AVG Anti-Virus的杀毒能力怎么样。世界排名第几呢。比起卡巴呢

AVG Anti-Virus的杀毒能力怎么样。世界排名第几呢。比起卡巴呢,第1张


2006年全球顶级杀毒软件排名 BitDefender居首


金奖: BitDefender

银奖: Kaspersky

铜奖: F-Secure Anti-Virus

第四名: PC-cillin

第五名: ESET Nod32

第六名: McAfee VirusScan

第七名: Norton AntiVirus

第八名: AVG Anti-Virus

第九名: eTrust EZ Antivirus

第十名: Norman Virus Control




简介:BitDefender杀毒软件是来自罗马尼亚的老牌杀毒软件,二十四万超大病毒库,它将为你的计算机提供最大的保护,具有功能强大的反病毒引擎以及互联网过滤技术,为你提供即时信息保护功能,通过回答几个简单的问题,你就可以方便的进行安装,并且支持在线升级。它包括 1永久的防病毒保护;2后台扫描与网络防火墙;3保密控制;4自动快速升级模块;5创建计划任务;6病毒隔离区。



排名第三的F-Secure AntiVirus

简介:来自Linux的故乡芬兰的杀毒软件,集合AVP,LIBRA,ORION,DRACO四套杀毒引擎,其中一个就是Kaspersky的杀毒内核,而且青出于蓝胜于蓝,个人感觉杀毒效率比Kaspersky要好,该软件采用分布式防火墙技术,对网络流行病毒尤其有效。在《PC Utilites》评测中超过Kaspersky名列第一,但后来Kaspersky增加了扩展病毒库,反超F-secure。鉴于普通用户用不到扩展病毒库,因此F-secure还是普通用户很不错的一个选择。F-Secure AntiVirus是一款功能强大的实时病毒监测和防护系统,支持所有的 Windows 平台,它集成了多个病毒监测引擎,如果其中一个发生遗漏,就会有另一个去监测。可单一扫描硬盘或是一个文件夹或文件,软件更提供密码的保护性,并提供病毒的信息。



第五名的ESET Nod32

简介:国外很权威的防病毒软件评测给了NOD32很高的分数,在全球共获得超过40多个奖项,包括Virus Bulletin、PC Magazine、ICSA、Checkmark认证等,更加是全球唯一通过26次VB100%测试的防毒软件,高据众产品之榜首!产品线很长,从 DOS、Windows 9x/Me、Windows NT/XP/2000,到Novell Netware Server、Linux、BSD等,都有提供。可以对邮件进行实时监测,占用内存资源较少,清除病毒的速度效果都令人满意。

第六名的McAfee Virusscan

简介:全球最畅销的杀毒软件之一,McAfee防毒软件,除了操作介面更新外,也将该公司的WebScanX功能合在一起,增加了许多新功能!除了帮你侦测和清除病毒,它还有VShield自动监视系统,会常驻在System Tray,当你从磁盘、网络上、E-mail夹文件中开启文件时便会自动侦测文件的安全性,若文件内含病毒,便会立即警告,并作适当的处理,而且支持鼠标右键的快速选单功能,并可使用密码将个人的设定锁住让别人无法乱改你的设定。

第七名的Norton AntiVirus

简介:Norton AntiVirus是一套强而有力的防毒软件,它可帮你侦测上万种已知和未知的病毒,并且每当开机时,自动防护便会常驻在System Tray,当你从磁盘、网路上、E-mail 夹档中开启档案时便会自动侦测档案的安全性,若档案内含病毒,便会立即警告,并作适当的处理。另外它还附有“LiveUpdate”的功能,可帮你自动连上 Symantec 的 FTP Server 下载最新的病毒码,於下载完后自动完成安装更新的动作。

第八名的AVG Anti-Virus

简介:AVG Anti-Virus欧洲有名的杀毒软件,AVG Anti-Virus System功能上相当完整,可即时对任何存取文件侦测,防止电脑病毒感染;可对电子邮件和附加文件进行扫瞄,防止电脑病毒透过电子邮件和附加文件传播; “病毒资料库”里面则记录了一些电脑病毒的特性和发作日期等相关资讯;“开机保护”可在电脑开机时侦测开机型病毒,防止开机型病毒感染。

在扫毒方面,可扫瞄磁碟片、硬盘、光盘机外,也可对网络磁碟进行扫瞄。在扫瞄时也可只对磁碟片、硬盘、光盘机上的某个目录进行扫瞄。可扫瞄文件型病毒、巨集病毒、压缩文件(支持ZIP,ARJ,RAR等压缩文件即时解压缩扫描)。在扫瞄时如发现文件感染病毒时会将感染病毒的文件隔离至AVG Virus VauIt,待扫瞄完成后在一并解毒。支持在线升级。现在提供了最新的免费版供大家使用,安装之前先去官方网站填个表,从回信中得到一个序列号。AVG Anti-Virus 有三个版本(专业、服务器、免费),其中有个人非营利使用的免费版本,功能完整,但是仅某部份功能是无法设定的,例如扫毒排程只能每天一次等等。

