们失望的脸

Ooh oh ohhhh 哦

Take a look at me cos I could not care at all 看我的吧因为

Do or die 是我不会顾虑,就算决一死战

You'll never make me 你没办法控制我

Cos the world, will never take my heart 就算是全世界也不能占据我的心

You can try, you'll never break me 你可以试,但是你们没办法削弱我

Want it all, I'm gonna play this part我要所有 我要扮演这个角色

Wont explain or say I'm sorry 我不会解释任何 不会说对不起

I'm not ashamed, I'm gonna show my scar我要给你们看我的伤疤,我不会惭愧

You're the chair, for all the broken你安抚所有失意的人

Listen here, because it's only听着,因为……

I'm just a man, I'm not a hero 我只是个凡人 我不是英雄

Just a boy, who's meant to sing this song 只是个男孩 唱这首歌的男孩

Just a man, I'm not a hero 我是个凡人 我不是英雄

I DON'T CARE!! 我不介意

Carry on 坚持

We'll carry on我们会坚持

Though you're dead and gone believe me 尽管你死了你也要相信我

Your memory will carry on 你的记忆会继续

We'll carry on 我们会坚持

And though you're broken and defeated 尽管你曾被征服,被打败

Your weary widow marches on 但你已厌倦再哀伤孤独下去

Do or die决一死战

You'll never make me 你们无法安排我

Cos the world, will never take my heart 就算是全世界也不能占据我的心

You can try, you'll never break me 你可以试,但是你们没办法削弱我

We'll carry on 我们会坚持

We'll carry on

We'll carry on

We'll carry

We'll carry on




据说其由来可追溯到公元前五世纪,当时居住于爱尔兰的凯尔特人(Celtic)将这天定为夏末,亦象征一年的结束,他们相信在新旧岁次交替的前夕,所有时空的规律也会暂时停顿,灵界大门在这晚会打开,令所有鬼魂趁机游走于人间,到处找寻适合的替身,藉此得以重生的机会。所以,凯尔特人为怕成为鬼魂的目标,便于当晚熄灭家中炉火,装成没有人在家,同时,戴上狰狞可怕的面具,并打扮成鬼怪模样一起走到街上巡游,营造喧哗吵闹的气氛,以驱赶那些游魂野鬼。 渐渐地,这些传统习俗已演变成今天年轻人的庆祝活动,大家尽情在这晚扮鬼扮马,过一个开开心心的节日。 




格林威治村的万圣节巡游﹝Greenwich Village Halloween Parade﹞始于1973年,由一位面具工匠兼木偶演员Mr Ralph Lee发起,据说最初他带着朋友和孩童一起在邻居处游行,后来渐渐演变成整个村的大型活动,而活动中当然少不了大型木偶表演,同时,巡行的目的更希望每一个人都是参与者而不是旁观者,所以即使人们只是

抱着想看热闹的心态,当你踏进村子里,很快便会被邀请参与巡行,成为他们的一份子。 纽约市的万圣节巡游每年都吸引成千上万的纽约人和游客参加,而巡游会在格林威治村﹝Greenwich Village﹞举行,各队伍约在夜晚上七时从第六大道与春天街交界﹝6th Avenue & Spring Street﹞起步,一直游行至第二十三街﹝6th Avenue & 23rd Street﹞为止,全程大概多个小时。 

无论是来自亚洲,南美,非洲,欧洲,以至中东地区的参观者,都可以把自己装扮成各式各样的人物,亦可带备简单乐器,即时演奏本土的独特音乐,融合无疆界的风土文化。可能我以前从未参加过万圣节的活动,更莫说这么精彩的巡游,所以特别觉得有新鲜感。 早于十月中,曼哈顿市已开始“闹鬼”了,在繁忙的街道上,已看见四处悬挂起万圣节的鬼怪装饰,很多百货公司也忙着把应节礼品及衣物堆放在橱窗里,吸引不少途人驻足观看,而超级市场及街市亦摆放大大小小的南瓜售卖,供市民买回家布置家园或制作南瓜灯之用,当然嘛,也有主妇烹煮南瓜作菜肴或糕饼,完全依足节庆传统。


 南瓜灯 南瓜是万圣节的代表,在脑袋上套个南瓜吧,记得留几个洞。 

幽灵 幽灵的传说遍及全世界,鬼怪的节日自然也少不了它的出现。

僵尸 一脸煞白或是满面挂彩,僵尸的形象随你想象。 

吸血鬼 优雅、高贵而又冷酷的血族历来都是神秘午夜故事中的常客。 

巫婆 万圣节(动漫)


科学怪人 科幻史上的经典科学怪人,如今也经常现身于万圣节中。 

精灵 每个人心中都有自己的精灵,你想象的精灵是什么模样? 

