

全名赫敏·简·格兰杰 演员个人简介  英文全名:Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson 中文全名:艾玛·夏洛特·杜尔热·沃特森 英文正式名:Emma Watson 中文正式名:艾玛·沃特森 昵称:Em 中文译名:艾玛·瓦特森、艾玛·沃森、爱玛·沃特森等 出生地:法国巴黎 国籍:英国 血统:1/4法国+3/4英国(其祖母为纯种法国人) 生日:1990年4月15日 周日星座:白羊座 家乡:英国牛津郡 身高:5英尺6英寸(168cm) 体重:45kg 眸色:褐色 发色:深金**(后为出演赫敏染成棕色)最近剪为短发 兴趣:滑雪,绘画,烹饪,唱歌,跳舞,场地曲棍球,网球,艺术 宠物:一只叫做Bubbles的小猫(Emma的弟弟Alex也有一只叫做Domino的小猫) 注:以上为官方数据,请尊重艾玛的真实信息,切勿篡改。 学校:曾就读于英国牛津著名的预科学校“The Dragon School”;。 2005年就读城市里的女校“海丁顿学校” 2009年以straight A 的成绩就读于美国常春藤名校布朗大学(已就读一个学年)。 买过最奢侈的东西:Apple Laptop 刚过驾照的时候就想买车 还不知道的东西:网页左手边Emma自己手绘的“植物” 座驾:丰田普锐斯 混合动力环保型 家庭情况: 父亲 Chris Watson 律师 母亲 Jacqueline Luesby 律师(两人于1995年离异) 弟弟 Alex Watson 1993年出生 模特 继母 Julie 同父异母双胞胎妹妹:Nina、Lucy 同父异母弟弟:Toby 喜欢:(以下内容来自官网) 最喜欢的颜色:粉红 最喜欢的乐队:Postal service 最喜欢的专辑:Joni Mitchell的<Blue> 最喜欢的歌:Alanis Morissette的<Thank you> 最喜欢音乐风格:Chicago 芝加哥 最喜欢的**:Notting Hill(诺丁山) 最喜欢的男演员:约翰尼·德普 最喜欢的女演员:朱莉亚·罗伯茨 最喜欢的书:The Remains of the day(去日留痕) 最喜欢的作者:Carlos Ruiz Zafron 最喜欢的艺术家:Euan Uglow和Gustav Klimt 最喜欢的购衣商场:Harvey Nichols 最喜欢的设计家:Chanel 最喜欢的食物:意大利、法国和西班牙的 对意大利空心粉情有独钟 最让我愉快的食物:吐司和热巧克力 最喜欢的饮料:橘子汁与柠檬汁的混合饮料 最喜欢的车型:我对车真的不熟悉! 最喜欢的度假地点:法国 最喜欢的运动:场地曲棍球 最喜欢的动物:猫 最喜欢的电视:Friends 最喜欢的HP情景:巨魔场景(特技,一应俱全! ) 最喜欢的HP魔咒:“统统石化!”(Petrificus Totalus!") 最美丽的场景:在《哈利·波特与火焰杯》中圣诞舞会上打扮得非常漂亮,一改往日的书虫形象 最喜欢的HP的书:《哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》 最喜欢的HP角色:海格(Hagrid)(因为他非常有趣) 不喜欢: 不喜欢的音乐类型:古典或歌剧 不喜欢的学校科目:地理, 数学和拉丁文 不喜欢的食物:蔬菜 不喜欢的HP场景:在最后拥抱哈利“开始我很害怕,但后来就好了。” 其他: 魁地奇的位置,她想成为:追球手 隐形斗篷用途:潜入**院或音乐会 会讲一些法语。 父母都是英国人,祖母是法国人。 Emma小时候住在法国,5岁时才返回英国。 出生于周日下午6时00分(格林尼治时间加1小时)。

