发货速度特别快,我两天就拿到了,而且客服的服务态度也不错,回复信息迅速。包装简约环保,是在用心把产品做好把钱花在了配置产品成分上,而不是花在了包装上。 The delivery speed is particularly fast, I got it in two days, and the service attitude of customer service is also good,Replying to messages is particularly quick. The packaging is simple and environmentally friendly. It is doing a good job of the product and spending money on the configuration of the product ingredients,Instead of spending money on packaging.

产品的成分是提取了植物精油用来防护蚊虫叮咬,比较温和不刺激。The ingredients of the product are extracted from plant essential oils to protect against mosquito bites, which are mild and non-irritating.

这个产品在低温的状态下会出现白色的凝固物,但是没有质量问题,放在常温下就能用 This product will have a white gel at low temperatures, but it is not a quality issue. It can be used at room temperature.

这个花露水的喷头只有一个小点,喷的过程中花露水不会到处乱射,喷出来的花露水系细而密,被喷的皮肤面积范围不是很广, 可以有针对性地喷到被蚊子叮咬的地方。The shower head of this toilet water has only one small point, and the toilet water will not be shot everywhere during the spraying process. The sprayed toilet water is fine and dense, and the sprayed area is not very wide. It can be sprayed to the place where it is bitten by mosquitoes.

上面的花露水喷在手上没有色素,没有刺鼻的味道。The toilet water sprayed on the hands has no pigment, no pungent smell.

可以看到手上被喷到花露水的皮肤范围,花露水细而密 You can see the range of spray dew, the water droplets are thin and dense.

任何肤质也可以用到,手上喷过之后没有刺激到皮肤,没有出现泛红、泛肿等各种现象。Any skin type can be used. After spraying, it does not irritate the skin, and there are no various phenomena such as redness and swelling.

这个花露水可以喷在脸部或者是身体其他部位,但是不能喷进眼睛。This toilet water can also be sprayed on the face or other parts of the body,But you can't spray it into your eyes.

说明详细,用法简单。没有被蚊子咬的喷上后可以防止蚊虫叮咬,已经被蚊子叮咬,肿起来了的,可以消肿止痒。Explain in detail, simple usage. If you are not bitten by mosquitoes, you can prevent mosquito bites after spraying. Has been bitten by mosquitoes, swollen up, can reduce swelling and itching.

优点:1.包装简单环保。 2.成分简单绿色,无色素添加,无刺鼻异味。 3.孩子、妈妈都能用 4.不刺激皮肤,喷上去没有任何不适感
缺点:1.瓶身较大,保质期六个月的时间太短 2.价格定的稍微贵了点,领卷后159元 3.最好在瓶身处贴有翻译后的说明成分表和用法。