

I have a good friend, her name is Lily We met each other since we were five years old At that time, I moved next to her house, because of my father’s work I felt so lonely when I facing the new environment Then someday, Lily played in her yard and when she saw me, she smiled at me and asked me to play with her I was shy at first, but then I was affected by her kindness We became good friends soon When I meet difficulties, she will help me without hesitation I am so thankful to her, I am so lucky to have her as my friend Our friendship is precious

Lily is my friendShe studies in QingDaoThe distance between her home and her school is about 3kmShe usually go to school by riding bicycle for 20 minutes When it is a rainy day , she takes bus for about 8 minutes to schoolHer parents work for a hospital with far from their house around 10kmThe time for they drive to work is about 10minutes

When the sea water and the beer bump into the same place, how can be a scene Certainly is the fervor four shoots adds passes the heart coollySearches for national each big city, can different unify so perfectly this, as if only then QingdaoThis in August goes to Qingdao, is duty-bound not to turn back plunges the sea, the whole body relaxes jumps in the beer, or two both want, as you like elected!

Takes a saltwater bath the Qingdao people along with

the Qingdao people to manage the seashore swimming to call “to take a saltwater bath”, the general meaning is goes to sea with to soak, soaks climbs up the sand beach to sun reluctantly, manifests the native behavior completely at easeOn the Qingdao beach has written all over “the leisure” two characters: Anything does not use the tube, soaks in the limpid sea, daytime seizes the small crab, evening has a look the moon, lets the cool wind have the partly visible singing sound to blow black own, the summer day enjoys mediocre

Qingdao has 6 seashore bathing places, not only has the deep blue sea and the golden color sand beach, but also has the reddish brown red reef which other seashores not see, the beach is gentle and is clean, ratio has the affective toneIf does not have the time 11 to play, went to the Qingdao bay the trestle seashore to be goodThe trestle is a section of thorough sea causeway, constructs in the Guangxu Dynasty, as a result of its impediment, west bay is gentle gentle, inside “the sixth seashore bathing place” turned like this has played the water heavenLooked the Qingdao people crawl the Mt Laoshan

Mt Laoshan to be known as “the marine famous mountains first”, shore of the Yellow Sea deity high official's residence, cannot not crawl to QingdaoAncient times very many kings all chose here to seek the immortal to ask the eternal life, probably was because the Mt Laoshan was only the mountain which rose straight from the ground from the seashore, was always filling the air the immortal gasTaoism culture carries forward in this, the Tai Qing palace, Ming Xiadong, too with Daoist temple incense and candles and so on the view is prosperous, is a Mt Laoshan big scenery

But most attractive place or Mt Laoshan's mountain marine facies companyClimbs up the height 1133 meters prominent peaks, east the feeling near the sea heroic spirit, the male mountain precipitous, startled Tao strikes the shore, lets the human heart widen immediately Qingdao was the Chinese beer hall, the beer festival accomplishes the present to have 16 sessions, from this August 12 to 27th, the entire city will fall into the revelryIn the Qingdao international beer hall, drank specially the only language, with extinguished along with the Qingdao people with the beer pouring friendlyThe golden yellow liquid matching pure white froth, braves the air bubble in the ultra big drinking glass, looks attractively, waits for your one to drink up

In not only the beer festival has the domestically produced beer, but also has the original taste and flavor German beer, sightest certainly Qingdao this real estate fresh beer, just got down from the production line, installs in the wooden barrel, as soon as fresh serious, drank truly unforgettablily, that came Qingdao and 3,000,000 Chinese and foreign tourists raises glass together the release fervor!Studies the Qingdao people to drink the beer

Qingdao people to drink the beer on to drink the plain boiled water likely, likes with the plastic packed in bags fresh beer unrestrained drinking, do not think vulgarly, wants to realize there beer atmosphere, can be going to school native's appearance unrestrained drinking, lets fresh beer the charm infect each taste bud