英文全名:Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson 中文全名:艾玛·夏洛特·杜尔热·沃特森 英文正式名:Emma Watson 中文正式名:艾玛·沃特森 其他译名:艾玛·沃森、爱玛·沃森、爱玛·沃特森、艾玛·瓦特森 昵称:Em 2010纽约Met Ball出生地:法国巴黎 国籍:英国 血统:3/4英国+1/4法国(其祖母为纯种法国人) 生日:1990年4月15日傍晚6时 星座:白羊座 家乡:英国牛津郡 身高:5英尺6英寸(168cm) 体重:不明 眸色:褐色 发色:深金**(后为出演赫敏染成棕色) 兴趣:滑雪,绘画,烹饪,唱歌,跳舞,场地曲棍球,网球,艺术 宠物:童年时有一只叫做Bubbles的小猫(Emma的弟弟Alex也有一只叫做Domino的小猫) 现在美国布朗宿舍内新养了一只小猫 学校及学业: 1995年9月进入Lynams School 1998年9月升入Dragon School 2003年进入Headington School 海丁顿中学(这所创办于1915年的女校是英国顶级的公学之一) 2006年GCSE考试在十项科目中获得了8个A+和2个A的优异成绩。+ 2008年三项A levels考试英语文学、艺术、地理以及一项AS level考试艺术史获得全A成绩。 2009年以straight A的成绩就读于美国常春藤名校布朗大学(已开始第二学年课程)。 (艾玛曾被剑桥大学圣三一学院及哈佛、哥伦比亚大学录取,但因为更喜欢布朗大学富有自由度的学制,最终选择了后者。布朗大学位于美国罗德岛州的首府普罗维登斯,是美国常春藤联盟八大名校之一) 目前艾玛正在美国的布朗大学攻读文科学位,她的第一学年已经结束。 艾玛形容她的大学生活“是我最美好的经历!” 除学习外,艾玛还积极参加布朗的各项活动。 2010年3月,她在校园戏剧《三姐妹》中出演伊琳(Irina)。 2010年10月,她加入了布朗的曲棍球俱乐部并与其他学校进行比赛  座驾:丰田普锐斯 混合动力环保型 手机:黑莓(blackberry) 苹果(iPhone) 家庭情况: 父亲 Chris Watson 律师 母亲 Jacqueline Luesby 律师(两人于1995年离异) 弟弟 Alex Watson 1993年出生 模特 继母 Julie 同父异母双胞胎妹妹:Nina、Lucy 同父异母弟弟:Toby 注:以上为官方数据,请尊重艾玛的真实信息,切勿篡改。 喜欢:(以下内容来自官网) 最喜欢的颜色:粉红 最喜欢的歌手:Joni Mitchell、Merril Bainbridge、Michael Jackson、Hot Chip、Van Morrison、Counting Crows、Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers、The Pretenders、Jet、Laura Marling、Citizen Cope 最喜欢的专辑:Joni Mitchell的<Blue> 最喜欢的歌:Alanis Morissette的<Thank you> 最喜欢音乐风格:Chicago 芝加哥 最喜欢的**:诺丁山 最喜欢的男演员:约翰尼·德普 最喜欢的女演员:朱莉亚·罗伯茨 最喜欢的书:去日留痕、我的秘密城堡、追风筝的人、小王子、麦田里的守望者 最喜欢的作者:卡洛斯·鲁依斯·萨丰 最喜欢的艺术家:Gustav Klimt、尤恩·厄格罗、Francis Bacon、Leonardo da Vinci、Lucien Freud、Freida Kahlo、Egon Schiele 最喜欢的购衣商场:Harvey Nichols 最喜欢的设计家:Chanel(香奈儿) 最喜欢的食物:意大利、法国和西班牙的,对意大利空心粉情有独钟 最让我愉快的食物:松饼和热巧克力 最喜欢的饮料:橘子汁与柠檬汁的混合饮料、巧克力沙冰 最喜欢的度假地点:法国 最喜欢的运动:曲棍球 最喜欢的品牌:Burberry、People Tree、Ray Ban、Alex and Ani、Chanel、Stella McCartney、Smythson、Mulberry 最喜欢的动物:猫 最喜欢的电视:Friends(老友记) 最喜欢的HP情景:巨魔场景(特技,一应俱全! ) 最喜欢的HP魔咒:“统统石化!”(Petrificus Totalus!") 最美丽的场景:在《哈利·波特与火焰杯》中圣诞舞会上打扮得非常漂亮,一改往日的书虫形象 最喜欢的HP的书:《哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》 最喜欢的HP角色:海格(Hagrid)(因为他非常有趣) 不喜欢: 不喜欢的音乐类型:古典或歌剧 不喜欢的学校科目:地理, 数学和拉丁文 不喜欢的食物:蔬菜 不喜欢的HP场景:在最后拥抱哈利“开始我很害怕,但后来就好了。” 其他: 魁地奇的位置,她想成为:追球手 隐形斗篷用途:潜入**院或音乐会 会讲一些法语。 父母都是英国人,祖母是法国人。 Emma小时候住在法国,5岁时才返回英国。 出生于周日下午6时00分(格林尼治时间加1小时)。 圈内好友: 丹尼尔·雷德克里夫(Daniel Radcliffe)[关系:好友 身份:演员] 鲁伯特·格林特(Rupert Grint )[关系:好友 身份:演员] 邦妮·凯瑟琳·赖特(Bonnie Kathleen Wrig)[关系:好友 身份:演员] 罗彼·考特拉尼(Robbie Coltrane)[关系:好友 身份:演员] 汤姆·费尔顿(Tom Felton)[关系:好友 身份:演员] 索菲亚·萨姆纳(Sophie Sumner)[关系:闺蜜 身份:模特] 卡罗琳·锡伯(Caroline Sieber)[关系:闺蜜 身份:造型师] 乔治·克雷格(George Craig)[关系:好友 身份:歌手] 克里斯·贝尔彻(Chris Belcher)[关系:好友 身份:模特] 碧夏弗(Bee Shaffer)[关系:好友 身份:造型师] 安娜·温图尔(Anna Wintour)[关系:好友 身份:美国版《Vogue》主编] 卡尔·拉格斐(Karl Lagerfeld)[关系:好友 身份:设计师] 克里斯托弗·贝利(Christopher Bailey)[关系:好友 身份:设计师] 克里斯托弗·凯恩(Christopher Kane)[关系:好友 身份:设计师] 卡雅·斯考达里奥(Kaya Scodelario)[关系:好友 身份:演员]




















