Zeus 宙斯 Jupiter (Jove)
Hera 赫拉 Juno
Athene 雅典娜 Minerva
Ares 阿瑞斯 Mars
Hephaestus 赫维斯托斯 Vulcan
Artemis 阿尔忒密斯 Diana
Hermes 赫尔莫斯 Mercury
Hestia 赫斯提亚 Vesta
Demeter 德莫忒尔 Ceres
Poseidon 波塞冬 Neptune
Hades 哈德斯 Pluto
Persephone 波尔塞芬尼 Proserpina
Dionysus 狄俄尼索斯 Bacchus
Eros 埃洛斯 Cupid
Heracles 赫拉克勒斯 HerculesAphrodite / Venus
Foam-born goddess of love and beauty, and the wife of the lame craftsman god, Hephaestus
Apollo, the same in Greek and Roman mythology was the brother of the moon goddess Artemis or Diana and was associated with the sun god Helios
Ares / Mars
The unpopular Greek war god Ares was associated with the revered Roman martial fertility god Mars
Artemis / Diana
Artemis is Apollo's twin virginal sister and the goddess of the hunt associated with moon and fertility goddesses like Hecate
Athena / Minerva
Athena is the parthenogenic daughter of Zeus, patron deity of Athens, who was goddess of war and wisdom
Demeter / Ceres
Demeter was the goddess, in Greek mythology, who brought agriculture and grain to mankind, in whose honor the mystery rites at Eleusis were established
Dionysus / Bacchus
Dionysus (Bromius, Bacchus), son of Semele was born from Zeus' thigh and became the god of wine
Hades, son of Cronus and Rhea, received the Underworld when his brothers, Zeus and Poseidon, received dominion of the sky and sea
Hephaestus / Vulcan
The only ugly god is lame, but he is also the kindest of the gods and a skilled smith married to Aphrodite
Hera / Juno
The goddess Hera (called Juno by the Romans) was the queen of the gods, sister and wife of Zeus (called Jupiter by the Romans), goddess of marriage, and described as jealous
Hermes / Mercury
An infant prodigy and thief, Hermes is the messenger god, the god of thieves, and father of Autolycus
Hestia / Vesta
Hestia was the goddess of the hearth and the center of religious life, even if she did sit quietly on Olympus, never leaving home
Persephone / Proserpina
Statement about Persephone with picture
Poseidon / Neptune
Poseidon (Neptune), the god of Greek mythology who, splitting the world with his brothers Hades and Zeus, received as his share the sea where he wielded his trident
Zeus / Jupiter
The king of the gods, Zeus, known as Jupiter in Rome, and stories about him
Greek / Roman
Major Gods
Aphrodite / Venus
Ares / Mars
Artemis / Diana
Athena / Minerva
Demeter / Ceres
Hades / Pluto
Hephaistos / Vulcan
Hera / Juno
Hermes / Mercury
Hestia / Vesta
Kronos / Saturn
Persephone / Proserpina
Poseidon / Neptune
Zeus / Jupiter
Minor Gods
Erinyes / Furiae
Eris / Discordia
Eros / Cupid
Fates / Morae
Graces / Charities
Helios / Sol
Hours / Horae
Pan / Faunus
Tyche / Fortuna
Greek mythology is the first of the European People's verbal creativity, the number of its 100 years after ancient Greek word of mouth
God in Greek mythology, including the story of heroes and legends of two parts God's story of the universe and the origin of mankind, God's produce, and more Legend has it that in ancient Greece Olympus 12 major gods: Zeus, Hera, Athena, Apollo, Efuluodi, such as listeriosis They charge of the various natural phenomena and living with things
