







 "Touching is believing"(iPod touch)

 触摸到的就是真实的,很容易想到seeing is believing=眼见为实。

 "Game on And on And on"(iPod touch)

 Game over=游戏结束,game on=游戏开始;还记得《Titanic》的主题曲《My heart will go on》吗?and on=一直继续下去。

 "Small Talk"(iPod shuffle)

 Small talk=闲聊,这里刚好表现出shuffle的2个特点:又小又会说话。

 "Random is the new order"(iPod shuffle)

 随机就是新的有序,咱们讲过这句套用了“xx is the new black”。(没看过的童鞋可以回复black恶补一下)

 "Two Brains are better than one"(Power Mac双核处理器)


 "Less is more"(PowerBook)


 "Small is huge" "Small is Beautiful"(Mac mini)


 "Book smart"(MacBook)

 Street smart=社会常识丰富,book smart=书本知识丰富,这里的book是说MacBook吧,意思是MacBook精明能干。

 "Redesigned Reengineered Re-everythinged"(MacBook)




 "Beauty outside Beast inside"(Mac Pro)


 "Thinnovation"(MacBook Air)


 "Where did the computer go"(iMac)

 电脑都哪去了?苹果一向把自己和其他电脑划清界限,电脑分为苹果机和PC机,这句暗含“谁还用PC机啊”的意味,源于经典英文歌《Where Have All the Flowers Gone》(那些花儿)。

 "Blows minds, not budgets"(iMac)


 "iThink, therefore iMac"(iMac)










