在唱功方面,Ariana Grande到Mariah Carey的差距在哪里?

在唱功方面,Ariana Grande到Mariah Carey的差距在哪里?,第1张


Ariana Grande——《problem》

前言: Ariana Grande(爱莉安娜·格兰德),1993年出生于美国佛罗里达州伯克莱屯市,美国新生代女歌手、演员。

现在的时代是90后的时代,中国和国外涌现出越来越多的小鲜肉,在娱乐圈占据了重要地位,正是当红的时代。Grande虽然年纪小个子小,但是力量却不小。2012年7月发行首张迷你专辑《Glory》,同年登上说唱杂志《XXL》封面并被评为十大新人,专辑《The New Classic》获得了第42届全美音乐奖最佳说唱专辑奖。今天给大家推荐的这首《problem》则获得了美国唱片业协会五倍白金唱片认证,节奏轻快。

歌曲一开始讲的是恋人分手后女生心里的犹豫不决,不知道究竟自己该不该去挽回这段感情呢,也试着去沟通,想要复合。到了歌曲的后半部分,则开始后悔自己之前去挽回这段感情的不理智的行为,分手后自己一人更加自在,也明白对于和“渣男”感情散了是不需要可惜的。这首歌刻画了一个敢爱敢恨的女性形象,歌曲中间穿插了澳大利亚籍饶舌歌手Iggy Azalea的说唱,为这首歌增添了不少坚定的情绪。

Ariana Grande的唱功是毋庸置疑的,低音区没问题,高音区也是轻松驾驭,几乎她的每一首歌都会有飙高音,但是她的高音部分并不吃力,一听就是游刃有余的状态。


Baby, even though I hate ya

I wanna love ya

I want you

And even though I can't forgive ya

I really want to

I want you

Tell me, tell me baby

Why did you leave me

Cause even though I shouldn't want it

I gotta have it

I want you

Head in the clouds

Got no weight on my shoulders

I should be wiser

And realize that I've got

One less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less, one less problem

One less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less, one less problem

I know you're never gonna wake up

I gotta give up

But it's you

I Know I shouldn't never call back

Or let you come back

But it's you

Every time you touch me

And say you love me

I get a little bit breathless

I shouldn't want it

But it's you

Head in the clouds

Got no weight on my shoulders

I should be wiser

And realize that I've got

One less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less, one less problem

One less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less, one less problem

It's Iggy Iz

What you got

Smart money bettin' I'll be better offwithout you

In no time I'll be forgettin' all about you

You sayin' that you know

But I really really doubt you

Understand my life is easy

When I ain't around you

Iggy Iggy

Too biggie to be here stressing'

I'm thinkin' I love the thought of you

More than I love your presence

And the best thing now

Is probably for you to exit

I let you go

Let you back

I finally learned my lesson

No half-stepping

Either you want it or you just playin'

I'm listening to you knowing

I can't believe what you're sayin'

There's a million you's baby boy

So don't be dumb

I got 99 problems

But you won't be one

Like What

One less, one less problem

One less, one less problem

Head in the clouds

Got no weight on my shoulders

I should be wiser

And realize that I've got

One less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less, one less problem

One less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less, one less problem

One less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less ,one less problem

1 亚瑞安娜·格兰迪

2 爱莉安娜·格兰德

爱莉安娜·格兰德(Ariana Grande),美国女演员、歌手。因成功的出演美国Nickelodeon频道的剧集Victorious(胜利之歌)中女主角之一Caterina Valentine和百老汇音乐剧《13》 Charlotte一角而走红。她可爱的外表、扎实的唱功、精湛的演技以及剧中Cat敏感单纯的性格随着Victorious一炮而红让她得到了众多粉丝的追捧和青睐。为了拍摄胜利之歌,Ariana Grande将自己的棕色秀发染成了红丝绒杯型蛋糕的颜色。:


REPUBLIC RECORDS would like to congratulate ARIANA GRANDE on this incredibleachievement

