





  罗马拼音:Tong Ying Ying









  身高:162米(5 呎4 吋)








  汤盈盈,香港无线电视艺员,籍贯中国广东顺德,在加拿大蒙特利尔长大,中学毕业后入读加拿大协和大学,于1994年参选加拿大蒙特利尔**夺冠,随后在1995年到港参选国际华裔**竞选,虽然未能夺得冠军,但旋即与无线电视签约成为艺员,之后在同年加入香港无线电视第8期艺员进修班,同期学员还包括姚莹莹、滕丽名。值得一提的是,其伯父是前香港道教联合会主席汤国华。她在家中排行老幺,有两个哥哥,其父于饮食业经商,在加拿大拥有多间连锁式自助餐馆(其中一间是位于蒙特利尔的 L'empereur de Chine ),家境富裕。1998年与钟慧仪炒孖展,结果负债20多万。



  [编辑本段]Series -- 电视剧:

  -- 1998 先生贵姓,布袋和尚,妙手仁心

  -- 1998 MrDiana,ARoadtoGoodwill,HealingHands

  -- 1999 陀枪师姐2,全院满座

  -- 1999 ArmedReactionII,ALovingSpirit

  -- 2000 娱乐反斗星,FM701

  -- 2001 七号差馆,骑呢大状,博命老公追老婆

  -- PoliceStationNo7,ACaseofMischievious,LoveandAgain

  -- 2002 牛郎织女

  -- 2002 TheLegendofLove

  -- 2003 金牌冰人,非常外父,生命天使,戆夫成龙,十万吨情缘

  -- 2003 BetterHalves,TheDrivingPower,SquarePegs,SeedsofHope

  -- 2004 楚汉骄雄

  -- 2004 TheConqueror'sStory

  -- 2005 我师父系黄飞鸿,甜酸爷爷,开心宾馆,御用闲人,阿旺新传

  -- 2005 MyMasterisWongFeiHung,MyFamily,FantasyHotel,ThePrince'sShadow,ALifeMadeSimple



  1996年 西游记 蛇妖

  1997年 刑事侦缉档案III Erica (同剧演员:陶大宇、郭可盈、陈法蓉、梁荣忠)

  1997年 醉打金枝 宫女

  1997年 陀枪师姐 小丁(妓女)

  1998年 缘来没法挡 Susan (同剧演员:林家栋、袁洁莹、黎耀祥、关宝慧)

  1998年 外父唔怕做 Sandy (同剧演员:张家辉、杨千嬅、傅明宪、何宝生)

  1998年 妙手仁心 周淑茵 (同剧演员:吴启华、林保怡、蔡少芬、陈慧珊)

  1999年 鉴证实录II 钟翠屏 (同剧演员:林保怡、李珊珊、陈慧珊)

  1999年 全院满座 汤贤淑 (同剧演员:吴启华、关咏荷、苑琼丹)

  1999年 先生贵性 苏丽盈(Sophia) (同剧演员:罗嘉良、江 华、陈慧珊、张燊悦)

  1999年 骗中传奇(又名斗谎奇缘)(同剧演员:宣萱、张家辉、张玉珊、钱嘉乐)

  2000年 布袋和尚 文瑞公主 (同剧演员:林家栋、陈妙锳、刘玉翠、苏玉华)

  2000年 FM701 方咏心(Coco) (同剧演员:张达明、谷德昭、张燊悦、陈淑兰)

  2001年 娱乐反斗星 文瑞公主 (同剧演员:欧阳震华、邓萃雯、邝文珣、梁咏琳)

  2001年 封神榜 柳琵琶 (同剧演员:陈浩民、温碧霞、钱嘉乐、叶 璇)

  2002年 骑呢大状 玫 瑰 (同剧演员:苏永康、陈慧珊、蒋志光、欧锦棠)

  2003年 御用闲人 瑞贵人 (同剧演员:郑少秋、杨 怡、魏骏杰、滕丽名)

  2003年 十万吨情缘 陈宝儿(Pauline) (同剧演员:张家辉、张可颐、滕丽名、蒋志光)

  2003年 金牌冰人 屈宝如 (同剧演员:马浚伟、张可颐、陈 豪、盖鸣晖)

  2003年 俗世情真 方 菲 (同剧演员:郭可盈、谭耀文、向海岚)

  2003年 非常外父 王丽莎(舞女) (同剧演员:郑少秋、叶 童、叶 璇、滕丽名)

  2003年 皆大欢喜(时装) Grace Ho (客串)

  2004年 牛郎织女 江 宁 (同剧演员:温兆伦、郭羡妮、唐 宁、廖启智)

  2004年 楚汉骄雄 薄 姬 (同剧演员:郑少秋、江 华、张可颐、吴美珩)