  loli = 幼女













  可爱的“洛丽塔”族都很年轻,但她们非常警惕,面对陌生人时想到的更多是保护自己。当我提出采访要求的时候,她们都瞪大眼睛受惊一样地看着我,再三思量之后,才怯怯地开口要求,能不能拿出记者证,而当记 者证和名片一并送上之时,她们马上拿出手机拍摄证件。确认无误之后,“公主”们才再露出甜甜的笑,让我继续拍照。


  在Old school朋克,HipHop,Guru等一波波穿着风格在过去的十年中轮流主导



  了一场永不落幕的万圣节狂欢: 14至18岁的高校女生穿着华丽的丝绒长裙,或起褶篷裙









  如今又加上了肆无忌惮的华丽。在这个洛丽塔般“小妖精”横行的年代,John Galliano






  法国设计师Josiane Pividal和Joseph甚至为自己的服装品牌起名为Lolita Lempicka

  (美国小说家Nabokov的名著改编**《Lolita》和画家Tamara de Lempicka的姓两者




  连一贯成熟优雅的Chanel也在05春夏的Haute Couture(高级成衣)中,穿插许多可爱

  细腻的小细节,蓬蓬裙,草帽和硕大的蝴蝶结。Jean paul Gaultier则将街头洛丽塔的

  风格带入其秀场中,印花连衣裙配以带着花边的遮阳伞。同样的设计,在John Galliano








  有些人认为只要身穿黑白上衣加喱士裙,就已经是Lolita,亦有些人认为Lolita不只是服饰装扮,其实是一种精神思想,代表无视世界规范,自成一格。基本上,Lolita的概念是沿自欧洲宫廷、公主、洋娃娃系列的服饰,在日本原宿街头发扬光大,成为一种fashion style。


  1 Sweet Love Lolita - 以粉红、粉蓝、白色等粉色系列为主,衣料选用大量喱士,务求缔造出洋娃娃般的可爱和澜漫。一般女孩子也倾向于可爱洋娃娃的服装,所以玩 Lolita的也以玩sweet love 的较多。深田恭子戏里的造型就属于这种。

