


1 打开电池盖,并放入电池

2 打开可滑动的开关,并保持开启状态

3 绿色指示灯将亮起

4 红色的硅垫周围将会在10-15秒变化颜色直至清晰

5 将你的眼睫毛放置在硅垫上。推滑杠杆上升,直至停止。

6 保持10-15秒

7 然后放开,可重复这个动作,直至达到你想要的卷曲程度

8 完成后,向下放开可滑动杆



我现在用的是Cathy Cat这个牌子的睫毛膏,我觉得挺好的,拉长、加黑效果都很好,又不会有苍蝇腿,而且也瞒容易卸妆的,我已经用了一支了,现在又买了一支,这个睫毛膏不容易干,我一支用了有半年多呢,还没用完呢,现在我又去买了一支,不过我这次买的刷头跟第一支的不一样,这次的刷头很小,第一支的刷头比较大,买到家里后才发现的,不过偶觉得也不错,小的刷头不容易刷到眼皮上,不容易再脏眼皮,你买的时候要看清楚哦,WONDER VOLUME MASCARA,这个是小头的,WONDER CURLING AMSCARA,这个是大头的,我现在两个一起用,真是不错呢,相信我就去试试吧,我天生睫毛短,不过我是挺喜欢这个睫毛膏的,我在商店买的,不知道打了几折,打了折后是RMB150元,大概是9折差不多吧。MM告诉你个秘密哦,这款睫毛膏如果用的有点干了的时候,就往里面滴几滴水,那样就不会干了,我都是这么用的,所以第一支到现在都还没有用完呢。

#英语口语# 导语化妆是运用化妆品和工具,采取合乎规则的步骤和技巧,对人体的面部、五官及其他部位进行掩饰缺陷,表现神采,从而达到美化视觉感受的目的。下面就由 考 网来说说常用化妆英语口语,大家千万别错过。


 1She always wears a lot of makeup


 2She makes herself up every morning


 3The foundation should be applied thinly and evenly


 4Wait a minute I'll apply some lipstick


 5A purple eyeliner might make your eyes pop


 6She lipsticked her mouth


 7A bright red lipstick will certainly bring out your lips


 8How do I avoid the caked-on makeup look


 9She came out wearing big false eyelashes


 10It takes me about five minutes to do my makeup


 11The sexiest makeup is the application no one notices


 12She looked all made up


 13They want to fix their imperfections or flaws


 14Makeup helps conceal or cover up those imperfections, like scars or acne


 15My face is now ready to have make up applied to it


 16In my bathroom cabinet you will findfacial cleanserto cleanse my skin every morning and night together with a facial toner


 17I don’t have long eyelashes so I need all the help I can get with mascara


 18She looked all made up



 Every morning: In my bathroom cabinet you will find facial cleanser to cleanse my skin every morning and night together with a facial toner In the mornings, I wash my face using the cleanser and rinse it off with a flannel or face cloth I then wipe my face with the toner using a cotton pad I use a day moisturiser with SPF30 Sometimes, if I am not too lazy, I will use an eye cream and apply small dots around the eye area and gently rub the cream in Any help to smooth out those wrinkles are always welcome!! My face is now ready to have make up applied to it


 Every night: I use baby oil to remove my eye make up at night I used to buy eye make-up remover but found that baby oil is just as good and cheaper I dab my cotton pad in the oil and gently wipe my eyes I then apply my facial cleanser using my fingers, massage my face and rinse off all the day’s dirt and make-up using my flannel After I have wiped my face with the toner, I apply my night cream which will nourish and repair my skin overnight and once again if I can be bothered, I will apply the eye cream Then it’s bed time!


 Every week: I try to remember to do this every week for I know that I should exfoliatemy skin once a week with a good facial scrub Exfoliation is very good to remove dead skin and to rejuvenate our complexion There are different products that you can use I personally prefer using a product with granules As the granules rub against my skin I feel the dirt coming off!