I introduce this book, not only because it was in Europe have far-reaching impact on literature, but also because it showed the ugly side of human darkness Although Greek mythology is extolling the heroic deeds, but I think also deeply expose and criticize the evil of human nature, there is no doubt that in Greek mythology, gods and people, both the United States and the body, it was also the Qiqingliuyu And understand feelings, but Therefore, God also exist in the human selfishness and ugly
In addition, in Greek mythology in the Bronze Age human beings, that is, Zeus created the third generation of human beings of the times, there is a Lvka Weng called the King is very arrogant, posed as ordinary people on the Zeus arrogant and unreasonable So Zeus Olympus return to the Holy Land, to discuss with the gods, with heavy rain punished the whole earth, wind swept all, calls the flood inundated the world, leading to near-extinction of human final This is a brutal, of course, is undesirable On all Greek mythology theme of the story in retaliation, has such a bloody nature, embodies the people's narrow-minded, selfish dark side
Greek mythology to the people of God have made a real show, not whitewash a bright future, not to cover up the dark The people of God, which are treated equally Not because he is a hero to cover their despicable, not because he is God and to conceal their hypocrisy
1 希腊神话典故在英语中的妙用
1.Thanks to her agent,a veritable Pygmalion,she was transformed from an ugly duckling into a Hollywood beauty
1968年罗森塔尔(RRosenthal)与雅各布森(K.Jacobson)发表了一份名为《教室中的皮格马利翁》(Pygmalion in the Classroom)的研究报告。这项研究的目的在于纠正教师的偏见。实验开始时,研究者对l~6年级的学生实施智力测验。然后他们在每个班级挑选出一些儿童,挑选标准不是根据智力测验的成绩,而是把出身贫穷家庭的学生挑选出来,因为研究者知道他们平常在班上遭受教师的歧视。研究者把挑选出来的学生名单交给教师,告诉他们这些是特殊儿童,智商高,而且还有提高的可能性。一个学期之后,再进行测验,这些所谓的特殊儿童真正获得了智力测验分数的提高。一年以后,进行第三次测验,结果显示这些所谓的特殊儿童在智力测验分数上继续提高;只有低年级组除外,因为低年级的任课教师有变动。新教师不知道研究者所指定的特殊儿童,因此,便没有特殊地看待。这个实验表明教师对待学生的态度对学生的学习成绩产生很大的影响。心理学上的“皮格马利翁效应”指的就是这种情形。
2.The present school curriculum seems to some students a procrustean bed
句中的procrustean是形容词,由专有名词派生而来。procrustes是古希腊阿提卡(Attica)一带的巨人,译为柏鲁克洛斯德。他拦路抢劫,把受害人绑在床榻之上。如果受害人身高超过床榻,柏鲁克洛斯德就截断其下肢;如果受害人身高短于床榻,他就抻长其下肢,使其与床榻齐长。procrustean 现在喻指“强求一致的;削足适履的”; procrustean bed喻指“强求一致的制度或政策”。例句中procrustean bed正是取了该意。
钱智修在1919年10月出版的《教育杂志》第11卷10号发表一篇译文“问题教授法”(Problem method)。文中有一段文字就引用了Procrustes的典故,一针见血地指出了传统教育的弊端:“希腊稗史,有大盗曰柏鲁克洛斯德(procrustes)者,每捕人必使卧于铁床之上,体之长者则截之使短,其短者则引之使长,最能形容旧式教育之流弊。盖旧式教育所注意者,在课程之一方面;而于儿童之一方面,则未遑注意,势不至削足适履不止也”(徐珍,1996:65)。
3.The Argus-eyed examiner certainly contributed to the honesty of the candidates.
Argus是希腊神话中的百眼巨人,译为阿耳戈斯。他受命护卫宙斯(Zeus)所钟爱的少女——艾奥(Io),后被众神的使者赫耳墨斯(Hermes)所杀。他的眼睛被放在了孔雀的尾巴上。Argus 现在喻指“机警之人”;Argus-eyed 喻指“机警的;目光锐利的”。例句中Argus-eyed 正是取了该意。有目光敏锐的监考者在场,考生的诚实程度也随之有所提高。
作者:洪水招引师 2006-1-1 00:22 回复此发言
2 希腊神话典故在英语中的妙用
4.The preparation of the Oxford English Dictionary was a herculean task.
