Lord Randall
by Anonymous
"Oh where ha'e ye been, Lord Randall my son
O where ha'e ye been, my handsome young man"
"I ha'e been to the wild wood: mother, make my bed soon,
For I'm weary wi' hunting, and fain wald lie down"
"Where gat ye your dinner, Lord Randall my son
Where gat ye your dinner, my handsome young man"
"I dined wi' my true love; mother, make my bed soon,
For I'm weary wi' hunting, and fain wald lie down"
"What gat ye to your dinner, Lord Randall my son
What gat ye to your dinner, my handsome young man"
"I gat eels boiled in broo: mother, make my bed soon,
For I'm weary wi' hunting, and fain wald lie down"
"What became of your bloodhounds, Lord Randall my son
What became of your bloodhounds, my handsome young man"
"O they swelled and they died: mother, make my bed soon,
for I'm weary wi' hunting, and fain wald lie down"
"O I fear ye are poisoned, Lord Randall my son!
O I fear ye are poisoned, my handsome young man!"
"O yes, I am poisoned: mother, make my bed soon,
For I'm sick at the heart, and I fain wald lie down"
有关世界著名英文诗歌篇2Late Self-Portrait by Rembrandtby Jane Hirshfield
The dog, dead for years, keeps coming back in the dream
We look at each other there with the old joy
It was always her gift to bring me into the present—
Which sleeps, changes, awakens, dresses, leaves
Happiness and unhappiness
differ as a bucket hammered from gold differs from one of pressed tin,
this painting proposes
Each carries the same water, it says
by Maxine Kumin
How pleasant the yellow butter
melting on white kernels, the meniscus
of red wine that coats the insides of our goblets
where we sit with sturdy friends as old as we are
after shucking the garden's last Silver Queen
and setting husks and stalks aside for the horses
the last two of our lives, still noble to look upon:
our first foal, now a bossy mare of 28
which calibrates to 84 in people years
and my chestnut gelding, not exactly a youngster
at 22 Every year, the end of summer
lazy and golden, invites grief and regret:
suddenly it's 1980, winter buffets us,
winds strike like cruelty out of Dickens Somehow
we have seven horses for six stalls One of them,
a big-nosed roan gelding, calm as a president's portrait
lives in the rectangle that leads to the stalls We call it
the motel lobby Wise old campaigner, he dunks his
hay in the water bucket to soften it, then visits the others
who hang their heads over their dutch doors Sometimes
he sprawls out flat to nap in his commodious quarters
That spring, in the bustle of grooming
and riding and shoeing, I remember I let him go
to a neighbor I thought was a friend, and the following
fall she sold him down the river I meant to
but never did go looking for him, to buy him back
and now my old guilt is flooding this twilit table
my guilt is ghosting the candles that pale us to skeletons
the ones we must all become in an as yet unspecified order
Oh Jack, tethered in what rough stall alone
did you remember that one good winter
有关世界著名英文诗歌篇4Late Night Ode
by J D McClatchy
It's over, love Look at me pushing fifty now,
Hair like grave-grass growing in both ears,
The piles and boggy prostate, the crooked penis,
The sour taste of each day's first lie,
And that recurrent dream of years ago pulling
A swaying bead-chain of moonlight,
Of slipping between the cool sheets of dark Along a body like my own, but blameless
What good's my cut-glass conversation now,
Now I'm so effortlessly vulgar and sad
You get from life what you can shake from it
For me, it's g and t's all day and CNN
Try the blond boychick lawyer, entry level
At eighty grand, who pouts about the overtime,
Keeps Evian and a beeper in his locker at the gym,
And hash in tinfoil under the office fern
There's your hound from heaven, with buccaneer
Curls and perfumed war-paint on his nipples
His answering machine always has room for one more Slurred, embarrassed call from you-know-who
Some nights I've laughed so hard the tears Won't stop Look at me now Why now
I long ago gave up pretending to believe Anyone's memory will give as good as it gets
So why these stubborn tears And why do I dream
Almost every night of holding you again,
Or at least of diving after you, my long-gone,
Through the bruised unbalanced waves
娇韵诗适合什么皮肤在使用娇韵诗的11783人当中,最多31-40岁的MM说它好,有4798人,占比407%; 其次是26-30岁,占比287%; 40岁以上占219%, 20岁以下就只占211%了; 如果问20-25岁的呢?嗯,20-25岁的只占168%。
最多混合性肤质的网友说它好,占比309%, 其次是中性肤质。
干皮亲妈,本人敏感肌,强烈推荐双萃精华(一个月后自觉法令纹略变浅)、Bi-phase保湿精华(做到保湿了)以及国内专柜无售的Pure Melt Cleansing Gel,卸防晒够了,不伤皮肤,残留的一点Marula油等扑上爽肤水以后简直舒服到不行。这几样都是不断回购的节奏,但油皮最好先弄点小样试试。
试用包装分为双瓶设计,一边是橙**的精华油,另一边则是透明水状的质地,撕开两边包装后混合到一起,然后在手心搓热后轻压在脸上,能帮助产品更好吸收到肌肤里 质地与其说是精华露更像是面部护理油,并没有想象中的油腻腻,相反蛮好吸收很轻薄Clarins家惯用植物精华香味,单用也不会觉得干 一包试验装能用个两次 至于宣传所说效果用的次数不多没体会出来, 我想大概是过多的植物萃取的关系,让我这个敏感肌有点轻微过敏了
娇韵诗适合痘痘肌吗美白隔离 这个要重点说一下,就是它彻底让我对娇韵诗死心,以后再也不会买的东西,除非我变成了干皮。这支隔离一直备受推崇,我也长草了好久,今年终于下手了,本着节约的原则打算今年夏天就是她了不会再买别的防晒。结果我用了两个多月,每次涂完就觉得油油的好像不能吸收,控油更是几乎为零,还有一丝丝不可捉摸的痒感。可怕的是下巴和额头之后一直星星点点冒出细密的小痘痘。于是我只好打破诺言,又入了另一只资生堂的防晒,用了新防晒才知道是什么皮肤舒服稳定不冒油。娇韵诗打入冷宫做腿部防晒,从此拜拜~~