

油敏+痘肌看过来!!!为了能更好的修复敏感肌,并成功战胜痘痘,本篇回答不会以草单的形式写!需要按照基础护肤的顺序来写。一些护肤习惯也会写上一点,希望能给各位油敏+痘肌参考。洗脸护肤的第一步!我们使用的各种清洁产品,主要目的是为了清洁粘附在皮肤表面的污垢。这些污垢能影响毛孔通畅,妨碍皮肤和粘膜正常生理功能的发挥。这些污垢主要分为:1 人体的生理性污垢(包括老化脱落的细胞、皮脂、汗液等);2 外源性污垢(包括微生物、灰尘等环境污染物、各类化妆品药物残留等);3 油痘皮还多一项任务。因为长痘,所以皮肤上还有鳞屑、脓液、痂等病理性污垢。看完上述文字,你是不是在想,哇,清洁好重要呀!是不是只要清洁做好了就不会长痘了?清洁不到位,确实会导致油皮长痘。但长痘的原因,并不是只有清洁不够这一种。说直白点,长痘的原因很复杂,清洁只是长痘原因中的冰山一角。而现在的问题是,有一部分油敏+痘肌的敏感,正来自于过度清洁。(如长期连续使用皂基、频繁洁面、爱用二次清洁水等)油敏肌建议使用氨基酸类的洁面产品,这类的成分温和不怎么招惹皮肤角质层里面的脂质和角蛋白,不容易破坏皮肤屏障,而且有一定“皂”的感觉(油皮就喜欢这个感觉)。需要注意的是,不是随便一个氨基酸洁面就适合敏感肌(比如大宝水凝保湿洁面乳、旁氏米粹洁面乳,正常皮肤用没事,但不适合敏感肌长期用)。油敏肌推荐珂润洁面泡泡、芙丽芳丝净润洗面霜、Elta MD氨基酸洁面(含香精)。洁面后:括弧,圈起来,这里是要考的!因为洁面可以带走皮肤中的保湿因子(帮皮肤储存水分的)。和洗脸方式无关,只要有大量的水,保湿因子就会被水带跑;还有清洁力强大的洁面产品有关,它能洗伤角质层,而角质层中存储着天然保湿因子。所以洁面后需要及时擦掉皮肤上水,并擦上保湿产品。特别是敏感肌要这样做,不然你就会发现,平时嫌皮肤出油多,这会儿皮肤的油一时半会儿不出来,贼干!咱油敏肌要是不愿意受这样的委屈,就赶紧擦保湿。保湿油敏+痘肌需要可不是一般的保湿!这里的保湿是指敏感肌最最最基础的护肤。因为皮肤屏障受损后,皮肤中的水分很容易流失,造成皮肤干燥起皮,也就是出现了所谓的外油内干。好了,我就不和大家绕圈子,直接讲重点!油敏+痘肌需要的“保湿”护肤品是:1 不含致痘成分如月桂酸,异硬脂酸异丙酯,肉豆蔻酸异丙酯 ,异十六醇,月桂醇聚醚-4。2 含有较少的封闭保湿的成分如矿油(白油)、凡士林、石蜡等最好不要有,封闭效果太好!3 含有舒缓抗炎的成分如七叶树苷、甘草酸二钾、红没药醇、积雪草提取物等。(因为皮肤屏障受损以后,皮肤容易受刺激,会不舒服啊什么的,抗炎成分能舒缓这些不适,让敏感皮也能舒爽一整天!)4 含有帮助修复皮肤屏障的成分修复细胞间脂质:神经酰胺1、3、6,胆固醇,脂肪酸(这三者需要以一定的比例和含量才能起到有效的作用。如果只是含有神经酰胺,那么它就是个普通的保湿产品,修复效果不咋地,含量过高还容易长闭口。同时,因为细胞间脂质是皮肤屏障中最难恢复的,所以修复屏障一般也是以补充这个为主);加速角质细胞的新陈代谢:尿囊素等;修复皮脂膜,角鲨烷、甘油等(油皮最不操心修复的就是这个)。如玉泽皮肤屏障修复乳、CeraVe PM乳液(含有烟酰胺,不耐受可以考虑适乐肤的修复保湿润肤乳)、宝拉珍选岁月屏障透明质酸保湿精华液等。5 如果皮肤特别干燥紧绷,也可以用大喷来缓解不适。如理肤泉喷雾、雅漾喷雾、可丽安修复喷雾。注意使用次数太多,适量!一天不要超过5次,使用过多会给皮肤带来负担。6 为啥只推乳不推水或霜。水,用来即时补水还行,比如洁面后用一用,和喷雾的效果一样,保湿是很难保湿的,过一会皮肤还是干,保湿主要靠擦乳。如果要用就用舒缓类的,如雅漾舒润调理柔肤水、薇诺娜舒敏保湿润肤水、fancl修护补湿液等。霜,一般对油皮不太友好,质地厚重。当然了,如果乳液已经不够保湿了,爆皮了(刷酸爆皮也可用),还是阔以加个霜来抢救一下滴。