句中的herculean是形容词,由专有名词Her-cules派生而来。Hercules是宙斯(Zeus)与阿尔克墨涅(Alcmene )之子,译为赫拉克勒斯。他是一位力大无比的英雄,克服了种种艰难困苦,冒险完成了12项强加给他的任务。Hercules现在喻指“无比英勇之人”;herculean喻指“极其骁勇的;艰巨的”。例句中herculean取“艰巨的”之意。编纂字典无疑是一项艰苦卓绝的工作。
5.Tired of political dodges,the would-be candidate decided to cut the Gordian knot by announcing that he would run.
句中的Gordian是形容词,由专有名词Gordius派生而来。Gordius是弗里吉亚国(Phrygia)国王,译为戈尔迪。他打了一个复杂难解的结,被称为“戈尔迪的结”(Gordian knot)。当马其顿国王亚历山大听到神谕允诺,解开此结者将成为下一个亚洲之王时,在无法解开此结的情况下,他挥舞利剑将其斩开。Gordian knot现在喻指“难办的事,复杂的问题”;cut the Gordian knot 喻指“快刀斩乱麻式地解决复杂问题”。例句中cut the Gordian knot正是取了该意,“这位竞选者厌倦了躲躲闪闪的方式,决定直截了当地宣布参加竞选。”
6.He was thought of as a titan of the American automobile industry.
7.The multimillionaire wondered, with satisfaction, if he truly had the Midas touch.
迈达斯(Midas)是弗里吉亚国(Phrygia)国王,他要求神赐予他一种特殊的魔力,能把他触摸到的一切变成黄金。现在Midas喻指“大富翁;善于赚大钱之人”。 the Midas touch喻指“赚大钱的本领”。例句中 the Midas touch正是取了该意,“这位大富翁志得意满,思量着自己是否真正具备了赚大钱的本领。”
8.Vietnam was President Johnson’s Achilles’ heel.
阿基里斯(Achilles)出生后,其母捏住他的脚踵倒提着把他放到斯提克斯(River Styx)河水里浸泡。被该河河水浸泡之后,他浑身坚硬如铁,刀枪不久,但是他母亲所捏的脚踵未沾河水,所以成为他的致命之处,容易遭受伤害。阿基里斯也正是因为脚踵被箭击中而死。现在Achilles’ heel喻指“致命弱点,唯一弱点”。例句中Achilles’ heel正是取了该意。约翰逊(Lyndon Baines Johnson )是民主党人,他在1963~1969年期间担任美国第36任总统,提出建立“伟大社会”的改革纲领。但由于他使越南战争升级而丧失了公众对他的支持。
9.His protean personality fascinated his friends but at the same time caused them to distrust him.
10.The police have had a Briarean grasp of the details of the murder case.
11 If you continue to keep in touch with the drugpusher, you will sup with Pluto
Pluto是希腊神话中掌管阴曹地府的冥王,译为普路托。 sup with Pluto直译为“与冥王共进晚餐”,其比喻含义就是“死亡”。例句中sup with Pluto正是取“死亡”之意。贩毒分子是世界各国追捕的对象,与他们打交道无疑将自己推上了死亡之路。
12.The young people were all touched by the Orphean singer.
Gods nowadays(众神今日)
爱与美之神阿佛洛狄忒(Aphrodite) Venus
战神阿瑞斯(Ares) Mars
Reference: http://zhidaobaiducom/question/5735458html
Zeus get fired by the Universal Committee So, a family meeting is forced to be launched to discuss the issues attached to both policy and finance……
Scene 1
(Door opens, and here comes in the Zeus with a disappointed expression)
Zeus: God! I got fired!
(Hera is watching her soap play in the sofa She doesn’t turn back)
Hera: Now~ You’re talking to yourself……Again!
(Zeus sits down in the sofa)
Zeus: You know what The Universal Committee said I was less respected nowadays and it’s better for me to have a rest! Bitch!
Hera: I was thinking it refers to your litter sweet hearts, though
Zeus: I’m gonna have a meeting to deal with it… ( Runs around to knock the doors)Hey~ Guys~ There’s an urgent!
