

Cosplay (コスプレ, kosupure), a contraction (or portmanteau) of the English words "costume" and "play", is a Japanese subculture centered on dressing as characters from manga, anime, tokusatsu, and video games, and, less commonly, Japanese live action television shows, fantasy movies, or Japanese pop music bands However, in some circles, "cosplay" has been expanded to mean simply wearing a costume

In Japan, "cosplay" as a hobby is usually an end unto itself Likeminded people gather to see others' costumes, show off their own elaborate handmade creations, take lots of pictures, and possibly participate in best costume contests

The most specific anecdote about the origin of the word "cosplay" was that Nov Takahashi (from a Japanese studio called Studio Hard) coined the term "cosplay" as a contraction of the English-language words "costume play" while he was attending the 1984 Los Angeles Science Fiction Worldcon He was so impressed by the hall and masquerade costuming there that he reported about it frequently in Japanese science fiction magazines This ultimately triggered Japanese cosplay This point is debatable, however, as the word fits in with a common Japanese method of abbreviation: combining the first two syllables of one word with the first two syllables of a second word (or, more precisely, the first two moras of each) Other examples of this include Pokémon (ポケモン, Pokémon short for ポケットモンスター, or "Pocket Monsters") and puroresu (プロレス, puroresu short for プロレスリング, or "professional wrestling")

Cosplay venues

Cosplay can be seen at public events such as video game shows, as well as at dedicated cosplay parties at nightclubs or amusement parks It is not unusual for Japanese teenagers to gather with like-minded friends in places like Tokyo's Harajuku district to engage in cosplay Since 1998, Tokyo's Akihabara district has contained a large number of cosplay cafés, catering to devoted anime and cosplay fans The waitresses at such cafés dress as game or anime characters; maid costumes are particularly popular

Possibly the single largest and most famous event attended by cosplayers is the semiannual dojinshi market, Comiket This event, held in summer and winter, attracts hundreds of thousands of manga otaku and many thousands of cosplayers who congregate on the roof of the exhibition center, often in unbearably hot or cold conditions

Cosplayers in Japan refer to themselves as leya-zu; pronounced layers (by writing the word cosplayers in Katakana, it is possible to shorten it in this way, although it makes no sense in English) Those who photograph players are called cameko, short for "Camera Kozo" or "Camera Boy" The cameko give prints of their photos to the players as gifts Tensions between players and cameko have increased due to perceived stalker-like behaviour among some obsessive males who push female cosplayers to exchange personal email addresses or do private photo sessions One result of this has been a tightening of restrictions on photography at events such as Comiket

Cosplay trends

A recent trend at Japanese cosplay events is an increase in the popularity of non-Japanese fantasy and science fiction movie characters, perhaps due to the international success of such films as The Matrix, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings Characters from the Harry Potter films have a particularly high number of female fans in Japan, with female cosplayers playing either male or female characters, Draco Malfoy being an extremely popular choice

The act of cosplaying as characters of the opposite sex is called "crossplay" (cross-dressing cosplay) A small niche group in this field are dollers, a subset of kigurumi cosplayers; usually male, they wear bodysuits and masks to fully transform into female characters

Another recent trend in cosplay is a blurring of the distinction between costumes based on characters from games and anime, and "original" costumes based upon a general theme or existing fashions In particular, the Tokyo teen-fashion trend of Gothic Lolita has attracted some cosplayers who might not have the inclination (or possibly courage) to wear such distinctive clothes around town, but who would like to dress in such a manner on some occasions

International cosplay

Most features of cosplay have spread first to the other parts of Asia, then around the globe, and finally fused with costuming at science fiction conventions in North America and Europe It is also a common sight at anime conventions Cosplayers at anime conventions in North America often find themselves on the receiving ends of glomps, a type of high-powered hug

