


市场调研公司Millward Brown日前评出了2008年度全球品牌100强。结果,Google以861亿美元的品牌价值高居榜首,而中国移动排名第五。





排名 品牌 品牌价值 品牌价值变动Official On-line

1 Google 谷歌 86,057 30%Official On-line Forum of Finance Management School of SIFT, o7 Z5 z3 w$ m A

2 GE 通用电气 71,379 15%放飞-1 Z$ q/ g& t {/ h) H+ N2 `

3 Microsoft 微软 70,887 29%) b4 j2 T' r2 G g- \) A

4 Coca-Cola (1) 可口可乐 58,208 17%

5 China Mobile中国移动 57,225 39%2 u _& O5 {! T& i M4 C

6 IBM 55,335 65%Official On-line Forum of Finance Management School of SIFT0 M- j7 w3 F4 K2 a0 U$ u5 _4 y

7 Apple 苹果 55,206 123%wwwfofeecom; v; B+ R/ H5 s0 }/ H

8 McDonald’s 麦当劳 49,499 49%( X( b) z9 n) a! \

9 Nokia 诺基亚 43,975 39%

10 Marlboro 万宝路 37,324 -5%: j6 w k; ~9 P8 Q- B5 M

11 Vodafone 沃达丰 36,962 75%wwwfofeecom9 @, u( A' r! l4 |

12 Toyota 丰田 35,134 5%; u& G- h' I1 K8 k)

13 Wal-Mart 沃尔玛 34,547 -6%9 j+ _# c5 K3 O8 % Z5 b4 v O

14 Bank of America 美国银行 33,092 15%wwwfofeecom# u( V X$ i( v, \/ ]/ C$ T" f

15 Citi 花旗 30,318 -10%

16 HP 惠普 29,278 17%& X5 ~; M' O7 {2 b1 u2 v

17 BMW 宝马 28,015 9%

18 ICBC 中国工商银行 28,004 70%

19 Louis Vuitton 路易威登 25,739 13%

20 American Express 美国运通 24,816 7%7 I4 U2 l( G4 ~ F# q

21 Wells Fargo 威尔士法戈 24,739 2%

22 Cisco 思科 24,101 28%

23 Disney 迪士尼 23,705 5%

24 UPS 全球著名快递公司 23,610 -4%wwwfofeecom' w/ n) v

25 Tesco 乐购 23,208 39%

26 Oracle 甲骨文 22,904 29%( ~ s" Z& t w) R

27 Intel 英特尔 22,027 18%

28 Porsche 保时捷 21,718 62%' M2 K h: ]5 N

29 SAP 德国的SPA公司 21,669 20%放飞-4 V, s& I+ f) L J D M+ r: `5 N L

30 Gillette 吉列 21,523 20%

31 China Construction Bank 中国建设银行 19,603 82%- @0 w) d1 N/ z' u0 n9 4 Z7 z

32 Bank of China 中国银行 19,418 42%wwwfofeecom1 m2 d4 h, e {' Z/ P" ~

33 Verizon Wireless 19,202 18%放飞-" ` N& Z3 Q4 m

34 Royal Bank of Canada 加拿大皇家银行 18,995 39%wwwfofeecom3 a p4 K/ i l5 |# u$ w: a

35 HSBC 汇丰 18,479 6%Official On-line Forum of Finance Management School of SIFT6 J$ A w$ W" c9 C7 ]! H

36 Mercedes 梅赛德斯(奔驰) 18,044 1%, z, O$ T: A9 A9 r) V m

37 Honda 本田 16,649 8%Official On-line Forum of Finance Management School of SIFT z" v# _) o% I! n) H3 a# d/ U

38 L’Oréal 欧莱雅 16,459 34%9 l C z6 U' }6 b7 h4 e

39 Pepsi(2) 百事可乐 15,404 15%; r( u4 Z+ V) G/ S/ x

40 Home Depot 家得宝 15,378 -16%wwwfofeecom# v k, [8 @+ \

41 Dell 戴尔 15,288 10%

42 Deutsche Bank 德意志银行 15,104 14%

43 ING(3) 伊歌 15,080 31%+ D- ]8 k: C" G4 O2 D

44 Carrefour 家乐福 15,057 29%放飞-8 C4 Q" I5 h3 F2 n- `) F" A) u

45 NTT DoCoMo(日本最大的也是世界领先的移动通讯公司) 15,048 11%放飞-; y% P8 E+ ^2 a& B I" m

46 Target(全美第二大零售商) 14,738 27%

47 Siemens 西门子 14,665 61%

48 Banco Santander西班牙桑坦德银行 14,549 20%wwwfofeecom/ Y( j8 U# e/ B y( c d b

49 Accenture 埃森哲 14,137 34%

50 Orange 法国一家通讯运营商 14,093 42%$ \/ f2 \% R" G; j

51 BlackBerry 13,734 390%# p# L" |: P3 l X: x

52 Chase 12,782 14%

53 Nike 12,499 21%wwwfofeecom0 X- c7 }) s8 X+ e$ H1 _

54 Canon 12,398 9%

55 AT&T 12,030 30%

56 Starbucks 12,011 -25%Official On-line Forum of Finance Management School of SIFT- r/ J& k" j9 I1 ]

57 Goldman Sachs 11,944 45%

58 Samsung 11,870 -7%

59 Nissan 11,707 5%

60 Marks & Spencer 11,600 22%放飞-# N+ m- G- N4 x3 }$ O

61 Amazon 11,511 93%3 }& U z; F3 p% k4 - V/ T0 t r

62 Yahoo! 11,465 -13%

63 Morgan Stanley 11,327 1%

64 UBS 11,220 -3%

65 eBay 11,200 -13%! j% C7 T( I3 \

66 H&M 11,182 28%

67 Wachovia 11,022 10%放飞-: q) h8 M N" q) E! u+ n

68 Ford 10,971 -13%

69 Chevrolet 10,862 -3%' Y8 |, `: U& d: y

70 Budweiser(4) 10,839 9%

71 Colgate 10,576 37%Official On-line Forum of Finance Management School of SIFT2 @0 ~' ^) L7 X# f

72 Harley-Davidson 10,401 1%% c# U, r) y1 b6 f' [

73 Subway 10,335 39%

74 Merrill Lynch 9,802 -16%3 N0 H' " J; _

75 JP Morgan 9,762 15%

76 Hermès 9,631 39%wwwfofeecom! w V$ x E# 9 ^1 r6 C

77 BBVA 9,457 N/A% c# J0 A- P5 S1 w/ h, C

78 State Farm 9,425 8%+ ~& Q+ c2 B2 P( t

79 Gucci 9,341 43%

80 Cartier 9,285 32%9 `4 R; {3 D2 f- U2 B5 \

81 FedEx 9,273 0% l9 D( C1 5 j6 V3 Y, s

82 Tide 9,123 N/A

83 T-Mobile 8,940 11%

84 Zara 8,682 34%

85 Chanel 8,656 15%

86 IKEA 8,507 15%

