Western culture (sometimes equated with Western civilization) are terms which are used to refer to cultures of European origin This terminology originated as a way of describing what was different about the Graeco-Roman culture and its descendants, in contrast to the older neighboring civilizations of the Middle East, which in many ways continued to serve as a model of civilization in the "west" for some time
The term "Western culture" is used very broadly to refer to a heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, religious beliefs, political systems, and specific artifacts and technologies Specifically, Western culture may imply:
a Graeco-Roman Classical and Renaissance cultural influence, concerning artistic, philosophic, literary, and legal themes and traditions, as well as a tradition of rationalism in various spheres of life, developped by Hellenistic philosophy, Scholasticism, Humanisms, the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, and including, in political thought, widespread rational arguments in favour of freethought, human rights, equality and democratic values averse to despotism, irrationality and theocracy
a Biblical-Christian cultural influence in spiritual thinking, costums and either ethic or moral traditions, around Post-Classical Era
Central and Eastern European cultural influences concerning artistic, musical, folkloric, ethic and oral traditions, whose themes have been further developped by Romanticism
The concept of Western culture is generally linked to the classical definition of the Western world In this definition, Western culture is the set of literary, scientific, political, artistic and philosophical principles which set it apart from other civilizations Much of this set of traditions and knowledge is collected in the Western canon
The term has come to apply to countries whose history is strongly marked by Western European immigration or settlement, such as the Americas, and Australasia, and is not restricted to Western Europe
Some tendencies that define modern Western societies are the existence of political pluralism, prominent subcultures or countercultures (such as New Age movements), increasing cultural syncretism resulting from globalization and human migration
Advanced BIOS Features(高级BIOS设置)
①Virus Warning:病毒报警选项设置,设定值有Disabled(不可以)和Enabled(可以)。当我们将Virus Warning功能打开后,BIOS将对IDE硬盘引导扇区进行保护,如果有程序企图在此区中写入信息,BISO会在屏幕上显示警告信息,并发生蜂鸣报警声。我们一般设置为Disabled,因为在安装Windows 98操作系统时,如果此功能开放,安装程序提示将无法安装系统。
②CPU L1 & L2Cache(CPU一级和二级缓存):此选项设置打开或关闭CPU内部的一级缓存L1和CPU外部二级缓存L2。我们必须将此项设置为Enabled。如果关闭此选项,计算机系统的速度会爆卡。
另外,在Intel 845GV芯片组的BIOS中,增加了CPU Hyper-Threading(CPU超线程)设置,如果你的机器是奔腾四CPU,请将此功能打开。如果此功能不打开,计算机系统无法运行超线程技术功能。
③Fast Boot(快速引导):此项设置为Enabled可以使系统在启动时跳过一些检测过程,这样系统会减少5秒左右的启动过程。
④1st/2nd/3rd Bood Device:(第一/第二/第三启动设备)
ZIP:系统首先尝试从ATAPI ZIP设备引导
注意:HDD-0指的是主板上第一个IDE接口上的主硬盘。在部分BIOS版本中,这个选项是这样的:Boot Sequence,然后通过Page Up可以看到有以下几个设置选项:CDROM,C,A、C,CDROM,A等。
⑤Boot other Device(其他设备引导):将此项设置为Enable,允许系统从第一/第二/第三设备引导失败后,自动尝试从其他设备引导。
⑥Swap Floppy Drive(交换软驱盘符):此项设置为Enabled时,可交换软驱A:和B:的盘符。
⑦Seek Floppy(寻找软驱):将此项设置为Enabled时,在系统引导前,BIOS会检测软驱A。我们在设置时,无论是否有软驱,都设置为Disabled。
⑧Boot Up NumLock Status(启动时NumLock状态):此项是用来设定系统启动后,NumLock的状态。当设置为On时,系统启动后,键盘的NumLock是打开状态,小键盘数字键有效。
⑨Gate A20 Option(Gate A20的选择):此项用来设定Gate A20的状态。A20是指扩展内存的前部64KB。当选择缺省值Fast时,Gate A20是由端口92或芯片组的特定程序控制的。它可以使系统速度更快。当设置为Normal,A20是由键盘控制器或芯片组硬件控制的。我们一般情况下使用系统的缺省值。
⑩Typematic Rate Setting(键入速率设定):此项是用来控制字元输入速率的,与我们“控制面板”中的“键盘”设置选项中的相当设置相同。
在高级BIOS设置中,有一项APIC Mode也是相当重要的,此项是用来启用和禁用APIC(高级程序中断控制器)。如果你使用Windows 2000/XP时,如果出现无法实现软关机时,将此项打开就可以了