 When I have the time and there is a good radio programme on I might use a facial mask The mask allows for deep cleansing of the skin I apply it with my fingers, leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse it off thoroughly It’s very important to apply the mask on already cleansed skin


 Occasionally: I would have a facial once a month at my beauty salon The facial is a wonderful way of thoroughly cleansing your skin I used to love my monthly sessions as it was a real luxury to lie for an hour and a half while someone pampered you


 Now for the make-up I don’t use a lot of make up It is certainly a lot less than when I was younger I remember that I used to “cake on” the make-up when I was a teenager It was a must to experiment with every colour When I look back at some photos now, I scare myself


 Face: I used to wear foundation but not anymore Now I use a bronzer to give myself that suntanned look I use a big make-up brush to apply the bronzer all over my face, neck and decollete Some women also use a concealer or primer to hide spots and flaws or blemishes of the skin


 Eyes: After that I apply a light eye shadow with a small brush on my eyelids I use a pencil eyeliner (rather than a liquid eyeliner) and apply it below my eye Sometimes I will apply it above the eye but only if I want to create a dramatic effect (which is rare) I then use mascara


 There are so many types of mascara ranging from volumising, lash defining, waterproof, lengthening and curling to name but a few I use a lengthening and curling mascaraI don’t have long eyelashes so I need all the help I can get with mascara Some women use eyelash curlers to enhance their eyelashes I’ve never used them


 Lips: Finally I deal with the lips I like to use a lipliner to give my lips definition I know that the older I get the more definition my lips need! After that, I will apply lipstick or lipgloss depending on what mood I am in I like to use neutral shades of colour I like lipgloss in the summer and lipstick in the winter I sometimes have to use a lip balm to protect my lips from the cold as they can get chapped A lot of lipsticks have a protective lip balm in them



 A:May I help you Miss!


 B:Yes I'd like to look at lipstick and eye shadow


 A:What color set do you prefer


 B:Well, brown


 A:We have a beautiful selection of eye shadows this fall Look at the colors Aren't they beautiful


 B:But they're purple I prefer a brown set


 A:If you insist, I can show you the brown sets I'll have to warn you that they're very ordinary, though


 B:Well, I'm not so sure Most of my make-up is brown


 A:Why don't you wear purple eye shadow for a change We also have lipstick to go with it