87 Ariel 8,437 N/A \( X7 M" }, R' }1 F; l

88 Telefónica Movistar 8,117 73%放飞-1 W( S- e6 t- x" ^; @0 J: `/ Y5 S

89 MTS 8,077 N/A" M2 ]% K {& j

90 Esprit 7,907 46%

91 TIM 7,903 -6%# G9 i- n4 a+ v2 o0 y, `

92 Motorola 7,575 -30%

93 Barclays 7,382 12%

94 Avon 7,209 10%Official On-line Forum of Finance Management School of SIFT+ Z+ U8 n9 F( h! E4 P

95 Auchan 7,148 28%

96 VW(Volkswagen) 7,143 2%Official On-line Forum of Finance Management School of SIFT v \- o! c g' z0 l

97 AXA 7,141 50%0 G! t7 u5 h u

98 AIG 7,102 21%

99 Mastercard 6,970 52%

100 Standard Chartered Bank 6,855 73%



(棕瓶)密集精华眼部两瓶套装(15ml+15ml) 593

(棕瓶)密集精华眼部面部套装(面50ml+眼15ml) 800

璀璨美白隔离霜 SPF50 (50ML×2支)的套装 497

红石榴水200ml 290

红石榴日霜50ml 331

红石榴晚霜50ml 359

红石榴营养洁面乳 179

紫竹水200ml 290

弹性紧实活颜柔肤晚霜 559

细致焕采化妆水400ml(蓝色) 304

柔丝焕采洁面乳 (粉色洁面) 173


水分露套装(粉色、绿色)含50ml面霜+50ml同款洁面+125ml爽肤水+面膜 414元套

橄榄青春2次源的精华30ml 386

橄榄青春2次源的晚霜50ml 386


蜡菊眼霜 248

蜡菊泡沫洁面 166

蜡菊水 186

蜡菊亮白爽肤水 173

蜡菊面霜 380

橄榄洁面 138

腊菊丰盈精华霜50ml+腊菊眼霜15ml+腊菊精华3ml 545

乳木果润手手霜套(玫瑰+熏衣草+乳木果)套装30ml6 338

腊菊花香面部保湿水200ml 186

腊菊精华面膜125ml 476

腊菊亮白爽肤水 173

橄榄眼霜15ml 207

橄榄亮肤保湿霜 242

橄榄亮肤面膜100ml 221

蜂蜜面霜50nl 235

蜂蜜面、身体霜套(面霜+唇彩+体乳) 373

蜂蜜舒缓面膜75ml 248


倩碧All about eyes rich眼霜15ml 186

倩碧无油(有油)黄油125ml 255

倩碧有油黄油2个套(注意:无油无套装) 462

倩碧温和液体洁面皂 131

倩碧城市隔离 City Block SPF25 SPF40 159

倩碧2号水400ml 207

倩碧晶采嫩白粉饼 SPF29/PA+++(粉盒+粉芯) 304

倩碧超凡嫩白晶莹亮采眼霜15ml+7ml套装 242

城市隔离霜SPF25/40套装40ml3 442

水磁场+宛若新生精华套装 780

水磁场面霜50ml 310

倩碧三重超凡防护滋润霜SPF25(中性/干性肌肤适用) 297

repairwear的眼霜15ml2套装 440


奇迹香水套装(奇迹香水50ml+身体乳50mL) 242

新水份缘舒月日霜50ml+晚霜50ml套装 662

抗敏感舒缓粉水 400ml 248

蓝水 400ml 248

水份缘舒悦柔肤啫哩 200ml 248

水份缘日霜 50ml 359


多元套装(日霜50ml+晚霜50ml)或(日乳50ml+晚乳50ml) 635

新生套装(日霜50ml+晚霜50ml) 690

恒润套装(面霜50ml+精华30ml) 649

清透美白修正笔10ml2套装 700

新生眼部套装(眼霜20mL+精华20ml) 600

收缩毛孔精华30ml 276

吸盘(绿色/白色)200ml 167

调和身体护理油100ml 311

清爽控油脂爽肤露(绿水)200ml 179


双效完美粉饼(黑盒) 345

可可**淡香水100ml喷装 642

可可**香水100ml喷装 842

NO5香水(50ml100ml) 428/642

无暇柔光粉底液 324


双效眼唇卸妆液 166

润泽保湿凝胶 435

莲花精粹保湿化妆水 350

完美粉底液 275

Chanel的润泽洗面奶 240

香奈儿的邂逅绿色清新版100ML 585

香奈儿的邂逅身体乳液200ML 390吗

香奈儿卷翘浓密睫毛膏 220

香奈儿美白水 366


EA白手套111粒套装 635

EA白手套净白乳液 50ml 345

EA润唇膏 97

EA黄金眼胶套(3支装) 483

EA黄金面胶套 635

EA 21天显效霜 345

EA 24小时水感眼面套 386

EA晚安好眠 248

EA葡萄籽面膜 207

Fancl (港币价格,汇率088-089)

纳米卸妆液120ml 185

保湿洁面粉 50g 128

乳酪水润面膜1套4组 188

深层补湿液30ml 128

锁水乳液30ml 128

修护深层补湿液30ML 145

水疗补湿液30ML 130

抗菌收油粉末 188

FDR滋润洁面露 90

FDR补湿液 10ml x 3支 140

FDR水份乳液 10ml x 3支 140

FDR水份乳霜 8G x 1支(高度补湿) 105

FDR滋润乳霜 8G x 1支(滋润) 105

FDR身体乳液60ML 125

FDR身体补湿液60ML 122

补湿净白面膜 11ML3片 90

美白淡斑 精华面膜 每合三片 140

特效美白精华 280

美白导入精华面膜16ML3片 140

型定点淡斑精华膜(适合脸颊长黄褐色斑的MM,每合四对) 160

防晒露 (SPF30PA+++) 180

充电更生软膜 128

毛孔深层洁净面膜 120

T区控油精华素 118

再生美肌升华素18ML (抗衰老) 570

全效紧肤精华素12ML 300

锁水补湿精华面膜 128

滋润锁水乳霜12G 170

纯植物精华油 95

水活干纹修护液 12ML (干燥易敏感) 200

活细胞紧致眼霜 142

紧致修护眼膜 150

护唇精华素 98

润唇膏 62

毛孔紧致控油面膜 120

毛孔修饰霜 135

Q10能量升华素17ML 260

Q10能量营养水35ML 168

亮肤底霜(滋润清爽) 15G 128

粉底液(清爽滋润)22ML SPF16PA++ 冷色系01、02、04、06 暖色系03、05 135

干湿两用粉底(清爽)85G SPF16PA++ 210

晶莹定妆散粉20G 190

定点遮瑕膏 140

KIEHL‘S (港币价格,汇率088-089)

轻柔眼部卸妆乳液(适合所有皮肤)125ML 175

温和洁面卸妆乳(所有皮肤/敏感型)125ML、250ML 115、170

轻柔泡沫洁面乳(中性以及中性偏干)125ML 、250ML 115、170

不含碱性泡沫洁面乳(中性、中性偏油)125ML 、50ML 115、170


特效保湿磨砂乳霜(极干性,干性皮肤)113G 135

牛奶蜂蜜杏仁磨砂乳霜(中性,中性偏干,干性)25ML 210

菠萝木瓜磨砂乳霜(所有皮肤以及敏感性)100ML 265

青瓜植物精华爽肤水(所有皮肤以及敏感性)125ML /250ML 105、175

莓果植物精华爽肤水(油性,中性偏油)250ML 220

金盏花植物精华爽肤水(中性,中性偏油)25ML、250ML 200、310

茶树油修复爽肤水(油性,极油性,中性偏油)250ml 265

法国玫瑰水(所有皮肤)250ML 145

蓝色草本爽肤水(油性极油性)125ML/250ML/500ML 105、155、250

全效修护霜(干性,极干性)50ml 180

维他命原B5蛋白素滋润霜(干性)113G 265

特效保湿乳液(中性,中性偏干,中性偏油)75ML/125ML 140、220

特效保湿乳霜(干性,中性偏干,中性,中性偏油)50ML 255

无油清爽保湿霜(油性,中性偏油)56G 160

蓝色草本润肤乳(油性,极油性)100ML 250

水润防晒乳液SPF25(中性偏油,油性,极油性)75ML/125ML 165、260

亮肌轻柔防晒乳SPF35(所有皮肤以及敏感性)30ML 280

特效保湿乳液SPF15(中性中性偏油中性偏干)75ml 160

牛油果眼霜 255

轻柔滋润眼霜 190

特效防晒保湿眼部着哩SPF15 280

特效眼部防晒膏SPF30 205

海藻抗氧化保湿面膜56G 265

舒缓保湿着哩面膜(所有皮肤以及敏感性)50ml 185

蓝色草本暗疮修护着哩 160

暗疮修护霜 160

1号护唇膏(所有皮肤)15ML(支装瓶装) 75(支)80(罐)

