SOS 呼救信号-新概念英语第二册自学导读笔记第75课

SOS 呼救信号-新概念英语第二册自学导读笔记第75课,第1张

新概念英语第二册第75课课文详注 further notes on the text

1. flew off course,飞离航线。


our office is off the main street我们的办公室不靠大街。

during the storm, the ship went off course在暴风雨中,船驶离了航线。

2. her two baby daughters, 她的两个女婴。


3. snow iay thick on the ground地上积着厚厚的雪。


when i saw her yesterday, she lay ill in bed昨天我见到她时,她正卧病在床。

the old man lies ill and neglected in bed老人卧病在床,无人照管。

4.the woman kept as near as she could to the children…这位妇女尽可能地靠近孩子……

keep在这里表示"保持(某种状态)"。 as…as one can/could和 as…as possible同义,都表示"尽可能……":

he got through as much food as he could and set out他吃了尽可能多的食物,然后出发了。

tell jim to come to my office as soon as he can让吉姆尽快到我的办公室来。

5 she stamped out the letters'sos' in the snow她在雪地上踩出了"sos"这3个字母。


the writer has brought out another book这位作家又出版了一本书。

he wrote out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden他开列一张长长的单子,上面列了所有禁吃的食物。

6 it was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the plane crash 不久,一架直升飞机飞抵飞机失事现场,来搭救这几个幸存者。


(2)it was not long before…为固定句型,表示"不久就……"(也可以用 it will not be long before…表示将来可能发生的事),

其含义与before long(不久)相近,只是before在课文这个句型中是连词,而在before long中为介词:

it was not long before they learnt the news他们不久就知道了这消息。

it will not be long before he gets over his illness他大概不久就会痊愈。

新概念英语第二册第75课重点词汇学习 word study


grow, turn, go, get, come, fall等动词均有"变成"的意思,但它们在用法上有时有差别。


he has grown fat他长胖了。

he has grown to like studying mathematics他渐渐喜欢学数学了。

it was growing hot天渐渐热了起来。


leaves will turn yellow in autumn秋天时树叶将会变黄。

jasper hopes the stone medusa will turn cars and their owners to stone贾斯珀希望这个石头的蛇发女怪美杜莎会把汽车和汽车主人们都变成石头。

a colony of be had turned the engine into a hive一群蜜蜂把发动机变成了蜂房。


big ben has rarely gone wrong"大本"钟很少出差错。

some foods go bad easily 有些食品容易变质。


things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet 近来情况变得如此糟糕,以致他决定节食。

it's getting warmer and warmer 天气越来越暖和了。


her dream to swim across the channel has come true 她横渡海峡的梦想实现了。


you fell asleep while i was talking to you 我和你说话时,你就睡着了。

he fell ill last week, so he didn't come to your wedding 上星期他病了,所以没来参加你们的婚礼。

2.scene n


a helicopter soon arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors 一架直升飞机很快飞抵出事现场,搭救幸存者。

these things were found at the scene of the murder 这些是在谋杀现场找到的物品。


a beautiful scene always makes me delighted 美丽的景色总使我高兴。

i have just seen a sad scene 我刚见到一个悲惨的景象。

新概念英语第二册第75课课后练习答案 key to written exercises


a flew (11); crashed (12); was killed (12); grew dark (15); turned (16); put(16); could find (17); got (18); kept(18); could(18); tried to get(19); heard (19); wondered (110); could send (110); had(110); stamped out(111); saw(111); sent(111); arrived (112)

(note: other past tenses are descriptive, ie they do not indicate something that happened)


1 grew/got/turned 2 fell 3 grew 4 turn/go 5come/become

6 grew 7 growing/getting…growing/get ting 8 got/grown

9 fell 10 come


1c 2a 3b 4d 5b 6a

7b 8b 9d 10d 11c 12c



Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona

Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma

Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona

I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind

I need her, I need her

I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind

I need her, I need her


I've lost my mind

Menya polnost'yu net

Absolyutno vser'yoz

Situatsiya "help"

Situatsiya "SOS"

I'm completely nothing

This is absolutely serious

Situation "Help"

Situation "SOS"

Ya sebya ne poimu

Ty okuda vzyalas'