半人马 半人马的来源在希腊神话中说法不一,于是半人马也有善与恶。 

狼人 有时是吸血鬼的死敌,有时又传播恐怖和瘟疫。 

魔鬼 我能够满足你的愿望,凡人,但是你要把灵魂抵押给我。 

哥布林 不同的传说与故事中,这些小东西时而邪恶时而滑稽。 

不死鸟 沐浴于阳光,涅盘于火焰,象征着不朽和重生。 

牛头人 克里特岛的牛头怪传说让这种怪物世人皆知。 

美杜莎 传说中能把人石化的蛇发女妖,曾经美丽堪比雅典娜。 

泰坦 希腊神话中曾统治世界的古老的神族,巨人的代表。 

石像鬼 整日坐在哥特式建筑屋顶上,在望天还是在思考? 万圣节矢量图

蜥蜴人 全身披满厚厚的绿色鳞甲,每只手仅有三个指头。 

木乃伊 化妆好了是木乃伊,COS不善就是重病号。 

贝希摩斯 旧约所记载的巨兽,有人认为它是撒旦的化身。 

大脚怪 这种巨型怪兽从未被证实,但传说流传已久。 

巴哈姆特 巴哈姆特的传说代表着阿拉伯人的宇宙观。 

巫妖 用魔法获得永恒的生命,用永恒的生命研究魔法。 

矮人 矿石、美酒、大胡子,了解矮人要从这些开始。

 巨魔 无论哪里的巨魔传说,都少不了它们神奇的再生能力。 

无头骑士 爱尔兰民间传说中的鬼怪,万圣节不可缺少的角色。 

骷髅 骷髅也是恐怖的东西哦。 

食尸鬼 传说中的恶魔,专门吃尸体,如果你旁边躺着一个尸体你就完了·。 

超级英雄 现在穿着好莱坞风格的超人、蝙蝠侠、蜘蛛人等服装也是十分流行的哦

When I was a young boy,

My Father took me into the city,

To see a marching band


He said "Son when you grow up, would you be the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned"


He said "will you defeat them, your demons and all the non-believers, the plans they have made"


"Because one day I leave you,

A phantom to lead you in the summer,

To join the black parade"


When I was a young boy, (同上)

My father took me into the city

To see a marching band

He said, "Son when you grow up, will you be the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned"

