以The Happy Life为题写一篇英语短文描述一下心中最幸福的生活

以The Happy Life为题写一篇英语短文描述一下心中最幸福的生活,第1张

In the Happy Life, the author tells us what the happy life is in his eyes A happy life is not the easy, smooth, vegetating life, but is made up of brief grand blessedness which is obtained through hard work The happy life cannot be sought deliberately; hence, we should never flatter others but tell truth in love Sacrifices should be contained in the happy life as wellI cannot agree with the authors definition of the happy life any more Many people are running after happy lives, but only a few of them know what happiness is Usually asked what the happiness is, I generally use some brief nouns such as well-being, satisfaction, etc to definite it There is no doubt that what I am thinking about happiness are the answers of many other people’s After reading this passage, we learn a totally new explanation of the happy life As the author says the remembrance of a brief grand blessedness may be sweeter and more precious than years upon years of quiet, uninterrupted content Only through a progress of hardworking can we feel the real happiness of life Providing there are two apples on a tree; one can be reached easily while the other is beyond your reach You get the first apple easily, let us say, and then you try to reach the second one After jumping up you finally manage to get it The moment you get the second apple you must be happier than the moment you get the first one What makes you happier is the progress of making effortsWhat’s more, the opinion that the happiness cannot be deliberately sought impresses me as well People always dislike the warnings Therefore they prefer to be flattered and to flatter others, thinking that what they have done will make others happy As a matter of fact, they’re absolutely wrong We’re always ignoring the injuries of flattery We may be happy for a short moment, however, in the light of time’s perspective we’re greatly injuries Because these flatteries will make us far from the truth and discourage us to improve our personal qualitiesThe happy life is a remarkable essay The author uses his wisdom to analyze the essence of happy life logically He also set some examples to illustrate his viewpoint powerfully We learn from his words what the real happy life is and we should pursue the happy life correctly

My life in 20 Years

In 20 years, I think my life will be roughly as follows:

As a math teacher, I will continue to teach math courses in high school and work hard to cultivate students' love for math Through years of continuous teaching practice, I will gain more experience and strive to help students understand difficult math concepts through more practical examples and guidance My goal is to sow the seeds of learning in the heart of every student for life

20 years later, my physical condition may deteriorate somewhat, but my mind will remain clear I plan to continue serving as a consultant teacher after retirement to provide references and advice to students about to face exams At the same time, I also hope to make a greater contribution in the form of writing teaching materials or participating in scientific research Math has been my lifelong ambition, and I hope to pass on its essence

In my personal life, over the next 20-30 years I will focus on family and spend a happy retirement with my wife My two children have been influenced by my love for math from an early age One of my children even wants to follow in my footsteps to become a math teacher I think while lacking much physical activity in old age, I can still lounge together with family members and share the joy of mathematical knowledge

In summary, over the next 20 years, I believe math will become the center of my life As my profession for life, it is also the topic of family gatherings For me, math is not just a subject, but the meaning of my life I look forward to each day in the future and believe they will be filled with smiles rather than sorrow


My life in 20 Years


作为一名数学老师,我会在高中继续教授数学课程,努力培养学生对数学的热爱。通过年年不断的教学实践,我会更加 experienced 并励于用更多的实际例子和引导法帮助学生理解难以理解的数学概念。我的目标是在每位学生的心中埋下学习的种子,以终生受益。


在私人生活方面,二三十年来我会聚焦于家庭,与妻子度过愉快的退休生活。两个孩子自小被我对数学的热爱所影响,其中一个孩子甚至打算 follow 我的脚步成为数学老师。我想在老年 lacks 许多体力活动的同时,依然能与家人Lounging在一起,并分享数学知识的喜悦。




1 英英释义:the most basic and important quality of something    

例句:The essence of education is to teach students how to think critically      

2 体会这个词 (进阶篇)  

“essence”只可作名词使用,意思是“最基础和重要的部分”,也就是我们常说的“精髓”“内核”“本质”,我们可以把它和“nature” “soul” “core”等同义词放在一起学习。注意“essence”的拼写:结尾是“ce”,不是“se”。   

一提起澳门,人们会立刻想到赌场和很多娱乐活动,它们是澳门的支柱。我们就可以说:    The  essence  of Macau is poker chips and entertainment(“poker chips”指的是赌场游戏桌上用的筹码。)

