MAC魅可口红唇膏3g 持久显色唇膏 #Chili 小辣椒秀智色
MAC chili在我看来是没有代替色的一只经典,上嘴前最好涂个润唇膏否则有点干,但这种色就是哑光才好看啊!
MAC/魅可口红 每一个女人都应该有支复古唇膏!柔美丝绒触感加饱和度显色,演绎精美唇部色彩。MAC 时尚 显色唇膏,轻轻一笔即可增添脸部光彩,打造一副个性的复古红唇,实乃抢镜的必胜法宝,随时随地成为焦点!舞动双唇,舞动奇迹,尽在mac。为美而生,绽放魅力色彩,做真正的你!!!
#113 Union Red 英伦红:超惊艳显色度,涂抹一次即可完美遮瑕唇色,女人妹十足
#429 Military Red 哑光军红色:高贵冷艳的哑光正红色,薄擦萝莉,厚涂女王,两种风格随意切换
#305 军红色 :又是一支显白色,秋冬就是深色系的天下~厚涂淡抹都好看,每个女生都要有一支大红色的口红,高级又冷艳!涂得好看的话除了显脸白还显牙白,妥妥的必备色!
YSL/圣罗兰 缎面镜光方管唇釉 09#热门大红色 6ml 持久保湿滋润
YSL/圣罗兰 缎面镜光方管唇釉 07#热门蜜橘色 6ml 持久保湿滋润
• 纯色,馥郁饱满,迷人肆意。
• 釉色,漆光闪耀,水缎溢彩。
• 持色,倾心点绛,持久炫泽。
YSL/圣罗兰 缎面镜光方管唇釉 12#热门斩男色 6ml 持久保湿滋润
Givenchy/纪梵希禁忌之吻口红 2017新款大理石纹 N25
Tom Ford汤姆福特TF黑金黑管唇膏口红3g 15# 16#
Dior迪奥 烈焰蓝金唇膏 CD口红 傲姿唇膏999滋润
Dior/迪奥2017新品Lip Tattoo瘾诱超模染唇露刺青唇釉唇彩液
迪奥全球彩妆创意形象总监Peter Philips精心打造6款自然色选,裸粉色、莓红色、珊瑚色、干燥玫瑰色、到洛城 时尚 女孩疯迷的土色唇,一网打尽2017所有摩登色选。
Charlotte Tilbury口红哑光保湿滋润不易掉色不沾杯 夏洛特CT口红咬唇膏 MATTE梅子色love liberty
Charlotte Tilbury Matte CT哑光唇膏 英国夏洛特口红唇膏
Charlotte Tilbury是一个来自英国的品牌, 历史 也不算长久,但是一推出就广受好评,哑光唇膏很多品牌都有,但是CT的哑光涂上唇一点都不会干,也不会显唇纹。
Charlotte Tilbury Matte CT哑光唇膏 英国夏洛特口红唇膏 LOST CHERRY 桃粉色 35g
这个色号是我一眼就看上的,色板带有荧光感(实际我觉得没有),让我一下子就想起来前段时间大热的YSL 52#,一对比发现还真的挺像,只不过52更荧光 而且带有光泽~ 还有姑娘说和TF的True Coral看起来比较像,我感觉这两个还是有差异的,对比之下Ture Coral偏橘了一点点。白皮妹子擦这个色号很美很美!黄皮的话,这个比52更适合,因为没有了荧光感~
Chanel/香奈儿丝绒哑光INK唇釉 11g 滋润炫亮
Armani/阿玛尼 红管丝绒哑光唇釉液体 唇彩 65ml
Armani/阿玛尼 漆光迷情唇釉6ml黑管 轻盈润泽 持妆长久
轻盈润泽 持妆长久漆光迷情唇釉是阿玛尼美妆史一次真正的技术革命:它具有唇釉般的光泽,唇膏般的水润,染唇液般的持久和鲜亮的色彩,令你拥有出色唇妆,舒适、持久、浓郁的色彩和光泽达到理想平衡。
Armani阿玛尼 持色短管唇釉 新款小胖丁口红唇釉
#400 偏橘调的红,就是番茄红带了点橘,室内光或是晚上看又是偏樱桃红色一些,黄皮友好
⒈Mac chili
⒊nars mona
NO1 Dior #哑光999
NO2 阿玛尼#405
NO5 兰蔻#196
NO6 YSL #小金条09
NO7 雅诗兰黛#333
NO8 YSL小金条#21
1娇兰-KISSKISS法式之吻唇膏#344 Sexy Coral
2YSL-奢华缎面漆光唇釉 黑管#407
3cle de peau肌肤之钥-奢华艳光唇釉 #13
4MAC- 时尚 专业唇膏 #chili
5Dior-蓝星唇膏 #999
6Burberry-Kisses 赤褐色 #93
8Tom Ford-黑管唇膏 #16 Scarler rouge
Tom Ford唇膏的显色度不用多说,又能很持久,奢华感的黑金管身设计很加分,这款算是半雾光,遮盖力非常好,浓郁却不会有负担,#16的红偏向冷色调,神奇的是擦在唇上却不会让人有距离感呢。
9Giorgio Armani-奢华丝绒订制唇萃 #405
10Lancome-绝对完美唇膏 #264
1Dior 999#
3MAC ruby woo
4阿玛尼 红管400
Chanel Chanel炫亮魅力印记唇釉#154
Armani Armani红管唇釉#405
MAC #chili
TF 黑管16
小玮菌菌 各大品牌都有哪些必入的口红色号?