如雅漾舒缓特护面霜、薇诺娜舒敏保湿修红霜、珂润保湿滋养面霜、理肤泉B5多效修复霜。这里就一个知识点,自己要学着根据皮肤状态灵活变通吖小可爱们!控油先说重点:一般来说,不建议敏感肌肤把护肤品用的太杂,堆积在脸上的成分越多,刺激敏感的可能性越大,但是油敏相较干敏比较难受的点就在于太油。油皮的油脂型毛孔粗大,通过控油也是可以缓解一二的。①物理控油 使用含有小孔隙的粉质,如淀粉、硅粉、豆粉,来吸附脸上的油脂。如欧丽提哑光控油保湿乳、贝德玛控油毛孔修复乳等。②从根源减少皮脂腺分泌油脂油敏+痘皮不得不面对的一件事就是,自己的脸上有两个极端,一个是“富”到流油,一个是干到爆皮,同时粉刺(是痘痘的亲爹,粉刺长出来了,距离发炎变痘痘就不远了)还能在这片看似干涸的沙漠上长!出!来!所以,我们可以控油,为屏障修复好后祛痘夯下坚实的基础。(控油+调理角质+消炎是祛痘的必备功课,你们看,前文已经把消炎列入了敏感肌的功课中,这里再加上控油,那么,我们距离干掉痘痘还会远吗?不,不会!)如:烟酰胺(控油、增强皮肤屏障、调理角质的新陈代谢,只要能耐受,这个是很推荐的成分),如olay小白瓶、前文的CeraVe PM乳液、奥乐芬B5保湿精华液等。抗氧化类(能抑制5a-还原酶的活性,减少皮肤出油,如VC、白藜芦醇、番茄红素、多酚类、核黄素等),如Arcona 白冰精华、Topix Replenix CF抗氧化精华(比白冰效果好)、AESOP 香芹籽精华、伊丽莎白雅顿橘灿精华(肤感略油)等。还有一个可尝试的成分,对自己的皮肤状态没点AC数的请跳过这部分内容!超低浓度的A醇(有祛痘、祛粉刺、抗衰老的作用,它是维A酸的衍生物,维A酸大家应该都很熟吧,祛痘的一线药物。维A醇的刺激性比维A酸低,如果浓度很低的情况下,敏感肌也可以适度尝试)如露得清维A醇晚霜、洛克ROC维A醇、ceraveA醇精华等。防晒护肤的最后一步,化妆的第一步!但,不建议油敏+痘肌化妆了,容易加重敏感,爆痘呢!防晒这个事,真的得做,还得认真做。为啥?就凭日光中的紫外线能加重炎症,导致敏感肌更敏感,痘肌痘痘更严重。①硬防晒,就是遮阳伞、帽子、口罩、树荫这些能有效遮蔽日光的防晒产品。只要能避免对皮肤的摩擦,这类防晒是对敏感肌最友好的。②防晒霜,首选物理防晒(成分表中的防晒剂以氧化锌和二氧化钛为主的这种),它们本身不招惹皮肤,氧化锌还能提供控油的作用,相较之下对油敏+痘皮友好。如雅漾日间隔离乳SPF30PA+++、NOVSPF32PA+++等。最后再说一个小tips:1 你以为的敏感肌可能不是你以为的敏感肌①首先是敏感肌和过敏容易傻傻分不清。敏感肌很容易过敏,因为皮肤屏障损坏了,更容易受到过敏源的刺激。但过敏和敏感真不是一件事儿。过敏是对某些特定的东西起反应(如泛红、起小疹子、瘙痒等),而敏感肌是很多东西都会让你起反应(如刺痛、泛红等)。②敏感肌还很容易和其它皮炎、湿疹还有玫瑰痤疮等皮肤病搞混。这类皮肤问题会损伤皮肤屏障,产生敏感肌。而且它们比敏感肌的问题要严重的多。如果你的脸有大面积持续性的泛红,或者起小疙瘩,这说明你得去看专业的皮肤科医生了,因为它有可能是别的更加严重的皮肤问题。2 敏感程度也分等级如果是偶尔泛红、刺痛、干燥、发热。这种情况可以考虑用护肤品来抢救一下。目前公认比较专业的肤质测试是鲍曼医生的16型,百度就能搜的到。严重的皮肤敏感,是一定要去医院看皮肤科的!!!这已经不是护肤品涂涂抹抹、清水洗脸、或者肌断食等能解决的问题了。它需要系统的治疗(如内服、外用药物、激光或光子嫩肤)。治疗周期也比较长,一般来说至少3个月。以上,祝好!祝各位油敏+痘肌早日恢复皮肤健康呀!如果还有其它护肤方面问题,也可以来找我聊聊天呀,看到你长得这么好看的份上,可以给你友情价!





