 B:Can I try it


 A:Sure Are you wearing any make-up




 A:Have a seat, please Now, here is the mirror How do you like it


 B:Not bad Actually, it makes me look younger I like it


 A:Try the lipstick as well See, how fresh and charming you look


 B:You're right I'll take them all



Mall 商场

- elevator 升降电梯

- men’s clothing department 男装部

- mannequin 人体模特

- fitting room 试衣间

- display counter 陈列柜

- women’s clothing department 女装部

- price tag 价标

- co etics department 化妆品专柜

- salesclerk 销售员

- department store 百货商店

- information desk 咨询台

- household appliances department 家用电器部

- home electronics department 家用电子产品部

- shopper/customer 顾客

- shopping bag 购物袋

- escalator 自动扶梯

Concession stand 小卖部

- bottled water 瓶装水

- poster 海报

- candy 糖果

- pretzel 双圈饼干

- cookie 曲奇饼

- gum 口香糖

- mustard 芥末

- popsicle 棒冰

- drumstick 鸡腿

- chicken nuggets 鸡块

- popcorn 爆米花

- hamburger 汉堡

- soft drink 软饮料

- ketchup 番茄酱

- fries 薯条

- hot dog 热狗

- paper cup 纸杯

Classroom 教室

- clock 钟

- window 窗户

- door 门

- desk 桌子

- flag 旗子

- bookshelf 书架

- pencil box 铅笔盒

- pencil 铅笔

- mags 磁铁

- white board 白板

- notebook 笔记本

- eraser 橡皮

- ruler 尺

- marker 马克笔

- puter 计算机

- textbooks 教科书

- blackboard 黑板

- chalk 粉笔

- blackboard eraser 黑板擦

Laundromat 自助洗衣店

- dryer 烘干机

- screen 筛

- washboard 搓衣板

- detergent 洗涤剂

- starch 浆粉

- washtub 洗衣盆

- bleach 漂白剂

- fabric softener 织物柔顺剂

- measuring cup 量杯

- washing machine 洗衣机

- hamper 篮子

- lint 软麻布

- clothesline 晾衣绳

- stain 污点

Gardening 园艺

- shed 小屋

- shrubs 灌木丛

- plant pots 花盆

- cuttings 插条

- rake 耙

- hoe 锄

- spade 铲

- seeds 种子

- lawn mower 割草机

- bulbs 鳞茎

- shears 大剪刀

- hose 软管

- post heap 堆肥堆

- sprinkler 洒水器

- fertilizer 肥料

- grass cuttings 碎草屑

- dung 粪

- weeds 杂草

Backyard 后院

- birdbath 水盆

- tire swing 轮胎秋千

- umbrella 伞

- picnic table 野餐桌

- barbeque grill 烤架

- tree house 树屋

- garden 花园

- lawn mower 割草机

- dog 狗

- dog house 狗屋

- slide 滑梯

- hose 软管

- patio 露台

- cat 猫

- birdhouse 禽舍

- ant hill 蚁丘

- swing 秋千

- swing set 秋千架

Farm 农场

- field 田地

- haystack 干草堆

- wagon 四轮车

- wagon wheel 车轮

- hay 干草

- rope 绳子

- fence 篱笆

- hoe 锄

- rake 耙

- horseshoe 马掌

- shovel 铲

- corn 谷物

- pitchfork 干草叉

- horse 马

- trough 饲料槽

- barn 谷仓

- tractor 拖拉机

- wheat 小麦

Amusement Park 游乐园

- water slide 水滑道

- games 游戏

- vomit 呕吐

- ticket booth 售票处

- line 队伍

- carousel 旋转木马

- tracks 轨道

- Ferris wheel 摩天轮

- Haunted house 鬼屋

- Seat 座位

- Food stand 饮食摊

- Roller coaster 过山车

- Cotton candy 棉花糖

- Seat belt 安全带

- Car 车厢

Dentist Office 牙科诊所

- x-ray machine x光机

- Sink 水槽

- overhead light 顶灯

- towel 毛巾

- Paper cup 纸杯

- section hose 节管

- Dental chair 牙科手术椅

- Mirror 镜子

- Tools 工具

- Tray 托盘

- Drill 钻子

- Toothbrush 牙刷

- Dentures 假牙

- Mold 模子

- Teeth 牙齿