Pochemu, pochumu

Na tebya povelas'

I don't understand myself

Where did you come from

Why, why

Am I attracted to you

Vyklyuchayetsya svet

Ya kuda-to lechu

Bez tebya menya net

Nichego ne hochu

The lights switch off

I'm flying somewhere

Without you I don't exist

There is nothing I want

Eto medlenniy yad

Eto svodit c uma

A oni govoryat - vinovata sama

A oni govoryat - vinovata sama

It's a slow poison

It's driving me mad

And they say - It's my fault

And they say - It's my fault

Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma

Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona

Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma

Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona

I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind

I need her, I need her

I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind

I need her, I need her



I've lost my mind


Bez tebya ya ne ya

Bez tebya menya net

A oni govoryat

Govoryat eto bred

Without you I'm not me

Without you I don't exist

And they say

They say it's delirium

Eto solnechniy yad

Zolotiye luchi

A oni govoryat

Nado srochno lechit'

It's sunlight poison

Golden rays

But they say

I need to be cured immediately

Ya hotela zabyt'

Do upora i vniz

Ya schitala stolby

I rasteryannih ptits

I wanted to forget how

I hit the wall and slid down

and I counted the poles

and confused birds

Bez tebya menya net

Otpusti otpusti

Do ugla po stenye

Mama-papa prosti

Without you I don't exist

Let me go let me go

I'm cornered

Mom and Dad forgive me

Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma

Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona

Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma

Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona

I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind

I need her, I need her

I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind

I need her, I need her

Raz, dva posle pyati

Mama papa prosti

Ya soshla s uma

Raz, dva posle pyati

Mama papa prosti

Ya soshla s uma

One, two after five

Mom and dad forgive me

I've lost my mind

One, two after five

Mom and dad forgive me

I've lost my mind

Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma

Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona

Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma

Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona

I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind

I need her, I need her

I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind

I need her, I need her

Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma

Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma

I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind

I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind


Я сошла с ума, я сошла с ума

我已意乱神迷 我已意乱神迷

Мне нужна она, мне нужна она

我就是要她 我就是要她

Я сошла с ума, я сошла с ума

我已意乱神迷 我已意乱神迷