Problem - Ariana Grande Iggy Azalea

Baby, even though I hate ya

I wanna love ya

I want you

And even though I can't forgive ya

I really want to

I want you

Tell me, tell me baby

Why did you leave me

Cause even though I shouldn't want it

I gotta have it

I want you

Head in the clouds

Got no weight on my shoulders

I should be wiser

And realize that I've got

One less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less, one less problem

One less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less, one less problem

I know you're never gonna wake up

I gotta give up

But it's you

I Know I shouldn't never call back

Or let you come back

But it's you

Every time you touch me

And say you love me

I get a little bit breathless

I shouldn't want it

But it's you

Head in the clouds

Got no weight on my shoulders

I should be wiser

And realize that I've got

One less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less, one less problem

One less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less, one less problem

It's Iggy Iz

What you got

Smart money bettin' I'll be better off without you

In no time I'll be forgettin' all about you

You sayin' that you know

But I really really doubt you

Understand my life is easy

When I ain't around you

Iggy Iggy

Too biggie to be here stressing'

I'm thinkin' I love the thought of you

More than I love your presence

And the best thing now

Is probably for you to exit

I let you go

Let you back

I finally learned my lesson

No half-stepping

Either you want it or you just playin'

I'm listening to you knowing

I can't believe what you're sayin'

There's a million you's baby boy

So don't be dumb

I got 99 problems

But you won't be one

Like What

One less, one less problem

One less, one less problem

Head in the clouds

Got no weight on my shoulders

I should be wiser

And realize that I've got

One less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less, one less problem

One less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less, one less problem

One less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less problem without ya

I got one less, one less problem


《Rain On Me》是美国女歌手Lady Gaga和爱莉安娜·格兰德(Ariana Grande)合作演唱的一首单曲

《Rain On Me》是美国女歌手Lady Gaga和爱莉安娜·格兰德合作演唱的一首单曲,收录在Lady Gaga于2020年5月29日发行的第六张录音室专辑《Chromatica》。该曲作为专辑中第二首正式单曲,于2020年5月22日正式发行,歌曲MV于歌曲发行的13小时后发布。

《Rain On Me》MV首日观看量超过2100万,Spotify全球首日播放量超过1000万次,继《Stupid Love》后再次刷新Gaga的个人纪录,也是Ariana首日第二高成绩。在中国,党日歌曲在QQ音乐平台上线后,评论数秒破999 ,掀起粉丝狂热讨论,直呼“暴雨来袭”。


Lady Gaga和爱莉安娜·格兰德(Ariana Grande)的合作

《Rain On Me》是一首特别的流行舞曲,其中融入了很多新鲜的元素。这也是Lady Gaga即将发行的新专辑《Chromatica》的第二首先行曲。除了此次与A妹合作的单曲,新专辑共有19首歌,其中还包含Lady Gaga与Blackpink、Elton John等大牌的合作单曲。

谈及两人这次的合作时,Ariana Grande表示新曲《Rain On Me》的制作过程是十分美好的——Lady Gaga因为Ariana Grande曾经遇到过的事情而动容落泪,双方给彼此很多的爱和治愈,为心灵疗伤。

在歌曲的音乐录影带中,A妹也尝试了以前从未尝试过的新事物,为整首歌增添更完美的一笔。谈及MV的拍摄,Lady Gaga表示,“Ariana Grande对任何从未尝试过的事都保持开放的态度,她完全地信任我。”两人在默契的配合下完成了这次神仙合作。

人民网-LA女子天团”横空出世,LadyGaga x A妹新歌《Rain On Me》上线QQ音乐

-Rain on Me

ariana grande?估计是因为翻唱牛牛的emotions吧,百度找找,有视频的

the way太绝壁牛嫂惹 风格相近 而且AG受牛嫂影响大 都是RnB风格 她的歌一听就是牛妈的感觉,风格跟牛姐挺像,唱功还不错,长得是真漂亮~但是目测flop……音色和牛姐很像



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