彩色护唇膏SPF15 95

马黛茶健肤洁面着哩(中性偏油)250ML 200

马黛茶健肤爽肤水(中性偏油)250ML 220

马黛茶健肤保湿乳(中性偏油)75ML 315

马黛茶健肤保湿霜(中性偏油)50ML 300

海源进化精华素50ml 450

海源进化眼霜 15ml 310

海源进化乳霜50ML 405吗

海源进化润肤乳SPF15 75ML 405

海洋紧致精华素(所有皮肤)50ML 495

海洋精华紧肤眼霜(干性,中性偏干,中性,中性偏油)15ML 350

海洋精华紧肤面霜(干性,中性偏干,中性)50ML 465

亮肌净白洁肤乳霜(所有皮肤)150ML 190

亮肌净白精华素(所有皮肤)50ML 460

亮肌净白保湿乳(所有皮肤)75ML 300

亮肌净白保湿面膜(所有皮肤)75ML 350

亮肌净白重点淡班精华(所有皮肤)30ML 485

亮肌轻柔防晒乳SPF35(所有皮肤以及敏感性)30ML 280

医学强效淡纹精华(消除痘印、淡纹) 50ML(棕瓶) 560

医学抗敏舒缓洁面乳200ML 295

医学抗敏舒缓霜(所有皮肤)75ML 435

医学微晶磨砂霜 75ML 400

医学天然换肤霜 50ML 415

医学紧致轮廓精华 50ML 560


Kites have been around for thousands of years and they are a part of many different cultures around the world

In China,there's a long history to fly a kite in the Spring while usually the weather and wind are so suitable for this leisure and with the development of society, flying kite bee to be a world wide sport

The most famous kite flying city in China is Weifang cit y in Shandong provience, every year there are numerous kite lovers go there to fly their own kites


Donna Karan

Donna Karan is the fashion designer and the creator of the DKNY (Donna Karan New York) clothing label

The first DKNY flagship store opened in 1999 at Madison Avenue and 60th in New York Aording to the pany’s web site there are Donna Karan stores in New York, Manhasset, Boston, Costa Mesa, London, Singapore, Tokyo, Fukuoka, Las Vegas and Dubai The Donna Karan store in Berlin was closed in December 2001 The DKNY label has its own stores, located predominantly in retail shopping malls Apart from DKNY stores in New York, Costa Mesa, Short Hills, Boston, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, there are international outlets in London, Anerp, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Dubai, Tel Aviv and Montreal, as well as Cancún, Barcelona, Ankara, Manchester, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Beirut, and Athens among others In addition, there are so-called Donna Karan Company stores, predominantly located within outlet malls, which sell the merchandise at reduced prices

Since 2005, Donna Karan has offered online shopping of its DKNY and associated lines at the label's web site Products range from DKNY and DKNY Jeans womenswear, aessories, underwear, shoes, baby clothing, the PURE collection to DKNY menswear The latter was available up until the spring 2007 season Since then only the DKNY Jeans label, underwear, eyewear and watches have been offered online for men

The pany maintains design studios, showrooms and offices at 550 Seventh Avenue (Manhattan) (headquarters) and 240 W 40th St in New York City


Chivas Regal is a premium Scotch whisky produced by Chivas Brothers in Aberdeen, Scotland, founded in 1801 The Chivas brand's home is Strathisla Distillery at Keith, Moray in Speyside, Scotland

Chivas Regal is one of the best selling premium whiskies in the world, available in over 200 countries It is the best selling premium Scotch whisky in Europe and Asia Pacific and is rated one of the world's most powerful spirits brands Chivas Regal is one of the best performing spirits brands globally, with sales having grown by 40% over the last four years


Introduced in 1987, Bijan by Bijan perfume for women is a refined, oriental, woody fragrance This feminine scent possesses a blend of sandalwood, oakmoss and orange flower Bijan for Women perfume contains 173 precious ingredients, while the eau de parfum contains 157 The ingeniously designed circular glass flacon bottle with an open center and a dividing web visually defies gravity when half full, the fragrance fills o separate chambers

Estée Lauder

In 1946, Mrs Estée Lauder began with one face crème, and the desire to bring out the beauty in every woman By the time the revolutionary fragrance Youth-Dew was introduced in 1953, the Estée Lauder brand had already won a reputation for innovation, research and quality

Today, Estée Lauder's skincare, makeup and fragrance collections exemplify the best that technology, science and art can achieve The Estée Lauder name on a product is recognised in over 100 countries for quality maintained and promises kept

Christian Dior

Headquartered in Paris, Christian Dior SA (more monly known as Dior) is a French high-fashion clothing retailer owned by the major luxury pany, Mot Hennessy Louis Vuitton Alone, Christian Dior SA itself controls 42% of LVMH assets The Dior label is the namesake of designer Christian Dior who launched the haute couture empire in 1946 Christian Dior Couture, a division of the whole House of Dior, designs and produces some of the world's most coveted haute couture, as well as luxury ready-to-wear fashion, menswear and aessories Today, Dior operates about 160 boutiques worldwide with plans to open more in the ing years

Chanel No 5

Chanel No 5 was the first fragrance from Parisian couturier Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel, and has been on sale continually since its introduction in 1921 It has been described as "the world's most legendary fragrance", and remains the pany's most famous perfume The pany estimates that a bottle is sold worldwide every 55 seconds

valentino garavani

Valentino is a master of elegance and opulence In business since 1960, the Italian designer made his mark early on creating luxurious gowns with intricate detailing and tastefully body-conscious silhouettes The fabrics tend to be both delicate and rich—laces, chiffons, and silk crepe, along with wool, leather, and suede Valentino has long been popular among European royalty, American socialites, and celebrities While his new creations get a great deal of attention—and requests, especially around red-carpet time—many also collect his vintage dresses, like the black gown with white piping Julia Roberts wore to aept her Oscar in 2001 The menswear collection is known for sharp, classic tailoring


In 1893, at the age of just enty-one, a young gentleman inventor, Alfred Dunhill, inherited his father's saddlery business on London's Euston Road The entrepreneurial Alfred quickly responded to the growing passion for automobiles and developed a luxurious line of aessories - Dunhill's Motorities This first collection included car horns and lamps, leather overcoats, goggles, piic sets and timepieces Alfred's claim was to provide "Everything but the Motor" to his discerning clientele

Over one hundred years later, Alfred Dunhill has bee the leading maker and purveyor of English luxury goods for men Alfred Dunhill has always been mitted to innovation in design and function, realised in the finest materials by highly skilled craft en Choose from a superior selection of exceptional Leathergoods, Timepieces, Writing Instruments, Ready to Wear and Jewellery

True to our heritage, the art of finely crafted leathergoods remains at the heart of the pany Using only the very highest quality of raw materials, carefully selected from the world's leading tanneries, Alfred Dunhill offers an unparalleled collection of leathergoods; from capacious hand made touring luggage, elegant attaché and document cases, through





Baseball is a sport played beeen o teams usually of nine players each It is a bat-and-ball game in which a pitcher throws (pitches) a hard, fist-sized, leather-covered ball toward a batter on the opposing team The batter attempts to hit the baseball with a tapered cylindrical bat, made of wood (as required in professional baseball) or a variety of other materials (as allowed in many nonprofessional games) A team scores runs only when batting, by advancing its players—primarily via hits—counterclockwise past a series of four markers called bases arranged at the corners of a niy-foot square, or "diamond" The game, played without time restriction, is structured around nine segments called innings In each inning, both teams are given the opportunity to bat and score runs; a team's half-inning ends when three outs are recorded against that team