  2 Elegant Gothic Lolita - 主色为黑和白,特征是想表达神秘恐怖和死亡的感觉。不喜欢可爱打扮的Lolita爱好者的另类之选。通常配以十字架银器、黑色指甲和眼影,带出神秘优雅的气质。

  3 Classic Lolita - 基本上与Sweet Lolita有点相似,但以简约色调为主,着重剪裁以表达清雅的心思,颜色较为平实(例如茶色及白色)。裙身的喱士花边会较 Sweet Lolita为少,而荷叶褶是最大的特色,流露出高贵典雅的格调。由于设计较为平实,所以特别适合一些初玩Lolita的Fans。


  Lolita源自俄裔美籍著名作家纳博可夫 (Vladimir Nabokov) 于1955年出版的小说《Lolita》,后被史丹利寇比力克(Stanley Kubrick) 改编成同名**《一树梨花压海棠》,描述一位中年教授与12岁少女的纠缠情欲关系,女主角名叫Lolita。自此,日本人将‘Lolita’成为天真可爱少女的代名词,把14岁以下的女孩称为‘Lolita代’,简称为‘Loli’。1997年,**《Lolita》再被重拍,在日本大受欢迎,原宿街头开始兴起宫廷娃娃look的时装潮流。

  Lolita 绝不等于 Cosplay!

  Gothic & Lolita 是一种服装风格, Cosplay 是一种角色扮演活动,千万不可混淆。其实,出现这种误解,是因为很多漫画角色穿着 Gothic & Lolita 服饰,像《库洛魔法使》的木之本樱、《Chobits》的芝等,她们都是很受欢迎的角色,导致有人因而把 Gothic & Lolita 与 Cosplay 混为一谈。



  高龄 Lolita

  在日本,Lolita除了有少女拥趸外,更有不少成熟女性支持。日本的Loli派妈咪较常穿‘Pink House’这牌子。‘Pink House’ fashion 源自一部加拿大**《Anne of Green Gables》,但近年‘Pink House’已经日本化,失去原本的田园优雅风格。







  Take a look around don't you see it

  See that you are the only real face in the room

  No one here has a clue what you're feeling

  Don't feel bad keep your sadness alive

  Look at all these happy people

  Living their lives

  Look at all these plastic people

  Theres nothing inside

  Look at all these shallow people

  Telling their lies

  Look at all these empty people, people


  Don't you know, misery loves company

  Yeah I heard, misery was looking for me

  Happiness, a place you don't if you know me

  Yeah I heard, misery was looking for me

  Woah, misery's my company

  Woah, misery is looking for me

  Looking for me

  The hands are up

  Everybody's singing, everybody's moving

  they're putting their feelings

  They're synchronizing, and criticizing

  Don't feel bad keep your sadness alive

  Look a all these happy people

  Living their lives

  Look at all these plastic people

  They're dying inside

  Look at all these shallow people

  Telling their lies

  Look at all these empty people,people


  Don't you know, misery loves company

  Yeah I heard, misery was looking for me

  Happiness a place you don't if you know me

  Yeah I heard, misery was looking for me

  Woah, misery's my company

  Woah, misery is looking for me

  Don't you know this misery loves me

  This misery loves me

  Don't you know this misery loves me

  Don't you know this misery loves me

  So you're tired of running

  You're tired of hurting

  You're tired of living in their light

  You're tired of listening

  You're tired of hurting

  Keep your sadness alive, alive

  Don't know, misery with company

  Yeah I heard, misery was looking for me

  Happiness, a place you don't if you know me

  Yeah I heard, misery was looking for me

  Don't you know, misery was still with me

  Yeah I heard, misery was looking for me

  Happiness, a place you don't if you know me

  Yeah I heard, misery was looking for me

  Woah, misery's my company

  Woah, misery is looking for me

  <The River>

  Baptized in the river

  As I walk through the valley

  of the shadow of LA

  The footsteps that were next to me

  have gone their separate ways

  I've seen enough now

  to know that beautiful things

  don't always stay that way

  I've done enough now

  to know this beautiful place

  isn't everything they say

  I heard that evil comes disguised

  Like the city of angels

  I'm walking towards the light

  Baptized in the river

  I've seen a vision of my life

  And I wanna be delivered

  In the city with the sinner

  I've done a lot of things wrong

  But I swear I'm a believer

  Like the prodigal son

  I was out on my own

  Now I'm trying to find my way back home

  Baptized in the river

  I'm delivered

  I'm delivered

  Wanna be delivered

  To the praying Mother

  And the worried Father

  Let your children go

  Baptized in the river (on my own, on my own)

