「モアディープ」就是英语「More Deep」的音译,日本人偷懒就直接用片假名来音译了。
而「护手霜」的日文是「ハンドクリーム」,其实也是音译的「Hand Cream」。
Send free SMS to mobile phones in the Philippines
Chikka is an instant messenger that lets you send free text messages to mobile subscribers, wherever you are, from the web or from a downloadable messenger
The new Chikka currently supports mobile subscribers of Smart, Sun and Globe
Other features of the new Chikka
Access your Chikka account from your mobile phone
Reply to Chikka messages, add buddies, or change your account settings from your phone when you create a unified Chikka account
Chikka Text mobile replies now cheaper
Your mobile buddies can avail of our Easy Reply plans so they can reply to your Chikka messages for less than a peso Plus, at off peak rates daily, all mobile replies to Chikka Text messages are only PHP 100!
Sign in with your mobile number or email address
You can create a Chikka account in 2 minutes or under even without a mobile number of your own You simply verify an email address you nominate for us when you sign up, and start sending free text messages
Forward offline messages to your mobile phone or email
No more missed messages when you go offline You can opt to receive your offline messages on your verified mobile phone number or email address and also save the last 20 messages that you sent and received
What we’re working on right now
Free Chikka Text messaging to other countries including the US, UK, Italy, Spain, Hong Kong, Guam, and Saipan
Chikka for iPhone
MMS for select countries and carriers