The US valuable lotus through great writer's advertisement investment and the upscale market's special counter construction, causes the spokesman who oneself become the fashionable tidal current Compared in the Chinese cosmetics market attacks the high-end skill to be insufficient, takes the populace route to flow in the popular goods domestically produced brand, the US valuable lotus has obtained the unification in the contradiction 2003 year mid-December, the US valuable lotus has held a activity in New York, celebrates its Chinese Branch to start the profit This distance US valuable lotus enters Chinese market already in the recent 8 years But the Chinese market's profit, looks like in the US valuable lotus, is a successful matter At the same time, possesses the Multinational corporation which develops in China to be the same likely, US valuable lotus most recent several years management, what are more is pays great attention the market development and the channel construction, but is not take gains as the first goal; On the other hand, along with to the Chinese market understanding's gradual deepening, the US valuable lotus has located itself, no matter in recent years were the brand management or the channel construction, more and more tallied with the Chinese national condition In the populace cosmetics market, today's US valuable lotus already occupied the market absolute initiative in the Chinese home, covers Paulo according to Oulaiya China company chairman “the Pyramid type strategy”, the US valuable lotus is continued to locate for the populace consumable The US valuable lotus had a slogan “to let each Chinese women have a US valuable lotus's product at least” In order to serve this purpose, the US valuable lotus formulated had the affinity price to the Chinese ordinary consumers US valuable lotus lipstick's price basic superior in 30-60 Yuan this sector But Shiseido's similar products price above 100 Yuan, looks like SK mostly Ⅱ Such brand, Similar products' price is US valuable lotus's 10 times nearly Along with the SARS time's reduction behavior, the US valuable lotus's product more and more can expend in the price for the populace, in theirs promotion, the individual type's lipstick price even already lowered to 10 Yuan, must be lower than the majority of domestically produced brand's price, this stimulated greatly to the price has been sensitive, but had the pursue name brand trend low end consumer the US valuable lotus is take the female as the goal expense community's brand, but when purchases the cosmetics, what the female most pays attention is the product brand, its proportion relative high Therefore, although is the price not high popularity product, but the US valuable lotus actually pays attention sets up own brand image the advertisement takes enhances the brand popularity and the loyalty method effectively, is valued cosmetics enterprise's But the cosmetics consumer is also easiest is about the advertisement institute community Therefore, in 1999 until now, cosmetics advertisement continuously by its strong delivery tendency hold advertisement market front row Compares with its competitor, the US valuable lotus feminine launches a psychological attack to the present age to fight is more overbearing and is swift and fierce Opens a fashionable publication casually and turns on the television, may see the US valuable lotus the advertisement It is reported that the US valuable lotus's once occupied the Chinese overall cosmetics advertisement investment in advertisement investment 1/2 to adapt Chinese's esthetic taste, the US valuable lotus invited inland star Zhang Ziyi in April, 2001 to take the post of its Asian vivid spokesman, attempted by her health contour, the fresh makings, the enchanting charm to deduct the US valuable lotus to be compatible, fashion, vigor, vitality brand image although US valuable lotus in price and channel aspect more and more popular, but because its brand image maintains quite well, the consumer has not reduced to its brand fine reputation and the loyalty Moreover, because has the formidable brand image support, the US valuable lotus product produces goods rate has been high, can provide the stable repayment to the dealer, even if therefore yields profit for the dealer is lower than the competitor far, various dealers are willing to cooperate with them has the formidable rallying point brand, to proliferate the price which each corner the sales network, the majority of consumers can accept, the low cost of operation, the US valuable lotus's in domestic market start profit is merely “the start
Enters the Chinese market with the majority multi-national brands only to take the upscale route to be different, Oulaiya “the US valuable lotus” introduces it in the overseas populace brand China, and by more and more convenient purchase channel, had the affinity price to continue its populace brand route more and more Channel's convenience and the price affinity has not harmed the US valuable lotus the brand image, through great writer's advertisement investment and the upscale market's special counter construction, the US valuable lotus causes itself to become the fashion, the tidal current spokesman Compared in the Chinese cosmetics market attacks the high-end skill to be insufficient, takes the populace route to flow in the popular goods domestically produced brand, the US valuable lotus has obtained the unification in the contradiction is different with other transnational cosmetics group, what Oulaiya adopts is the omni-directional brand and the product strategy Therefore, after purchasing the US valuable lotus, according to this brand original characteristic, Oulaiya has continued its popularity localization, but has made its brand image After the purchase soon, the US valuable lotus's headquarters have moved to metropolis New York from Memphis Henceforth, in the overseas market, imitated Oulaiya the host hit the product - - “Paris - Oulaiya” the procedure, US valuable lotus trademark behind increased “New York” two characters, such did the goal was explicit tells the consumer, this comes from New York's product, it was certainly representing the sex appeal, the internationalization and the newest fashion The fashion, the popular localization causes the US valuable lotus in places such as Japan, Europe to welcome greatly in 2002, it occupied the whole world 19% market share what the US valuable lotus walked for these years in the channel aspect was with the other foreign capital brand entirely different path, what it chose was the penetrability strongest supermarket and the chain-like convenience store Because the US valuable lotus is located in the populace brand, regarding this kind of brand, except the price, the purchase convenience is also consumer's important consideration factor Large-scale market, Department store, although has the major function in the promotion brand vivid aspect, but as a result of the penetrability insufficiency, far cannot satisfy the US valuable lotus popularity brand the demand - - to enable the consumer to be possible to buy its product in any place Moreover, in the large-scale market, Department store's brand special counter frequently more than 10 ten thousand Yuan investments, soaring renting with the overhead charge, increased the brand cost of operation, the move back product and consumer's distance The supermarket and other marketing channel was different, proliferates each corner the characteristic to increase the convenience which the consumer purchased not saying that at times discounted can also enable the popular brand path's product to have the affinity in the price
美宝莲(Maybelline)是一个高街潮妆品牌,由药剂师威廉姆斯(TL Williams)创办于1915年。1915年,威廉姆斯(TL Williams)为让妹妹美宝(Mable Williams)拥有迷人双眼,将碳粉和凡士林(Vaseline)混合制成睫毛膏,由此诞生了该品牌。
亲爱的们不要尝试我!用蛮力拔断了才发现是一体的。我以为能拔 然后直接拔 结果……那段海绵都快断了 我就不敢拔了[二哈]但是怎么卸下来清理啊!