  I wanna be delivered

  I confess I'm a sinner

  I've seen a vision of my life

  That I wanna be delivered

  <Dance Floor Anthem>

  Shes going out to forget they were together

  All that time he was taken her granted

  She wants to see if theres more than he gave, shes lookin for,

  He calls her up hes trippin' on the phone now

  He doesn't want her out there and alone now

  Knows shes moving it, knows shes using it

  Now he's losing it and she dont care

  Everybody put your hands up say, I don't wanna be in love,

  Feel the beat now if you got nothing left say I dont wanna be in love

  Don't give up now, you got a reason to live say, I don't wanna be in love

  Feeling good now, don't be afraid to get down say, I don't wanna be in love

  He was always giving her attention

  Working hard to buy the things she mentioned

  He was dedicated by most suckers hated

  That girl was fine but she didn't appreciate him

  She calls him up, shes trippin on the phone now

  He had to get out and he ain't coming home now

  Now lets try to forget it that's how he got with her

  When he first met her and when they first got together


  To the beat , to the beat, to the beat, you got nothing to lose don't be afraid to get down

  We break up, its something that we do now,

  Everyon has got to do it sometime

  Its ok, let it go, get out there and find someone (some more)

  Its too late to be trippin on the phone here

  Get off the wire everything is good here

  Stop what you are doingyou don't wanna ruin the sex that you got to find a new one