  National Oilwell Varco is the leading provider for the worldwide oil and gas industry and has been dedicated to providing the highest quality oilfield products and services for more than 140 years National Oilwell Varco is the single source for all of your rig equipment, integrated systems, downhole tools, and supply chain solutions From a spare part to a comprehensive drilling system and from a generic valve to a fully integrated supply chain process, National Oilwell Varco delivers unlimited customer solutions By constantly developing and acquiring new technologies and services to better serve future customer requirements, National Oilwell Varco will continue to be the premier source for diversified products and services worldwide

  National Oilwell Varco designs, manufactures and sells the major mechanical components for both land and offshore drilling rigs as well as complete land drilling and well servicing rigs The major mechanical components include drawworks, mud pumps, power swivels, SCR systems, traveling equipment and rotary tables The Company also designs and manufactures a broad offering of downhole products, including drilling motors and specialized drilling tools for rent and sale National Oilwell Varco also provides distribution services through its network of distribution service centers located in the United States, Canada and near major drilling and production activity worldwide

  By continuously increasing the breadth and depth of products and services offered, National Oilwell Varco has become the steward of more than 40 industry-leading brand names during the past 140 years These strategic mergers and acquisitions have included some of the leading names in the upstream oil and gas industry, and allow National Oilwell Varco to offer a full line of high-quality products and solutions

  History of Acquisitions

  1892 -

  "Oil Well Engineering" acquires Continental Tube Works in Pittsburgh

  1902 -

  National Supply "(National)" acquires California Supply

  1920 -

  National acquires Union Tool

  1928 -

  National purchases 1/2 interest in Oil Well Engineering

  1928 -

  National acquires Superior Engine Company

  1929 -

  Oilwell acquires Wilson-Snyder Manufacturing Corp of Pittsburgh

  1930 -

  United States Steel acquires Oil Well Oil Well becomes the Oilwell Division

  1940 -

  National acquires Central Tube Company

  1944 -

  Oilwell Division acquires Witte Engine Works

  1945 -

  Oilwell Division acquires Neilsen Pump Company

  1975 -

  National Supply buys remaining shares of Oil Well Engineering

  1978 -

  National acquires PAR Industries

  1978 -

  National acquires Derrick Service Int'l

  1978 -

  National acquires Compressor Pump and Engine

  1979 -

  National acquires Baylor

  1979 -

  National acquires small oilfield services company in Oklahoma City and calls it National Chemicals

  1980 -

  National purchases assets in Grenco Corporation

  1981 -

  National Supply (Armco) acquires Equipetrol, SA

  1987 -

  National Supply merges with USS Oilwell

  1989 -

  National Oilwell acquires Mission

  1997 -

  National Oilwell acquired Ross Hill Controls

  1997 -

  National Oilwell acquired PEP, Inc

  1997 -

  National Oilwell acquired Dreco Energy Services Ltd (Canada)

  1998 -

  National Oilwell acquired Versatech International Ltd (Canada)

  1998 -

  National Oilwell acquired Specialty Tools Ltd (Scotland)

  1998 -

  National Oilwell acquired Phoenix Energy Products (Harrisburg, Wooley, M&W, CDI)

  1998 -

  National Oilwell acquired Roberds -Johnson Industries, Inc

  1998 -

  National Oilwell acquired DOSCO (Canada)

  1999 -

  National Oilwell acquired Dupre’ Supply Company & Dupre’ International, Inc

  1999 -

  National Oilwell acquired CE (Continental Emsco) Drilling Products & Wilson Mobile Rig