The libra is appears night of in the summer in the Milky Way west constellation, mark of the constellation is symbolizing the balance o trays, the libra protection star is Venus, its patron god is west the just goddess Si Duo the Li Asia and love goddess Venus regarding the good and evil o extreme ideas, is maintaining the very balanced condition, this is the libra individualityGenerally speaking, the libra person's life is ordinary and joyfulThe libra person can forever maintain is not injured can get along in all social situations, the ooth manner, therefore, does not like displaying the innermost feelings the truth



Rapping hip hop music can be traced back in many ways to its African roots Centuries before the United States existed, the griots of West Africa were delivering stories rhythmically, over drums and sparse instrumentation Because of the time that has passed since the griots of old, the connections beeen rap and the African griots are widely established, but not clear-cut However, such connections have been acknowledged by rappers, modern day "griots", spoken word artists, mainstream news sources, and academics

Blues music, rooted in the work songs and spirituals of slavery and influenced greatly by West African musical traditions, was first played by blacks (and some whites) in the Mississippi Delta region of the United States around the time of the Emancipation Proclamation Grammy-winning blues musician/historian Elijah Wald and others have argued that the blues were being rapped as early as the 1920s Wald went so far as to call hip hop "the living blues"

The Memphis Jug Band, an early blues group, whose lyrical content and rhythmic singing predated rapping

The Memphis Jug Band, an early blues group, whose lyrical content and rhythmic singing predated rapping

Jazz, developed from the blues and other African-American musical traditions, originated around the beginning of the 20th century Aording to John Sobol, the jazz musician and poet who wrote Digiia Blues, rap "bears a striking resemblance to the evolution of jazz both stylistically and formally"

During the mid-20th century, the musical culture of the Caribbean was constantly influenced by the concurrent changes in American music From the 1950s through the 1970s, the descendants of Caribbean slaves in Jamaica were mixing their traditional folk music styles of mento music with the jazz, soul, rock and blues of America In Jamaica, this influenced the creation of reggae music (and later dancehall) As early as 1956, deejays were toasting (an African tradition of "rapped out" tales of heroi ) over dubbed Jamaican beats It was called "rap", expanding the word's earlier meaning in the African-American munity—"to discuss or debate informally"

Etymology [Rap这个词本身的来历]:

The use of the word to describe quick speech or repartee long predates the musical form,meaning originally "to hit" The word had been used in British English since the 16th century, and specifically meaning "to say" since the 18th It was part of the African American dialect of English in the 1960s meaning "to converse", and very soon after that in its present usage as a term denoting the musical style

Rapping can be delivered over a beat or without acpaniment Stylistically, rap oupies a gray area among speech, prose, poetry, and song Rap is derived from the griots (folk poets) of West Africa, and Jamaican-style toasting It also has precedents in traditional Celtic music Modern rap battles, for instance, bear a striking resemblance to the Limerick Game, a traditional Gaelic drinking game in which people pete for notoriety by making up insulting limericks about each other, the loser having to buy the next round of drinks Likewise, puirt a beul, a form of Scottish mouth music was incorporated into Appalachian music and is an early ancestor of modern mouth percussion, or beatboxing The influence of Scottish and Irish music on hip hop is not direct, since virtually all of the originators of hip hop culture were African American, but were transferred indirectly by way of American roots music[citation needed] Roots music was created out of the fusion of African and Celtic music in the American South and is typified by the bination of African rhythms, Gaelic melodies, and (oasionally) vocal improvisation It forms the basis of virtually all American musical styles from bluegrass to the blues, jazz, rock, funk, and country Hip hop grew out of this same tradition; stripping down the melody, emphasizing the rhythm, and incorporating mouth music, battling, and vocal improvisation

Rapping developed both inside and outside of hip hop culture, and began with the street parties thrown in the Bronx neighborhood of New York in the 70s by Jamaican expatriate Kool Herc and others The parties introduced dancehall and the practice of having a "Master of Ceremonies," or MC, get up on stage with the DJ and shout encouragements to the crowd in a practice known as 'toasting' Over time, those shouts of encouragement became longer and more plex and cross-pollinated with the spoken-word poetry scene to evolve into rap It's believed that the first rapper to actually call himself an MC was Melle Mel from Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five He is also credited as being the first Hip Hop MC to rap in a traditional verse/chorus format From the beginning hip hop culture has been syncretic, incorporating sounds and elements from radically divergent sources While Funk breaks formed the backbone of early hip hop, Kraferk and other early techno artists were widely sampled as well







Parkour (sometimes abbreviated to PK) is an activity with the aim of moving from one point to another as efficiently and quickly as possible, using principally the abilities of the human body It is meant to help one overe obstacles, which can be anything in the surrounding environment — from branches and rocks to rails and concrete walls — and can be practiced in both rural and urban areas Male parkour practitioners are recognized as traceurs and female as traceuses Founded by David Belle in France, parkour focuses on practicing efficient movements to develop your body and mind to be able to overe obstacles in an emergency Also may be a form of entertainment or as a pastime Parkour is a physical activity which is difficult to categorize It is not an extreme sport, but an art or discipline that resembles self-defense in the martial arts Aording to David Belle, the physical aspect of parkour is getting over all the obstacles in your path as you would in an emergency You want to move in such a way, with any movement, that will help you gain the most ground on someone/something as if escaping from it, or chasing toward it Thus, when faced with a hostile confrontation with a person, one will be able to speak, fight, or flee As martial arts are a form of training for the fight, parkour is a form of training for the flight Because of its difficulty to categorize, it is often said that parkour is in its own category: "parkour is parkour" An important characteristic of parkour is efficiency A practitioner moves not merely as fast as he can, but also in the least energy-consuming and most direct way possible Efficiency also involves avoiding injuries, short and long-term, part of why parkour's unofficial motto is être et durer (to be and to last) Parkour is also known to have an influence on practitioner's thought process Traceurs and traceuses experience a change in their critical thinking skills to help them overe physical and mental obstacles in everyday life






旗下护肤/彩妆品牌:La Mer(海蓝之谜)、雅诗兰黛、倩碧、品木宣言、肯梦、Jo Malone、Tom Ford(汤姆福特)、Bobbi Brown(芭比波朗)、MAC(魅可)、Tommy Hilfiger(唐美希绯格)、DKNY(唐可娜儿)、Aramis(雅男士)、BeautyBank等。





旗下护肤/彩妆品牌:HR(赫莲娜)、乔治阿玛尼、兰蔻、碧欧泉、科颜氏、Yue-sai(羽西)、L’Oreal Paris(巴黎欧莱雅)、美爵士、Garnier(卡尼尔)、小护士、The Body Shop、CCBPARIS(巴黎创意美家)、Shu Uemura(植村秀)、美宝莲、YSL(圣罗兰)、Vichy(薇姿)、La Roche-posay(理肤泉)、Skin Ceuticals(修丽可)等。





旗下护肤/彩妆品牌:肌肤之钥(CPB)、NARS、Cle de Peau(CDP)、IPSA(茵芙莎)、爱杜莎、CARITA 凯伊黛、Decleor 思妍丽、Shiseido Fitit、爱泊丽、DeLuxe、ff 、SELFIT(珊妃)、Whitia(白媞雅)、FT Shiseido、泊美、Maquillage、AUPRES欧珀莱、Za姬芮、SUPREME AUPRES思魅欧珀莱等。




品牌介绍:酩悦·轩尼诗-路易·威登集团,简称LV,是世界著名奢侈品牌,LV是由Moët&Chandon&Chandon 与Hennessy两大酒厂和合并而来的,此后不断扩张,并且还兼并了非常多的奢侈品才有了如今全球最大的高端品公司的地位。经营范围非常广泛,不过主要业务是葡萄酒及烈酒、时装及皮革制品、香水及化妆品、钟表及珠宝和精品零售。