香奈儿 唇釉 #154
TF黑管 #16
这是tf黑管的大热门色号,十分少女的番茄红,算是绝版的色号惹。。。 润的不得了,仔细看的话,上面还有小水珠,摸一下唇纹一下就不见了!tf的价格对于我学生党还是有点肉疼的,但是就这质地和颜色绝对值!
YSL唇釉黑管 #407
Burberry #93
Burberry是我觉得口红界里的沧海遗珠,质地丝绒,但是一点都不拔干, 93应该是bbr最火的一个色号了,棕红色超级适合秋冬,非常的好看。 但是总体来说,巴宝莉口红却不温不火,但价格却是被炒的很高 ,我买的高价还等了一个多月。
>>>迪奥 #999,#888:一说到Dior,999和888无疑了!!!
>>> TF 黑管#15和#16:这两个颜色简直超级爱,包装是黑色搭配金色,非常经典。#15Wild Ginger上嘴很柔和,不拔干,元气满满
>>> 纪梵希大理石 #N25以及禁忌之吻#16:这两款都是代购必屯的色号,为什么?因为永远不担心卖不掉,哈哈哈~大理石这款颜值超高,上嘴效果一样很赞
>>> YSL黑色唇釉#407:也是我入手的唯一一支YSL唇釉,虽然是唇釉,但是不易脱色,这个很难得。颜色很日常,显色度满分。
>>> MAC #小辣椒Chili:这款应该都知道吧,MAC子弹后还是有一大群粉丝的,Chilli小辣椒是非常流行的枫叶红,美爆!
Coco Chanel was one of the most influential fashion designers of her time as well as today She revolutionized women’s wear and set new standards for contemporary style She knew what she wanted and what women appreciated Her classic styles have continued to thrive long after her death and she will always be considered a legendary figure in the fashion world Chanel set a stable base for many other fashion designers to follow in her footsteps and create names for themselves like she did She is an important part of fashion history that is notorious worldwide
Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel was born in Saumur, France in 1883 After her parents passed away at a very young age, Gabrielle was raised by her aunts in the province of Auvergne She was educated at a convent orphanage in Aubazine from 1895-1900 This was when the nickname “Coco” was derived, meaning “little pet”
In 1910, Coco moved to rue Cambon in Paris She opened a shop at number 21, and crowds soon began to flock to it Only a few years later, she took over numbers 27, 29 and 31 of the same street She then opened a shop in Deauville, where she designed a few accessories inspired by workmen’s and sailor’s clothes Her easy-fitting and flowing designs could be worn for exercise or sport “Chanel preferred getting a sun tan exercising in the fresh air and bathing in the sea, to perspiring in ostentatious dresses at balls and casinos in spa towns”During this time she saw herself “rubbing shoulders with the men,” and ready to surpass them
During the First World War, there was quite a shortage of fabric, so Chanel in turn designed “sophisticated, yet minimalist garments for women that were in the direct opposition to the frilly Belle Epoque style so popular before the war” During the Second World War, Chanel’s business was interrupted by the German occupation of Paris She closed her shops in 1938 and didn’t reopen until 1954
Chanel Style
The Chanel style was very simple and straightforward She believed that, “how clothes are worn is much more important than what is worn; that a good line is worth more than a pretty face; that well dressed is not the same as dressy, and that the acme of social cachet was to be proletarian Youth should not have to declare itself, is should be obvious all the time; in sitting down, getting into a car, walking down the street, stretching out a leg or raising an arm” Chanel fashion is about ideals rather than outfits Her fashion is functional and practical that keeps the pace of the contemporary life Chanel’s designs were firstly to please herself, and secondly to please the people She transformed wool jersey, which was previously only used to make underwear and made dresses She launched the “garçon” or “soup kitchen” look, which became popular in the 1920s, “with its flattened bosoms, cropped hair and dresses with dropped waists”
In 1920, the scent Chanel No 5 was created by Ernest Beaux In a small square bottle, over eighty ingredients were mixed to create this amazing perfume The fragrance was launched in 1921 and named No 5, after her lucky number All perfumes before this one had immediately become old-fashioned and outdated, and Chanel No5 became the popular new trend What was even more amazing about this perfume was that this was the first time that a designer mixed with the perfume business In the past it was very unusual for a designer to advertise with a perfume, and yet again Chanel became a new trendsetter This perfume was referred to by Marilyn Monroe when she claimed it was the only thing she wore to bed