  <Keep Your Hands Off My Girl>

  Let the record play,

  Let the record play,

  Let the record play

  The way that you dance,

  The way that you move,

  The way that you stare at me across the room,

  You carry Dion bags,

  And you got your Chanel,

  You wear L Louis Vuitton, ASG, and YSL,

  Now I got what you need,

  I got DCMA,

  I got brass knuckles hanging,

  From my neck and my chain,

  I got a model 26,

  But she stays in her place,

  I got a curve shirt neatly,

  Tucked inside in my waist


  And the record keeps playing,

  The same old song,

  The hipster keeps mugging on me all night long,

  They say "Aha, ahha",

  Keep your hands off my girl,

  Keep your hands off my girl,

  They say "Aha, ahha",

  But the record keeps playing,

  The same old song,

  They say "Aha, ahha",

  Keep your hands off my girl,

  Keep your hands off my girl

  Now she sweating my friends,

  And my hurricane shoes,

  She likes the records I spin,

  But out important tattoos,

  But she can't say "what's up",

  So what does she do,

  She just stays posted up,

  The other side of the room,

  I got AMC tattooed in my hand,

  I got black wall street on a black bandana


  And the record keeps playing,

  The same old song,

  The hipster keeps mugging on me all night long,

  They say "Aha, ahha",

  Keep your hands off my girl,

  Keep your hands off my girl,

  They say "Aha, ahha",

  But the record keeps playing,

  The same old song,

  They say "Aha, ahha",

  Keep your hands off my girl,

  Keep your hands off my girl

  She, she, she don't wanna talk about it,

  He, he, he wants to fight about,

  Me, me, I don't wanna fight about it,

  I just wanna be about it,

  I'm just trying to stay about it,

  Step out the wagon,

  You know the boy starts to hate,

  The girl that came with him,

  They like that's not the boy she dates,

  They get the fighting and swearing,

  And now the boyfriend is staring,

  The disco ball on the ceiling,

  Looks like the chain that I'm wearing,

  But the music keeps playing,

  I got brass knuckles hanging,

  From my neck and my chain,

  I got brass knuckles hanging,

  From my neck and my chain

  And the record keeps playing,

  The same old song,

  The hipster keeps mugging on me all night long,

  They say "Aha, ahha",

  Keep your hands off my girl,

  Keep your hands off my girl,

  And the record keeps playing,

  The same old song,

  The hipster keeps mugging on me all night long,

  They say "Aha, ahha",

  Keep your hands off my girl,

  Keep your hands off my girl

  You carry Dion bags,

  And you got your Chanel,

  You wear Lui Vitoung, ASG, and YSL

  Now I got what you need,

  I got DCMA,

  I got brass knuckles hanging,

  From my neck and my chain,

  I got brass knuckles hanging,

  From my neck and my chain

  <Victims Of Love>

  In the beginning, I tried to warn you

  You play with fire, its gonna burn you

  And here we are now, in the same situation,

  You never listen, I never listen

  Now I am thinking of a way that I can make an escape

  It's got me caught up in a web and my hearts the prey

  Do you really wanna throw your heart away, away, away

  Everybody's hurt somebody before

  Everybody's been hurt by somebody before

  You can change but you will always come back for more

  Its a game and we are all just victims of love

  Don't try to fight it, victims of love

  You can't decide it, victims of love, victims of love

  Now you've back tracked

  You're running away cause it just happened again and you don't want it to end

  Trying your best to not let yourself go cold, so cold

  Now you think about the things you thought you wanted to say

  But when you open up your mouth it don't come out that way

  Are you really gonna throw your heart away

  Everybody's hurt somebody before

  Everybody's been hurt by somebody before

  You can change but you will always come back for more

  Its a game and we are all just victims of love

  Don't try to fight it, victims of love

  You can't decide it, victims of love, victims of love

  You never listen, I never listen

  Now I am thinking of a way that I can make an escape

  It's got me caught up in a web and my hearts the prey

  Do you really wanna throw your heart away, away, away

  <Where Would We Be>

  smile, you laugh, I look away

  I sigh, you ask me why, I say,

  It's ok and I am just feeling down

  Your hand on mine I hear the words

  If only love had found us first, our lives would be different

  So I stand and wait

  I am just a man

  Where would we be now baby, if we found each other first

  Where would we be now baby,

  And now I must confess

  That I am a sinking ship

  I'm anchored by the weight of my heart cause its filled with these feelings

  I keep my true thought locked beside my hearts black box

  It wont be found, it wont be found, through the smoke or the wreckage

  So I crash and burn

  I got a lot of things to learn

  Where would we be now baby, if we found each other first

  What would you do now darling, if I said these simple words

  I'll wait, I'll waitAs long as you want

  Where would we be now baby

  I'll wait

  I'll wait

  Where would we be now baby, if we found each other first

  What would you do now darling, if I said these simple words

  I'll wait, I'll waitAs long as you want

  Where would we be now baby

  I'll wait

  I'll wait

  <Break Her Heart>

  When you call she doesn't answer, when you write she doesn't answer

  When you go out you see him with her, she told you she was sick at home

  The ring you gave her thrown away with all the letters