因为是遮瑕笔(并不是宣传的粉底液),所以液体是厚实,遮瑕度强 淘宝上卖家是这么介绍的几个颜色功能的:
110 Fair极浅色,适合白皙肤色
120 Light 浅色,适合自然偏白肤色,一般肤色的mm也可用作眼部提亮。
130 Medium 中等深浅,适合自然肤色,可用来遮斑点痘印。
140 Honey 蜂蜜色,适合小麦肤色也可做阴影。
150 Neutralizer 中和色,用于中和黑眼圈,因为黑眼圈主要靠**或者橘色的遮瑕膏来遮盖
160 Brightener 提亮色,很粉的颜色主要用于眼部提亮,也可用来打高光。
右边起第一个为 Elegance FAIR VEIL pk101 (2年前旧款现已停产,比较滋润除了夏天都不错,夏天有点厚了)
右边起第二个为 GIORGIO ARMANI lasting silk SPF20 色号2 (夏天的爱,很薄)
110 不适合外界说的白皙皮肤,至少比我的皮肤暗
120、130 可以用于对妆感要求自然,氧气妆的修容
140 深色修容 对于脸肉圆 如我 迫切希望通过修容提高自己的精神面貌的
150 有点厚,偏黄,我的黑眼圈目前用的是偏橙色系的遮瑕膏遮的 比**效果好。
160 眼下的提亮 比较赞
优点:1,价格很划算,999刀有时候网站还做活动。2,作为修容和提亮容易刷开,信价比教高。3,色号不多不少 好选择 。
缺点: 扭扭头设计缺陷,有一定几率会没用几次就扭不出来。
所以美宝莲遮瑕橡皮擦的测评结果是:遮瑕度:四星 持久度:三星 便携度:四星,总体还是值得一买的。但是跟新出的遮瑕液笔比还是略逊一筹。
美宝莲新出的遮瑕液笔配方有了升级,特别是弥补了橡皮擦拔干跟持久度一般的问题。在我放的试色对比图上面也可以看的很清楚,遮瑕液笔比橡皮擦更保湿水润,而且易推开,可塑性强。买了这个以后橡皮擦我基本就闲置了。液笔可以遮黑眼圈、鼻子附近发红的地方等等,可以用的地方超多。所以美宝莲遮瑕液笔的测评效果:遮瑕度:四星 保湿:五星 持久度:四星
我测评的结果是遮瑕液笔好用度>橡皮擦。(Ps:我入手的遮瑕橡皮擦色号是120 遮瑕液笔的色号是10Light)
美宝莲fitme粉底液应该丝毫不陌生了,之前风刮得超大der,几乎是美妆博主人手一支,凭借一流的控油力更是稳获“油皮亲妈”称号,现在出了更便携的气垫!我要吹爆它的全新“液化粉”黑科技, 气垫粉底液上脸一秒变为粉状, 快速吸走面部油脂,一秒雾化,不用散粉都能有柔焦感哑光肌,控油力double,雾面妆感更加高级!搭配神仙绒毛粉扑,抓粉力妥妥的,上妆巨服帖均匀,完全不用担心浮粉假面爱美的懒girl一定要泳有! 更加惊喜的是它居然是网状气垫设计,这是很多大牌才有的设计,按压时才会出粉,按多少出多少,这样就不会粘得到处都是,也不容易干掉。百元就能get大牌同款使用感真的炒鸡良心啦!而且不同于一般气垫圆圆的包装,fitme气垫是方方的设计,拿出来补妆的时候特别酷,而且镜子更大,照起来更方便
1 美宝莲BB霜, 获得2011年Yoka美妆大奖,2011年ELLE美妆大赏,2011腾讯最有影响力底妆大奖,Self美妆大赏,COSMO读者心爱大赏
2 美宝莲睫毛膏,获得Self美妆大奖,Self读者心爱奖,ELLE美妆大赏年度睫毛膏大奖,SOHU最信赖睫毛膏,网易美容大奖
3 美宝莲眼线,活动Self美妆大奖,Onlylady眼线类天后
4 粉嫩宝贝蜜乳,屈臣氏挚爱风尚大奖