Season after season, Chanel continued to shock and amaze the people with her designs Her logo was known all over the world and she had created and established a name for herself The most important of all her accomplishments has to be the famous Chanel suit The classic Chanel suit had boxy lines, a braided trim and slim skirt lined with gold link chainThe buttons look like coins with the Chanel “CC” logo The skirts were designed for practicality There was a ribbon sewn into the waist of the skirt to prevent the blouse from becoming untucked and the zipper was always on the side for comfort “In a sense, wearing a Chanel suit is like wearing a customized ornate costume, made to fit so that when the wearer moves, the suit still maintains perfect grace and elegance”
Traditional accessories to accompany a suit would generally be many pearls and gold chains, real and faux gems mixed together, two-toned shoes and quilted handbags with chain shoulder straps In addition to the skirt suit, she bravely introduced fashionable pants for women as well Pants were never an option for women in this age, yet Chanel made it possible Today, you can purchase a Chanel suit for about $5,000 This unique and stylish suit can only be bought at Chanel boutiques worldwide or at upscale department stores Most agree that the price of these chic suits were often too high, but “Chanel was a firm believer that if the costs of her products was high, then her obsessively perfect designs would truly be valued”
At the Ritz Hotel in Paris on January 10, 1971, Coco Chanel died at age eighty-seven For about a decade afterwards, her studio and fashion house were put on a hold It wasn’t until 1983, that Karl Lagerfeld took control and revived the Chanel empire Lagerfeld worked by the slogan he borrowed from Goethe, which said, “Make a better future by developing elements from the past” With his genius and mindset, he has continued to carry out the Chanel tradition long after her death Along side of him, Jacques Helleu and Jacques Polge (the ‘nose’ of Chanel), maintain the Chanel tradition through new perfumes and beauty products launched by the company
In Lagerfeld’s spring 2001 collection, he brings back style from Chanel’s pre-World War two days with 1930’s-style Chinese blouses and jackets paired with snug mermaid skirts “Lagerfeld meticulously researches the Chanel archives, and for each collection he somehow manages to unearth yet another unexploited aspect of Coco chic His talent for mixing tradition with trends has created a Chanel look that is fresh and innovative and sells like hotcakes from Moscow to Atlanta”
Coco Chanel has done excellent work, and in turn has become a standard for international fashion Chanel once said, “In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different”17 This quote clearly describes Chanel’s mindset Chanel knew she wanted to be a trendsetter and her designs and visions carry on after she had passed away Lagerfeld has done a brilliant job at carrying out her tradition of creating first-rate fashions for women I feel that women’s fashion today wouldn’t be quite the same if Chanel hadn’t influenced the world with her creative talent I personally love her fashions and judging by her tremendous success, other women greatly appreciate her designs as well It will take many years from now for Chanel’s name to even fade slightly Her name and trademark will be universal for centuries
我建议你送coco**少女版香水,我个人非常喜欢这款香水,它的价钱在6百块钱左右,这款香水的香味是那种淡淡的清香,比较适合活泼可爱的小女生,如果你喜欢味道稍微重一点 更成熟一点的,那就建议你送香奈儿No5香水,这款香水也很好闻,但是要比coco**的那款味道更重一点,不过也挺好闻的,另外蔡依林也在用No5的这款香水噢.!!!
还有安娜苏的许愿精灵也很好闻,相比前面两款,这款要更可爱,清爽一点,30ml 是430员左右 , 50ml的是 580左右
广告 在人们的生活中越来越常见,成功的广告可以让我们一提想起该广告,并且对此有熟悉感。下面是我带来的关于chanel 英文广告词 ,欢迎阅读!
A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous
In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different
Fashion passes, style remains
The best colour in the whole world, is the one that looks good, on you!