  1999 -

  National Oilwell acquired Skytop Brewster Company

  2000 -

  National Oilwell acquired Republic Supply Company

  2000 -

  National Oilwell acquired Hitec ASA (Norway)

  2000 -

  National Oilwell acquired IRI International Corporation

  2000 -

  National Oilwell acquired Wheatley Gaso Omega

  2000 -

  National Oilwell acquired Baylor Company

  2000 -

  National Oilwell acquired Hart Sales Company

  2001 -

  National Oilwell acquired Maritime Hydraulics (Canada) Ltd

  2001 -

  National Oilwell acquired DEMIJ (Rotterdam)

  2001 -

  National Oilwell acquired Tech Power Controls Co

  2001 -

  National Oilwell acquired Rye Supply Company, Inc

  2001 -

  National Oilwell acquired Texas Oil Works Supply, Inc

  2001 -

  National Oilwell acquired HSI-Houston Scientific International, Inc

  2001 -

  National Oilwell acquired AMTEX Pump & Supply

  2001 -

  National Oilwell acquired Rigquip Division Assets (Noble Drilling UK Limited)

  2002 -

  National Oilwell acquired HAL Oilfield Pump & Equipment (HALCO)

  2002 -

  National Oilwell acquired Integrated Power Systems

  2002 -

  National Oilwell acquired STS Oilfield Specialty & Supply, LLC

  2002 -

  National Oilwell acquired Hydralift ASA

  2003 -

  National Oilwell acquired LSI Specialty Electrical Products

  2003 -

  National Oilwell acquired MonoFlo, Inc (US) & Mono Group (UK)

  2003 -

  National Oilwell acquired Øgrey Mekaniske Verksted AS (Norway)

  2005 -

  National Oilwell merges with Varco becoming National Oilwell Varco


  1862 -

  John Eaton Company established to furnish oilfield equipment in Oil City, PA, and surrounding area

  1867 -

  Original line of products made in own shop, including bits, cable tools, temper screws, bailers, bull wheels, derricks, etc

  1869 -

  John Eaton and EH Cole joined to form Eaton and Cole to furnish oilfield equipment

  1884 -

  Additional own-make products, including: complete line of cable-tool drilling, fishing, and clean-out tools

  1884 -

  Additional own-make products, including: standard and portable rigs, including derricks, rig irons, steam engines

  1884 -

  Additional own-make products, including: casing and tubing elevators and tongs

  1886 -


  1892 -

  Complete all-steel drilling rig, including 72 ft derrick, crown and traveling blocks, piston-valve twin- cylinder steam engines

  1901 -

  Drawworks, swivels, bits

  1904 -

  Portable all-steel drilling machines for cable-tool drilling

  1907 -

  Rotary tables, portable all-steel drilling machines for rotary drilling

  1911 -

  Steam driven slush pumps

  1912 -

  "Mud Hog" and "Giant Mud Hog" series steam slush pumps

  1913 -

  Union Tool Co (later purchased by National Supply Co) introduced its first rotary table

  1913 -

  Union Tool Co (later purchased by National Supply Co) made offset steel roller chain with replaceable steel pins and bushings

  1916 -

  Power slush pumps

  1918 -

  Designed and patented "Imperial" Rotary Swivel

  1923 -

  Make-and-break rotary tables

  1923 -

  Hild differential electric drives for rotary drilling

  1926 -

  Long stroke (18") Wilson-Snyder Steam Slush Pump

  1927 -

  Fully-enclosed roller-bearing twin-cylinder steam engines

  1928 -

  Spang, Chalfant pioneered "Magna Glo" inspection to uncover cracks in pipe

  1930 -

  Emsco developed a line of duplex double acting slush (mud) pumps

  1930 -

  National designed an improved band brake system for drawworks ("K" Brake) with increased leverage at optimum handle position

  1930 -

  High pressure (350 psi working pressure) boilers

  1930 -

  20" stroke steam slush pumps

  1930 -

  Fully-enclosed oilbath rotaries

  1933 -

  National started using "V" packing rings, coil spring, in wash pipe packing assemblies on rotary drilling swivels

  1933 -

  Vertical twin-cylinder steam engines

  1934 -

  Hydraulic feed controls for rotary drilling

  1934 -

  Di-Hard slush pump liners

  1935 -

  National introduced its "C" line of power duplex slush pumps, 1500 to 3000 PSI, with patented baffle chamber

  1935 -

  National designed, developed, and made a new patented main bearing for rotary drilling swivels

