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最近我迷上了一个名叫《黑镜》的英剧,其实它并不是什么新剧,第一季早在2011年就上线英国Chanel 4,之所以最近突然火了起来可能跟它目前的制作方是如日中天的Netflix不无关系。 这个剧不是连续剧,而是每集讲一个独立的故事。所有的故事都是对科技对伦理道德和人性产生影响的深度探讨,几乎每一集的故事都看似荒诞,但是细思极恐,今天我就想跟大家聊聊我看完第三季第一集《Nosedive》之后的一些随想
续集“狗尾续貂”的常规命运似乎并不能解释《黑镜》想象力的枯竭,这部剧究竟经历了什么? 作者:赵柔柔 2011年《黑镜》第一季上映后,它很快以其独特的技术想象、精妙的现实讽喻而成为现象级话题。然而,与第一季第二季的成功相对,自2016年改由美国流媒体巨头Netflix出品的《黑镜》第三季上映以来,失望与质疑之声便不断袭来,而2017年底刚刚面世的第四季六集新剧集,则更是使它深陷于负面评价的漩涡。续集
我们对“神剧”两个字的认知,绝大部分都跟《黑镜》有关。 脑洞大!神反转!黑色讽刺!黑科技! 这是说到《黑镜》频率最高的词。 但时隔多年,再从头去看《黑镜》,我居然看得更加细思极恐。 2013年开播的《黑镜》,犀利,精准,犹如手术刀,剖开当下社会的肌理,推演出这个时代继续疯狂向前的暗黑命运。 直到7年后的今天,当技术应用的弊端越发凸显出来,当整个文学城越发民粹、越发反智无脑同时依然娱乐至死的时候
LL Cool J的Phenomenon 百度有下的
Ah ah
Baby girl was draped in Chanel
Said she love Tupac but hates some LL
Seen her at the bar with anklets and toe rings
She can take a prince, turn him into a king
I was looking at her in the limelight, pearly whites
Said her man get paper but he don't live right
All these emotions flowing inside the club
Do you really wanna thug or do ya want love
She gets the paper when it's time to get it on
She keeps these clowns thinking like Jack B Quick
Honey smoke make you click, feel it in their throats
No joke all this love, let it stay broke out
Behind every playa is a true playette
Bounce you up, outta there, push and check
Taster's choice, have you nice and moist
Or play paper games or floss the rolls royce
Something like a phenomenon [repeat 8X]
(uh huh) (go ahead daddy)
He was king of seduction, cop a suction
Now she was the cat that worked construction
Starve her with the paper, abuse the mind
Dis a new lover, when you know it's on mine
that's on top, lap dancin got to stop
You play out your chick cause your game is hot
I give you two, Italian, ice my whole crew
He's banging on my chest till it's black and blue
You beefin, yellin on the cell of my 6
You reach it then you hear the cordless click
Now your club hopping, keep the Cristal poppin
Use my chips and take the next man shoppin
Hell no, must be out Chicago
on your knees and your elbows each and every time
That's why I love you mami, you
Run your mouth though your legs over the bed baby
Work me out
Something like a phenomenon [repeat 8X]
(uh huh) (go ahead daddy)
He was all souped up, but played it just right
Mami I was full blown, my game was air tight
I needed to switch up and get it in gear
It's a whole new movie, a world premiere, yeah yeah
Keep it jinglin, no more minglin
A brand new year, me and you can bring it in
I'm sick and tired of the freakin, night to morn'
Moanin in the mirror with my cubans on
Let bygones be bygones, no more games
Hope all the chickenheads go up in flames
Now we in the brand new mansion, with the lake in back
Got it all figured out, mami I like that
Collect tips, cop his and her whips
The voice a quarter mil'-on, close the safe
But you're worth it playgirl, it's real in the field
Say what you want, but keep your lips sealed
Something like a phenomenon [repeat 8X]
(uh huh) (go ahead daddy)