第九名的eTrust EZ AntiVirus

简介:反病毒软件“eTrust EZ Antivirus”已经获得了国际计算机安全协会(ICSA:International Computer Security Association)的认证。ICSA专门负责检测和认证产品对来自病毒及恶意代码的攻击的有效性。CA公司表示,在ICSA的测试中,eTrust EZ Antivirus软件甚至连“In-The-Wild”恶性病毒也可以100%地检测出来。eTrust EZ Antivirus是一种主要为中小型企业及SOHO用户提供解决方案的反病毒软件。

该产品支持的操作系统包括Windows 98、Windows ME、Windows NT以及Windows 2000 Professional等。除此以外,CA公司还提供包括eTrust EZ Antivirus在内的反病毒解决方案组件“eTrust EZ Armor”。新版本采用全新用户界面,更加易于使用;新的文件隔离功能可有效防止系统文件被误删;改进了帮助系统;增强了“闪动”系统托盘图标功能。

第十名的Norman Virus Control

简介:Norman Virus Control是欧洲名牌杀毒软件,为了确保您的计算机系统得到最好的保护,Norman 数据安全系统提供了多种防毒工具供您选择,以满足您的不同需要。此产品结合了先进的病毒扫描引擎、启发式分析技术以及宏验证技术,可有效查杀已知和未知病毒。NVC 可以查杀所有类型的病毒,包括文件和引导扇区病毒而无需使用杀毒软件重新启动开机。


AntiVirusKit 2006 v1607 0,是德国G-Data公司产品,英文全名是GData AntiVirusKit,






Avast!的实时监控功能十分强大!它拥有七大防护模块:网络防火墙防护、标准的本地文件读取防护、网页防护、即时通讯软件防护、邮件收发防护、 P2P 软件防护。这么完善的防护系统,定能让你的系统练就一副金刚不坏之身!任意开启各项保护模块能够查杀流氓软件,比如3721。升级很人性化, Avast是捷克一家软件公司(ALWILSoftware)的产品。


Mark Twain's Humor

Mark Twain (pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, 1835-1910), was an American writer, journalist and humorist, who won a worldwide audience for his stories of the youthful adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain once said, "To believe yourself to be brave is to be brave; it is the only essential thing" It was an important date for American literary history Read about the other days in Mark Twain's lifeAutobiography of Mark Twain

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Books are still being banned every day, but do you know which of the great classics have been banned Here's a list of tenBooks About Huckleberry Finn

Originally published in 1884, "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" is the journey of a young boy down the Mississippi River Huck encounters thieves, murders, and various adventures The book has also encountered censorshipBooks About Mark Twain's Letters

Mark Twain was one of the most famous American writers, famous for his wit and wisdom, made evident in novels like "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," as well as his travel writings, essays, and letters With these books, you'll read more of the letters from Mark Twain Advertisement Books About Mark Twain's Wit and Humor

Mark Twain is known for his wit and humor His wit, humor, and wisdom helped his lectures to be well received; and these characteristics have continued to make Mark Twain a widely beloved writer after all these years Find books related to the wit and humor of Mark Twain Books about Mark Twain

Mark Twain (1835-1910), pseudonym for Samuel Langhorne Clemens, is considered one of the greatest American writers He's famous for "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" (1885), "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" (1876), etc Collected Works - Mark Twain

“Tom did play hookey, and he had a very good time He got back home barely in season to help Jim, the small colored boy, saw next-day's wood and split the kindlings before supper -- at least he was there in time to tell his adventures to Jim while Jim did three-fourths of the work Tom's younger brother (or rather half-brother) Sid was already through with his part of the work (picking up chips), for he was a quiet boy, and had no adventurous, trouble- some ways” Ch 1

Protagonist Tom Sawyer is introduced together with his friends Joe Harper and Huck Finn, young boys growing up in the antebellum South While the novel was initially met with lukewarm enthusiasm, its characters would soon transcend the bounds of their pages and become internationally beloved characters, inspiring numerous other author’s works and characters and adaptations to the stage, television, and film The second novel in his Tom Sawyer adventure series, Huckleberry Finn (1885), was met with outright controversy in Twain’s time but is now considered one of the first great American novels A backdrop of colourful depictions of Southern society and places along the way, Huck Finn, the son of an abusive alcoholic father and Jim, Miss Watson’s slave, decide to flee on a raft down the Mississippi river to the free states Their river raft journey has become an oft-used metaphor of idealistic freedom from oppression, broken family life, racial discrimination, and social injustice Ernest Hemingway wrote “All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn”

“We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness It was kind of solemn, drifting down the big, still river, laying on our backs looking up at the stars, and we didn't ever feel like talking loud, and it warn't often that we laughed—only a little kind of a low chuckle We had mighty good weather as a general thing, and nothing ever happened to us at all—that night, nor the next, nor the next” Ch 12

