

In extremely ancient times, human beings relied on their intelligence to domesticate animals, so that they can not only eat meat at any time, but also use their fur to make clothes to keep warm Before silk, linen, cloth and silk were invented, humans used animal fur to make clothes to resist the cold

Later, with the progress of textile technology, people's clothes were also made of cloth, while animal fur clothes became a luxury People who can afford these clothes are often either rich or expensive But the animal fur used in these clothes is often mink or bear skin Have you ever seen anything made of pig skin An artist made such an attempt After tattooing a live pig, a pig skin of more than 700000 was bought by Chanel and made into a limited edition handbag What's going on

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The name of the man who tattooed the pig is WIM He is an artist from Belgium Since he was a child, he showed his artistic talent different from ordinary people and often did things that people couldn't understand In 1977, in order to create art, Wim went to a farm in the countryside to find inspiration On this farm, he saw a very interesting thing, that is, the farmer's children graffiti on the pigs with paintbrushes Most people may think these children are very naughty when they see them, but VIM gets his own creative inspiration from them

So he couldn't wait to buy a pig to try Of course, unlike the children, VIM didn't just doodle on the pigs, but decided to tattoo them Many people may find it incredible It's understandable to tattoo people, but what's the point of tattooing pigs Maybe it's the difference between the so-called artists and ordinary people

After buying the pig back, VIM asked someone to shave all the hair on the pig Because the tattoo was very painful, the pig would scream and struggle fiercely There was no way to tattoo, so VIM tried to anesthetize the pig However, because the dose of anesthetic is very difficult to control, more injections may kill pigs, and less injections can not have a good effect Pigs can only be anesthetized with a small dose, which can only last two hours at a time, and can only be anesthetized once a week for the sake of pig safety So the work of tattooing pigs took three months to complete, but it made VIM a lot of gains


Not long after tattooing the pig, VIM received a court summons from Chanel It turned out that he tattooed the logo of Chanel on the back of the pig, so Chanel believed that VIM infringed their trademark In fact, the original reason why VIM did this was to attract the attention of Chanel Therefore, facing the subpoena of the court, VIM did not panic, but contacted Chanel company and said he could give them the pig with Chanel logo, and the luxury goods made from the pig's skin would certainly sell at a high price

After discussion, Chanel felt that this was indeed a good way So after they obtained the pig skin, they made it into two handbags Once the two handbags were launched, they caused a sensation in the market, and even had been fried to 500000 yuan in the market Chanel, which saw the business opportunity, decided to cooperate with VIM to provide itself with tattooed pig skin But later, Wim's behavior was protested by animal protection organizations, saying that he tattooed animals as an act of animal abuse Therefore, in order to maintain the company's image, Chanel can only terminate the contract with vim


After the tattoo of a live pig, a pig skin of more than 700000 was bought by Chanel and made into a limited edition handbag Some of the artist's practices may be difficult for ordinary people to understand, or even feel meaningless But since this kind of thing can exist, there may be something special In any case, Wim's approach is an innovation It is with this unique artistic talent that he is valued by Chanel and gives a pig skin a higher value



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