- Dental floss 牙线

Easter 复活节

- basket 篮子

- egg 蛋

- chocolate 巧克力

- handle 手把

- fake grass 人造草

- dye 染料

- marshmallows 棉花软糖

- paint 油漆

- bunny 兔子

- paint brush 油漆刷

- whiskers 胡须

- plastics egg 塑料蛋

- jelly beans 豆型软糖

- ears 耳朵

- paws 爪子

Makeup 化妆品

- moisturizer 润肤乳

- blush 腮红

- brushes 刷子

- lip liner 唇线笔

- nail polish 指甲油

- eezers 镊子

- nail polish remover 洗甲水

- face wash 洗面乳

- lipstick 口红

- foundation 粉底霜

- eyeliner 眼线笔

- mascara 睫毛膏

- nail file 指甲锉

- lip gloss 唇彩

Hair Salon 发廊

- sink 水槽

- barber’s chair 理发师的椅子

- mirror 镜子

- curling iron 卷发棒

- b 梳子

- brush 刷子

- hair dryer 吹风机

- scissors 剪子

- shampoo 洗发水

- mousse 摩斯

- shaving cream 剃须膏

- razor 剃刀

- hair clip 发夹

- bobby pins 发夹

- hair spray 发胶

- styling gel 发胶

- towel 毛巾

- conditioner 护发素

Swimming Pool 游泳池

- Lifeguard 救生员

- Umbrella 伞

- lounge chair 躺椅

- bikini 比基尼

- diving board 跳板

- swimming pool 泳池

- 网

- lockers 储物柜

- locker room 更衣室

- earplugs 耳塞

- towel 毛巾

- life ring 救生圈

- swimming suit 泳衣

- swimming cap 泳帽

- goggles 泳镜

- sunscreen 防晒霜

- ball 球

- swimming trunks 泳裤

- kickboard 踢水板

- ladder 梯子

Closet 衣橱

- blazer 小西装

- suspenders 吊裤带

- suit 套装

- tie 领带

- pants 裤子

- vest 背心

- raincoat 雨衣

- blouse 女士衬衣

- scarf 围巾

- purse 女手提袋

- skirt 短裙子

- coat 大衣

- hanger 衣架

- dress 连衣裙

- T-shirt T恤

- Tank top 运动背心

- Shorts 短裤

- Socks 袜子

- Belt 皮带

- Jeans 牛仔裤

- Sweater 毛衣

- Drawer 抽屉

Lunch Box 便当

- lunch box 便当盒

- thermos 热水瓶

- straw 吸管

- fork 叉

- knife 刀

- spoon 勺

- sugar packet 糖包

- lid 盖子

- salad 沙拉

- latch 闩

- yogurt 乳酪

- hinge 脚链

- sandwich 三明治

- pepper 胡椒

- napkin 餐巾

- Ziploc bag 密封塑料袋

- Pepper 胡椒

- salt packet 盐包

Nursery 托儿所

- high chair 儿童椅

- pacifier 奶嘴

- baby bottle 奶瓶

- bib 围嘴

- teddy bear 泰迪熊

- blanket 毯子

- baby wipes 婴儿溼巾

- rattle 摇响器

- diaper 尿布

- crib 婴儿牀

- playpen 游戏围栏

- stroller 婴儿车

- rocking horse 摇摆木马

- booties 婴儿袜

Toy Box 玩具箱

- doll 娃娃

- yo-yo 悠悠球

- fire engine 消防车

- toy box 玩具箱

- slinky 弹簧玩具

- toy soldiers 玩具士兵

- blocks 积木

- legos 乐高积木

- robot 机器人

- crayons 蜡笔

- remote controlled car 遥控汽车

- Barbie 芭比娃娃

- Car 车

- Teddy bear 泰迪熊

- Ball 球

- Walkie-talkie 对讲机

Cruise Ship 游艇

- swimming trunks 游泳裤

- deck 夹板

- cocktail 鸡尾酒

- sandals 拖鞋

- life vest 救生衣

- seagull 海鸥

- deck chair 躺椅

- bikini 比基尼

- anchor 锚

- life ring 救生圈

- rope 绳子

- captain 船长

- life boat 救生艇

- oar 浆

- porthole 舷窗

Fruit Market 水果超市

- water melon 西瓜

- plastic bags 塑料袋

- mandarin orange 橘子

- kiwi frui 奇异果

- sugar cane 甘蔗

- peach 桃子

- grapes 葡萄

- honeydew melon 甜瓜

- basket 篮子

- papaya 木瓜

- guava 番石榴

- lime 青柠

- lemon 柠檬

- star fruit 杨桃

- seeds 种子

- nectarine 油桃

- scale 秤

- grapefruit 葡萄柚

- plum 李子

- mango 芒果

- taro 芋头

Orchestra 管弦乐队

- bass (低音部)