Мне нужна она, мне нужна она

我就是要她 我就是要她



Меня полностью нет,


Абсолютно всерьез


Ситуация help


Ситуация SOS


Я себя не пойму


Ты откуда взялась


Почему, почему


На тебя повелась


Выключается свет


Я куда-то лечу


Без тебя меня нет


Ничего не хочу


Это медленный яд


Это сводит с ума


А они говорят - виновата сама

但大家都说 一切错是在我

А они говорят - виновата сама

但大家都说 一切错是在我

Я сошла с ума, я сошла с ума

我已意乱神迷 我已意乱神迷

Мне нужна она, мне нужна она


Я сошла с ума, я сошла с ума

我已意乱神迷 我已意乱神迷

Мне нужна она, мне нужна она







Без тебя я не я


Без тебя меня нет


А они говорят,


Говорят это бред


Это солнечный яд


Золотые лучи


А они говорят


Надо срочно лечить


Я хотела забыть до упора и вниз

我曾试著遗忘 想努力压抑自己

Я считала столбы и растерянных птиц

我曾试著逃避 好让人困惑不清

Без тебя меня нет, отпусти отпусти

但有你我才完整 就请让我离开此处

До угла по стене, мама-папа прости

奔向属於我的角落 妈妈、爸爸原谅我吧

Я сошла с ума, я сошла с ума

我已意乱神迷 我已意乱神迷

Мне нужна она, мне нужна она

我就是要她 我就是要她

Я сошла с ума, я сошла с ума

我已意乱神迷 我已意乱神迷

Мне нужна она, мне нужна она

我就是要她 我就是要她





Раз, два после пяти

一、二 …数到五就要离开

Ма-ма папа прости


Я со-шла с у-ма


Раз, два после пяти

一、二 …数到五就要离开

Ма-ма папа прости


Я со-шла с у-ма


Я сошла с ума, я сошла с ума

我已意乱神迷 我已意乱神迷

Мне нужна она, мне нужна она

我就是要她 我就是要她

Я сошла с ума, я сошла с ума

我已意乱神迷 我已意乱神迷

Мне нужна она, мне нужна она

我就是要她 我就是要她

Я сошла с ума, я сошла с ума

我已意乱神迷 我已意乱神迷

Я сошла с ума, я сошла с ума

我已意乱神迷 我已意乱神迷


单词你不单单是背,考的时候还要注意形式的变化。单词拼对形式写错是不给分的,像进行时要+ing 过去时+ed或者不规则。不过小学会好点,形式不会要求很高。

doesn't是单三形式的否定,分开就是does not


is是be动词,单数的时候用is 复数的时候用are

单数过去时用was复数过去时用were 你们过去时应该学了把


像arrive in 就是到达大的地方

arrive at 就是到达小的地方。




最后祝你成功! 要加油!





予期できない 事件(こい)が始まるのさ!







俺の胸で すべて话して


怖がらないで 大丈夫だから 




タイホしちゃいそうな 君のSMILE

おっとアブない 任务忘れそう?!



何だかトキメク 君との駆け引き(チェイス)

DokiDokiさ 事件(こい)はもう止まらない









未来のステディーガル 误魔化さないで素颜のままで



自由になって もっともっと 




タイホしちゃいそうな 君のSMILE

おっとイケない 强行突破(フライング)しちゃいそう?!



何度も梦见た 君への突入(DIVE)

きめるのさ 事件(こい)はまだ终わらない





オノD『あーあー! 完全包囲した     もう逃げられないぞ~っ!』


オノD『つまり、なんだその     爱してるぞーっ!』

ヒロC『もう大好きだから、     こっちにきなさい~~っ!』



タイホしちゃいそうな 君のSMILE

おっとアブない 任务忘れそう?!



何だかトキメク 君との駆け引き(チェイス)

DokiDokiさ 事件(こい)はもう止まらない





































1 principle一般都是规则,准则啊什么的意思,比较多的用在比方说工作领





2think 是动词,出现这个词,那肯定就是想的意思,不用多考虑的。但是,

mind这个词,跟想这个意思搭边的话是想法,思绪,举个例子,what is in

your mind这时候,只能做名词,所以,只要分清楚了句子里的成分需要,





3take时间联系起来的话,是在句型it takes sb sometime to do sth,花费某


思。 a waste of time 真的就是浪费时间的意思了,它是名词词组,用法是

完全不一样的。比方说It is a waste of time!

4future是个名词,在未来,以后的时间里,用的词组都只能是in (the)

future。而shall和would是助动词而已,在陈述句里用在主语后,谓语动词前,表示将来的含意,举个例子:I shall go home这样就是表示将来了。

5important通常是对名词或代词做修饰,解释成为“重要的什么,重大的什么”,不一样的例子,You are important你很重要。/It is an important suitcase这是很重要的文件。而major, 在和“重大”这个意思相关的时候,伴随的另一个意思是,“主要的”,所以,还是有区别的,比方说,The major reason is carelessness主要原因是粗心大意。解释是有出入的。major不能做放在系动词(be,感官动词,联系动词,feel,smell等)后,即不能说“It is major”,而要说it is important