Cosplay in the United States and Europe differs from Japanese cosplay culture in some ways Cosplay concerning Star Trek, Star Wars, other science fiction worlds, Renaissance-era characters, and historical re-enactments (eg Civil War battles), especially at science fiction conventions, are far more popular in the West than they are in Japan Alternatively, some costumes that might be seen as in bad taste in the west (such as Nazi uniforms from certain comics or games) may be seen at events in Japan

Western cosplayers are stereotypically lampooned as being overweight or otherwise unsuited to the characters they attempt to portray An issue with cosplaying anime and manga characters is that these characters generally do not have bodily proportions that can easily be mimicked by many typical cosplayers (eg incredibly long legs, huge muscles or giant breasts), and there is debate among fans about how important or not this element is when cosplaying

In Mexico, cosplay is commonly seen inside conventions that can be video game, science fiction or anime themed It is common that cosplayers will also organize their own reunions which can be themed or free for the sake of taking pictures together Cosplay in Mexico is competitive in a healthy level, with well established representants

In Australia, the trend mirrors the American and European in that the subject costumes may be selected from sources other than manga or anime Sources include western comics, computer games, science fiction/fantasy movies and TV shows, animation shorts or features, period drama, novels - any source that provides vivid and graphic inspiration of a character and their costume Usually the term "cosplay" is not used to cover historical recreation as the focus is on representational accuracy, not historical accuracy In general, Australian cosplay is most commonly seen in the larger population centres such as the capital cities and major regional centres, as these have the population base to support the diversity among fringe interests The display of the costumes is not limited to conventions, although it is not unusual for dedicated cosplayers to travel extensively throughout Australia following the convention trail during the year In addition to the social convening at conventions, many smaller social groupings exist, hosting their own local events[1]

Cosplay is rapidly entering the mainstream in the Philippines[2] , where cosplay events are often held within an anime, manga, gaming, or sci-fi convention More often than not, these conventions and events are sponsored, and debates have raged on whether or not judges' perspectives are influenced by the organizers of a cosplay event

In some south-asia cities that are heavily influenced by Japanese culture, like Hong Kong and Taiwan, cosplaying is an usual activity Cosplay costumes are seen commonly on the streets, especially in the districts that teenagers love to hang around, let alone the comic festivals that are organized frequently there

Cosplay in North America

Convention activity in the United States and Canada has become a much larger and much more popular trend within the past decade Larger conventions such as Anime Expo, Otakon and Anime North have become renowned internationally With the added public attention coming from such popular animated cartoons imported from Japan (see anime) including Dragonball Z, InuYasha, and now the popular Naruto, cosplayers and the anime world have peeked their heads into the world of mainstream pop-culture, on at least a relatively underground scale More and more convention goers cosplay as their favorite characters from their favorite anime, and thus, the cosplay and anime subcultures have been able to have enough influence to further the creation of conventions to accommodate for the increasing number of cosplayers Some cosplayers jokingly refer to Halloween as "National Cosplay Day"

Conventions in America often include both cosplay and costume contests The cosplay or "masque" (masquerade) is a skit contest done in cosplay costume This can range from a single person quoting a character's famous line (eg Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop: "Bang") to a 10-member costumed cast singing and dancing to the theme of Sailor Moon, to actual comedic or dramatic one-act plays

The costume contest is often a test of skill, design, and audience reaction The contestants are judged either before hand or on stage and then walk across said stage while the audience cheers Winners of both contests often receive prizes such as gift cards, trophies, and anime DVDs The increased popularity of convention costuming has lead to the addition of several relatively new cosplay-based events, adding to the traditional masquerade and hall costume contests Such events include the Anime Dating Game and Cosplay Human Chess, where participating cosplayers act out their characters' role in the game accordingly

Competition has led to the development of many cosplay groups that plan for conventions months in advance

最简单方法,等边特例,有P>Q。记得这个结论吧,如果A,B为锐角,A+B=90,有sinA=cosB 。那么,如果A+B>90,有sinA>cosB 且sinB>cosA。锐角三角形这个条件说明除A,B是锐角外,恰满足A+B>90。 把两个不等式相加得到


