This Is What Makes Us Girls 这就是我们是女生的原因
Remember how we used to party up all night 记得我们以前是怎样在夜晚里狂欢吗
Sneaking out and looking for a taste of real life 溜出家门,向往着真正的生活,跃跃欲试。
Drinking in the small town firelight 在小镇的火光钱喝酒
(Pabst Blue Ribbon on ice) 结冰的帕布斯特蓝带
Sweet sixteen and we had arrived我们已经迎接来了甜美的十六岁
Walking down the street as they whistle, "Hi, hi!"在街上看到他们对我们吹着口哨,说嗨
Stealin' police cars with the senior guys跟着高年级生偷警车= =
Teachers said we'd never make it out alive老师说我们不会有好下场的
There she was my new best friend她是我新的最好的朋友
High heels in her hands, swayin' in the wind 她提着高跟鞋,将它们甩来甩去
While she starts to cry, mascara runnin' down her little Bambi eyes:她哭的时候,睫毛膏顺着泪痕从她楚楚可怜的眼睛留下来
"Lana, how I hate those guys" “哪啦,我恨这些男人、。”
This is what makes us girls 这就是为什么我们是女生
We don't look for heaven and we put our love first我们不信仰天堂,先恋爱了
Don't you know we'd die for it It's a curse你不知道我们为何而死?这是诅咒
Don't cry about it, don't cry about it 不要哭
This is what makes us girls 这就是为什么我们是男生
We don't stick together 'cause we put our love first我们不成天黏在一起,我们先恋爱
Don't cry about him, don't cry about him不要哭 不要哭
It's all gonna happen 一切都是注定
And that's where the beginning of the end begun那是最终结束的预示
Everybody knew that we had too much fun每个人都知道 我们乐过头了
We were skippin' school and drinkin' on the job 我们辍学,我们在工作的时候喝酒
(With the boss)和上司一起
Sweet sixteen and we had arrived甜美的十六岁到来了
Baby's table dancin' at the local dive
Cheerin our names in the pink spotlight庆祝在粉色的聚光灯下有我们的名字
Drinkin' cherry schnapps in the velvet night在丝绒般的夜晚喝着樱桃酒
Know we used to go break in 我们以前习惯破门而入
to the hotel pool, glittering we'd swim去到旅馆闪闪发光的游泳池,去瞎扑腾
Runnin' from the cops in our black bikini tops 穿着黑色泳装躲避警察的追捕
screaming, "Get us while we're hot" 尖叫着:趁热把我们收回去吧!
"We don't give a whaaat!" 别想从我们这得到什么!
This is what makes us girls 这就是为什么我们是女生
1 、选择温和的清洁产品:尽量不要选择皂基成分的界面,氨基酸成分会更加温和,不含酒精和香料,也不用选择抗老、美白等等功能性的洁面,越简单越好。
2 、选择配方简单的护肤品:什么美白抗老抗氧化就先不要急着想了,皮肤都还没养好千万别着急!也不要去盲信什么所谓的植物系护肤品才是最好不会过敏的,有人吃芹菜都会过敏好吧!那多天然啊!所以尽量找一些专门针对敏感肌的品牌,无任何香料防腐剂和刺激性成分,安安稳稳的让皮肤度过换季期才是最重要的!
3 、一定要防晒:防晒防晒防晒一年四季都要防晒!防晒是护肤的最后一步!我每天大概要跟所有身边的姑娘念的两百遍吧!紫外线给皮肤造成的问题实在是太多了,简直是渣男一般的存在有没有!换季皮肤本来就敏感,被紫外线刺激一下还得了?不要给懒找借口啦,等你红肿成虾仁的时候就不要来哭诉曾经有一瓶防晒防在你面前你没有好好珍惜了!
4 、做好修护皮肤屏障的工作:敏感的问题发生就说明皮肤屏障受损,容易干燥起皮发痒也是因为皮肤屏障受损之后皮肤锁不住水,在选择护肤品的时候就要找有修复功效的,保湿和修复双管齐下才能让敏感问题缓解~千万别瞎作疯狂的敷面膜,不仅不能缓解还会让你分分钟烂脸!
5 、远离过敏原:有些肌肤是敏感肌,有些是过敏肌,过敏肌的问题就比较严重了,建议先去医院检查一下过敏原,像Bambi以前粉尘特别敏感,皮肤也是娇气的没谁了好吗!不过后来经过正确的护肤和调养肌肤慢慢回到正常的状态咯!所以有过敏问题的不要想着靠护肤品解决,先去医院查看问题才是最重要的!
手工了,兽性了,我太喜欢这首歌了···请原谅翻译的过于high了··= =·····
Remember how we used to party up all night 还记得我们以前是怎样在夜晚里狂欢么?
Sneaking out and looking for a taste of real life 溜出家门,向往着真正的生活
Drinking in the small town firelight 在小镇的温暖火光边开喝
(Pabst Blue Ribbon on ice) 结了冰的Pabst Blue Ribbon
Sweet sixteen and we had arrived 终于到了我们甜美的十六岁
Walking down the street as they whistle, "Hi, hi!"在街上看到他们向我们吹着口哨说嗨~~嗨
Stealin' police cars with the senior guys 跟着学长学姐们···偷警车····= =
Teachers said we'd never make it out alive 老师说我们我们早晚得玩儿蛋去··
There she was my new best friend 她是我新的好朋友
High heels in her hands, swayin' in the wind 她拎着高跟鞋,甩来甩去
While she starts to cry, mascara runnin' down her little Bambi eyes 当她哭的时候睫毛膏就顺着她的眼泪从她啥啥的眼睛流下来(- -突然整出一句法语要干嘛···)
"Lana, how I hate those guys" “lana,你知道我有多恨这些男人么”
This is what makes us girls(一时找不到合适的翻译···)
We don't look for heaven and we put our love first 我们不向往天堂,我们向往爱情
Don't you know we'd die for it It's a curse 你知道我们为何而死么?是爱的诅咒
Don't cry about it, don't cry about it 别为了这些哭,别哭
This is what makes us girls 我们就是这样的妞儿
We don't stick together 'cause we put our love first 我们不成天黏在一起,因为我们把爱情看得更重要
Don't cry about him, don't cry about him 别为了他哭,别哭
It's all gonna happen 这一切都是注定的
And that's where the beginning of the end begun 那是最后结局的预示
Everybody knew that we had too much fun 每个人都知道,我们乐极生悲了
We were skippin' school and drinkin' on the job 我们辍学我们醉醺醺的工作
(With the boss)和头儿一起(= =姑娘,你真猛··)
Sweet sixteen and we had arrived 终于到了我们甜美的十六岁
Baby's table dancin' at the local dive 我们在当地的酒吧里跳着销魂的舞
Cheerin our names in the pink spotlight 庆祝我们的名字出现在粉色的聚光灯下
Drinkin' cherry schnapps in the velvet night 在丝绒般的夜晚喝着樱桃味的schnapps
Know we used to go break in 你知道我们以前习惯破门而入
to the hotel pool, glittering we'd swim 去旅馆闪闪发光的游泳池,我们瞎扑腾
Runnin' from the cops in our black bikini tops 穿着黑色比基尼和警察玩躲猫猫
screaming, "Get us while we're hot" 尖叫道:趁热乎赶紧把我们悳(dei )回去吧
"We don't give a whaaat!" 滚犊子
This is what makes us girls 我们就是这样的妞儿