歌手:Take That


Take That - SOS

Youku page: JonathonTTTTT


Save our souls we’re splitting atoms

Go tell Eve and go tell Adam

Liberate your sons and daughters

Some are gods and some are monsters

We’ll get a five minute warning for divine intervention

With the satellites falling prepare for ascension

Under mind control

We’ll be practising our politics

Defending all our policies

Preparing for apocalypse

Don’t let the hungry serpent see you no

No, no, no, no, no

She’ll let you fall asleep then eat you whole

It’s like a bullet to the head

It’s an SOS, it’s an SOS, oh yes, oh yes, it’s an SOS

It’s an SOS, it’s an SOS, like a bullet in the head, it’s an SOS

When the levee breaks

And Manhattan sinks

There won’t be water fit to drink

When the winter’s warm

And the summer’s cold

The poison stops you looking old

You’ll get a five second warning for divine intervention

And the satellites are falling prepare for ascension

As the earth looks on

The odds or probability

Of losing all capacity

To function is hereditary

No antibiotic can save us now

No, no, no, no, no

We are the virus that we talk about

It’s like a bullet to the head

It’s an SOS, it’s an SOS, oh yes, oh yes, it’s an SOS

It’s an SOS, it’s an SOS, like a bullet in the head, it’s an SOS

It’s an SOS, it’s an SOS, oh yes, oh yes, it’s an SOS

It’s an SOS, it’s an SOS, like a bullet in the head, it’s an SOS

Like a bullet in my head Like a bullet in my head

It’s an SOS, it’s an SOS, oh yes, oh yes, it’s an SOS

It’s an SOS, it’s an SOS, like a bullet in the head, it’s an SOS

It’s an SOS, it’s an SOS, oh yes, oh yes, it’s an SOS

It’s an SOS, it’s an SOS, like a bullet in the head, it’s an SOS

Youku page please search: "JonathonTTTTT"

献给我热爱的英伦乐队Take That & 终于归队的Robbie Williams


Resuscitated Hope



Lineliness Fighting back again

Seems to be like it never ends

Give us hope through the love of

peaceful shine on me






Lead the way 岚を乗り越えて

枯れ行く大地を 踏みしめるように

Go ahead 真っ直ぐ歩みだせる





何も信じられず 痛みから逃げ出すように




Sing away 空高く响かせ


Look ahead 辉きを见据えて


谁もが皆捜し求め手を伸ばす光 Ah




Lead the way 岚を乗り越えて

枯れ行く大地を 踏みしめるように

Go ahead 真っ直ぐ歩みだせる

Don't know how to move towards a low carbon life, very difficult No, let us step by step, start from the basic necessities of life bit by bit, enjoy low carbon life

A, clothing

1 buy fewer unnecessary clothes

The clothing in the production, processing and transportation process, need to consume a large amount of energy, waste gas, waste water and pollutants In the premise of ensuring the living needs, each year unnecessary to buy a few clothes can save energy about 25 kilograms of standard coal, 64 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If 25000000 people do this every year, can save energy by about 62500 tons of standard coal, 160000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

2 reduce accommodation hotel sheets to change number

Bed sheets, quilt cover, the washing water, electricity consumption and washing powder, and less spare time, can save electricity 003 degrees, 13 litres of water, washing powder 225 grams, 50 grams of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the 8880 star-rated hotels (2002 data) adopted the "green room" standard recommendations (3 days from the time sheets), the annual comprehensive energy saving of about 16000 tons of standard coal, 40000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

3 use energy-saving mode of washing

(1) the monthly hand wash

With the improvement of people's living standards, washing machine has already walked into thousands of households Although the life to the washing machine to bring great help, but only two or three pieces of clothes with washing machine, will cause the waste of water and electricity If the monthly wash by hand instead of a washing machine, washing machine can save each year about 14 kilograms of standard coal, 36 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the 190000000 sets of washing machine are therefore less a month once, then the annual energy saving of about 260000 tons of standard coal, 684000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

(2) a year less 1 kg washing powder

The washing powder is the necessities of life, but the waste often appear in use; rational use, will be energy-saving emission reduction For example, less 1 kg washing powder, can save about 028 kg of standard coal, 072 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the 390000000 family average per household per year less 1 kg washing powder, 1 years can save about 109000 tons of standard coal, 281000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

(3) use energy-saving washing machine

Energy-saving washing machine electricity-saving more than ordinary washing machine 50%, water-saving 60%, each energy-saving washing machine annual energy saving of about 37 kg of standard coal, 94 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If ordinary washing machine has 10% national annual renewal for energy-saving washing machine, then the annual energy saving of about 70000 tons of standard coal, 178000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

Two, food

4 to reduce food waste

"Who knows the food, a journey", but now the wasting phenomenon is still serious And less waste of 05 kilograms of grain (in case of rice), the energy can be saved about 018 kilograms of standard coal, 047 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the national average per person per year to reduce food waste 05 kilograms, the annual saving of about 241000 tons of standard coal, 612000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

5 reduction in livestock waste

Per person per year less waste of 05 kilograms of pork, the energy can be saved about 028 kilograms of standard coal, 07 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the national average per person per year to reduce the waste of 05 kilograms of pork, the annual saving of about 353000 tons of standard coal, 911000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