可尚Coseen是意大利建筑师Gio Pagani 先生与喜临门合作倾心打造的高雅、艺术、小资的时尚新品牌,混合了意大利风尚和国际品味,把现代风格、新古典风格、新传统风格完美统一,融合东方智慧,满足中国客户寻找独特、个性的空间氛围。


sr cos,这几个字母能组成英文单词,cross


音标[krɒs] 读音 


n 十字架, 十字架形物件, 交叉, 十字标, 交叉路, 磨难, 杂交

a 生气的, 交叉的, 相反的

vt 交叉, 横过, 越过

vi 交叉, 横过, 越过

计 交叉, 十字标

医 十字, 十字形; 交叉的, 交互的, 逆反的


get sth on the cross

run cross to

be at cross-purposes

cross sth out

bear one's cross

be cross with sb

be cross at sth

as cross as two sticks

on the cross


副词:crossly 名词:crosser 动词过去式:crossed 过去分词:crossed 现在分词:crossing 第三人称单数:crosses 


across, through, cross


across: 主要表示从某物的表面“横过”,涉及“面”的概念。

my house is across the harbour,in the vicinity of the kowloon park.


they live across the central plaza


everyone shouts "kill it" when a rat is seen to run across the street.


through: 则表示从某个空间“穿过”,涉及“体”的概念。

cross: across和cross在拼写上仅差一字之微,故很易混淆。它们的区别在于词性和使用场合有所不同。across是介词;cross是动词。

he has crossed the border into another territory.


many steel arch bridges cross the mississippi in its lower reaches.


they have crossed over to japan.



名词 cross:

a wooden structure consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece

a marking that consists of lines that cross each other

同义词:crisscross, mark

a representation of the structure on which Jesus was crucified; used as an emblem of Christianity or in heraldry

any affliction that causes great suffering

同义词:crown of thorns

an organism that is the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock; especially offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties or breeds or species

同义词:hybrid, crossbreed

(genetics) the act of mixing different species or varieties of animals or plants and thus to produce hybrids

同义词:hybridization, hybridisation, crossbreeding, crossing, interbreeding, hybridizing

动词 cross:

travel across or pass over

同义词:traverse, track, cover, pass over, get over, get across, cut through, cut across

meet at a point


hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of

同义词:thwart, queer, spoil, scotch, foil, frustrate, baffle, bilk

fold so as to resemble a cross

to cover or extend over an area or time period

同义词:traverse, span, sweep

meet and pass

trace a line through or across

breed animals or plants using parents of different races and varieties

同义词:crossbreed, hybridize, hybridise, interbreed

形容词 cross:

extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; at right angles to the long axis

同义词:transverse, transversal, thwartwise

perversely irritable

同义词:crabbed, crabby, fussy, grouchy, grumpy, bad-tempered, ill-tempered


I hope I never cross her path again


She doesn't like to be crossed


The chairman and I have crossed swords before over this issue


She wore a small silver cross on a chain round her neck


We all have our crosses, I suppose


He crossed me in everything


Be careful when you cross the road


If you can't sign your name, make a cross instead




隐形眼正如隐形眼镜一样,cosplay美瞳隐形眼镜也对应的分为很多种,按度数分的话也分为平光就是没有度数的,通常在拍摄cosplay艺术照的时候,都会选择没有度数的cosplay美瞳。同样的,cosplay美瞳也和其他隐形眼镜一样分为分月抛、季抛、 半年抛和年抛,由于cosplay美瞳经常在cosplay中使用,在此建议选择年抛型的cosplay美瞳镜本来就是容易伤损眼膜的,还会造成视力的下降,所以在此建议您不要长时间的佩戴,在cosplay结束后,建议您及时的去掉它。




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