- harp 竖琴

- conductor 指挥

- cello 大提琴

- bow 弓

- music stand 乐谱架

- sheet music 乐谱

- baton 指挥棒

- drums 鼓

- clari 单簧管

- violin 小提琴

- viola 中提琴

- saxophone 萨克斯

- flute 长笛

- trombone 长号

- trumpet 小号

Scuba Diving 潜水

- buoyancy pensation device(BCD) 浮力补偿背心

- wet suit 潜水溼衣

- spear gun 鱼枪

- fins 蛙鞋

- mask 面镜

- pass 罗盘

- weight belt 配重带

- snorkel 呼吸管

- outboard motor 舷外发动机

- gauge 潜水计量器

- regulator 调节器

- mouth piece 吸嘴

- tropical fish 热带鱼

- air tank 空气桶

- underwater camera 水下摄像机

- coral 珊瑚

- booties 潜水靴

- boat 船

- glove 潜水手套

- flashlight 手电筒

Toolbox 工具箱

- screws 螺丝

- tape measure 卷尺

- screwdriver 螺丝刀

- bolts 螺栓

- saw 锯子

- washers 垫圈

- nuts 螺母

- hammer 锤子

- wrench 扳手

- nails 钉子

- utility knife 工具刀

- toolbox 工具箱

- level 水平

- sledgehammer 大锤

- drill 钻孔机

- tape 胶带

- c-clamp C形夹

Clinic 诊所

- thermometer 温度计

- syringe 注射器

- height chart身高表

- blood pressure gauge 血压计

- eye drops 眼药水

- eardrops 耳药水

- medicine 药

- pills 药片

- antibiotics 抗生素

- painkillers 止痛片

- beaker 烧杯

- stethoscope 听诊器

- scale 秤

- swab 棉签

- antiseptic cream 消毒药膏

- rubber gloves 橡胶手套

Kitchen 厨房

- microwave 微波炉

- toaster 烤面包机

- kitchen knife 菜刀

- kettle 水壶

- wok 锅

- oven 烤箱

- cleaver 切肉刀

- frying pan 煎锅

- range hood 抽油烟机

- cutting board 砧板

- sink 水槽

- stove(range) 炉灶

- blender 搅拌机

- coffeemaker 咖啡机

- refrigerator(fridge) 冰箱

Fruit 水果

- fruit stand 水果摊

- mango 芒果

- pomelo 柚子

- pineapple 菠萝

- passion fruit 百香果

- cantaloupe 哈密瓜

- grapefruit 葡萄柚

- strawberry (strawberries) 草莓

- cherry (cherries) 樱桃

- peach 桃子

- durian 榴莲

- grape(s) 葡萄

- kiwi 奇异果

- persimmon 柿子

- bell fruit/wax apple 莲雾

- apple pear/Chinese pear 鸭梨

- papaya 木瓜

- guava 番石榴

- watermelon 西瓜

Street Side Cafe 露天咖啡座

- chair 椅子

- paper cup 纸杯

- ashtray 菸灰缸

- muffin 松饼

- cinnamon roll 肉桂卷

- stirrer 搅拌棒

- top 杯盖

- chocolate 巧克力

- menu 菜单

- brown sugar 黄糖

- napkin 餐巾

- cream 泡沫

- umbrella 伞

- cup 杯子

- saucer 杯垫

- packet of sugar 糖包

- table 桌子

- white sugar 白糖

Scotland 苏格兰

- Highland cow 高山牛

- Loch Ness Monster(Nessie) 尼斯湖水怪

- Loch Ness 尼斯湖

- Heather 石南花

- Sheep 羊

- Fly-fishing 飞钓

- Scottish terrier 苏格兰梗犬

- Castle 城堡

- Bagpiper 风笛手

- Kit 装备

- Village 村庄

- Bagpipe 风笛

- Sporran(苏格兰)毛皮袋

- Tartan (苏格兰)格子呢

Fishing 捕鱼

- Bait 诱饵

- Worm 虫

- fishing rod 鱼竿

- tackle box 工具箱

- waders 钓鱼裤

- reel 转轮

- lead weight 吊锤

- hook 钩子

- 网

- fishing line 鱼线

- lure 诱饵

- fly 人工拟饵

Service Station 加油站

- convenience store 便利店

- squeegee 清洁器

- attendant 服务员

- restroom 卫生家

- air pump 气泵

- trash can 垃圾桶

- vacuum cleaner 真空吸尘器

- gas pump 油泵

- oil can 油罐

- hydraulic lift 液压升降机

- tool chest 工具箱

- tire 轮胎

Thanksgiving 感恩节

- mashed potatoes 土豆泥

- pasta 意大利面

- jell-o 果冻

- knife 刀子

- sausages 香肠

- cranberry sauce 蔓越莓酱

- turkey 火鸡

- apple pie 苹果派

- corn bread 玉米面包

- muffin 松饼

- biscuits 饼干

- pumpkin pie 南瓜饼

- butter 黄油

- sweet potatoes 红薯

- soup 汤

- gravy 肉汁

- stuffing 填充料

- pudding 布丁

- corn 玉米

- salad 沙拉

- squash 西葫芦

- yams 山药

Bicycle 自行车

- helmet 头盔

- spoke 辐条

- lock 锁

- seat 座子

- gears 齿轮

- rim 轮辋

- chain 链条

- kickstand 支架

- derailleur 变速器

- wheels 轮胎

- water bottle holder 水壶架

- headset 车头碗组

- pedal 踏板

- gear shifter 变速杆

- brake 刹车

- handle bar 车把

- reflector 反光灯

- basket 车篮

- shock 避震条

- bike rack 车架










































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上一篇 2024-02-02


  • 精华露怎么用


  • 如何辨别妮维雅洗面奶是否是正货??


  • SKII的神仙水是爽肤水还是精华??


  • 屈臣氏有欧莱雅吗?


  • 精华液在什么时候用 精华露用法


  • 精华液和精华露有什么区别?


  • SK-II嫩肤清莹露怎么样?SK-II 嫩肤清莹露好用吗?

    SK-II神仙水的英文名:FACIAL TREATMENT ESSENCE。字面很好理解,面部修护精华露。SK-II的神仙水中文这边叫:护肤精华露。顾名思义,也就是调整皮肤的一款高机能精华水。SK-II嫩肤清莹露怎么样?SK-II 嫩肤清莹