6 the amount of alcohol

(1) the summer drink a bottle of beer per month

The scorching heat, beer has become a popular beverage, but "drunk" things have happened In 3 months in the summer of the average monthly drink 1 bottles, 1 people 1 years can save energy about 023 kg of standard coal, 06 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly Nationwide, the annual saving of about 297000 tons of standard coal, 780000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

(2) year than 05 kg of liquor

Liquor, rich life, more brilliant wine culture of the Chinese nation However, drunk but easy to cause an accident If 1 people 1 years to drink 05 kg, can save about 04 kg of standard coal, 1 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the country 200000000 "wine people" average year than 05 kilograms, the annual saving of about 80000 tons of standard coal, 200000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

7 reduce smoking

Smoking is harmful to health, cigarette production also consume energy 1 days less 1 cigarettes per person per year, can save about 014 kg of standard coal, 037 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the 350000000 smokers to do so, then the annual energy saving of about 50000 tons of standard coal, 130000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

Three, live

8 energy-saving decoration

(1) reduce decoration aluminum usage

Aluminum is one of the largest energy consumption of metal smelting products Reduce 1 kg decoration with aluminum, energy saving of about 96 kg of standard coal, 247 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If every year 20000000 or so families decoration can do it, so can save energy about 191000 tons of standard coal, 494000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

(2) reduce the amount of using steel decoration

Steel is one of the most commonly used materials for residential renovation, large steel production is the energy carbon emissions Reduce 1 kilograms of decoration steel, can save about 074 kg of standard coal, 19 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If every year 20000000 or so families decoration can do it, so can save energy about 14000 tons of standard coal, 38000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

(3) reduce the amount of wood decoration

Appropriate to reduce the use amount of wood decoration, not only to protect the forest, increasing carbon dioxide absorption, but also reduce the process of wood processing, transportation energy consumption Less use of 01 cubic meters of decoration with wood, can save about 25 kg of standard coal, 643 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If every year 20000000 or so families decoration can do it, so can save energy about 500000 tons of standard coal, 1290000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

(4) reduce the use amount of building ceramics

When the family is decorated use ceramic can make housing more attractive However, the waste is also appeared, part of the family and even the existence of the phenomenon of luxury decoration Building ceramics to save 1 square meters, can save about 6 kg of standard coal, 154 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If every year 20000000 or so families decoration can do it, so can save energy about 120000 tons, 308000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

9 rural residential energy-saving brick

Compared with the common clay brick, brick has the advantages of energy saving, energy saving, saving soil, is a new type of building material with excellent In rural areas to promote the use of energy-saving brick, has broad prospects for energy-saving and emission reduction The use of energy-saving brick to build 1 rural residential, can save about 57 tons of standard coal, corresponding to 148 tons of carbon dioxide emissions If there are 10% of China's rural annual new housing to switch to energy-saving brick, so the energy can be saved about 8600000 tons of standard coal, 22120000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

10 rational use of air-conditioning

(1) the summer air temperature in the basis by countries to promote the high 1 ℃

The hot summer, air conditioning can bring cool feeling However, air conditioning is the electric power consumption of large, the set temperature is lower, more energy consumption In fact, by wearing long sleeves to wear short-sleeved, wear suits to wear casual clothes, to tie into firm loose collar, appropriately raise the air temperature, does not affect the comfort, but also energy-saving emission reduction If each air-conditioning at 26 ℃ basis by the country to promote the high temperature of 1 ℃, the annual saving 22 degrees, 21 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the air conditioning on the 150000000 stations to take this step, then the annual saving of about 3300000000 degrees, 3170000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

(2) use energy-saving air-conditioning

An energy-efficient than ordinary air-conditioning power consumption of 024 degrees per hour less, according to the annual use of a conservative estimate of 100 hours, saving 24 degrees, 23 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the 10% annual air-conditioning update for the energy-saving air-conditioning, it can save electricity about 360000000 degrees, 350000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

(3) go out a few minutes before closing with air-conditioning

Air conditioning room temperature does not immediately rise because the air conditioning off and Before going out 3 minutes off the air conditioning, according to each unit can estimate saving about 5 degrees, 48 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the air conditioning on the 150000000 stations to take this step, then the annual saving of about 750000000 degrees, 720000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