The beer garnishings also must have, the most typical food that goes well with wine is a clam, fries the clam spicily, roasts the clam, the oil sprinkles the clam, the Qingdao people in eats on clam's talent not to be inferior absolutely drinks the beer, does not let loose the belly to eat really sorry oneselfOther seafood very are also rich

Question supplement: I may translate some, but is not very smooth, does obeisance asks the master to direct!<拿去,哦对了偶分分>

首先,snidel以及同一公司的lily brown都是只分0码 1码 以及 均码 绝对没有神马S,M码的


其三,主要看洗标,一般日代的就都是日文,一共三联,缎面的,上面有品番号,大家不确定真假的话直接上网google品番号,和自己手上的款式不对的话绝壁假货 如果是国内专柜入的话,只有一联洗标,中文的,上面也会有品番的


英语 第89页 词汇练习 一、1 pollute 2mice 3useful 4itself 5surprised 6decision 7fortunately 8luckily 9borrow 10freedom

二. 1fetter fattest 2more boring most boring 3less least 4fartter farthest 5worse worst

三1guides guiding guided guied 2flies flying flew flown 3lies lying lied lied

4forgets forgetting forgot forgotten 5chooses choosing chose chosen 6sees seeing saw seen

7hears hearing heard heard 8pays paying paid paid 9enjoys enjoying enjoyed enjoying

10feels feeling felt felt

翻译 一1complain about sth 2be interested in studying 3be friendly to 4be mad at

5keep out 6赠送;分发 7排队等候 8把我的书忘在家里了 9被用 10违反规则

二、1Would you mind me turning down the music 2It always snows in Qingdao's winter,isn't it 3It's difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person 4I didn’t go to bed until my father went back 5He said ,when he was dreaming his mother woke him up

6玛丽非常吃力的读完了这些书。 7有些歌手唱英文歌就像本土歌手唱得一样好。8在未来的中国,污染会越来越少。 9说话时仅靠着别人在一些亚洲国家是很普遍的现象。10杨蕾非常享受她做志愿者的时间。

填空 一1has been 2has seen wants 3personal 4himself 5supposed 6closing 7will bake am

8passing 9was playing was cooking 10be

二1Indians 2studying 3look though 4especially 5worse 6complaining 7months 8graduated

9company 10requirement


一1better 2task 3annoyed 4more careful 5was cooking 6spends 7request 8brought 9Watching 10records

二1sold 2each 3give 4felt 5thought 6bought 7too 8payed 9pass 10ate

阅读理解 (A)AABDA (B)CABDC (C)BCBC (D) (一)TFTT (二)73% 87% 47% 78%(横填)

(三)They can look for information about their study,work and lifeAlso,they hope to look for some ways to educate their children

(E)1Because the bananas as food by men 2Is warm and wet 3The farmers have to spray the leaves to prevent plant diseasesThey also have to remove the weeds and grass in the areas around the plant 4They are produced in large quantities in tropical countries

5No,they aren'tBeacause they will lose their flavor if they are allowed to ripen on the plant

句型转换 1How is get on 2Lily siad she will go to the Summer Palace

3I have a snoopy doll for two years 4It's a good way to learn English is singing English songs 5How long have you been collecting things 6If you think hard,you'll have a good idea 7How is an interesting book! 8The teachers aren't both Frenchmen 9Has he yet had lunch Yes,he has 10What was he doing when the teacher came in

书面表达 1Because it very interesting 2I like stamps with buildings 3For five years 4Because I want to meet more stamps collectors

Dear Sir or Madam,

I want to join the Stamps collecting ClubI like collecing stamps very muchBecause I think it very interestingI have been colleting stamps five years agoAnd now,I have 205 of themI particularly like stamps with buildingsIt's so beautifulI want to join the Club,beacause I want to meet more stamps collectors