  2005年 我师傅系黄飞鸿 张玉如 (同剧演员:黄宗泽、姜大伟、李彩桦、陈键锋)

  2005年 开心宾馆 陈翘楚 (同剧演员:陶大宇、黎耀祥、吴美珩、唐文龙)

  2005年 阿旺新传 李笑好 (同剧演员:郭晋安、宣 萱、黄宗泽、唐 宁)

  2006年 天幕下的恋人 马小梅(Suki) (同剧演员:郑嘉颖、周丽淇、黄宗泽)

  2006年 潮爆大状 余乐施 (同剧演员:郑少秋、苏玉华、陈键锋、唐 宁)

  2006年 爱情全保 萧 云 (同剧演员:陈锦鸿、吴美珩、马国明、江芷妮)

  2007年 同事三分亲 明 亮 (同剧演员:关咏荷、蔡淇俊、布韦杰、欧锦棠)

  2007年 凶城计中计 盘霁月 (同剧演员:陈锦鸿、廖碧儿、谢天华、李思欣)

  2007年 岁月风云 芝 芝 (同剧演员:苗侨伟、邓萃雯、林 峰、佘诗曼)

  2007年 两妻时代 缪 铃(Meow Meow) (同剧演员:欧阳震华、黄浩然、梁靖琪、陈国邦)

  2008年 疑情别恋 方卓玲 (同剧演员:苗侨伟、袁咏仪、陈国邦、田蕊妮)

  2008年 师奶股神 蒋如宝 (同剧演员:谢天华、商天娥、林嘉华、曾华倩、滕丽名、梁靖琪)

  2008年 东关飘雨西关晴 (同剧演员:马德钟、佘诗曼、邓健泓)

  2008年 桃源诗官序(同剧演员:郑嘉颖、杨思琦、元华、蔡子健)

  2009年 蔡鄂与小凤仙(同剧演员:刘松仁、周海媚、马国明、田蕊妮)拍摄完成 待播






  [编辑本段]Variety Shows -- 曾演出电视节目:

  -- 2003 瑞典旅游特辑

  -- 2004 星晨旅游埃及之旅



  [编辑本段]Movies -- 曾演出**:

  -- 1998 PRGIRLS、生化寿尸

  -- 1999 梁山伯与朱丽叶

  -- 2000 惊声尖叫、人肉豆腐汤

  -- 2001 嫁个有钱人、丰胸秘笈

  -- 2002 呖咕呖咕新年财







  We are family (动画《我们这一家》主题曲)

  [编辑本段]Commercials -- 曾演出广告:

  -- 1998 GaukuruaCream

  -- 1999 PureBeauty

  -- 2000 Regene,AngelCapsule

  -- 2000 Beautica

  -- 2003 SlimBeautyCenter

  -- 2003 HACKLCDMonitor





  2007年:《Astro华丽台电视剧大奖2007》“我的至爱极品造型” (阿旺新传—李笑好)