旗下护肤/彩妆品牌:克丽丝汀迪奥、娇兰、纪梵希、高田贤三、Laflachère、BeneFit、Fresh、Make up for ever(浮生若梦)等。 









品牌介绍:爱茉莉是一个韩国的化妆品集团公司,公司的口号的是创造亚洲之美,公司同名化妆品牌爱茉莉是也是全球知名。 专注于研究和开发适合亚洲人皮肤的化妆品,以及亚洲的天然原料,不断引领着韩国的化妆品行业向前进。




品牌名称 产地 注册年代

香奈尔 法国 1913年

雅诗兰黛 美国 1946年

兰蔻 法国 1935年

伊丽莎白·雅顿 美国 1910年

克里斯汀·迪奥 法国 1946年

倩碧 美国 1968年

娇兰 法国 1828年

碧欧泉 法国 1950年

娇韵诗 法国 1954年

欧舒丹 法国 1976年

资生堂 日本 1872年




1 (at) dawn黎明

2 a couple of||夫妇

3 a drop of water一滴水,水滴

4 a pair of goggles 一副护目镜(风镜)

5 agricultural region 农业区域

6 amazing 令人惊异的

7 Arc de Triomphe (triumphal arch) 凯旋门

8 Atlantic Ocean 大西洋

9 attraction 吸引(力)

10 baseball 棒球

11 bell chamber 钟楼

12 Bonanno Pisano Bonanno Pisano

13 brandy 白兰地酒

14 Cartier in jewellery Cartier珠宝,首饰

15 cathedral 大教堂

16 Cathédrale de Notre Dame/ Notre Dame cathedral 巴黎圣母院

17 Centre d'art de Pompidou/ Pompidou art center 蓬皮杜艺术中心

18 champagne 香槟酒

19 Chanel in perfume 香奈儿香水

20 Channel Tunnel = Chunnel Chunnel = 英吉利海峡隧道(两词合并)

21 check-in counter 报到处(柜台),行李托运处

22 collapse 倒塌

23 cycle 骑自行车

24 designer name 设计者名字

25 Dior in clothes 迪奥时装

26 earth=soil 泥土

27 effect 效果,影响

28 Eiffel Tower 巴黎艾菲尔铁塔(位于塞纳河南岸)

29 enable (使)能够

30 English Channel Tunnel 英吉利海峡隧道

31 estimate 估计,预计

32 EuroDisney 欧洲迪斯尼乐园

33 eventually 最后,终究

34 field 田野,田地

35 force 强制,强迫,力量

36 further one’s studies 进修,进一步学习

37 Galileo 伽利略(1564-1562,意大利物理及天文学家)

38 grapevine 葡萄藤(树)

39 gravity 地心引力

40 immigration counter 移民处(柜台)

41 in addition 除此之外

42 influence 影响力,影响

43 information counter 问讯处(柜台)

44 iron 铁

45 italicize 用斜体字排字

46 Italy 意大利

47 judo(Japanese martial art) 柔道

48 landmark 地标

49 Leaning Tower of Pisa 比萨斜塔

50 Loire Valley 卢瓦尔河山谷[法国中部](发源于塞文山脉,经中央高原,西流注入大西洋的比斯开湾,是法国最长的河流山谷)

51 Louvre 卢浮宫

52 marble 大理石

53 martial arts 武术(指功夫、柔道、空手道)

54 measurement 测量

55 Mediterranean Sea 地中海

56 mineral water 矿泉水

57 money exchange(changer) 外币兑换处

58 nickname 绰号

59 ninja 忍者, (受过偷窃技术专门训练被雇作间谍或刺客的)日本武士

60 offer 提议,出价

61 officially 正式地,官方地

62 parachute 降落伞

63 reduce 减少,减缓

64 refer to (indicate, point to) 指向,涉及,有关

65 remind … of … 提醒,使人 想起

66 restrict 限制

67 rows of 一排排的,多排的

68 sake 日本米酒,清酒,缘故

69 scenic area 风景好的区域,风景

70 seven great wonders of the world 世界七大奇迹

71 straight 直线

72 sunflower 向日葵

73 sunhat 太阳帽

74 Switzerland 瑞士

75 tennis racket 网球球拍

76 to be familiar to 与 熟悉

77 to grow crops 种植农作物

78 to lean over 弯下身子, 俯身于之上,倚靠

79 ton 吨

80 top designer name 顶端设计者名字

81 tourist destination 游客目的地

82 tree-lined street=avenue 树木成行的街道,林荫道

83 wheat 小麦

84 wine 葡萄酒

85 above||在上面

86 abroad||在国外

87 absent||缺席

88 accept||接受

89 according to||依照

90 acid rain酸雨

91 across横格

92 active||活跃的

93 addition||附加

94 add加

95 admission进入,进场费

96 adventure探险,冒险

97 afraid||害怕

98 against prep依靠,贴靠

99 against||相对于

100 against对抗,反对

101 agree on||对达成协议,对取得一致意见

102 agree||同意

103 agricultural||农业的

104 AIDS艾滋病

105 alphabetical order||依字母顺序的次序

106 ambition [æm'biʃәn]

