speak now (泰勒·斯威夫特)的中文歌词.无误的

speak now (泰勒·斯威夫特)的中文歌词.无误的,第1张

歌词 I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion 我不是这样的女孩,不会轻易闯入这样有着白色婚纱的神圣场合 but you are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl 但是你也不是那样一个男孩,要娶走一个自己不爱的女孩 I sneak in and see your friends 我偷偷溜进去,看见了你的朋友们 and her snotty little family all dressed in pastels 也看见了她穿着可笑浅色衣服的傲慢的家人 and she is yelling at a bridesmaid somewhere back inside a room wearing a gown shaped like a pastry 她正站在一个房间里面,穿着像酥油点心一样长袍,对着伴娘大吼大叫 this~~ is~~ surely not what you thought it would be 这很明显不是你原来所想所要的 i~~ lose myself in a daydream 我沉醉在我的白日梦中 burst in and say 在梦中,我突然闯入,然后说 Speak Now单曲(chorus) Don't say yes runaway now 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 don't wait or say a single vow 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 you need to hear me out 你只需要听我说 and they said speak now 他们说:“就现在说吧” (verse 2) fun gestures are exchanged 婚礼依旧顺利的进行 and the organ starts to play a song that sounds like a death march 风琴开始演奏一首像死亡进行曲一样的曲子 and i am hiding in the curtains 我正躲在窗帘之后 it seems that I was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-be 就好像我没有被你那个“可爱的”待嫁新娘邀请一样 she~~ floats down the aisle like a pageant queen 她沿着教堂走道,像一个公主一样,走向婚礼圣坛 but i~~ knowwwww you wish it was me 但是我知道,你希望新娘是我 you wish it was me don't you 你希望是我,难道不是吗? (chorus 2x) Don't say yes run away now 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 don't wait or say a single vow 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 you need to hear me out 你只需要听我说 and they said speak now 他们说:“就现在说吧” Don't say yes run away now 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 don't wait or say a single vow 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 Your time is running out 你的时间已经快要没有了 and they said speak now 他们说:“就现在说吧” i hear the preacher say 我听见牧师在宣读誓词 speak now or forever hold your peace 让我现在就说吧,否则我要永远保持沉默了 there‘s the silence there’s my last chance 现在一片寂静,现在是我最后的机会 i stand up with shaking hands 我摆着手站起来 all eyes on me 所有人都在看着我 horrified looks from everyone in the room 教堂里的每个人都露出惊骇的表情 but i'm only lookin‘ at you 但是我现在就仅仅在盯着你 I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil ocassion 我不是这样的女孩,不会轻易闯入这样有着白色婚纱的神圣场合 but you are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl 但是你也不是那样一个男孩,要娶走一个自己不爱的女孩 (chorus) So don't say yes run away now 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 don't wait or say a single vow 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 you need to hear me out 你只需要听我说 and they said speak now 他们说:“就现在说吧” and you'll say let's run away now 你会说:"一起逃走吧 i'll meet you when i'm out of my tux at the back door 当我脱下婚服,跑出后门,我会跟你离开 baby i didn't say my vows 我没有向她许誓 so glad you were around when they said speak now 当他们说‘现在说吧’的时候,我很高兴你在这里”

Kira Isabella - Little White Church

I remember that day when you moved to town

There was something 'bout the way

Your hair fell in your face

You asked me if I could show you around

The moment almost slipped away

Then I found the words to say

Meet me at the little white church

When the bells start ringing

On Sunday morning

I'll be in the back row

With a wildflower in my hair

And if we hit it off we can talk about

You takin' me out next Friday night

But first

Meet me at the little white church

I spent the whole week wonderin' what to wear

I needed more than my Sunday best

So I bought me a brand new dress

I still dream about your rebel smile

The way your eyes cut through the air

And how you promised me right there

You would meet me at the little white church

When the bells start ringing

On Sunday morning

I'll be in the back row

With a wildflower in my hair

Since we hit it off we can talk about

You meetin' my daddy next Friday night

But first

Meet me at the little white church

(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

It still feels like the first time every time

Baby when you're lookin' at me

You can't blame a girl for dreamin'

And I'm dreamin' one day

You'll get down on one knee

And say

Meet me at the little white church

In the middle of the summer

On a Saturday night

Start walkin' my way

With your momma's veil in your hair

'Cause you're the girl

That I've been dreamin' 'bout

And I don't have a lot to give you

But I swear we're gonna make it work

Oh, but first

I'm gonna meet you

At the little white church

Meet me at the little white church

I'll meet you at the little white church

I'll meet you at the little white church





1 湿气,潮气;水分[U]

The sun will take the moisture out of the clothes




1 面纱,面罩[C]

The bride's face was covered in a white veil


2 帷幕;遮蔽物[S][(+of)]

There was a veil of mist over the mountains


3 托词;幌子[the S][(+of)]

They did evil under the veil of patriotism


4 修女生涯;修女头巾[the S]

She took the veil when she was 18



1 以面纱遮掩

The women there used to veil their faces in public


2 用帷幕分隔

3 掩饰;遮盖

She made no attempt to veil the contempt in her voice


Morning fog veiled the village



1 戴面纱

2 摄出现轻度灰雾




作曲: mo’doo-

窓を叩く 北风に

胸, 打たれた时

ひとりでいる 痛みより


イルミネーション 彩る街に

白い天使 舞い降りてきた

街を染める White Snow


空気が 冷えては いるけれど



止まない 雪も そうだけど


意识なんて 今までに


逢いたい人 并べたら


今はなにも できないからね

想い そっと 歌にした

窓の外, 踊る


気付いて ないなら 伝えたい


まといながら そっと

気持ち 込めて 伝えたい

「ねえ, 気付いていた」

今のあたしは 友达という


以外にないのも 知っているよ

We Are Best Friends

街を染める White Snow


空気が 冷えては いるけれど



キミの ことを 想っとたら

窓の外, 踊る


気付いて ないなら 伝えたい


まといながら そっと

気持ち 込めて 伝えたい




歌手:Great White

专辑:sail away

(Kendall, Lardie, Niven, Russell)

Tell me which way the wind blows

And of the song it sings

Tell me where did the time go n'

For who the bells ring

Baby, days are so empty now

No promises, no pain

I guess, I guess I realized

I overstayed my day

And I wonder now as I write this down

How it's gonna sound when I'm old

Did I learn to fly Did I reach the sky

Am I goin' underground

Great White

But I know, I know

I can tell you pretty darlin'

What it means to be alone

I know, I know

I can tell you little darlin'

It's no good to be alone

Sometimes as the rain comes down

I feel it wash away my fears

And sometimes when the rain comes down

It's another veil of tears

And I wonder if I missed a turn

On the long and winding road

Did I lose my eyes Did my radar die

Is it time to crash and burn

But I know, I know

I don't want to be alone

And I know, I know

I know the sky is cryin'

And I don't want to be alone

And if I find you out there in the streets

Will you know me the moment our eyes meet

Will you find me Will I know you

And I wonder if I missed a turn

On the long and winding road

Did I lose my eyes Did my radar die

Am I gonna crash and burn

And I know, I know

I can tell you pretty darlin'

I don't want to be alone

I know, I know

I know the sky is cryin'

And I don't want to be alone




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上一篇 2024-03-29


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