— What do you suppose ______ her look so upset?—______ by her boyfriend again.A.making ; Mi

— What do you suppose ______ her look so upset?—______ by her boyfriend again.A.making ; Mi,第1张


考查时态及动名词做主语。第一空do you suppose做插入语,后用陈述句语序,根据语意你认为什么使她看起来如此不愉快?应用过去式;第二空回答What,故应回答主语,根据语意再次被他的男朋友误解之后使她看起来如此不愉快,故用现在分词的被动式,所以选C。

Justin Bieber—Mi Amor

Travelled all across the world, 环游世界

Seen a lot of fancy things,看过许多新奇的东西

But I never seen a beauty quite like this,但我从未见过一个像这样美丽的(指一个美女)

This must be a dream!这一定是个梦

So I pinch myself ouch, it hurts man,所以我掐自己一下 感受到了疼痛

Well I guess this must be real 我猜这一定是真的了

So I’m gonna cease the moment 我想让这一刻停止

And tell her how I feel然后告诉她我的感受

Let me take you to Chile o Costa Rica,让我带你到智利 哥斯达黎加,

Puerto Rico o Columbia,波多黎各 哥伦比亚,

We can dance under sky,我们可以在天空下跳舞

Use the moon as our spotlight 让月球以我们为中心

Two step with the right man,与合适的人一起迈出两步

I can teach you how to doughier in the white sand,我可以教你如何在白色的沙上做沙堡

Just take a chance and runaway,只是做个改变 然后逃走

Won’t you listen when I say 在我诉说的时候你将倾听吗

Will you be mi amor 你会是mi amor吗(mi amor指和自己比较亲密的人)

Just what I’m looking for,正是我在寻找的

Don’t be afraid to fly across the sky! 别害怕在天空飞翔

So let’s go, So let’s go 我们一起去吧 一起去吧

baby you can let the rest know rest know 宝贝你可以让其他人知道

yup yup girl let’s go let’s go 女孩让我们一起走吧

baby yo can let the rest know 宝贝你可以让其他人知道

that you are mi amor 你是mi amor

i got fans from coast to coast 从东海岸到西海岸 我有许多粉丝

they show me love everywhere i stay 在每个我停留的地方向我展示他们的爱

everybody yell hola when the shows ova 每个人都大声喊要hola ova

still wanna see your face一直想看看你

baby amazonite numer uno chica 宝贝 银河的数量 哦不 奇卡(小女孩)

sing to you acapella let’s fly away 给你唱acapella(歌名) 让我们飞翔

let me take you to chili 让我带你去chili(应该是地名,意思是辣椒)

or costa rica puerto rico or columbia或是哥斯达黎 加波多黎各 哥伦比亚

we can dance under the sky我们可以在天空下跳舞

Use the moon as our spotlight让月球以我们为中心

Two step with the right man,与合适的人一起迈出两步

I can teach you how to doughier in the white sand,我可以教你如何在白色的沙上做沙堡

Just take a chance and runaway,只是做个改变 然后逃走

Won’t you listen when I say 在我诉说的时候你将倾听吗

Will you be mi amor 你会是mi amor吗

Just what I’m looking for,正是我在寻找的

Don’t be afraid to fly across the sky! 别害怕在天空飞翔

So let’s go, So let’s go所以让我们一起去吧

baby you can let the rest know rest know宝贝你可以让其他人知道

yup yup girl let’s go let’s go 女孩让我们一起走吧

baby yo can let the rest know宝贝你可以让其他人知道

that you are mi amor你是 mi amor

preamigo vamanos senorita we can go preamigo vamanos senorita 我们都可以去(地名)

wherever you wanna as long as with me 无论你想去哪里 只要与我一起

mi amor mi amor we can get away all you Mi amor啊 Mi amor 啊 我们可以逃脱

gotta say is yes 你如果同意

take my hand and let me lead the way lead the way 就牵着我的手 让我为你指路

lead the way 指路

take my hand and let me lead the way lead the way 牵着我的手 让我为你指路

lead the way指路

take my hand and let me lead the way lead the way 牵着我的手 让我为你指路

oh will you be mi amor 哦 你会是mi amor吗

Just what I’m looking for,正是我在寻找的

Don’t be afraid to fly across the sky! 别害怕在天空飞翔

So let’s go, So let’s go 我们一起去吧 一起去吧

baby you can let the rest know rest know宝贝你可以让其他人知道

yup yup girl let’s go let’s go 女孩让我们一起走吧

baby yo can let the rest know宝贝你可以让其他人知道

that you are mi amor你是 mi amor

will you be mi amor 哦 你会是mi amor吗

Just what I’m looking for,正是我在寻找的

Don’t be afraid to fly across the sky! 别害怕在天空飞翔

So let’s go, So let’s go 我们一起去吧 一起去吧

baby you can let the rest know rest know宝贝你可以让其他人知道

yup yup girl let’s go let’s go 女孩让我们一起走吧

baby yo can let the rest know宝贝你可以让其他人知道

that you are mi amor你是 mi amor


The Christmas Song 

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire 在大火上焙烧栗子

Jack Frost nipping at your nose 严寒咬着你的鼻子

Yuletide carols being sung by a choir 合唱团演唱圣诞颂歌

And folks dressed up just like Eskimos 大家打扮得就像爱斯基摩人

Everybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe 每个人都知道 一只火鸡 一些槲寄生

Help to make the season bright 为这个季节增添光亮

Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow will find it hard to sleep tonight! 孩子们眼睛发红 会发现今夜难以入睡

They know that Santa's on his way, 他们知道圣诞老人已经在路上 

He's loaded lots of toys and many goodies on his sleigh 他在他的雪橇上装大量的玩具和许多好吃的东西

And every mother's child is going to be spy 每个孩子准备去偷看

To see reindeer really know how to fly 去看驯鹿到底怎么飞

And so, I'm offering this simple phrase, 所以我提供的这个简单的词语

To kids from one to ninety-two 给所有一到九十二岁的人们

Although it's been said many times, many ways 也许已经说了很多次 在很多场合

Merry Christmas to you! 祝你圣诞快乐

And so, I'm offering this simple phrase(oh wooah) 

To kids from one to ninety-two(Yeah, yeah) 

Although it's been said, many times, many ways 

Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas Ye-aah 

Merry Christmas (Oh No) 

Merry Christmas to you!(同上)



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