历史长廊 1慧眼识英雄 袁隆平 周恩来 邓小平 容国团 彭德怀

2永载史册的时间 1970 1964 1967 1999 2003

填字改造 1农业 手工业 资本主义工商业 2大跃进 人民公社化 3百花齐放 百家争鸣 4深圳 珠海 厦门汕头海南上海浦东 5中华人民政治协商会议共同纲领 中华人民共和国宪法 6联合国五个常任理事国 尼克松 田中角荣 7互相尊重主权和领土完整互不侵犯 互不干涉内政 平等互利 和平共处 8加强两岸经济交流 互补互利 9江青 林彪 101997 7 1 1999 12 20 11苏联 美国 法国 日本 12小康

一一对应 左边用数字表示右边用字母 1(1)b (2)e (3)a (4)c (5)d

2(1)c (2)d (3)b (4)e (5)a 3(1)c (2)d (3)e (4)a (5)b 4(1)d (2)a (3)b (4)c

是真是假 1 错同时也分给地主应得的一份,让他们自己耕种,自食其力

2 错 中华人民共和国成立应为三大改造

3 错 澳门应为香港

4 错 导弹应为氢弹

5 错 1972应为1979

6 错 通过了《中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领》

7 对

8错 民族平等应是民族平等应为民族区域自治

9错 陈景润应为袁隆平

10 错 863是指1986年3月形成的计划

材料解析 (1) 解放战争 (2)五四运动 标志着中国进入了新民主主义社会的新时期(3)中英鸦片战争从此,中国开始有封建社会逐步沦为半封建半殖民社会,是中国近代史的开端

2(1)周恩来 (2)独立和平自主的外交方针 (3)万隆会议 万隆精神 3(1)邓小平在1992年讲的

(2)中国正实行改革开放(3)这段话进一步解放了人们的思想,对建设有中国特色的社会主义产生了深远影响。(4)经济特区——沿海开放城市——沿海经济开放区——内地,这样一个全方位、多层次,宽领域的对外开放格局 4(1)1953年(2)以鞍山钢铁公司为中心(3)长春第一汽车制造厂生产出第一辆解放牌汽车;武汉长江大桥建成通车。(4)十一五计划的制定更注重科学的发展和进步,而且追求“全面协调可持续发展”。

学以致用 1当时的社会治安非常混乱,人民吃不饱穿不好,生活很艰苦。希望以后的社会会越来越安宁,不要再让人民在动荡的社会中生活。 2被誉为最可爱的人。我们要学习他们高度的爱国主义精神和革命英雄主义精神,还要学习他们有严明的纪律不怕吃苦,不怕奋斗的精神。

政治 第69页 相关知识链接

辨别正误题1—5 BBBAB 6—10 ABBBA 单项选择题 1—5 DDBDC 6—8 CBC

不定项选择 1ABCD 2ABC 3A 4A 5ABD 6A 7ACD 8ABCD 9BD 10ABD

分析说明题 1该经理的观点是错误的。经济建设与环境保护协调发展。这项原则要求在发展经济是,要把经济发展与合理开发自然资源、保护自然环境结合起来,以实现环境效益、经济效益和社会效益的统一。


(2)宪法具有最高的法律效力对于维护社会主义法制的统一,建立起以宪法为核心的多部门、多层次的完整法律体系,有着重要意义。 实践活动建议 自己去查就行了。

物理 第79页 填一填 1有电流 电源 215V 36V 220V 3大 长度 小 横截面积 411V 总电压等于各部分电路两端电压之和 01A 各处电流都相同 54V 26V 14V 6排斥 7(1)通电导线周围有磁场

(2)通电导线周围的磁场方向与电流方向有关。 奥斯特 8电流 磁性 下 接触 接通

选一选 1—5 BBDCD 6—10 ABB C(第九小题牵扯到电功率,还没学)11—14 CABC

画一画 1用导线将滑动变阻器的B接线柱与小灯泡的右端相连。 2B的左端是S极,小磁针的左端是S极

3左右都是N极 左是S极右是N极 4螺线管左是S极,右是N极 电源左是负极,右是正极

算一算 1已知:R灯=10欧姆 U灯=5伏 U=8伏 求:R 解:I=U/R=5/10=05(A) R总=U/I=8/05=16(欧姆)