Missouri was one of the fifteen slave states when the American Civil War broke out, so Twain grew up amongst the racism, lynch mobs, hangings, and general inhumane oppression of African Americans He and some friends joined the Confederate side and formed a militia group, the ‘Marion Rangers’, though it disbanded after a few weeks, described in “The Private History of a Campaign That Failed” (1885) His article “The War Prayer” (1923) “in the churches the pastors preached devotion to flag and country, and invoked the God of Battles beseeching His aid in our good cause” is Twain’s condemnation of hypocritical patriotic and religious motivations for war It was not published until after his death because of his family’s fear of public outrage, to which it is said Twain quipped “none but the dead are permitted to tell the truth” Though he never renounced his Presbyterianism, he wrote other irreligious pieces, some included in his collection of short stories Letters From Earth (1962);

“Man is a marvelous curiosity When he is at his very, very best he is a sort of low grade nickel-plated angel; at his worst he is unspeakable, unimaginable; and first and last and all the time he is a sarcasm”

Mark Twain grew to despise the injustice of slavery and any form of senseless violence He was opposed to vivisection and acted as Vice-President of the American Anti-Imperialist League for nine years Through his works he illuminates the absurdity of humankind, ironically still at times labeled a racist Though sometimes caustic “Of all the creatures that were made he [man] is the most detestable,” as a gifted public speaker he was a much sought after lecturer “information appears to stew out of me naturally, like the precious ottar of roses out of the otter” —from his Preface to Roughing It (1872) He is the source of numerous and oft-quoted witticisms and quips including “Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until it goes away”; “If you don't like the weather in New England, just wait a few minutes”; “Familiarity breeds contempt — and children”; “The past does not repeat itself, but it rhymes” ; and “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated” Twain is a master in crafting humorous verse with sardonic wit, and though with biting criticism at times he disarms with his renderings of colloquial speech and unpretentious language Through the authentic depiction of his times he caused much controversy and many of his works have been suppressed, censored or banned, but even into the Twenty-First Century his works are read the world over by young and old alike A prolific lecturer and writer even into his seventy-fourth year, he published more than thirty books, hundreds of essays, speeches, articles, reviews, and short stories, many still in print today

A coming-of-age story or novel is memorable because the character undergoes adventures and/or inner turmoil in his/her growth and development as a human being Some characters come to grips with the reality of cruelty in the world--with war, violence, death, racism, and hatred--while others deal with family, friends, or community issues Dangerous Intimacy: Mark Twain's Final Years

"Dangerous Intimacy" is the title of Karen Lystra's new biography about Mark Twain's final years The title seems to suggest a torrid love affair, or other romantic misadventures; and the content of the book follows through with that assumption, though not in the way one would expect Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)

(1835-1910) American writer Mark Twain was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens in Missouri on November 30, 1835 Read more about Twain's life and works Mark Twain Collections

The works of Mark Twain (1835-1910) have been collected in many different combinations (with short stories, speeches, novels, and more) These collections allow you to enjoy some of his greatest works in one volume Take a lookMark Twain Gifts

Find T-shirts, bags, magnets, buttons, and more--all related to Mark Twain Mark Twain Inspirations

If you're wondering about some of the inspirations of Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens), here's what he had to say about it! Mark Twain Quiz

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This "Gilded Age" collection encompasses Mark Twain's literary career, starting with his first novel-length, fictional work, "The Gilded Age," which he co-wrote with Charles Dudley Warner and carrying us through to his final work, "The Mysterious Stranger," which was left in manuscript format upon his death Profile: Mark Twain

Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) is one of the most famous writers in American literature Twain went to work in 1847 when his father died He started off as an apprentice to a printer, and from there, he wrote for his brother's newspaper and worked as a riverboat pilot (1857-61)Singular Mark Twain, The

Mark Twain is one of the most popular names in American literature, even as the name was a product of his imagination With "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," Twain created one of the most controversial works in literary history, which is spiced with humor and resonating with tragedy

Analyzes American author Mark Twain's use of humor in his novels The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and various short stories Discusses how Twain's use of humor engages his readers

Mark Twain was the funniest man of his time His writing inspired comedy as readers know it today With The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and Mark Twain's Short Stories, he had every reader smiling and laughing aloud

He made readers laugh at innocence, at his plot and characters, and sometimes he turned it around so that readers laughed at themselves

Readers were compelled to laugh at Twain's characters' naiveté For example, Jim from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn asked, "Why, Huck, doan' de French people talk de same way we does" A reader had to laugh at the frivolous question In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer when Tom asked, "Say, Becky, was you ever engaged", one had to grin at his innocence

Mark Twain died on 21 April 1910 in Redding, Connecticut and now rests in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Livy’s hometown of Elmira, New York State, buried beside her and the children A memorial statue and cenotaph in the Eternal Valley Memorial Park of Los Angeles, California states: “Beloved Author, Humorist, and Western Pioneer, This Original Marble Statue Is The Creation Of The Renowned Italian Sculptor Spartaco Palla Of Pietrasanta” Twain suffered many losses in his life including the deaths of three of his children, and accumulated large debts which plagued him for many years, but at the time of his death he had grown to mythic proportions as the voice of a spirited and diverse nation, keen observer and dutiful reporter, born and died when Halley’s Comet was visible in the skies

“Death, the only immortal who treats us all alike, whose pity and whose peace and whose refuge are for all—the soiled and the pure, the rich and the poor, the loved and the unloved” —Twain’s last written statement



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