

Zeus (宙斯)

The ruler of the gods, the ruler of Mount Olympus, and the god of the sky and thunder Zeus was the child of Cronus and Rhea, and the youngest of his siblings He is married to Hera, the queen of the gods He is often depicted either standing, striding forward, or seated in a throne of royalty His symbols are the thunderbolt, eagle, bull and the oak

Poseidon (波塞冬)

The god of the sea and of horses He is the brother of Zeus and Hades Poseidon was given a trident during the war of the Titans and the gods When they overthrew the Titans, Poseidon took over the sea among other things He is the son of Cronus and Rhea Poseidons' symbols were the dolphin and the trident

Hephaestus (赫斯提亚)

The only ugly god is lame, but he is also the kindest of the gods and a skilled smith married to Aphrodite

Hermes (赫尔墨斯)

The winged messenger of the Olympians, Hermes was the son of Zeus and Maia As a friend to the mortals, he introduced weights and measures and he also escorts the dead to Hades He is the giver of good luck and he taught mortals all arts, such as how to make roads and markets In ancient times, a bust of Hermes was placed at the top of pillars to mark boundaries His symbols were winged sandals and helmet

Hera (赫拉)

The wife and older sister of Zeus She is the goddess of marriage The peacock was sacred to her and she is often depicted with a peacock somewhere near her She is the daughter of Cronus and Rhea Hera is the most beautiful of the immortals Her symbols were the peacock and the cow

Hephaestus (赫菲斯托斯)

The god of technology, blacksmiths, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, metals, and fire He was worshipped in all the manufacturing and industrial centers of Greece, especially Athens Hephaestus and his brother Ares were sons of Hera Hephaestus was often remembered as the blacksmith of the gods His symbol was fire and a blacksmith's hammer

Hades (哈迪斯)

The god of the underworld and the dead Hades and his brothers Zeus and Poseidon defeated the Titans and claimed rulership over the universe ruling the underworld, sky, and sea Because of his association with the underworld, Hades is often thought of as a grim figure He is often associated with a sceptre, cornucopia, or Cerburus, the three-headed dog In fact, his symbol is the cornucopia

Athena (雅典娜 )

The goddess of intelligence and war Unlike Ares who is just the violence of war, Athena is also the strategies and intelligence of war She was also the patron goddess of Athens who built the Parthenon in her honor Athena's symbol is the owl

Artemis (阿尔忒弥斯 )

The daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin sister of Apollo She was the goddess of forests and hills Artemis was often depicted carrying a bow and arrows and the deer was sacred to her Sometimes she was also shown with a crescent moon near her The moon is the symbol of Artemis

Ares (阿瑞斯 )

The son of Zeus and Hera Though often referred to as the Olympian god of war, or bloodlust Ares was often pictured with brazen armor and a spear He was often known for the unpredictable violence of war His symbol is the spear

Apollo (阿波罗)

He has been recognized as a god of light and the sun; truth and prophecy; archery; medicine and healing; music, poetry, and the arts; and more Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto, and has a twin sister, the huntress Artemis In art, he is often depicted as a handsome young man with golden hair normally carrying a bow Apollo's symbol was the golden lyre which is an old musical instrument

Aphrodite (阿佛洛狄忒 )

The Greek goddess of love, lust, and beauty She was often shown as a beautiful women often appearing nude She is often accompanied by the winged godling, Eros which means love Aphrodite is the daughter of Ouranos and Hemera and accordingly married Adonis The myrtle, dove, sparrow, and swan are sacred to her The swan and the rose were both symbols of Aphrodite