11 rational use of electric fan

Although air conditioning has become more and more popular in our family, but the number of electric fan use is still huge Power consumption of electric fan and fan speed is proportional to, power consumption is the fastest file the same Teclast fan and slowest stall is about 40% In most of the time, in low wind speed, enough to meet the needs of the cool

With a 60 watt electric fan as an example, if use, low speed, the annual saving of about 24 degrees, 23 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If this measure about 470000000 of national Teclast fan, so the annual saving of about 1130000000 degrees, 1080000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

12 reasonable heating

By adjusting the heating time, strength, the use of room heating valve and other measures, each household annual energy saving of about 326 kg of standard coal, 837 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If there are 10% Annual Northern town family heating transformation completed, then the annual energy saving of about 3000000 tons of standard coal, 7700000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

13 rural residential use of solar heating

Solar energy is the focus on the development of clean energy A rural residential use of passive solar heating, the annual saving of about 08 tons of standard coal, corresponding to 21 tons of carbon dioxide emissions If there are 10% of China's rural annual new housing using passive solar heating, the national energy saving of about 1200000 tons of standard coal, 3084000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

14 the home lighting energy saving

(1) the family lighting switch to energy-saving lamps

High-quality energy-saving lamps to replace incandescent lamps, not only to reduce power consumption, but also improve the lighting effect Calculated to 11 watts of energy-saving lamps to replace 60 watt incandescent lamp, lighting 4 hours a day, 1 energy-saving lamp 1 years can save about 715 degrees, 686 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly A conservative estimate according to countrywide each year to replace 100000000 incandescent lamps, saving 7150000000 degrees, 6860000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

(2) the lights on at home

Form good habits at home to turn off the lights, household annual saving of about 49 degrees, 47 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the 390000000 households can do, then the annual saving of about 1960000000 degrees, 1880000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

15 the public lighting energy saving

(1) increase the natural lighting in public places

If all the shopping malls, conference center and other public places during the day and full use of natural lighting, can save electricity about 82000000000 degrees Even if only 10% of them do this, every year can save 8200000000 degrees, corresponding to 7870000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

(2) the public lighting using semiconductor lamp

The same brightness, semiconductor lighting power consumption is only 1/10 of incandescent lamp, incandescent lamp life is 100 times If there are 10% every year in our country's traditional light source by the semiconductor lamp instead, saving about 9000000000 degrees, corresponding to 8640000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

Four, line

16 a month not to drive a car

Less open one day, every car annual savings of about 44 liters, 98 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the 12480000 private car owners do, can save about 554000000 litres per year, 1220000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

17 to energy-saving mode of travel 200 kilometers

Ride a bike or walk instead of driving 100 kilometers, can save about 9 liters; taking the bus instead of driving 100 kilometers, can be fuel-efficient 5/6 According to the above energy travel 200 kilometers, each person can reduce fuel consumption 167 liters, 368 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the 12480000 private car owners to do so, then the annual can saving 210000000 liters, 460000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

18 purchase of small cars

Vehicle fuel consumption is usually with the exhaust volume increases Exhaust capacity of 13 liters of the car compared with 2 liters of the car, annual savings of 294 liters, 647 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the new car sold in China every year (about 3828900) exhaust volume decreased by an average of 01 liters, so can save 160000000 liters, 354000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

19 buy hybrid cars

Hybrid car can be fuel-efficient above 30% per year, ordinary car can be fuel-efficient of about 378 liters, 832 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the hybrid vehicle sales accounted for the car sales of 10% (about 383000), then the annual fuel saving 145000000 liters, 318000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions

20 scientific car, pay attention to maintenance

Car condition bad will lead to fuel consumption increased significantly, and the engine idling also consumes a lot of fuel Through the timely replace the air filter, keep proper tire pressure, timely flameout measures, year every car can reduce fuel consumption of about 180 liters, 400 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the 12480000 private car a day to reduce the engine idle for 3-5 minutes, and the 10% condition is improved, then the annual fuel saving 600000000 liters, 1300000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions



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