  When you see him wither her, he doesn't care at all

  As he follows him around like you follow her around

  He doesn't even care and your figuring it out

  The only way your gonna keep somebody around

  I'm about to let you know

  There's something I don't understand

  The only way a woman is gonna want a man

  The only way ya'll ever keep her in your hands

  Is breaking apart her heart

  Don't tell her she is the reason that you live

  Don't give her everything that you got to give

  If you want to keep a girl for as long as you live

  Just break apart her heart

  Can't you see shes the way she's crying

  Thats what keeps her trying, she knew she could have you

  And he don't give her what she wants

  There is truth about this, you say you want to be noticed

  Well if you want to be noticed you gotta learn to break some hearts

  Don't try to understand

  Can't you see what you've done

  What I've become, what I've become

  Can't you see

  I don't understand this cruelty

  I don't understand but now I see

  I don't understandits just not me

  <All BLack>

  Take a look at my life, all black

  Take a look at my clothes, all black

  Like Johnny Cash, all black

  Like the Rolling Stones wanna paint it black

  The night we met, all black

  The colour of your dress, all black

  The seats in my Cadillac, all black

  As long as I could remember I dreamed in black and white

  As I grew up and the sun went down I never felt more alright

  My mother she use to tell meSon you better get to church


  Never been much for weddings or anniversaries but

  I go to a funeral if I'm invited any day of the week

  Some people say I sound strange some say I'm not right

  But I find beauty in this world every single night

  Take a look at my life, all black

  Take a look at my clothes, all black

  Like Johnny Cash, all black

  Like the Rolling Stones wanna paint it black

  The night we met, all black

  The colour of your dress, all black

  The seats in my Cadillac, all black

  I used to see red, but now just all black

  I sat down at her table at the end of the night

  She was having black coffee and a cigarette, she wasn't wearing white

  She said, people tell me that I am strange that I am not right

  The only time I feel alright is in the dead of night

  I think I found the one for me

  Take a look at my life, all black

  Take a look at my clothes, all black

  Like Johnny Cash, all black

  Like the Rolling Stones wanna paint it black

  The night we met, all black

  The colour of your dress, all black

  The seats in my Cadillac, all black

  I remember feeling so alive

  The night I look into her eyes,

  Take a look at my life

  <A Beautiful Place>

  Mother can we start over

  I wanna be the boy was back then

  Before the world came

  And made me colder

  I wanna feel the way I did back then

  With love in my heart

  We live in a beautiful place

  Let love take away all this pain

  We live in a beautiful place

  We wasted so many days

  Our hearts are as dark as the rain

  We live in a beautiful place

  Father, can we start over

  Take me to the places that we lived

  Before the days came and made us older

  I wanna feel the way I did back then

  Before my heart grew cold


  Our hearts are as dark as the rain

  Our hearts are as dark as the rain

  Its a beautiful place if we make it

  It's a beautiful place to be wasted, don't you know

  We live in a beautiful place,

  Let love take away all this pain,

  We live in a beautiful place [repeat]

  We wasted so many days

  Our hearts are as dark as the rain

  We live in a beautiful place

  <Something Else>

  She is a diamond, I am a stone

  I come from nowhere, she's been to Rome

  Her daddy's a lawyer and mines not around

  She has good manners, I'm rough all around

  But you could come from something, you could come from nothing

  You could be a princess, you could be a working man

  But in the end

  We all want something else (We all want something else)

  We all want something we can't have

  We all want something else (We all want something else)

  We all want something strange to us

  Maybe a roll in the dirt, or it's a seat in first class

  We all want something we can't have

  She wants to go to restaurants in Beverly Hills and people stare

  But I don't care it's just what she grew up around

  She drags me to parties where people ask me where I went to college

  She knows damn well I barely finished school

  She knows a lot about yearly salaries and trust funds and dividends

  She knows that I don't really care at all

  But we got together and it's working ok

  You could come from something, you could come from nothing

  You could be a princess, you could be a working man

  But in the end

  We all want something else (We all want something else)

  We all want something we can't have

  We all want something else (We all want something else)

  We all want something strange to us

  Maybe a roll in the dirt, or it's a seat in first class

  We all want something we can't have

  Well you can spend your whole life looking for something,

  Something that might be right in front of your eyes,

  but you'll be looking for something else you'll never find

  We all want something else (All want something else)

  We all want something we can't have

  We all want something else (All want something else)

  We all want something strange to us

  We all want something else (All want something else)

  We all want something we can't have

  We all want something else (All want something else)