(Venus, Apollo and Athene walk out lazily)
Apollo: What’s up, dad Er~ They fired you
Zeus: You know How
Apollo: You are the headline of Mirror…(Show him the paper)
Hera: Haha… Right after the time they shot you made out with the slut Miss Prostitute…
Venus: There is any chance that this fired-thing is just dirt
Apollo: Nope Look at this (Zeus’s back There is a piece of paper with” Laid-Off Worker” on it)
Zeus: No more ironic talks, OK Let’s focus on the policy and finance
Athene: What’s wrong with the policy and finance
Zeus: We will be broken…
Venus: Oh, my…dad! What should I do with the DIOR and Versace if we are broken
Athene: Piece of cake Just don’t buy them!
Venus: But they’re adorable…
Apollo: Can’t agree more!
Zeus: And…You, Hera, you should cut the budget and save every penny that we have
Hera: For instance
Zeus: Perhaps no more expense on soap play DVDs——Like Desperate Housewives and Doctor House
Hera: As a revenge, I’ll cut down your Play Boy and FHM
Zeus: Done! (Thinks for a while) Er… How about just the FHM I’ll let you keep the Desperate Housewives
(Cupid comes in)
Cupid: Hi~ Aunty Athene, Uncle Apollo, mom, nana, and——(to Zeus)Your Majesty
Venus: Honey, your grandpa has been fired He is not the God any longer So, no “Your Majesty” is here…
Cupid: OK (turns to Zeus)Then, what’s going on, buddy
Hera: The unemployment, as everybody faces it in America Not a bog deal
Zeus: No, it does! We should bring up some effective methods to rebuild the respects for gods
Athene: Consider that I am the only wisdom with perspective of this family…
(be interrupted by the others)
Others: Oh… Come on… Stop it
Athene: I was thinking we could make some small moves, such as a revolution, an overturn or something like them
Apollo: So…They are what you call ”small moves” I feel like that the Industrial Revolution means nothing out there
Zeus: Carry on, Athene Make your points
Athene : The reason we lost respect from people is that they think our relationship really messed up We should do some damage control
Zeus: I don’t see any sense of that We didn’t mess up
Hera: Unless you ignore your 17 children with 14 different mothers And Venus’s betraying for Vulcan
Venus: Every woman should have a beau while others have two beaus! And as what I remember, you are brother and sister, mom! And what’s more, it’s you two who married me to that ugly, bad-tempered black smith!
Hera: Your almighty dad did it! Since you didn’t want to be his 15th
Cupid: A total mess…(then) Dad, welcome home!
(Mars comes in, sits on the sofa and sighs)
Venus: (pets Mars) Sweety, you are always suggested to be energetic and charming What’s wrong
Mars: Gorge W Bush promised to get me a tax-free credit as an exchange for my helping him win Iraq war But I screwed up As a consequence, we should pay the government 15 million dollars
Zeus: Crap!
Apollo: But Bush lost 300 billion…Haha…
Zeus: Anyway, we are in really red now We should make money some other way How about global political consultee
Hera: You have no certificate, and experience
Mars: I could be a martial art actor Cauz’ I am a friend of Jets Lee Look at these muscles!
Venus: Yep! You guys will never know how soft and sexy they are!
Mars: I know…
Apollo: You have no idea of what martial art is like at all!
Venus: I could be a model in fashion
Apollp: A model without arms That’s funny!
Athene: Maybe I can take a job as professor in IT field
Cupid: Do you know what is “MANIAC”, aunty Athene
Athene: A man with mental diseases
Cupid: Mathematical Analyzer Numerical Integrator&Computer!
Mars: What’s your opinion, then
Cupid: We can sell the usufruct of patent of Olympic Games to Olympic Game holders As China is expecting the 29th Olympic Games held in Beijing, we could charge as much as 100 million
Zeus: Great idea! My Boy——well done! That’s it! I will call Jacques Rogge in a minute
Apollo: So…The meeting is done I think I should go to the gym right now(Left)
Hera: Then I will do the laundry
Zeus: Since when you do it per se
Hera: Just supervising
Venus&Mars: We’re gonna see the Transformer in cinema with Cupid(Left)
Zeus: It’s hard to be a god!
(The END)