Just The Two Of Us (Lp Version) 歌词

Just The Two Of Us (Lp Version) 歌词,第1张

歌曲名:Just The Two Of Us (Lp Version)

歌手:England Dan & John Ford Coley

专辑:Some Things Don'T Come Easy

Artist: Will Smith

(Now dad this is a very sensitive subject) <现在爸爸这是一个非常敏感的话题>

From the first time the doctor placed you in my arms<从第一次医生把你放到我的怀里>

I knew I'd meet death before I'd let you meet harm <我就知道我会不让你受伤害直到我死去>

Although questions arose in my mind, would I be man enough<虽然心中有些问题:我足够男人了吗?>

Against wrong, choose right and be standin up <反对错误,选择正确并坚持>

From the hospital that first night <从医院回来的第一晚>

Took a hour just to get the carseat in right <花费了一小时把车座弄好>

People drivin all fast, got me kinda upset <人们都开得太快了,搞得我有点紧张>

Got you home safe, placed you in your basonette<把你安全接回家,把你放进你的摇篮里>

That night I don't think one wink I slept <那晚我睡觉时都没合眼>

As I slipped out my bed, to your crib I crept<因为我滑下我的床,爬到了你的婴儿床旁>

Touched your head gently, felt my heart melt <轻轻的摸着你的额头,感受你的心跳>

Cause I know I loved you more than life itself <因为我知道我爱你胜过爱我的生命>

Then to my knees, and I begged the Lord please <然后我跪下来,向主祈祷>

Let me be a good daddy, all he needs <让我成为一个好爸爸吧,拥有他所需要的一切>

Love, knowledge, discipline too <爱,知识,以及纪律>

I pledge my life to you <我把我的生命都抵押给你>

Chorus: <合唱>

Just the two of us, we can make it if we try <就我们俩,只要我们尝试了就可以成功>

Just the two of us, (Just the two of us) <就我们俩>

Just the two of us, building castles in the sky <就我们俩,可以在天空中修筑城堡>

Just the two of us, you and I <就我们俩,我和你>

Five years old, bringin comedy <五岁了,你为我们带来欢乐>

Everytime I look at you I think man, a little me <每次我看着你,我都会像一个小我>

Just like me <正如我>

Wait an see gonna be tall <在等待着长高的那一天>

Makes me laugh cause you got your dads ears an all <使我欢笑因为你始终掌握着你爸爸的耳朵>

Sometimes I wonder, what you gonna be <有时候我很好奇,你将会成为什么?>

A General, a Doctor, maybe a MC <将军,医生,还是主持人?>

Haha, I wanna kiss you all the time <哈哈,我想要一直吻着你>

But I will test that butt when you cut out a line, too bad<但当你想把黄油切成线的时候我会注意,太调皮了>

Uh-uh-uh why you do that <哈哈,你为什么要那样做?>

I try to be a tough dad, but you be makin me laugh <我想做一个严厉的爸爸,但你总让我笑>

Crazy joy, when I see the eyes of my baby boy <当我看到我的小宝宝的时候是多么的快乐>

I pledge to you, I will always do <我把自己抵押给你,我会一直这么做>

Everything I can <我能做的任何事>

Show you how to be a man <告诉你怎样成为一个男人>

Dignity, integrity, honor an <尊严,正直,受人尊敬>

An I don't mind if you lose, long as you came with it <我不介意你失败,只要你能从中学到些东西>

An you can cry, ain't no shame it it <你可以哭,这没什么可羞耻的>

It didn't work out with me and your mom <这对我和你妈妈没什么>

But yo, push come to shove <但是压力仍会推来>

You was conceived in love <你在爱中孕育>

So if the world attacks, and you slide off track <所以即使世界崩塌,你滑离轨道>

Remember one fact, I got your back <记住一件事,我会把你拉回来>

Chorus <合唱>

It's a full-time job to be a good dad <做一个好爸爸是一份全职工作>

You got so much more stuff than I had <你拥有的东西比我所有的多得多>

I gotta study just to keep with the changin times <我去学习只是为了跟上变化的时代>

See me-I'm <看着我-我正>

Tryin to pretend I know<试着假装我知道>

On my PC where that CD go<那片CD到哪里去了>

But yo, ain't nothing promised, one day I'll be gone <但是,毫无疑问的,有一天我会离开>

Feel the strife, but trust life does go wrong <会争吵,但相信这样的生活一定是走错了>

But just in case <但为了以防万一>

It's my place <我必须>

To impart <来告知>

One day some girl's gonna break your heart <有一天某个女孩可能使你心碎>

And ooh ain't no pain like from the opposite sex <没有什么痛苦能比得上来自异性的那种>

Gonna hurt bad, but don't take it out on the next, son<受伤害很糟,但不要将它发泄在别人身上>

Throughout life people will make you mad <生活之中有些人会使你生气>

Disrespect you and treat you bad <对你无礼并待你很坏>

Let God deal with the things they do <让上帝来处理他们所作的事情>

Cause hate in your heart will consume you too <因为你内心的憎恨也会毁了你自己>

Always tell the truth, say your prayers <永远说真话,道出你的祈祷>

Hold doors, pull out chairs, easy on the swears <轻轻关门,拉出椅子,蔑视咒骂>

You're living proof that dreams do come true <你要活着去证明梦想会实现>

I love you and I'm here for you <我爱你并在这里>

Chorus to fade<合唱至渐无>


歌曲名:Wind In The Willows (Lp Version)

歌手:Bobby Short

专辑:Nobody Else But Me

Wind In The Willows

Blackmore's night

As I went a walking

One morning in spring

I met with some travelers

On an old country lane

One was an old man

The second a maid

The third was a young boy who smiled as he said

"With the wind in the willows

The birds in the sky

There's a bright sun to warm us wherever we lie

We have bread and fishes and a jug of red wine

To share on our journey with all of mankind"

So I asked them to tell me their name and their race

So I could remember each smile on their face

"Our names, they mean nothing

They change throughout time

So come sit beside us and share in our wine"

With the wind in the willows

The birds in the sky

There's a bright sun to warm us wherever we lie

We have bread and fishes and a jug of red wine

To share on our journey with all of mankind

So I sat down beside them

With flowers all around

We et from a mantle

Spread out on the ground

They told me of prophets

And peoples and kings

And all of the one god that knows everything

"We're traveling to Glaston

Over England's green lanes

To hear of men's troubles

To hear of their pains

We travel the wide world

Over land and the sea

To tell all the people

How they can be free"

With the wind in the willows

The birds in the sky

There's a bright sun to warm us wherever we lie

We have bread and fishes and a jug of red wine

To share on our journey with all of mankind

So sadly I left them

On that old country lane

For I knew that I'd never see them again

One was an old man

The second a maid

The third was a young boy who smiled as he said

With the wind in the willows

The birds in the sky

There's a bright sun to warm us wherever we lie

We have bread and fishes and a jug of red wine

To share on our journey with all of mankind

With the wind in the willows

The birds in the sky

There's a bright sun to warm us wherever we lie

We have bread and fishes and a jug of red wine

To share on our journey with all of mankind

all the mankind~~~~




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上一篇 2024-03-24


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