107 ambition野心, 志向

108 amount数量,用电量

109 announce||宣布

110 annual||年刊

111 antique||古董

112 applied science应用科学

113 Arab阿拉伯

114 Arc de Triomphe凯旋门(triumphal arch)

115 around||在附近,在周围

116 arrange安排

117 art||艺术

118 as soon as||同样地很快当做

119 as well as||同时,又

120 ask for||请求,寻找

121 at last||最后

122 at work||在工作中

123 Atlantic Ocean||大西洋

124 attack攻击

125 audience观众,听众

126 author作者

127 average||平均的

128 back||背面

129 balance||平衡

130 banish||驱逐

131 bar chart条形统计图

132 bark||吠声,狗叫

133 battery||电池

134 be careful with||小心

135 be familiar to||要熟悉到

136 be pleased at||被取悦在

137 be pleased with||对

138 because of||因为

139 behave/behaviour||行为表现/行为

140 behave||行为表现

141 believe in相信,信任

142 belong to||属于

143 below||在下面

144 benefit利益,好处

145 best-known||流传久远的

146 bill账单

147 biography||传记

148 biology生物学

149 bird flu禽流感

150 bite||咬

151 blanket毛毯

152 blanket毛毯

153 book||预定,告票,罚款控告

154 book||预定,告票,罚款控告

155 bottom底部,屁股

156 brain大脑

157 brandy||白兰地酒

158 break down||压倒, 停顿,

159 break||休息

160 briefly||简短地

161 bucket||桶子

162 Buddhism||佛教,佛学

163 bulb||灯泡,球茎

164 bulb电灯泡

165 bury埋葬

166 bush矮树丛,灌木丛

167 by subject||按主题

168 by the way||藉着方法

169 by||在 旁边,被

170 cable电缆

171 camellia茶花

172 Cantonese粤语

173 captain||船长,机长,首领

174 careful||小心的

175 carefully||小心地

176 carry out实行

177 carry out实行

178 carry||进位

179 catalogue||目录

180 certainly||确定地

181 champagne||香槟酒

182 change||变化

183 Channel Tunnel||海峡隧道

184 channel海峡,频道

185 charge||收费,控告,冲锋

186 cheerful||快活的

187 chemical||化学的,化学的, 化学品

188 chemistry||化学

189 chief||领袖,头领

190 choice||选择

191 chop砍,剁

192 Chunnel||海底隧道

193 churn|| n搅乳器 v搅拌, 搅动

194 clean up||清扫

195 clean||干净的

196 clear||清楚的

197 clerk [klә:k] 职员

198 clever||聪明的

199 CO2=carbon dioxide 二氧化碳

200 coast海岸

201 cockroach臭虫,蟑螂

202 come the end||受到结束的影响

203 comfortably||安乐地

204 comic||连环图画

205 comment on对 进行评价

206 committee||委员会

207 communicate||沟通

208 complain||控诉

209 complete||完全的

210 completely||完全地

211 compliment||称赞

212 composition||作文

213 concern||关心

214 conclude||总结

215 Confucius||孔子

216 congratulation||祝贺

217 connect/connection连接

218 connect||连接

219 consider||考虑

220 consonant辅音

221 container容器,集装箱

222 container容器,集装箱

223 contain容纳,包括

224 conversation||交谈

225 cooker||电饭煲

226 copy||副本

227 correction改正,更正

228 corridor走廊

229 costume||装束

230 cough||咳嗽

231 couple||夫妇

232 crops农作物

233 crossword纵横字谜

234 Cultural Revolution文化大革命

235 culture||文化

236 cup||杯子

237 cure治愈=treat

238 curtain窗帘

239 curtain窗帘

240 customer||客户

241 daily||每日的

242 dead||死

243 deaf||聋的

244 decision||决定

245 decrease||减少

246 defeat||失败

247 delighted||高兴的

248 deserve||该得到

249 designer||设计者

250 destination||目的地

251 destroy摧毁

252 Dewey system 杜威图书分类法系统

253 Dewey杜威(1859-1952), 美国哲学家、教育家

254 diagram图表

255 din||喧嚣

256 din||喧嚣

257 disability||残疾

258 disabled残疾的

259 disabled残疾的

260 discover/discovery发现,探索

261 divide into||分为

262 divide除以

263 down竖格

264 drain||排水沟

265 drain下水道,阴沟

266 drama||戏剧,戏剧性事件

267 dramatic戏剧性的

268 dull||感觉或理解迟钝的, 无趣的, 呆滞的

269 during||在

270 eardrum鼓膜

271 economics经济学

272 edition||版本

273 editor||编者

274 effect||效果

275 Eiffel Tower巴黎艾菲尔铁塔(位于塞纳河南岸)

276 either||任一

277 elect||当选人

278 enable||使 能够

279 encourage||鼓励

280 encyclopedia||百科全书

281 end||结束

282 energy能源,精力(power)

283 energy能源,精力(power)

284 energy能源,体力, 精力充沛的

285 English Channel||英吉利海峡

286 epidemic瘟疫

287 EuroDisney||EuroDisney

288 event||事件

289 evidence证据

290 exactly准确地,精确地

291 excellent||优良的

292 exclaim||大叫

293 exercise||练习

294 experience||经验

295 explain||解释

296 explanation||解释

297 fact||事实

298 faint|| adj衰弱的 v昏晕

299 faint眩晕的,颤抖的

300 fair||展览会

301 familiar||熟悉的

302 family plan计划生育

303 family plan计划生育

304 fashion||流行

305 feature||特征

306 feel like||感觉起来像

307 feel||感觉

308 fiction||小说

309 fighter||斗士, 战士,战斗机

310 fire-engine消防车

311 first name=given name名

312 fit||适宜

313 flag||旗子

314 float||漂流,漂流物

315 flow流通,流动

316 flush冲水

317 flute||笛

318 foolish||愚蠢的

319 foolish傻的

320 For the sake of the God看在上帝的份上

321 force||力量

322 form||形式

323 fortnightly每两周

324 freeze||结冰,冰冻

325 friend||朋友

326 from into||从进入

327 funny||好笑的

328 further||比较远的

329 Galileo伽利略(1564-1562,意大利物理及天文学家)

330 gas||废气,有害气体,气体,气体状态的

331 general||一般,综合,概要

332 generous||有雅量的

333 geography||地理学

334 get||拿

335 ghost鬼魂,幽灵

336 give out||耗尽

337 give||给

338 go abroad出国

339 go off||爆炸

340 go on||继续

341 go||去

342 goggles||护目镜

343 goodness||仁慈

344 gosh||唉!

345 grapevine||葡萄藤

346 grin||露齿笑

347 grin阴笑,奸笑=tricky smile

348 grow||生长

349 guest客人,宾客

350 guest客人,宾客

351 ha||嘿

352 hairdresser||美容师

353 hang-glide||滑翔运动

354 harbour海港

355 hardly||刚刚

356 heading||标题

357 headline||大标题

358 health||健康

359 hear||听到

360 hectare公顷(10000sm)

361 heel鞋跟

362 Hokkai客家话

363 hold||把握

364 hole洞

365 horn|| n & v 喇叭,按喇叭

366 horrible||可怕的

367 hose||水管

368 hour||小时

369 house居住,容纳

370 housing estate administration物业管理

371 husband||丈夫

372 hydrogen氢气

373 imagine||想像

374 impatient不耐烦的

375 improve提高

376 in a way||在一定程度上

377 in addition||除此之外

378 in many ways||以许多方式

379 in note form用笔记方式

380 in one week’ time||在一个星期中'时间

381 in order of importance按其重要性排序

382 In Shatin||在 Shatin 中

383 in the first place=at first最初

384 in the first place最先,起先,原始

385 incomplete||不完全的

386 increase||增加

387 increase增加,提高

388 index索引

389 individually各自地,个人地

390 influence||影响力

391 ingredient配料

392 initial||起始,名字缩写

393 interrupt打断

394 invisible||看不见的

395 iron铁

396 italicize||用斜体字排字

397 item||项目,事物

398 jeweler||珠宝商

399 John F D

400 joke||笑话

401 judo||柔道

402 jungle丛林

403 keep lively||保持活泼

404 knot打结

405 label||标签

406 laboratory(lab)实验室

407 labour 干苦力,体力活

408 landmark||陆标

409 last name=surname=family name姓

410 last||最后的

411 lazy||懒惰的

412 lead/led/led带领, 领引

413 leader||领袖

414 league||联盟

415 leak泄漏

416 lean out of||倚靠

417 lean v依靠,斜着

418 lend||借

419 length长度

420 let out||放出

421 let||让

422 letter||信

423 librarian图书馆管理员

424 licence||执照

425 life-giving||给与生命的

426 light bulb灯泡

427 light||光

428 likely可能的

429 line graph线图

430 liquid液体,液体状态的

431 literature||文学

432 litre公升

433 lively||活泼的

434 loaf||条

435 locate确切寻找,查找,锁定

436 location(确切)位置

437 Loire Valley卢瓦尔河山谷[法国中部](发源于塞文山脉,经中央高原,西流注入大西洋的比斯开湾,是法国最长的河流山谷)

438 lonely||孤单的

439 look out||小心

440 look||神情

441 lorry(truck)卡车

442 lose||失去

443 lot||运气

444 low||低点

445 magic trick魔术表演(诡计,陷阱)

446 magnolia||木兰

447 magnolia木兰花

448 make a decision||作决定

449 make a noise||制造噪音

450 make friends with||和

451 Mandarin国语,京话,官话

452 mandarin橘子

453 mansion||大厦

454 manufacture||产品

455 mark||标志

456 match||比赛

457 match…with…与 相搭配

458 material材料

459 matter||物质

460 maybe也许,可能

461 measure测量

462 medicine||药

463 Mediterranean Sea||地中海的海洋

464 melon||甜瓜

465 membership成员资格

466 mention||提到

467 mess||乱七八糟

468 mess||乱七八糟

469 meter||公尺, 仪表,电表

470 mid-term progress file期中进步档案

471 mile||里

472 milliliter=ml毫升

473 millimeter=mm毫米

474 millionaire百万富翁

475 mind||思想

476 mineral water||矿泉水

477 mobile phone||行动电话

478 monitor||监视器

479 monthly||月刊

480 mosquito蚊子

481 movement||运动

482 multiply乘

483 mystery神秘, 神话

484 nasty||难吃的,丑陋的,难看的,污秽的

485 nasty||污秽的

486 national||国民

487 natural||肉色

488 near||接近

489 neat||整洁的

490 neatly||整洁地

491 news||新闻

492 nickname||绰号

493 nod点头

494 noise||噪音

495 non-fiction||非小说

496 north pole||北极

497 north||北方

498 notebook||笔记本

499 now that||既然

500 now||现在


姓名:刘德华 Andy Lau



血型:AB 型

身高:174 厘米

体重:64 公斤





鞋子尺寸:42 号







家庭状况: 父母、3 姊、1 妹、1 弟



喜爱的卡通: 《龙珠》、《Batman 》

喜爱的**:《Seven 》、《追魂交易》、《教父咪搞》

喜爱的影星:Robert DeNiro 、Brad Pitt 、梅丽史翠普

喜爱的歌星:Michael Jackson 、Boys II Men 、林子祥




喜爱的歌曲:《When a man loves a woman 》






歌迷会网址http://wwwandylauorg/ ;