Look for the woman in the dress It there is no woman, there is no dress 记得要寻找穿衣服的女人。如果完全看不到女人,衣服的意义就失去了。
Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury
I love luxury And luxury lies not in richness and ornateness but in the absence of vulgarity Vulgarity is the ugliest word in our language I stay in the game to fight it
“Where should one use perfume" a young woman asked "Wherever one wants to be kissed," I said
Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman
I don't understand how a woman can leave the house without fixing herself up a little - if only out of politeness And then, you never know, maybe that's the day she as a date with destiny And it's best to be as pretty as possible for destiny
There is no time for cut-and-dried monotony There is time for work And time for love That leaves no other time
A woman who doesn't wear perfume has no future
Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty It is not It is the opposite of vulgarity
有些人认为奢侈的 反义词 是贫穷。事实上不是这样。奢侈的反义词是粗俗。
Fashion is made to become unfashionable
Success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable 取得成功的人往往是不知道失败是无可避免的那些人。
Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door
Innovation! One cannot be forever innovating I want to create classics
1、fashion passes, style remains
2、don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door
3、in order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different 想要无可取代,就必须时刻与众不同。
4、i love luxury and luxury lies not in richness and ornateness but in the absence of vulgarity vulgarity is the ugliest word in our language i stay in the game to fight it
5、look for the woman in the dress it there is no woman, there is no dress
6、some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty it is not it is the opposite of vulgarity
7、innovation! one cannot be forever innovating i want to create classics
8、a girl should be two things: classy and fabulous
9、“where should one use perfume" a young woman asked "wherever one wants to be kissed," i said
10、dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman
11、i don't understand how a woman can leave the house without fixing herself up a little - if only out of politeness and then, you never know, maybe that's the day she has a date with destiny and it's best to be as pretty as possible for destiny
12、luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury 奢侈就必须舒适,否则就不是奢侈。
13、fashion is made to become unfashionable
When it comes to Chanel perfume, it must be said Chanel No 5 perfume (Chanel NO5) In addition, Chanel Coco perfume (Chanel Coco Madis), Chanel encounter fragrance, Chanel perfume industry has an unparalleled status In the 20 to 30 years, almost every woman eager to have a bottle of Chanel perfume in France, Chanel perfume is a successful woman must have something, followed by the attack is a fur coat Coco Chanel (Coco Chanel) Miss once said, "No perfume woman, there is no future woman"
Classic, simple, unique style CHANEL bag is a big star of the hot pet, star in the dock almost everyone in the collection of different styles of CHANEL bag, CHANEL bag extraordinary momentum can be seen
[Video] Chanel 2012 early spring vacation series (Chanel Cruise 2012) Bags: black and white styling neutral temperament Boy Bag, classic charm
chanel英文广告词相关 文章 :
1 香奈儿英文广告语
2 香奈儿5号香水经典英文广告词
3 香水英文广告词
4 英文广告语
5 可可香奈儿经典语录精选
Chanel Chanel origin
Chanel (Cabrielle "COCO" Chanel; 1883-1971) Born in 1883 in the south of France Saumur (SAUMUR) On her birthday a specific, it was said to be on August 19, 1883, Chanel, but I insisted that he was born in the year on August 5 Her life has not always been smooth, she was born into a poor family, is the second child at home, but in that five-year-old mother died of lung disease would be, they never left, even more terrifying is that their father King left them a mysterious disappearance Since then, Chanel started her rough, hard life of the orphanage and left many never known secret
More than a decade after the beginning of Chanel in the desert city of Lin (Moulin), a knitting store clerk when, but also dream of becoming a star, therefore, she also tried to sing a ditty bars At this point, she has come out Chuchudongren, and are subject to a lot of help with the pursuit of the Fujiazaidi Through her first lover, high society Chanel into the circle of communication, and to have the opportunity to get to know many powerful Fujiazidi young celebrities and the arts Later, Gu Bo in love with the businessman, and his strong support of the path of their own success Her design career began in 1908, first in Paris and later in Deauville (France's southern seaside resorts) In 1910, it gave her a cute nickname - "COCO", it now has become an important Chanel brand identification
Deauville in 1913 opened its first Chanel boutiques Since then, her career would be flourishing
In 1916, she launched a woolen sweater, his work was the first time, "Harper market" was published In 1921, in Paris, France Kampen Street (Cambon) - the company that is now the "residence" where the well-known start-up Shop Cambon 31 This year, is also CHANEL No5 (of Chanel No 5 perfume) for the first time come out of the year and achieved unprecedented success, then, in 1924, we set up the CHANEL fragrance of the company