  We all want something strange to us

  Maybe a roll in the dirt, or it's a seat in first class

  We all want something we can't have

  <Broken Hearts Parade>

  We got problems

  We don't know how to solve them

  Everywhere we go

  We got some skeletons that follow

  We got baggage

  and know we're gonna drag it

  Everywhere we go for everyone to see in the

  Broken hearts parade and

  I'm putting my heart out on display

  There's no masquerade

  Just a funeral march for love today

  The band starts up and their playin a song

  We're dressed in black and we're singin along

  to the broken hearts parade

  I've never been better than I am today

  You got a question

  Now do we get it started

  I got an answer

  Let go of your heartache

  Love it, live it, leave it and get into it

  If you wanna start it, this is how in the

  Broken hearts parade and

  I'm putting my heart out on display

  There's no masquerade

  Just a funeral march for love today

  The band starts up and their playin a song

  We're dressed in black and we're singin along

  to the broken hearts parade

  I've never been better than I am today

  I use to lay awake at night and

  Wonder when she's comin home

  It use to be so hard to wake up everyday

  Broken hearts parade and

  We're putting our hearts out on display

  There's no masquerade

  Just a funeral march for love today

  The band starts up and their playin a song

  We're dressed in black and we're singin along

  to the broken hearts parade

  I've never been better than I am today


  To the beauty of a broken heart


  To the beauty of a broken heart

  <March On>

  Don't cry

  Open up your eyes and know

  There's someone else out there that feels this way

  I'm singing to you

  Cause I know what you've been through and now

  It's not so long ago I felt the same

  Like soldiers

  March on

  If we can make it through the night will see the sun

  March on, march on

  I remember summer nights alone

  Fireflies the only thing we own

  All we ever dreams of California

  I remember winters were so cold

  Hunger was the only thing we know

  And rock n' roll dreamin' was what saved us

  Like soldiers

  March on

  If we can make it through the night will see the sun

  March on, march on

  Till we see the sun

  Till we see the sun

  Through the good times,

  Through the bad times

  Through the long days

  Through the hard nights

  Keep on till we see the sun

  Like soldiers

  March on

  If we can make it through the night will see the sun

  March on, march on

  Like soldiers

  March on

  If we can make it through the night will see the sun

  March on, march on

  Even when there's no one there for you march on

  Even when the days are long for you march on

  Like soldiers

  March on


  小说描述一位从法国移民美国的中年男子亨·亨伯特(Humbert Humbert)在少年时期,与一14岁的少女安娜贝儿发生了一段初恋,最后安娜贝儿因伤寒而早夭,造就了亨伯特的恋童癖(The child I love),他将“小妖精”定义为“九到十四岁”。亨伯特最先被一名富有的寡妇抛弃,后来又迷恋上女房东Charlotte Haze的12岁女儿洛丽塔(Lolita),称呼她为小妖精。

  由于儿时的阴影,亨伯特对洛丽塔无法自拔,为了亲近这名早熟、热情的小女孩,亨伯特娶女房东为妻,成为洛丽塔的继父。小说中的女孩原名桃乐莉·海兹(Dolores Haze),西班牙文发音的小名为洛丽塔(Lolita)或洛(Lo),因此作为书名。

  后来女房东在丈夫的日记中发现自己的丈夫对女儿的企图和对自己的不忠,十分生气,于是写了三封信(后来被亨撕碎,但根据文章中,信的残篇段句,三封信的内容想表达妻子想离开丈夫一段时间,然后再找机会复合,表现出妻子对丈夫的爱)在寄信的途中被车子撞死。亨伯特将洛丽塔从夏令营接出来一起旅行,他以为在洛丽塔的饮料中下药,就可以在不知不觉中猥亵她。 结果药对洛丽塔全无效果(因为那并不是真正的强力安眠药),相反第二天清晨洛丽塔主动挑逗亨伯特,发生**的关系。亨伯特然后告知洛丽塔她的母亲已经去世,至此洛丽塔在别无选择的情况下接受了必须和继父生活下去的这个现实。 亨伯特带着洛丽塔以父女的身份沿着美国旅游,他利用零用钱、美丽的衣饰和美味的食物等小女孩会喜欢的东西来控制洛丽塔,以及继续满足自己对她的欲望。洛丽塔长大后,开始讨厌继父,她意识到“即使是最可悲的家庭生活也比这种**状况好”。于是她开始跟年纪相当的男孩子交往,并借着一次旅行的机会脱离继父的掌握,一开始亨伯特疯狂的寻找,但是最终还是放弃了。

  三年过去,一日亨伯特收到洛丽塔的来信,信上说她已经结婚,并怀孕了,需要继父的金钱援助。亨伯特给了她400美元现金和3600美元的支票还有把屋子卖了买家先付的10000美元跟房子的契约。他要求洛丽塔说出当时拐走她的人,洛丽塔告诉他那人正是奎迪(Quilty)( 作品中被女主角认为是东方天才哲学家),其为学校演出的剧作家,并告诉他,她和奎迪出走后,因为拒绝了奎迪要她和其他男孩子拍摄色情影片的要求,而被奎迪赶了出来。亨伯特请求洛丽塔离开她的丈夫和他走,但是她拒绝了这个要求,亨伯特伤心欲绝。他追踪并枪杀了奎迪。最终, 亨伯特因血栓病死于狱中,而17岁的洛丽塔则因难产死于1950年圣诞。



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