歌迷会地址:Rm704, 7/F, Tien Chu Center, 1E Mok Cheung St, Tokwawan

所属公司:New Melody


1982 年: 彩云曲、投奔怒海

1983 年: 毁灭号地车、家在香港

1984 年: 停不了的爱

1985 年: 夏日福星、法外情

1986 年: 最佳福星、魔翡翠

1987 年: 英雄好汉、肝胆相照、江湖情

1988 年: 精装追女仔II 、中国最后一个太监、最佳损友、法内情、旺角卡门、猎鹰计划、神探父子兵、龙之家族、群龙夺宝、最佳损友闯情关

1989 年: 同根生、省港旗兵III 、飙城、最佳男朋友、傲气雄鹰、第一茧、神行太保、至尊无上、人海孤鸿、小小小警察、专钓大鳄、轰天龙虎会、法内情大结局、赌神、精装追女仔III 、爱人同志

1990 年: 富贵兵团、再战江湖、至尊计状元才、天若有情、摩登如来神掌、川岛芳子、义胆雄心、狱中龙、异域、赌侠、阿飞正传

1991 年: 整蛊专家、中环英雄、惊天十二小时、至尊无上之永霸天下、五虎将之决裂、极道追踪、火烧岛、冲击天子门生、五亿探长雷洛传I 之雷老虎、五亿探长雷洛传II 之父子情仇、九一神雕侠侣、与共龙舞

1992 年: 赌城大亨之新哥传奇、o 华! 英雄、龙腾四海、Gameboy 小子真假威龙、庙街十二少、赌城大亨II 之至尊无敌、九二神雕侠侣之痴心情长剑、侠圣、绝代双骄、战神传说

1993 年: 反斗马骝、超级学校霸王、天长地久、至尊36 计之偷天换日

1994 年: 醉拳II 、醉拳III 、天与地、杀手的童话、刀剑笑

1995 年: 大冒险家、烈火战车

1996 年: 奇异旅程之真心爱生命、天若有情III 烽火佳人、新上海滩、1/2 次同床

1997 年: 天地雄心

1998 年: 黑金、龙在江湖

1999 年: 赌侠1999 、爱情梦幻号、黑马王子、赌侠大战拉斯维加斯、暗战、龙在边缘


1981 年: 花艇小英雄、苏乞儿

1982 年: 奔向太阳、猎鹰、老洞、圣剑天骄

1983 年: 神雕侠

1984 年: 鹿鼎记、魔域桃源

1985 年: 鼓舞、宝芝林、皇上保重

1986 年: 真命天子、杨家将

1988 年: 天狼劫

1992 年: 现代爱情恋曲


1984 年: < 只知道此刻爱你>

1987 年: < 情感的禁区>

1988 年: < 回到你身边>

1989 年: < 回到你身边、法内情> 、< 刘德华> 、< 刘德华永远记得你> 、< 爱的连线>

1990 年: < 可不可以, 谁说不可以> 、< 十全十美> 、< 如果你是我的传说> 、< 再会了>

1991 年: < 浪漫情歌篇> 、< 不可不信缘> 、< 爱不完> 、< 一起走过的日子> 、< 来生缘> 、< 我和我追逐的梦>

1992 年: < 暖暖柔情> 、< 浓情爱不完> 、< 爱的空间> 、< 谢谢你的爱> 、< 真我的风采> 、< 天地温馨六口周年纪念版>( 非卖品)

1993 年: < 真情难收> 、< 答案就是你> 、< 我爱你>(CD SINGLE) 、< 宁愿我伤心, 一生一次> 、< 爱意> 、 、< 真挚的朋友> 、< 真情盼望珍藏版> 、< 你是我的梦>(CD SINGLE) 、< 暖暖柔情粤语精选VOL2> 、< 音乐纪事馆1990-1992> 、< 再次偷欢> 、< 永远爱你>, < 暖暖柔情>

1994 年: < 一起走过的日子>( 金装版) 、< 情人专辑>(4CDS) 、< 爱不完>( 金装版) 、< 忘情水> 、< 五时三十分> 、< 天意> 、< 暖暖柔情2 合1>( 套装精选)

1995 年: < 真我的风采, 真情难收> 、< 刘德华金碟至尊精选> 、< 登峰造极ANDY ’S BEST> 、< 真永远> 、< 点滴珍藏PART OF ANDY> 、< 情未鸟>

1996 年: < 再一次拥抱>( 日本版细碟) 、< 再一次拥抱>( 日本EP 版) 、< 爱之鸟>( 日本版“情未鸟”) 、< 相思成灾> 、< 再吻我吧17SUPER BEST> 、< 刘德华余情未了31 精选> 、< 新上海滩**原声大碟> 、< 在乎您> 、< 一个人的感觉> 、< 混音特攻队> 、< 相思成灾SINGLE>( 日本版) 、< 刘德华96 演唱会> 、< 因为爱>(EP 版) 、< 因为爱> 、< 情深的一句剧场版>

1997 年: < 超极品音色系列- 刘德华精选16 首> 、< 中国人> 、< 最怕你跟别人睡> 、< 情深的一句> 、< 你说他是你想嫁的人> 、< 倒转地球> 、< 爱如此神奇> 、< 国语超极品音色系列- 刘德华精选17 首> 、< 真生命> 、< 爱在刻骨铭心时> 、< 爱在刻骨铭心时+VCD> 、< 非常男人> 、< 重头戏> 、< 订做一个天堂>

1998 年: < 母亲的爱> 、< 你是我的女人> 、< 挂念- 刘德华情歌32 首> 、< 笨小孩>

1999 年: < 回家真好( 新曲+ 精选)> 、< 人间爱> 、< 人间爱特别版> 、 、< 刘德华演唱会99> 、< 爱无知>

曾推出VCD :< 心理游戏>(97) 、< 接触>(98) 、< 风一样的男子>(99)

曾演出广告:Erisson 手提电话


1988 台湾金龙奖《最佳演员奖》- 《旺角卡门》

1990 无线十大劲歌金曲《最受欢迎男歌手》无线十大劲歌金曲《再会了》十大中文金曲《可不可以》

1991 无线十大劲歌金曲《最受欢迎男歌手》无线十大劲歌金曲《爱不完》, 《一起走过的日子》, 《不可不信 缘》十大中文金曲《爱不完》, 《一起走过的日子》叱吒乐坛《最佳男歌手》银奖叱吒乐坛《我最喜爱的本地创作歌曲》- 《一起走过的日子》台湾金曲龙虎榜《十大唱片》- 《我和我追逐的梦》

1992 无线十大劲歌金曲《最受欢迎男歌手》无线十大劲歌金曲《真我的风采》, 《长夜多浪漫》十大中文金曲《真我的风采》叱吒乐坛《最佳男歌手》银奖台湾《十大偶像》- 第一名台湾金曲龙虎榜《十大唱片》- 《来生缘》

