


创始人:Gabrielle Chanel (加布里埃夏奈尔


设计师: 1913年-1971年,Gabrielle Chanel (加布里埃夏奈尔)

设计理念: 高雅、简洁、精美

中国分店 : 共两家,分别位于北京、上海

夏奈尔身世简介 加布里埃香奈尔有一段很不愉快的童年。她的父亲是兜售杂货的小贩,母亲是个村妇。1883年夏奈尔出世时,父母尚未正式结婚,她对自己是个私生女这件事始终耿耿于怀。夏奈尔12岁时母亲去世,父亲抛下了他们五个兄弟姐妹,自此不知去向。这残酷的事实,使她在以后的日子里,总要极力的掩饰那段悲惨的童年生活。 之后她在修道院的收容所里,度过了暗淡的少女岁月。18岁离开修道院后,几经周折,她尝试过各种不同的工作,甚至有一小段歌唱生涯。据说这也是她的别名CoCo Chanel的由来。

25岁那年,她遇到了生命中的第一位情人---巴桑,使她的命运有了转机。巴桑是一位贵族的后裔,他令芳华正茂的夏奈尔倾倒,但碍于当时的社会环境,两人无法正式结合。然而夏奈尔却凭此开始挤身上流社会。聪明的她很快就周旋于王孙贵族之间,稍后经过巴桑的介绍,夏奈尔邂逅了她一生中最重要的男人Arthur Capel----她此生的至爱。

Capel出身卑微,为一情妇之子,虽凭借自己的奋斗,在商场上大展宏图,并于第一次世界大战后当上《凡尔塞条约》的政治秘书,成为一介名流,但却因自己的卑微身世而觉得非取个名门闺秀不可。他对夏奈尔虽然一片真心,但最终还是舍弃了夏奈尔,远赴英伦与一名爵士的千金成婚。此举伤透了夏奈尔的心。为了补偿对夏奈尔的歉疚,Capel出资让她在巴黎开了一间女帽店,这便是夏奈尔事业的起点。 引用香奈儿一句话:“我不能理解女人为何不能只是为了表现礼貌,出门前都好好打扮一下,每一天谁知道会不会是命中注定的大日子?”女人的时尚、女人的香奈儿精神,让这个世界更加美丽缤纷 品牌简介: 创始人Gabrielle Chanel香奈尔于1913年在法国巴黎创立夏奈尔,香奈尔的产品种类繁多,有服装、珠宝饰品、配件、化妆品、香水,每一种产品都闻名遐迩,特别是她的香水与时装。







品牌延续: 香奈尔逝世后,1983年起由设计天才卡尔 拉格菲尔(KARL LAGERFELD)接班。卡尔拉格菲尔有着自由、任意和轻松的设计心态,他总是不可思议地把两种对立的艺术品感觉统一在设计中,既奔放又端庄,既有法国人的浪漫、诙谐,又有德国式的严谨、精致。他没有不变的造型线和偏爱的色彩,但从他的设计中自始至终都能领会到“香奈尔”的纯正风范。 品牌识别:



③山茶花:chanel对“山茶花”的情有独钟现在对于全世界而言,“山茶花”已经等于是chanel王国的“国花”。不论是春夏或是秋冬,它除了被设计成各种质材的山茶花饰品之外,更经常被运用在服装的布料图案上 香水:香奈儿5号我的幸运数字 香奈儿5号是香奈儿女士的幸运数字,当时她在众多香水样品中,选择了第5支香水,她说:“这就是我要的。一种截然不同于以往的香水、一种女人的香水,一位气味香浓,令人难忘的女人。”

但这种有意的对数W的迷信很有可能让她错过了真正的好香水。对香味的定夺,不仅需要一个有超级感受力的鼻子,而且还需要一种无杂念的心境。而香奈儿5号诞生时香奈儿女士已经是个不甚快乐的人了…… 香奈儿女士对香水的理念是:“香水要强烈得像一记耳光那样令人难忘。”以这个概念来看香奈儿5号,她是成功的。香奈儿5号的确十分强烈,但是它对大多数女人来说确像一记耳光,因为给人的感觉并非愉悦。要人为一记耳光陶醉,有点难。










Chanel Chanel origin

Chanel (Cabrielle "COCO" Chanel; 1883-1971) Born in 1883 in the south of France Saumur (SAUMUR) On her birthday a specific, it was said to be on August 19, 1883, Chanel, but I insisted that he was born in the year on August 5 Her life has not always been smooth, she was born into a poor family, is the second child at home, but in that five-year-old mother died of lung disease would be, they never left, even more terrifying is that their father King left them a mysterious disappearance Since then, Chanel started her rough, hard life of the orphanage and left many never known secret

More than a decade after the beginning of Chanel in the desert city of Lin (Moulin), a knitting store clerk when, but also dream of becoming a star, therefore, she also tried to sing a ditty bars At this point, she has come out Chuchudongren, and are subject to a lot of help with the pursuit of the Fujiazaidi Through her first lover, high society Chanel into the circle of communication, and to have the opportunity to get to know many powerful Fujiazidi young celebrities and the arts Later, Gu Bo in love with the businessman, and his strong support of the path of their own success Her design career began in 1908, first in Paris and later in Deauville (France's southern seaside resorts) In 1910, it gave her a cute nickname - "COCO", it now has become an important Chanel brand identification

Deauville in 1913 opened its first Chanel boutiques Since then, her career would be flourishing

In 1916, she launched a woolen sweater, his work was the first time, "Harper market" was published In 1921, in Paris, France Kampen Street (Cambon) - the company that is now the "residence" where the well-known start-up Shop Cambon 31 This year, is also CHANEL No5 (of Chanel No 5 perfume) for the first time come out of the year and achieved unprecedented success, then, in 1924, we set up the CHANEL fragrance of the company