赫拉是古希腊神话中的天后,她是克罗诺斯和瑞娅的长女,也是宙斯的姐姐,是宙斯的第三位妻子 赫拉=Hera/Juno 雅典娜是希腊神话中的智慧女神,也是农业与园艺的保护神、司职法律和秩序的女神,奥林匹斯十二主神之一,据说她传授给人类纺织、绘画、雕刻、陶艺,畜牧等技艺,也是女战神 雅典娜=Athena/Athene 墨提斯在古希腊神话中是一个水文女神,俄刻阿诺斯和忒提斯的女儿。她是机智和计谋的女神,也是雅典娜的母亲。 墨提斯=Metis 盖娅希腊神话中的大地之神,所有神灵中德高望重的显赫之神。是希腊神话中最早出现的神,在开天辟地时,由卡厄斯(Χάος)所生。她是宙斯的祖母 盖娅=Gaia 得墨忒尔希腊神话中的大地和丰收女神。她是宙斯的姐姐,掌管农业的女神,给予大地生机,教授人类耕种,她也是正义女神 得墨忒尔=Demeter/Ceres 珀耳塞福涅是希腊神话中冥界的王后,她是德米特尔的女儿,被哈底斯绑架到冥界与哈底斯结婚,成为冥后。 珀耳塞福涅=Persephone 维斯塔(希腊神话称赫斯提亚)炉灶和家庭的保护神,帮助朱诺负责家庭生活事务,她代表的是女性的贞洁、贤惠、善良、勤劳,她终身不嫁 维斯塔=Hestia/Vesta 阿佛洛狄德是希腊神话中的爱与美之神 阿佛洛狄德=Aphrodite/Venus 阿尔忒弥斯是古希腊神话中的月亮女神与狩猎的象征 阿尔忒弥斯=Artemis/Diana 琉科泰娅(白色女神)是希腊神话中一个宁芙。有关她的传说相当繁多,但比较一致的一点是,她是转变为宁芙的 阿尔忒弥斯=Leucothea 在希腊神话中,有三人共用克洛莉丝(Chloris)的名字。 克洛莉丝(亦称「greenish」)是春天、花卉和自然女神。她嫁给西风神泽费罗斯(Zephyrus)并生了三个孩子,分别是:Ampyx、Mopsus和Carpus。她在罗马神话中的名字是福罗拉(Flora)。 Meliboea是尼俄伯(Niobe)的女儿,是被阿耳特弥斯(Artemis)和阿波罗(Apollo)杀死的尼俄伯家(Niobids)唯一的幸存者。她受到如此严酷考验的惊吓,改名为克洛莉丝(「苍白的人」)。 Neleus的妻子名为克洛莉丝,她是Nestor、Pero和Alastor的母亲。 2007-06-29 15:23:56 补充: 九位缪斯(代表) Eng name欧特碧(音乐):笛子 Calliope 卡莉欧碧(史诗):写字板 Clio 克莉奥(历史):一卷纸和书 Erato 埃拉托(抒情诗):竖琴和一个玫瑰冠 Euterpe 2007-06-29 15:28:18 补充: 墨尔波墨(悲剧):悲剧性的面具 Melpomene波莉海妮娅(圣歌):一般神情庄重 Polyhymnia特尔西科瑞(舞蹈):持竖琴舞蹈 Terpsichore 塔利娅(喜剧):喜剧面具 Thalia 乌拉妮娅(天文):天球仪 Urania 2007-06-29 15:28:28 补充: 厄俄斯古希腊神话中的黎明女神,相对应于古罗马神话中的欧若拉厄俄斯=Aurora/Eos安菲特里忒是希腊神话里大海中的女神,海王波塞冬的妻子安菲特里忒=Amphitrite泰西丝(Tethys),希腊神话中的巨人和海神,同时是俄刻阿诺斯的妹妹与妻子菲比是古希腊神话中的远古泰坦巨人中掌管月亮的女神,是时间神克洛诺斯(西方的传统天文学里代表土星)的妹妹,英文Phoebe

希拉---Hera(朱诺---Juno)她是宙斯(Zeus)的妻子,是他的姊妹 雅典娜---Athena(米娜娃---Minerva) 她是由宙斯(Zeus)本人所生的女儿,没有母亲;当她长大成人时,便全副武装地由宙斯(Zeus)的头上跳出来。 阿芙罗黛蒂---Aphrodite(维纳斯---Venus) 她是爱神与美神,她能迷惑所有的神明和凡人。这位爱笑的女神,她甜蜜而讥讽地嘲笑着那些被她玩弄的人;她令人无法抗拒,甚至于将智者弄得方寸大乱。 赫丝蒂雅---Hestia(薇丝达---Vesta) 她是宙斯(Zeus)的妹妹,与雅典娜(Athena)和阿特密丝(Artemis),同围处女神。 2007-06-29 08:38:27 补充: 砍唱女神卡莉欧碧(Calliope)。天琴座(Lyra)阿特密丝---Artemis(黛安娜---Diana)


Cydippe, a priestess of Hera, was on her way to a festival in the goddess' honor The oxen which were to pull her cart were overdue and her sons, Biton and Cleobis pulled the cart the entire way (45 stadia, 8 kilometers) Cydippe was impressed with their devotion to her and her goddess and asked Hera to give her children the best gift a god could give a person Hera ordained that the brothers would die in their sleep

This honor bestowed upon the children was later used by Solon as a proof while trying to convince Croesus that it is impossible to judge a person's happiness until they have died a fruitful death after a joyous life[30]


Tiresias was a priest of Zeus, and as a young man he encountered two snakes mating and hit them with a stick He was then transformed into a woman As a woman, Tiresias became a priestess of Hera, married and had children, including Manto After seven years as a woman, Tiresias again found mating snakes, struck them with her staff, and became a man once more As a result of his experiences, Zeus and Hera asked him to settle the question of which sex, male or female, experienced more pleasure during intercourse Zeus claimed it was women; Hera claimed it was men When Tiresias sided with Zeus, Hera struck him blind Since Zeus could not undo what she had done, he gave him the gift of prophecy An alternative and less commonly told story has it that Tiresias was blinded by Athena after he stumbled onto her bathing naked His mother, Chariclo, begged her to undo her curse, but Athena couldn't; she gave him prophecy instead


At the marriage of Zeus and Hera, a nymph named Chelone was disrespectful (or refused to attend) Zeus condemned her by turning her into a tortoise



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