Chanel to design simple, practical and well-known clothing As for the design of women's pants, small Heiqun to hypotenuse and copper buttons modified collarless jacket is her style of "outstanding representatives"
Chanel's tradition of substandard goods, including a variety of exquisite pearls, gold chains, such as cotton bags She likes gold chain as those of the backpack straps CHANEL an election to the backpack with clothes will be any different wonderful effect
Other designers with different, like Chanel, in its jewelry design, man-made plastic and precious stones are really precious stones with use of the same, and that he will use this design concept in the apparel design
In 1939 the outbreak of World War II, during which, Chanel's business has also been severely affected, in addition to Kampen on the 3rd Street can continue to operate, and other shops had to be driven out of business At that time, people can only Kampen on the 3rd Street to buy perfume In this way, until in 1953, Chanel is a 70-year-old, the other shop before re-opening
In 1971, Chanel, passed away unfortunately After their clothing has its assistant Caston Berthelot, Ramon Esparza, Yvonne Dudel, Jean Cazaubon and others in charge of great design However, the authority of Chanel's "package approach", the company's designers picked up the pace, as well as the CHANEL fashion charm in her brilliant name for the next little bit to fade Finally in 1983, German Field design genius Karl (Karl Largerfeld) took over the "Chanel" is not only a correct grasp of the Chanel design principles and spirit and his unique freedom, arbitrary and easily design CHANEL mentality will design and develop initiatives to the Chanel brand into a powerful dynamic, incredibly so, "Chanel" products look forward the age of two Karl's appointment, had brought about a more CHANEL reputation, such as:
1984 CHANEL fragrance launch "COCO";
1986 Karl Rumsfeld issued by the fashion trends for fall and winter CHANEL won the Gold Award thimble De dor;
In 1987 launched "Premiere" Series watches, and the way Montaigne Montaigne opened its first shop table;
Karl Lagerfeld in 1988 and won the Design Studio CHANEL designer from the United States Association of International Fashion Awards in particular; when Karl Lagerfeld appointed President of CHANEL designer, is proud to have mentioned that they are about 50% Sales from clothing sales Of course, the members of the CHANEL future sales and also very good Such as: in 1995 had estimated that sales of the year is expected to more than 1,000,000,000 US dollars, and in fact was optimistic that its actual sales in 1995 has nearly 20 million Eres 1996 annual sales of its branch in the 60,000,000 francs (equivalent to 12,000,000 US dollars)
CHANEL today's products represent the beautiful, modern and contemporary, "COCO" is to bring people to Langlangshangkou the name of one of a small number of teachers In the near future, and a "Chanel: Woman Ice and Fire," a new book published this love for the allegiance of the people CHANEL, is a Perfect choice
Former French Minister of Culture has been a period of evaluation are as follows: "This century France, there are three names will be forever, Charles de Gaulle, Picasso and Chanel"
It was heard that every woman in their lives, to have a total of Chanel bags Each new quarter, the number of women in the world has become a dream
Chanel (CHANLE) is the first to crack Yan process for the role of decoration added to the design of the handbag brand in such a process under which the birth of the diamond-shaped Check handbag has become a classic of classic, fashion has been The favorite, for Chanel (CHANLE) on a quarterly basis the new handbags, paris biarritz diamond-shaped double-sided zonal Check packs always get the most attention
Yan on the sewing process:
Originated in the 15th century sewing Yan (Quilting) technology was first used to crack the quilt, the numerous sewing techniques through the quilt on the table cloth, cloth, and cotton in the middle of the floor, so that the three-tier firm to secure To put together will not easily move to increase the insulation properties of the quilt In order to aesthetics, Yan also has a variety of sewing pin, S-shaped, semi-circular, cross-shaped and so on and so on Of course, the first crack Yan is special because it features effective until the later emerging as a decorative pattern-based texture However, now most often seen Yan seam or keep warm in winter supplies such as bedding, as well as the down jacket
To crack as Deyan clothing decoration goods are still the most successful to a number of Chanel (CHANLE) President In February 1955, Chanel (CHANLE) introduced a simple design of the generous package, including Yan who used the diamond-shaped decorative sewing techniques for Check-to-earth common purse added to a lot of surface texture and taste, and the gold chain belt pack So that women often need to shake off the past with a handbag activities inconvenient, sought after by many people The package is now referred to as "255 package," which means that its was born in February 1955
CHANEL Coco香水广告的主题曲LOVE — Joss Stone
2008-1-26 22:01:55 繁体版
L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one i see
V is very very extra-ordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore can
love is all that i can give to you
love is more than just a game or two
two in love can make it
take my heart and please don't break it
love was made for me and you