word-break: break-all;" valign="top" width="197">

《Hes a Pirate》—加勒比海盗主题曲

356 6 678 8 897 7 6556

356 6 678 8 897 7 656

356 6 689 9 90 0 96

678 8 9 6

68 7 7 867

356 6 678 8 897 7 6556

356 6 678 8 897 7 656

356 6 689 9 90 0 96

678 8 9 6 687 7 656 6 7 8 8 9 863 0 964

0 0 9 9 9 9 0 9 8 7 6

678 9 9 8 7 8 99 89 98 7 8 7 6 7 5 6

678 6780 678#9

9 8 7 8 7 6


4 0 09898656543432123456986 09865424

1 245456 6 65456 6 654 5 4 2 45 66

1245454 8 65654 6 654 5 5 5 542 5

1245456 8 65456 9 654 5 4 2 4 5 6 8

1245454 9 86554 6 654 5 5 5 54 24

409 9 8 98656898 898 9 9 9 9 8986 4568654 4569654 444 000 09 0 988

4009898656898 8 9 8 9 9 9 9 8 9 86 4568654 45696540 09098 8986565 4 2 4 5 4

1245456 6 65456 6 654 5 4 2 4 5 66

1245454 8 65654 6 654 5 55 5 424

4099 898656898 898 9 9 9 9 8 9 86

4568654 4569654 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 9 0 988

4009898656898 8 9 8 9 99 98 986

4568654 45696540 09098 89858## 0 9 0 # 0


99656 56545 8886888696656

99656 556545 88868886 8869

6900690 986 5552568 686

6900690 ##0# ##0 9 86899


3332355 6665365

8886985 66686532

3332355 6665365

8886985 666869

589 987 87656

89987 87356 568 8 9098 6098 00989

889 8##986 58# 98 68898


11245 5624

11245 588986

6688860 56544624

456525 6525 6526526525

11245 5624

11245 5889856

6688860 565446624

456525 6526524

880989888868 880989889856 56525 56525 56529889845

880989888868 880989889856 56525 56525 56529889845 89090

880989888868 880989889856 56525 56525 56529889845

880989888868 880989889856 56525 56525 56529889845 89090

56525 56525 56529889845 890 24


9898656542421 9898656542421

1111121 44444 565466986 5556545

1111121 4444456 5466986 5554214

5555545 4 2222212 555554 555654 49888868

45 6888868 0000968 444445 688896 5556545

45 6888868 0000968 98 444445 688896 5554214

45 6888868 0000968 444445 688896 5556545

45 6888868 00000#0 68

444445 688896 5554214


678678678 8987655567

678678678 898765559

00 6699 955998 67888876 77753

678678678 8987655567

678678678 89876559

89 00 6699 7899 55998

67888 76777 656

6789 6 09 9999##98

83 987 6788989

6789 6 09 9999##98

83 789 87786

6789 6 09 9999##98

83 987 6788989

6789 6 09 9999##98 83 789 87786


5555 4325

1111 8875

6667853 4348 3212

5555 4325

1111 8875

6666785538 0086 989

5698989 35


998868 965535

6888 868989


56989898 9

998868 965535

68868 9968


678 78 7 5 6 56 8 5 34 348 3 23 8 7 89 6 7

678 78 7 35 6 56 8 5 3 4 348 3 238 876 776

89 9 # 9 78 78 # 09 55 0 9 8 7

678 78 7 356 5 6 8 5 34 34 8 3 23 8 876 7 7 6


4 68 8 9 8 6 4 888 6 4 1111114

14 44 41 234 4 6 4 568 8 6 64 6 8 65 5

9 8 5 6 86 8 6564 6

1 24 4 6 68 88 555 2225

14 46 68

4 68 8 9 8 6 4 888 6 4 1114 6 4888 6 4 1114 1114 1114 4


5689656 99856

5689656 #9856

335356 8 668689

568632 3235689656

99 9986 99 9986

553568 553586 553568 553586

8869 89 9988 88998 9856 9856 9856


2 44 5 6 8 6 2 44 5 8 8 9 9 6 8 6 99 9 6 8

1245656 8654656 4445656 89865 686

65666 56552 989 98665 2266564342 885 42422


50 89 50 89 50 899 5758589

50 89 50 89 50 899 5758589

9878888 59888 59889

9879888 59888 598890

0000988899 5###0999

500 9878785 00 985

50#0# 50#0# 50#089998

##88788 ##78788 00998 00998

50#0# 50#0# 50#089998

##88788 ##78788 00998 098688 1


0 8 6 89 8 0 8 89

8 0 8 689 89 8 9999 8898

0 8 689 898 0 8 89 898

0 8 689 898 9999 8898 8

6656 8 56656 8 59898 9898 6656 8 5 6656

86 99989 8 9 898 50 8 689 898 0 8 89

898 50 8 6689 898 9999 8898 888

9999 8898 888

9999 8898

IPHONE手机里有首英文歌曲 ,叫什么名字

Burning-Maria Arredondo

《Burning》是Maria Arredondo所唱专辑《Not Going Under》中的一首单曲,创作人是Jørn Dahl和Laila Samuelsen,发行时间为2004年9月。‍

360手机助手 里面有首好听的英文歌曲 - 的歌叫什么名字


好听的英文歌曲 多多在qq音乐里叫什么名字求大神帮助


后会无期里面手机 英文歌曲叫什么名字


2Que Sera Sera(苏米的手机 )



5朴树 《平凡之路》


现在好多求 的,都回答好几个了,我就汇总下给你:喜欢请采纳

Suzanne Vega《Tom's dinner》

Dido《Thank you》(前奏有点长,可以截掉部分;或者用阿姆的《stan》)、《Life for Rent》

Sara Cornnor《Every moment of my life》

Oh Susanna《Forever at your feet》(开头是一段流水声,很宁静的感觉)

Daniel Richard Powter《Free Loop》(N多人用作手机 ,用烂了都,不过确实好听)

Cold Play《Yellow》(大爱啊,就是前奏确实长点)

久石让<Summer>,出自** 《菊次郎的夏天》,很不错;


Sarah Mclachlan<Angel>,天使之城的主题曲,相当柔和;

田馥甄用过的手机 一首英文歌曲的 叫什么名字呢


大好时光胡歌袁浩手机 英文歌曲叫什么名字

Making the Most of the Night - Carly Rae Jepsen

You and me

We've been hanging around for the longest time

I know when you're down

Know what you need to get you high

Top down

Like the wind through your hair on a summer's night


All of your fears, leave them behind

Baby I'm speeding

And red lights are run

What I got you need it

And I'll run to your side when your heart is bleeding

I'm ing to getcha, to getcha, to getcha

I know you've had a rough time

But here I e to hijack you, hijack you

I love you while

We're making the most of the night

I know you've had a rough time

Here I've e to hijack you, hijack you

I love you while

We're making the most of the night

I know you've had a rough time

Here I've e to hijack you, hijack you

I love you while

We're making the most of the night

I know you've had a rough time

But here I e to hijack you, hijack you

I love you while

We're making the most of the night

Your eyes wide

Like you've never seen the ocean, never seen the tides

No hope

Now you're seeing things that you'd lost sight of

Taking off

Got your hands in the air and ya feeling alright

Gold mines glisten in the skin for you and I

Baby I'm speeding

And red lights are run

What I got you need it

And I'll run to your side when your heart is bleeding

I'm ing to getcha, to getcha, to getcha

I know you've had a rough time

But here I e to hijack you, hijack you

I love you while

We're making the most of the night

I know you've had a rough time

Here I've e to hijack you, hijack you

I love you while

We're making the most of the night

I know you've had a rough time

Here I've e to hijack you, hijack you

I love you while

We're making the most of the night

I know you've had a rough time

But here I e to hijack you, hijack you

I love you while

We're making the most of the night

Now baby take my hand now don't you cry

I won't let you stay here, I won't let you hide

No more tears, don't waste another day

Another day

Go on and fight, don't lay down to die

Come on get up, you'll make it through okay

Come on get up, don't waste another day

I know you've had a rough time

But here I e to hijack you, hijack you

I love you while

We're making the most of the night

I know you've had a rough time

Here I've e to hijack you, hijack you

I love you while

We're making the most of the night

I know you've had a rough time

Here I've e to hijack you, hijack you

I love you while

We're making the most of the night

I know you've had a rough time

But here I e to hijack you, hijack you

I love you while

We're making the most of the night

We're making the most of the night

We're making the most of the night






视频软件是用来编辑或者播放视频的,一般功能有支持所有列出格式自定义时间点切割、自动分段切割或转换,内置播放器用于切割位置定位,支持鼠标拖放定位。FreeEIM 支持多种视音盘片内容抓取工具,帮助您建立个人的数字媒体库;影音分离工具轻松提取影视主题曲,制作卡拉OK的CD或MP3;多种格式自由转换、制作、编辑,全中文界面操作简单方便!2014年4月2日, 腾讯基于手机等移动终端平台推出手机QQ浏览器51视频播霸,集合内容全、格式多、速度快、下载强和福利好5大功能,满足用户视频浏览、下载等需求。相对于大多数用户来说,视频软件的编辑功能是面向专业人员或有兴趣爱好的人员使用的功能。



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