R=R总-R灯=16-10=6(欧姆)答:需串联一个6欧姆的电阻。 2(1)已知:R1=4欧姆 R2=12欧姆 I总=2A 求:U 解:1/R总=1/R1+1/R2=1/4+1/12=1/3(欧姆)R总=3欧姆 I=U/R U=IR=23=6(V) 答:电路两端的电压是6V (2)I1=U/R1=6/4=15(A) I2=I总-I1=2A-15A=05A

做一做 (2)断开 防止连错电路造成短路,烧坏电路元件。 阻值最大处保护电路元件(3)电阻一定时,导体两端的电流与电压成正比。(4)不同阻值的电阻 电压(5)电压一定时,导体的电阻与通过导体的电流成反比。

想一想 1(1)A、C 材料 (2)螺线管的左端是N极


第20页 一、带山字的诗句: 1两三点雨山前 2关山度若飞 3两岸青山相对出 4悠然见南山5山重水复疑无路6不识庐山真面目7一览众山小8轻舟已过万重山 9国破山河在10白日依山尽11山河破碎风飘絮12山回路转不见君带雨字的诗句:1身世浮沉雨打萍2清明时节雨纷纷3夜阑卧听风吹雨4斜风细雨不须归5夜来风雨声6两三点雨山前7好雨知时节8沾衣欲湿杏花雨9寒雨连江夜入吴10山色空蒙雨亦奇11渭城朝雨浥轻尘12多少楼台烟雨中带月字的诗句:1会挽雕弓如满月2秦时明月汉时关3共看明月应垂泪4明月何时照我还5床前明月光6夜吟应觉月光寒7欲上青天揽明月8烟笼寒水月笼沙9江清月近人10月落乌啼霜满天11举杯邀明月12月有阴晴圆缺带鸟的诗句:1处处闻啼鸟2飞鸟相与还3决眦入归鸟4千山鸟飞绝5月出惊山鸟6恨别鸟惊心写友情的诗句:1天下谁人不识君2不及汪伦送我情3唯见长江天际流4西出阳关无故人5天涯若比邻

( 开放式默写,网上查就可以了文言文阅读看课本)


1数:列出 以:因为 轻:轻视 2太宗因为爱马暴死要杀马倌,皇后用“齐景公”之事劝解,太宗明白她的意思,没杀马倌,而且向房玄龄称赞皇后。3晏子真正的用意是为了劝齐景公不要杀人,杀了马倌能解一时之恨,但会引起更大的风波。4骏马后画 之后画 养后画 死后画 人后画


1制冷 净化空气 保健 治病 2列数字:说明用雪制冷更环保,更节约。举例子:日本市民利用雪制冷非常成功,应该效仿。3过渡句承上启下4从文中找第四段,开头到渗透力。5正面:装点大自然,给人们带来乐趣,对小麦等农作物的生长有好处。负面:影响交通,易出事故。会压坏电线,影响送点。


1有一种春天是永存的,那便是从心灵滋生出来的,大雁跋涉般的豪情。 2坐在空无一人的剧场中回忆过去;看旧照片;读一本好书。 3书中给我们阐释了许多人生的道理,让我们更好的做人。而一个人的一生经历也正像一本书,一页页翻过,一直到老。4内容:引起下文 结构:过渡作用5一年四季,不断循环,我们看似无法留住春天,但有一种春天是永存的,那便是从心灵滋生出来的春天,只要我们保持春天般的心,就会更好的生活下去。


1人物有:两位母亲和他们的孩子 主人公是犯下错误的那位母亲,因为她的出现贯穿全文。 2沉重、悲痛、忏悔的心情。3C 4语言描写、神态描写、动作描写 作用:表达了这位母亲对自己行为的忏悔,也表现了她希望这位年轻母亲能以她为鉴,不在犯下同样错误的思想感情。5她对自己的行为后悔了,开始害怕儿子以后也会如此。



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