现在很多虚拟密码币被炒的很火,很多虚拟币有各种噱头,但它们的本质都是区块链技术,就可以说:  The  essence  of various cryptocurrencies is blockchain technology(“cryptocurrency”的意思是加密货币,也就是我们常说的虚拟货币的一种。)    

我们常说的“当我们在讨论 X 的时候究竟在讨论什么”,想表达的其实就是 X 的实质。比如,对于“当我们在讨论英语写作的时候究竟在讨论什么”这个问题,如果答案是要思考清楚的话,就可以说:The  essence  of writing is clarity of thought    或者是:    The  essence  of writing is clear thinking     


The builders are paid by the hour so speed is  of the  essence

//in essence: essentially


精髓:essence, soul, nature, core

Yet change is the very essence of life

He captures the essence of French country life with colourful and pretty designs 句型

Time /Speed is of the essence when dealing with a medical emergency 句型

The essence of Macau is poker chips and entertainment

The essence of writing is rewriting

She is the essence of your duty

Life Is Full of Choices

Michael is no run-of-the-mill kind of guy[N] He is always happy and always has something positive to say At work, when someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I'd be twins!"[N]

If an employee had a bad day, Michael would tell him/her how to look on the positive side of the situation lest they'd continue feeling down[N] He was like a ray of sunshine, a prince among men[N] One day, I went up to Michael and asked him, "I don't get it You can't be positive all the time How do you do it"[N]

Michael replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to myself, 'Mike, you have two choices today You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood' I choose to be in a good mood Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or choose to see it as a type of learning[N] I choose to learn from it, to see it almost as a victory"

"Yeah, right It isn't that easy"[N] I said

"Yes, it is," Michael said "Life is all about choices You choose how you react to situations The bottom line is: It's your choice how you live life[N]" I reflected on what Michael said

Soon after that, I left the big company where I had worked for years to start my own business I lost touch with Michael, but I thought about him almost weekly as I tried to live the best life I could Several years later, I heard that Michael had been involved in a serious accident, falling some 60 feet from a communications tower[N]

After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, Michael was released from the hospital with metal rods placed in his back[N] I saw him about six months after the accident and asked how he was He replied, "If I were any better, I'd be twins Would you like to see my scars " I didn't want to see his wounds, but I did ask him what had gone through his mind as the accident was taking place[N]

"The first thing that went through my mind was the well-being of my young daughter," Michael replied "Then, as I lay on the ground, within an inch of my life, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to die or I could choose to live I chose the latter"

"Weren't you scared" I asked

"When the paramedics transferred me to the hospital and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared[N] In their eyes, I read 'He's a dead man'[N] I knew I needed to take action"

"What did you do"

"Well, I simply yelled: 'I'm choosing to live Work on me as if I am alive, not headed to the grave[N]'"

Michael lived, thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude I learned from him that every day we have a choice to live fully Attitude is everything[N]


英语解释:that which makes a thing what it is; most important or indispensable quality of sth

nature表示总类,如thing of that nature(那种事物),

英语解释:sort; kind


Life is movement


Life needs sports


People fear, afraid of brain


Slow and persistence won the competition


Good health is always young


Sport is the source of all life


The essence of life lies in sports, quiet quiet is death


Life is movement, the person's life is movement

The work is because life needs, life is not only to a single aspect of the work exist, there are more rich and colorful things waiting for us to dig, to find

When we put the life just as for a single job exists, have already lost half the pleasure of life

Work to live,

The purpose of the work

So that we can better survive in society, if we even the most basic meals are not guaranteed, but also to talk about the other

Work is a learning and accumulation of life experience approach

The meaning of life is life, only work for a better life, but life is not only limited to work Significance of our work lies in the play as well as we can, so that we get a sense of achievement, that satisfy human 's maximum demand, so that our joy, better life While money, honour but we concentrated on the work of adjuncts

For a man, work is each people in society to achieve their social division of labor in specific ways, through the work we can better improve the social relations between, and the nature of life is to contact you want to come into contact with the people, and through these interpersonal relations generated by the power of society to help you develop your potential, for the community to create greater value Person always through learning and then enters the work Because the work is the best embodiment of people 's social practice activity

Because life normally must be in the normal operation can achieve, and the normal operation of society must be in everyone involved in the social division of labor to realize, and people can participate in the work depends on whether it can adapt to the needs of the society So we are working, is essential to survival, essence is to better live! Life, life, live



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