  1935 -

  Rotary drilling units (packaged unit providing independent drive to the rotary from a steam engine)

  1936 -

  20" stroke power slush pumps

  1939 -

  Rotary drilling unit with drive from internal combustion engine through hydraulic torque converter

  1940 -

  National designed an improved 2-plate clutch for drawworks which was first installed on a 33-62-FE drawworks 1500 Hp steam driven

  1940 -

  Triplex steam slush pumps

  1941 -

  National furnished chain compounded sectional drive groups (as alternate to V-belt) to power drawworks, rotary, and mud pumps

  1945 -

  Completely air controlled power rigs (drawworks and drives)

  1946 -

  National introduced "Gammaloy" drill collars, as a less expensive nonmagnetic stainless steel to replace K-Monel material

  1946 -

  Portable derricks

  1947 -

  National Hydraulic Coupling introduced as a fluid cushion connection between engines and drive group to absorb shock loads

  1947 -

  National designed, developed, and made a new "Quick-Seal" hose connections for rotary swivel or standpipe goosenecks

  1949 -

  National type "A" single stage Torque Converter, designed specifically for drilling rigs, introduced for drive group compounds

  1949 -

  Drilling depth record of 20,521 ft set at Rock Springs, Wyoming by a rig using National drilling equipment

  1949 -

  Automatically regulated hydraulic feed controls for rotary drilling

  1950 -

  National designed an improved drum type clutch for drawworks (Dy-A-Flex) with increased reliability and simpler to service

  1951 -

  Introduced overrunning clutch between drawworks drumshaft and auxiliary brake for mechanical rigs

  1951 -

  National designed, developed, and made a new patented "Uniflex" wash pipe & packing box for rotary drilling swivels

  1952 -

  Introduced "Micromatic" drilling controls for drawworks to automatically feed off pipe as the hole is drilled

  1953 -

  Drilling depth record of 21,482 ft set in Paloma Field, California by a rig using National drilling equipment

  1953 -

  Extreme high horsepower, high pressure power slush pump for jet bit drilling

  1955 -

  Hook blocks

  1956 -

  National obtained patent on improved wash pipe for "Uniflex" wash pipe & packing box for rotary drilling swivels

  1956 -

  National introduced 2 step "Spirallel" integral drawworks drum grooving as an improvement for spooling wire rope onto the drum

  1956 -

  Drilling depth record of 22,570 ft set by a drilling barge south of New Orleans using National drilling equipment

  1958 -

  Triplex plunger mud pump unit w/ 2-speed transmission and direct connected engine for high pressure & slim hole drilling

  1959 -

  Lever lift drilling masts

  1959 -

  Induction-hardened steel slush pump liners

  1959 -

  Swivels with quick removable wash pipes

  1960 -

  Introduced "Seal-Lock tubing, a premium threaded and coupled connection for deep wells

  1962 -

  Introduced a subsea christmas tree on a producing well in the Gulf of Mexico

  1963 -

  Continental Emsco introduced the Electrohoist II Drawworks

  1964 -

  Furnished remotely installed well head in 600 ft water depth

  1967 -

  Introduced A37-1/2 Rotary

  1968 -

  Introduced a mechanical jacking system for offshore jack-up rigs featuring high efficiency lifting mechanism with opposed pinions

  1968 -

  National's first triplex mud pumps, model 10-P-130, rated for 1300 HP, are first used on a land rig

  1969 -

  Continental Emsco introduced the F1000 Triplex Mud Pump

  1969 -

  Furnished an early subsea production system in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea

  1969 -

  Oilwell's first triplex mud pumps, model 1400-PT, rated for 1400 HP, are shipped

  1970 -

  Introduced new line of Oilwell "PC" (Positive Centering) Swivels ranging from 100 to 650 tons capacity

  1972 -

  Oilwell A1400-PT and A1700-PT single acting Triplex Slush (Mud) Pumps fitted with fluid ends for high volume application

  1973 -

  Oilwell A49-1/2 Rotary for offshore drilling

  1974 -

  Introduced Oilwell 350-PT single acting triplex mud pumps designed for transport by air-lift

  1977 -

  Kremco completes its first in-house designed workover rig, model K600

  1977 -

  Dreco designs and constructs two covered bolted beam leg derricks

  1978 -

  Dreco's first originally designed drawworks, 400 HP, is designed and built by Glenn Knutson

  1979 -

  Dreco builds its first 25 million lb mast and substructure

  1979 -

  Dreco introduces a new patented beam leg mast with special hinged back bracing for improved transporting on land rig moves

