使用条件:大屏设备需支持 Miracast 协议。
⑴ColorOS 20版本,「设置 > 常规 > 更多无线连接 > WLAN Display)」连接到设备;
⑵ColorOS 30-53版本,「设置 > 其他无线连接 > WLAN Display/无线显示/手机投屏/多屏互动」;
⑶ColorOS 612-72上版本「 设置 > 其他无线连接 > 手机投屏 > 搜索连接大屏设备」;
⑷ColorOS 11及以上版本:「 设置 > 连接与共享 > 手机投屏 > 开启 」。
3 连接成功后,即可进入投屏模式,手机画面将同步显示在大屏设备上。
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原文如下:<br />
We've heard it before-we've heard it on the news, from teachers, from parents -children and teenagers today are growing up too fast There are many people that will 36 with that statement Teenagers are faced with serious problems and decisions at an early 37 In fact most teenagers' daily schedules(时间表) are as 38 as those of an adult's
I have been working since I was thirteen, and always in 39 in which I was working with adults I have had to learn to think and 40 like an adult to be taken seriously So, I regard myself as one who has grown up too fast I just graduated from high school, and have recently spent some time considering the 41 eighteen years-thinking about myself, what I have gained, and what 42 I have yet to achieve
We are expected to study hard, get excellent 43 , be in a good relationship, and know what we want to do 44 The list goes on and on But the 45 is clear: We live in a society today that is 46 our childhood We no longer have many years to be careless and fancy-free(自由的想象力) We are expected to 47 the strict school rules and to be good in everything we do
I've known these things for a long time, and knew that they 48 me But, I never really admitted it until last night, when I learned a 49 lesson, taught to me by my boss where I work We had finished a job at a distant site
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<meta charset="utf-8" /><div style="width:99%;height:50%;font-family:微软雅黑;margin:0 auto;"><img src="00jpg" width="100%" height="100%" />
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原文如下:<br />
We've heard it before-we've heard it on the news, from teachers, from parents -children and teenagers today are growing up too fast There are many people that will 36 with that statement Teenagers are faced with serious problems and decisions at an early 37 In fact most teenagers' daily schedules(时间表) are as 38 as those of an adult's
I have been working since I was thirteen, and always in 39 in which I was working with adults I have had to learn to think and 40 like an adult to be taken seriously So, I regard myself as one who has grown up too fast I just graduated from high school, and have recently spent some time considering the 41 eighteen years-thinking about myself, what I have gained, and what 42 I have yet to achieve
We are expected to study hard, get excellent 43 , be in a good relationship, and know what we want to do 44 The list goes on and on But the 45 is clear: We live in a society today that is 46 our childhood We no longer have many years to be careless and fancy-free(自由的想象力) We are expected to 47 the strict school rules and to be good in everything we do
I've known these things for a long time, and knew that they 48 me But, I never really admitted it until last night, when I learned a 49 lesson, taught to me by my boss where I work We had finished a job at a distant site
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