据说当时巴黎香水界的“名鼻”Ernestbeaux研制了多款香水样品,让Coco Chanel女士挑选最合她心意的一款,Coco挑了第5款,并简洁地把她的幸运数字No.5定为此款香水的名字。早期No.5只保留给Chanel的最佳客户。
背景音乐:You're the one that i want--Lo-fang
You better shape up,
Cause you need a man
And my heart is set on you
You better shape up,
You better understand
To my heart I must be true
You're the one that I want,
The one that I want,
The one that I need
If you're feeling
Some affection,
That's too hard to convey
By direction
Baby feel your weight
You better shape up,
Cause you need a man
And my heart is set on you
You better shape up,
You better understand
To my heart I must be true
You're the one that I want,
The one that I want,
The one that I need
广告由Chanel艺术总监Jacques Helleu在2002年构思,2004年拍摄。
请到Nicole领衔,男主角则是《300勇士》中大反派扮演者巴西籍演员Rodrigo Santoro Junqueira dos Reis。广告的场面宏大,全片在澳大利亚的悉尼取景,Chanel请来2001年与Nicole合作过**《Moulin Rouge!》的导演Baz Luhrmann来导演广告的拍摄,可见Chanel对Nicole的厚爱。
痴情贫穷的男人爱上光辉熠熠的女明星,镁光灯与荣誉的包围无法阻挡她对爱情的奋不顾身,仓皇逃脱后两人独处时的片刻宁静宛若无人的城市上空,爱情的字典没有了贵贱。一场《罗马假日》的桥段在广告中影射。尾声处的过渡留给了“明天”——刻骨铭心的爱情一如NO5深沉隽永。巴兹雷曼演绎的Chanel No5 香水爱情故事,主角不在于香水本身,而在于忠于香氛的女性。巴兹雷曼说:“我对Chanel No5最深刻的记忆,是童年时在黑白镜头下看到玛丽莲�6�1梦露 (Marilyn Monroe) 的名作《Gentlemen Prefer Blondes》中回答记者问的镜头。”
妮可在CHANEL No5 香水广告片中展现的高贵、华丽与性感,至今令人难忘。
背景音乐:You're the one that i want--Lo-fang
You better shape up,
Cause you need a man
And my heart is set on you
You better shape up,
You better understand
To my heart I must be true
You're the one that I want,
The one that I want,
The one that I need
If you're feeling
Some affection,
That's too hard to convey
By direction
Baby feel your weight
You better shape up,
Cause you need a man
And my heart is set on you
You better shape up,
You better understand
To my heart I must be true
You're the one that I want,
The one that I want,
The one that I need