Sometimes I get the feeling

She's watching over me

And other times I feel like I should go

And through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets

When you're gone we want you all to know






We'll carry on, 我们会坚持

We'll carry on 我们会坚持

And though you're dead and gone believe me 尽管你死了你也要相信我

Your memory will carry on 你的记忆会继续

Carry on 继续

We'll carry on 我们会坚持

And in my heart I can't contain it 我的心没有办法容忍

The anthem wont explain it 即使赞美诗也没办法解释

And we will send you reeling from decimated dreams 我们将让你从杀戮的梦中解脱出来

Your misery and hate will kill us all 你的苦和恨将杀了我们所有人

So paint it black and take it back 所以,把它涂黑,把它收回

Let's shout it loud and clear 让我们大声清晰的喊出来。

Do you fight it to the end 你会和它战斗到底

We hear the call to我们听见高喊声

Carry on 坚持

We'll carry on 我们会坚持

Though you're dead and gone believe me尽管你死了你也要相信我

Your memory will carry on 你的记忆会继续

We'll carry on 我们会坚持

And though you're broken and defeated尽管你曾被征服,被打败

You're weary widow marches 但你已厌倦再哀伤孤独下去


And on we carry through the fears 一次次,我们穿越痛苦

Ooh oh ohhhh 哦

The disappointed faces of your peers 你们这些贵族们失望的脸

Ooh oh ohhhh 哦

Take a look at me cos I could not care at all 看我的吧因为

Do or die 是我不会顾虑,就算决一死战

You'll never make me 你没办法控制我

Cos the world, will never take my heart 就算是全世界也不能占据我的心

You can try, you'll never break me 你可以试,但是你们没办法削弱我

Want it all, I'm gonna play this part我要所有 我要扮演这个角色

Wont explain or say I'm sorry 我不会解释任何 不会说对不起

I'm not ashamed, I'm gonna show my scar我要给你们看我的伤疤,我不会惭愧

You're the chair, for all the broken你安抚所有失意的人

Listen here, because it's only听着,因为……

I'm just a man, I'm not a hero 我只是个凡人 我不是英雄

Just a boy, who's meant to sing this song 只是个男孩 唱这首歌的男孩

Just a man, I'm not a hero 我是个凡人 我不是英雄

I DON'T CARE!! 我不介意

Carry on 坚持

We'll carry on我们会坚持

Though you're dead and gone believe me 尽管你死了你也要相信我

Your memory will carry on 你的记忆会继续

We'll carry on 我们会坚持

And though you're broken and defeated 尽管你曾被征服,被打败

Your weary widow marches on 但你已厌倦再哀伤孤独下去

Do or die决一死战

You'll never make me 你们无法安排我

Cos the world, will never take my heart 就算是全世界也不能占据我的心

You can try, you'll never break me 你可以试,但是你们没办法削弱我

We'll carry on 我们会坚持

We'll carry on

We'll carry on

We'll carry

We'll carry on


"Welcome To The Black Parade"(欢迎加入黑色游行队伍)

When I was a young boy,


My father took me into the city


To see a marching band


He said, "Son when you grow up,)

他说: 儿子啊,当你长大了以后

would you be the saviour of the broken, The beaten and the damned


He said "Will you defeat them,

他说: 你会否击败他们

your demons, and all the non believers, the plans that they have made"


Because one day I'll leave you,

因为 终有一天 我会离开你

A phantom to lead you in the summer,

继而 将有一个幻像般的意念把你引领到那个耀眼的夏季

To join the black parade"


When I was a young boy


My father took me into the city


To see a marching band


He said, "Son when you grow up,)

他说: 儿子啊,当你长大了以后

would you be the saviour of the broken, The beaten and the damned


Sometimes I get the feeling she's watching over me

我经常都有种感觉 她无时无刻都在守护着我)

And other times I feel like I should go

而在另一段时期 我觉得是时候要起行了

And through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets


When you're gone we want you all to know

当你离去之时 我们希望所有人都知道

We'll Carry on, We'll Carry on

我们会继续紧持下去, 我们会继续紧持下去

And though you're dead and gone believe me

虽然你已经安息了 但相信我

Your memory will carry on


We'll carry on


And in my heart I can’t contain it


The anthem won’t explain it


And we will send you reeling from decimated dreams


Your misery and hate will kill us all


So paint it black and take it back

所以要把它涂黑 并把它带走

Lets shout it loud and clear


Defiant to the end


We hear the call


To carry on


We'll carry on


Though you're dead and gone believe me

虽然你已经安息了 但相信我

Your memory will carry on


We'll carry on


And though you're broken and defeated


Your weary widow marches


On and on we carry through the fears

我们会一直保持勇气 穿过恐惧

Ooh oh ohhhh

Disappointed faces of your peers


Ooh oh ohhhh

Take a look at me cause I could not care at all

注视着我 因为我绝不会有丝毫忧虑

Do or die


You'll never make me


Because the world, will never take my heart

因为这个世界 永远都无法取得我的心脏

Go and try, you'll never break me

继续尝试吧, 但无论如行你都不能伤害到我

You want it all, You wanna play this part


I won’t explain or say I'm sorry


I'm not ashamed, I'm gonna show my scar


Give a cheer, for all the broken


Listen here, because it's who we are


I'm just a man, I'm not a hero


I'm just a boy, who's had to sing this song


I'm just a man, I'm not a hero


I -- don't – care


We'll Carry on, We'll Carry on

我们会继续坚持下去, 我们会继续坚持下去

And though you're dead and gone believe me


虽然你已经安息了 但相信我

Your memory will carry on!


We'll carry on


We'll carry on


And though you're broken and defeated


Your weary widow marches


We'll carry on,We'll carry on………

我们会继续坚持下去, 我们会继续坚持下去



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上一篇 2023-12-29


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    苏秘奇迹护理精华露使用方法:洁面之后,取适量的苏秘奇迹护理精华露倒在掌心,然后双手轻轻揉搓一下,然后双掌轻拍脸部,涂抹苏秘奇迹护理精华露,继续轻拍帮助皮肤吸收。 苏秘奇迹护理精华露不仅可以直接使用在脸上,还可以混合在面霜、粉底液、面膜里面一

  • 精华露和精华液的区别


  • pmpm玫瑰和白松露哪个好用


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  • 兰蔻的产品怎么样?哪些值得买?