Chanel to design simple, practical and well-known clothing As for the design of women's pants, small Heiqun to hypotenuse and copper buttons modified collarless jacket is her style of "outstanding representatives"

Chanel's tradition of substandard goods, including a variety of exquisite pearls, gold chains, such as cotton bags She likes gold chain as those of the backpack straps CHANEL an election to the backpack with clothes will be any different wonderful effect

Other designers with different, like Chanel, in its jewelry design, man-made plastic and precious stones are really precious stones with use of the same, and that he will use this design concept in the apparel design

In 1939 the outbreak of World War II, during which, Chanel's business has also been severely affected, in addition to Kampen on the 3rd Street can continue to operate, and other shops had to be driven out of business At that time, people can only Kampen on the 3rd Street to buy perfume In this way, until in 1953, Chanel is a 70-year-old, the other shop before re-opening

In 1971, Chanel, passed away unfortunately After their clothing has its assistant Caston Berthelot, Ramon Esparza, Yvonne Dudel, Jean Cazaubon and others in charge of great design However, the authority of Chanel's "package approach", the company's designers picked up the pace, as well as the CHANEL fashion charm in her brilliant name for the next little bit to fade Finally in 1983, German Field design genius Karl (Karl Largerfeld) took over the "Chanel" is not only a correct grasp of the Chanel design principles and spirit and his unique freedom, arbitrary and easily design CHANEL mentality will design and develop initiatives to the Chanel brand into a powerful dynamic, incredibly so, "Chanel" products look forward the age of two Karl's appointment, had brought about a more CHANEL reputation, such as:

1984 CHANEL fragrance launch "COCO";

1986 Karl Rumsfeld issued by the fashion trends for fall and winter CHANEL won the Gold Award thimble De dor;

In 1987 launched "Premiere" Series watches, and the way Montaigne Montaigne opened its first shop table;

Karl Lagerfeld in 1988 and won the Design Studio CHANEL designer from the United States Association of International Fashion Awards in particular; when Karl Lagerfeld appointed President of CHANEL designer, is proud to have mentioned that they are about 50% Sales from clothing sales Of course, the members of the CHANEL future sales and also very good Such as: in 1995 had estimated that sales of the year is expected to more than 1,000,000,000 US dollars, and in fact was optimistic that its actual sales in 1995 has nearly 20 million Eres 1996 annual sales of its branch in the 60,000,000 francs (equivalent to 12,000,000 US dollars)

CHANEL today's products represent the beautiful, modern and contemporary, "COCO" is to bring people to Langlangshangkou the name of one of a small number of teachers In the near future, and a "Chanel: Woman Ice and Fire," a new book published this love for the allegiance of the people CHANEL, is a Perfect choice

Former French Minister of Culture has been a period of evaluation are as follows: "This century France, there are three names will be forever, Charles de Gaulle, Picasso and Chanel"

It was heard that every woman in their lives, to have a total of Chanel bags Each new quarter, the number of women in the world has become a dream

Chanel (CHANLE) is the first to crack Yan process for the role of decoration added to the design of the handbag brand in such a process under which the birth of the diamond-shaped Check handbag has become a classic of classic, fashion has been The favorite, for Chanel (CHANLE) on a quarterly basis the new handbags, paris biarritz diamond-shaped double-sided zonal Check packs always get the most attention

Yan on the sewing process:

Originated in the 15th century sewing Yan (Quilting) technology was first used to crack the quilt, the numerous sewing techniques through the quilt on the table cloth, cloth, and cotton in the middle of the floor, so that the three-tier firm to secure To put together will not easily move to increase the insulation properties of the quilt In order to aesthetics, Yan also has a variety of sewing pin, S-shaped, semi-circular, cross-shaped and so on and so on Of course, the first crack Yan is special because it features effective until the later emerging as a decorative pattern-based texture However, now most often seen Yan seam or keep warm in winter supplies such as bedding, as well as the down jacket

To crack as Deyan clothing decoration goods are still the most successful to a number of Chanel (CHANLE) President In February 1955, Chanel (CHANLE) introduced a simple design of the generous package, including Yan who used the diamond-shaped decorative sewing techniques for Check-to-earth common purse added to a lot of surface texture and taste, and the gold chain belt pack So that women often need to shake off the past with a handbag activities inconvenient, sought after by many people The package is now referred to as "255 package," which means that its was born in February 1955

一、CHANEL 255商品小卡片



由来:CHANEL 255的命名,源于它的诞生日1955年2月。


科普1:CHANEL 255的来历与演变

CHANEL 255就是指1955年2月CoCo Chanel设计的这款翻盖包(因其日期,所以后来就以命名为255)。但随着1983年卡尔·拉格菲尔德(Karl Lagerfeld)接手CHANEL(香奈儿)后,255的灵魂被不断添加的新元素发扬光大。时至今日,CHANEL255已泛指1955年coco**的原创款,1983年karl接手后的姐妹款Classic Flap,2005年纪念Chanel255诞生50周年的复刻版Reissues,以及CHANEL(香奈儿)出品的所有金属链条翻盖肩背包。这些包包都是大家习惯“CHANEL经典款,也都属于255家族成员。

科普2:CHANEL 255的制造

255手袋共设置了3个内层口袋,最小的一个专门用来放口红,如此考究的细 节设计在当时还很罕见。每个CHANEL 255手袋要经过剪裁、贴合、缝纫、再剪裁、拼接、装上拉链、镶嵌扣眼一系列工序,所有的手袋来自巴 黎附近的一家工厂,除了皮革与内衬的切割以机器完成,其他步骤每一款都需要6个工人手工花费10个小时,经过整整180道工序才能完成。



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