1993 无线十大劲歌金曲《国内最受欢迎男歌手》无线十大劲歌金曲《谢谢你的爱》, 《情人Happy Birthday 》十大中文金曲《谢谢你的爱》, 《独自去偷欢》, 《永远寂寞》十大中文金曲《优秀国语歌曲》- 《不能没有你》叱吒乐坛《最佳男歌手》银奖台湾《十大偶像》- 第一名台湾金曲龙虎榜《十大唱片》- 《真情难收》

1994 无线十大劲歌金曲《最受欢迎男歌手》无线十大劲歌金曲《谁人知》无线十大劲歌金曲《国语歌曲金奖》- 《忘情水》十大中文金曲《十大优秀流行歌手》十大中文金曲《忘情水》十大中文金曲《优秀国语歌曲金奖》- 《忘情水》新城流行音乐《劲爆男歌手银奖》新城流行音乐《劲爆国语歌曲》- 《忘情水》叱吒乐坛《最佳男歌手》银奖台湾《十大偶像》- 第一名台湾金曲龙虎榜《十大唱片》- 《忘情水》, 《天意》

1995 无线十大劲歌金曲《亚太区最受欢迎男歌手》无线十大劲歌金曲《情未鸟》无线十大劲歌金曲《最受欢国语歌曲金奖》- 《真永远》十大中文金曲《十大优秀流行歌手》十大中文金曲《真永远》十大中文金曲《优秀国语歌曲银奖》- 《真永远》十大中文金曲《全球华人至尊金曲》- 《真永远》新城流行音乐《亚洲最佳男歌手》新城流行音乐《劲爆怨曲奖》- 《情未鸟》叱吒乐坛《十大最高播放率歌曲》- 《除非是你》台湾《十大偶像》- 第一名台湾金曲龙虎榜《十大唱片》- 《真永远》

1996 无线十大劲歌金曲《亚太区最受欢迎男歌手》无线十大劲歌金曲《一个人睡》无线十大劲歌金曲《最受欢国语歌曲铜奖》- 《因为爱》十大中文金曲《十大优秀流行歌手》十大中文金曲《全年最高销量歌手奖优异奖》十大中文金曲《情未鸟》十大中文金曲《优秀国语歌曲银奖》- 《相思成灾》新城流行音乐《亚洲劲爆男歌手》新城流行音乐《劲爆流行曲》- 《一个人睡》新城流行音乐《劲爆国语歌曲》- 《相思成灾》新城流行音乐《劲爆跳舞音乐歌曲》《倒转地球》新城电台《香港十大最佳**主题曲》- 《一起走过的日子》, 《情深的一句》精选104 金心情歌《金心本地钻石男歌手金奖》精选104 金心情歌《金心实力至奖》精选104 金心情歌《十大金心情歌》- 《情深的一句》精选104 金心情歌《金心国语情歌钻石奖》- 《相思成灾》台湾《十大偶像》- 第一名台湾金曲龙虎榜《十大唱片》- 《相思成灾》台湾光华杂志《海外华人十大金曲奖》- 《忘情水》全球《十大华语影星选举》- 第一名美国MTV **奖《亚洲全能艺人杰出奖》Chanel V 美国Billboard 排《亚洲最受欢迎歌手》Chanel V US Billboard Awards - "Asia‘s Most Popular Singer"

1997 无线十大劲歌金曲《真生命》无线十大劲歌金曲《最受欢国语歌曲金奖》- 《中国人》十大中文金曲《十大优秀流行歌手》十大中文金曲《中国人》十大中文金曲《最佳国语歌曲金奖》- 《中国人》十大中文金曲廿载《十大最喜欢歌曲》- 《一起走过的日子》新城流行音乐《劲爆亚洲男歌手》新城流行音乐《劲爆国语歌曲》- 《中国人》精选104 金心情歌《金心国语情歌钻石奖》- 《中国人》台湾《十大偶像》- 第一名台湾金曲龙虎榜《十大唱片》- 《爱如此神奇》

1998 十大中文金曲《四台联颁传媒大奖》十大中文金曲《十大优秀流行歌手》十大中文金曲《全年最高销量歌手奖优异奖》十大中文金曲《你是我的女人》十大中文金曲《最佳国语歌曲金奖》- 《笨小孩》无线十大劲歌金曲《你是我的女人》无线十大劲歌金曲《最受欢国语歌曲金奖》- 《笨小孩》新城流行音乐《劲爆男歌手》新城流行音乐《劲爆亚洲男歌手》新城流行音乐《劲爆卡拉OK 歌手》新城流行音乐《劲爆歌曲》- 《你是我的女人》新城流行音乐《劲爆国语歌曲》- 《笨小孩》叱吒乐坛《乐坛唱作人》叱吒乐坛《最佳男歌手》铜奖叱吒乐坛《专业推介十大歌曲》- 《挂念》马来西亚动感321 金曲奖《全东南最受欢迎男歌手奖》马来西亚动感321 金曲奖《最受欢迎华语专辑》- 《爱在刻骨铭心时》马来西亚动感321 金曲奖《最受欢迎华语金曲》- 《冰雨》马来西亚动感321 金曲奖《十大金曲》- 《冰雨》, 《世界第一等》新加坡醉心金曲奖《最受欢迎男歌手》新加坡醉心金曲奖《最佳歌曲》- 《孤星泪》台湾金曲龙虎榜《十大唱片》- 《爱在刻骨铭心时》


基站锁定 Nokia工程模式软件FieldTest(S60第三版)















将 FtdApp_regrsc放在C:/Private/10003a3f/import/Apps文件夹里。

将 ftdrsc、Ftd_aifmif、ftdata_wk15_07dat、ftdata_wk41_06dat、Alarmrsc、AlarmListmbm、CallEndrsc、Customrsc放到C:/Resource/Apps文件夹里

将 ftddll55l放到C:/Resource/Plugins文件夹里

将 FTDexe、FtDaInterfacedll、ftdaserverexe、FtDbInterfacedll、ftdbserverexe、FtdGwcTestexe、FtEnginedll放到C:/Sys/Bin文件夹里



4打开程序后可以看到如下界面,中的”Chanel num”代表当前所使用的基站代码,红圈所示的地方指示当前界面,如果你的目的和盆地一样要寻找基站并锁定的话,可以继续看下去,如果想相对详细的了解,可以参考上面提供地址中的文档《工程模式软件使用小解》。

5按下方向键可以正向切换界面(上方向键逆向切换界面),切换到当切换界面为Common FID 0103、Common FID 0104、Common FID 0105的时候,就可以看到可用的基站代码(如下图红圈位置)。

6向下切换到Common FID 0112界面,这是选项中会多出一个选项”Execute”,输入上面看到的基站代码某一个即可锁定基站,锁定后测试信号和下载速度,最后锁定效果最好的。

7锁定基站后,如果你离基站一定距离后就会无法接收到信号,所以一旦离开基站附近,切记要解除锁定;解除锁定的方法为第6步中在Excute输入基站代码时输入125~ 511 、886以上上的其他值(可参见上图),稍等一会儿,手机信号区域会暂时没信号,等重新有信号时,显示:“BTS TEST OFF”,此时解除锁定成功;如果没有显示“BTS TEST OFF”可以换个值再试验。

友情奉送: 当输入0~125 、512~885中任意一个不在Common FID 0103~ Common FID 0105中列出的基站号,则可以达到”您拨打的电话暂时无法接通”的效果。






b跳转显示的时候,一样可以选择选项中的”Change display”来跳转,例如跳转到Common FID 0112可以选择”Change display”,然后输入0112就可以了,示意图如下:


本文链接:ht tp:// w w wpenddycom/nokia-software-engineering-model-fieldtest-s60-3rdhtml



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     女生买一套护肤品至少需要几百元,护肤品里的精华可以说占了很大一部分。作为同类护肤品中最贵的精华,其成分远高于乳霜。因此,人们在应用时应该正确地应用精华。让我们掌握精华的正确用法。  一、使用前,掌握护肤中精华的在护肤第几步使用。  涂抹精

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