  1980 -

  "Slingshot" substructure allowing installation of major components & raising of mast at ground level, before elevating substructure

  1981 -

  Dreco develops proprietary designs for various drilling equipment, including rotary tables, traveling blocks, and triplex mud pumps

  1981 -

  Dreco introduces its "Superior" Drawworks models 700UE, 700M, and 1000UE at the OTC in Houston

  1981 -

  Dreco introduced the first 4,000 HP Drawworks on a land rig

  1981 -

  Dreco introduced the first Traveling Block rated for 1,250 tons

  1982 -

  Dreco introduced the first 156 ft "Slingshot" Mast and substructure rated for 2,500,000 lb, with 40 ft high drill floor, for a land rig

  1983 -

  Dreco designs the "Sandmaster", a self-propelled workover/drilling rig for desert operations

  1983 -

  Griffith introduces a hydraulic/mechanical drilling jar to the Canadian oilpatch

  1984 -

  Griffith designs and builds the "Torquemaster", a tool break-out machine which becomes a major product line for Griffith

  1985 -

  GH introduced a new patented disc brake system designed for drawworks (design purchased by National in Jan 1987)

  1986 -

  Griffith designs and tests its first proprietary downhole steerable drilling motor, tradenamed "Trudril"

  1986 -

  Dreco develops a cantilevered arctic rig design featuring a sliding drill floor to permit the drilling of more wells from a smaller pad

  1986 -

  Dreco introduced a new BOP handling system powered by hydraulic cylinder operated wireline hoists

  1987 -

  Dreco introduces the "Kremcovets" prototype service rig at tradeshow in Moscow, which is a Kremco rig on a Soviet Kirovets tractor

  1988 -

  Dreco introduced a new patented capping beam "Gripper" system for horizontal jacking of rig substructures on offshore platforms

  1990 -

  Continental Emsco shipped model FC-2200 Triplex Mud Pumps

  1990 -

  National-Oilwell shipped model 14-P-200 Triplex Mud Pumps (later uprated to 2200 HP)

  1990 -

  National-Oilwell installed a PS-500 Top Drive, with patented rotating side skid, allowing it to swing out of tripping path in minutes

  1992 -

  Dreco introduced a new "Lift and Roll" skidding system for horizontal moving of rig substructures on offshore platforms

  1992 -

  Drawworks electric remote controls combined with PLC kinetic energy monitor system to prevent traveling block overspeed

  1993 -

  Dreco designs and constructs its first coiled tubing rigs

  1995 -

  Dreco introduces its new injector head for coil tubing rigs at the OTC in Houston

  1995 -

  Dreco, in partnership with Hitec, designed and made first variable frequency AC driven drawworks (no main drum or aux braking)

  1997 -

  Continental Emsco shipped 5,000 HP Electrohoist Drawworks for offshore rig

  1997 -

  Dreco introduced a new "slip" type rotary deadline anchor that allows drill line to be "cut & slipped" without removal from anchor

  1997 -

  National-Oilwell introduced a high pressure hydrodynamic wash pipe packing assy, using a Kalsi seal, w/ 4" bore for Drilling Swivels

  1998 -

  Continental Emsco introduced the first 60-1/2" rotary, model T-6050, for offshore rigs to handle large diameter riser pipe

  1999 -

  National-Oilwell shipped two Dreco designed semi-automated trailerized doubles land drilling rigs, with Hitec Cyberbase controls

  1999 -

  National Oilwell, in partnership with Hitec, designed and made first AC driven "Active Heave Compensating Drawworks" for floating Drilling Rigs

  1999 -

  SAP was implemented in distribution groups to facilitate inventory control, financial planning, logistics, purchasing, and e-commerce worldwide

  2000 -

  Pete Miller named COO for National Oilwell

  2000 -

  National Oilwell implemented Customer Connect, an online application to provide customers with detailed analysis of their spend

  2001 -

  National Oilwell receives order for two Santa Fe jack-up rigs

  2001 -

  Pete Miller named CEO

  2001 -

  BroadVision-based online web catalog implemented to allow ordering via the internet

  2002 -

  National Oilwell produced the PowerStroke Dual Hydraulic Drilling Jar

  2002 -

  National Oilwell introduced the Multi-Opening Circulating Sub, eliminated the requirement to pull out of hole and remove drop-ball

  2002 -

  National Oilwell introduced the Mini-Tong to improve safety during makeup and breakout connections on small tools and pipes

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