Mary Kay is, is cosmetics, is the enterprise is the work is way of life, is the corporate culture, but also a mission
Mary Kay has said, P and L not only "profit" (Profit) and losses (Loss), is that "people" (People) and "Love" (Love) In China, Mary Kay company's goal also is not just to make money, its commitment to the Chinese majority of women "one more beautiful than cosmetic changes, a more brilliant than the success of the creation, self-confidence more than a rich upgrade" to help They committed to improving the image and personal development, self-realization To this end, Mary Kay Chinese companies not only for its simple beauty consultants to provide each one different levels of training, taught many of them vocational skills, but also helped many ordinary Chinese women become self-confidence, self-reliance, self-sustaining Career women or the cause of their own independent operators Mary Kay China to help enrich and enhance their female side has been impressive
A father described his daughter to join Mary Kay after the changes, he said: "My daughter is not motivated before, do nothing all day, Hun Rizi, but after joining Mary Kay, I found that she has changed as a person may wish , Is not only a sense of responsibility, but also dedication and everything to the first, You Chuxi the beginning "
In Shanghai, one suffering from stuttering disabled women, Mary Kay business consultant in the warm help and guidance, not only regain the confidence of life, embarked on a new journey of life, even more amazing is that she also gradually overcome Stuttering obstacles She moved to write to Mary Kay said that she had not only become more and more young people, but also become more and more beautiful "Mary Kay has created the wealth of my life, I covered the sky of the rainbow"
Join a Mary Kay beauty consultant has been three years of her Mary Kay summed up this way of life Asked why she should join Mary Kay » The beauty consultant, said: "If you choose a positive attitude and self-confidence choices in life, you can choose Mary Kay"
"I can, as you can!" "You can have all!" This is constantly telling her Mary Kay beauty consultant to the success of philosophy, now, this philosophy is being widely disseminated in China (not just women in the middle) There Mary Kay did not believe that so-called strong woman, she believes that "to do so and never look back, you will realize the dream of all
China's cosmetics market is a dynamic market, fierce competition in the modern market to make this industry more variety: the product mix changes, more market segments, the growing concept of renovation, are also marketing tactics This has promoted the development of the domestic cosmetics industry, exacerbated the industry brand dispute In particular the involvement of foreign brands, so that more competitive upgrade
出油的原因是水油不能平衡,如果时间允许,在上妆以前敷一个保湿面膜,如果时间比较紧张,就可以用比较控油的爽肤水,我以前用过契尔氏的蓝水,小黄瓜水,但是我个人有点敏感,契尔氏为了缩毛孔,里面有加酒精。今年的1月,是我们这里的夏天,天气热到45度+,我用了一些底妆产品,据说是控油,一个是BENEFIT的猪油膏,还有CHANEL的粉色隔离,LAURA MERCIER的无油隔离,P&J金粉隔离,价格里香奈尔比较贵一点,猪油膏和LM的隔离差不多,猪油膏对我来说完全没有控油的效果,当然毛孔有那么一点平了,CHANEL的还可以,持妆在4到6小时之间,LM的无油隔离就是个鸡肋,已经完全闲置了,P&J是脱妆脱到悲剧的一只,不加评论。
其实MM有没有想过,如果MM皮肤底子本身不差的话(没有太多痘疤和斑斑),甚至完全可以省略粉底这个步骤。MM一定看到过大夏天身边的朋友一张粉厚厚的大白脸,这就是脱妆》补妆》脱妆》使劲补妆 的后果。
散粉:(我个人不喜欢粉饼,但是以前用过DIOR的雪精灵还可以,CHANEL的美白粉饼氧化问题比较严重)P&J的南瓜粉,这个很控油,GIVENCHY的四格,我用的#1,微微闪,#5也很棒,植村秀的散粉,LA MER的散粉,这个比较贵,性价比就不是很高了。
最爱:ARMANI自然柔亮,还有款LASTING SILK ,带SPF的,阿玛尼是我准备用一辈子的粉底,它不一定完美,但是的确是所有粉底里持久度最好的一个了,LASTING SILK这款是适合夏天用的,很少出油,第一次用我就AMAZING了,价格大概是550人民币左右。
第二爱:BOBBI的圆瓶和方瓶,(我不知道中文是什么T T),很保湿,持妆在3到5个小时,BB的粉底都比较裸,很轻薄,同时没什么遮瑕能力,但是遮瑕能力强的粉底对皮肤伤害也是无敌的。人民币480?420?
LANCOME,我用的是EVERLASTING FOUNDATION,SPF20++,是兰蔻家控油的粉底,持久度可以,厚度一般。
LAURA MERCIER,很不错的粉底,她家是专业彩妆,粉底很稀,但是妆感OK,不会很裸,陪她家的无油隔离,持久度还是不错的,折RMB大概450
最后,呼,我平时会随身带一小罐遮瑕膏,如果去DATE,一发现自己太得意忘形脱妆了,就马上用手指沾点补上,BOYFRIEND一转身,我就补完了- -。