  2007年:香港贸易发展局 = 最受欢迎香港女电视艺人- 六名之一


  2007年:《2007年度儿歌金曲颁奖典礼》十大儿歌金曲 - We are family

  2007年:《2007年度儿歌金曲颁奖典礼》最受爹D妈咪欢迎儿歌大奖 - We are family




专辑:Stand In The Rain Ep

Superchick - |Pure

This is my brand new day starting now

I let go the things that weigh me down

And rob me of the beauty that’s to be found

In life all around

This is my prayer without ceasing the negative releasing

And I rise above my burden is easing

I bring the pure flow, like water around

The rocks of life won’t pull me down

I bring the pure flow, drink so deep

The river of life, my soul at ease

I bring the pure flow, like water around

The rocks of life won’t pull me down

I bring the pure flow, rising above the storms of life

To live and love

This is my brand new day in the light

Troubles rising up on the left and the right

I keep my eyes fixed on where I want to go

The rest will follow

And this is my prayer without ceasing the negative releasing

And as I rise above my burden is easing

I bring the pure flow, like water around

The rocks of life won’t pull me down

I bring the pure flow, drink so deep

The river of life, my soul at ease

I bring the pure flow, like water around

The rocks of life won’t pull me down

I bring the pure flow, rising above the storms of life

To live and love

This is my brand new day starting now

Letting go of the ways that I fall down

The old can be made new, the lost can be found, the lost will be found

This is my prayer without ceasing the negative releasing

And as I rise above my burden is easing

I bring the pure flow, like water around

The rocks of life won’t pull me down

I bring the pure flow, drink so deep

The river of life, my soul at ease

I bring the pure flow, like water around

The rocks of life won’t pull me down

I bring the pure flow, rising above the storms of life

To live and love

My soul is at ease and I am free

My soul is at ease and I am free

This is my day

My soul is at ease and I am free

And I am free

I bring the pure flow, like water around

The rocks of life won’t pull me down

I bring the pure flow, drink so deep

The river of life, my soul at ease

I bring the pure flow, like water around

The rocks of life won’t pull me down

I bring the pure flow, rising above the storms of life

To live and love



Beauty is a characteristic of a person, animal, place, object, or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, meaning, or satisfaction Beauty is studied as part of aesthetics, sociology, social psychology, and culture As a cultural creation, beauty has been extremely commercialized An "ideal beauty" is an entity which is admired, or possesses features widely attributed to beauty in a particular culture, for perfectionThe experience of "beauty" often involves the interpretation of some entity as being in balance and harmony with nature, which may lead to feelings of attraction and emotional well-being Because this is a subjective experience, it is often said that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"[1] In its most profound sense, beauty may engender a salient experience of positive reflection about the meaning of one's own existence A subject of beauty is anything that resonates with personal meaningThe classical Greek adjective for "beautiful" was καλλ�0�2�0�9, kallos The Koine Greek word for beautiful was �6�7ρα�6�4ο�0�9, hōraios,[2] an adjective etymologically coming from the word �6�1ρα, hōra, meaning "hour" In Koine Greek, beauty was thus associated with "being of one's hour" A ripe fruit (of its time) was considered beautiful, whereas a young woman trying to appear older or an older woman trying to appear younger would not be considered beautiful In Attic Greek, hōraios had many meanings, including "youthful" and "ripe old age"[3]




She Walks in Beauty

She walks in beauty, like the night

Of cloudless climes and starry skies;

And all that's best of dark and bright

Meet in her aspect and her eyes:

Thus mellowed to that tender light

Which heaven to gaudy day denies

One shade the more, one ray the less,

Had half impaired the nameless grace

Which waves in every raven tress,

Or softly lightens o'er her face;

Where thoughts serenely sweet express

How pure, how dear their dwelling place

And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,

So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,

The smiles that win, the tints that glow,

But tell of days in goodness spent,

A mind at peace with all below,

A heart whose love is innocent!




查良铮 译






















诗中第二小节第一句One shade the more, one ray the less,让我想到了楚辞名家宋玉在《登徒子好色赋》中所写:“东家之子,增之一分则太长,减之一分则太短,着粉则太白,施朱则太赤。”有异曲同工之妙。


If I should see you,after long year

What should I greet,with tears,with silence








第二首大家更为熟悉,是《甄嬛传》中借用的曹植名篇《洛神赋》:“其形也,翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙,荣曜秋菊,华茂春松。仿佛兮若轻云之蔽月,飘飖兮若流风之回雪。远而望之,皎若太阳升朝霞;迫而察之,灼若芙蕖出渌波。秾纤得衷,修短合度,肩若削成,腰如约素。延颈秀项,皓质呈露,芳泽无加,铅华弗御。云髻峨峨,修眉联娟,丹唇外朗,皓齿内鲜。 明眸善睐 ,靥辅承权,瑰姿艳逸,仪静体闲。柔情绰态,媚于语言。奇服旷世,骨象应图。……”



Poetry  is the language of soul


      1814年6月,时年26岁的拜伦在一次聚会中邂逅 Mrs Anne Beatrix Wilmot,其为之倾倒,继而创作了这首讴歌女性之美的抒情诗。



            She Walks in Beauty  

        George Gordon, Lord Byron

    She walks in beauty, like the night

    Of cloudless climes and starry skies;

  And all that’s best of dark and bright

      Meet in her aspect and her eyes:

      Thus mellowed to that tender light

    Which heaven to gaudy day denies


    One shade the more, one ray the less,

    Had half impaired the nameless grace

    Which waves in every raven tress,

      Or softly lightens o’er her face;

      Where thoughts serenely sweet express

      How pure, how dear their dwelling place

      And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,

        So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,

    The smiles that win, the tints that glow,

      But tell of days in goodness spent,

      A mind at peace with all below,

      A heart whose love is innocent!

Show Me Your Love韩


[믹키] Yeah~ What a sweet time!

TVXQ with a new family Super Junior!!

The reason why I'm shy!

Because of your blue eyes!

Pure Beauty! Don't hide it from my side!

You know it It's like bling bling ball!

Can't stop it even though it's not that cool

[희철] 아름다운 눈꽃을 바라보면

어린시절 솜사탕이 떠올라

그대와 함께 그 시절을 추억 할 수 있는

행운이 내게 다가온다면

[영웅] 감춰왔던 그대 마음을 이젠 볼 수 있게 해줘요

[성민] 너의 전화 속에 수많은 사람

그 속에 아무인 나는 싫어요

[시아] 너무 오래 기다린 나를 아직도 몰라요

난 여기 있는데

[시원] 오직 그대 맘을 따라 내가 가는 곳이라면

[시아,시원] That's what I see in your eyes


Just Show Me Your Love!

([한경] Just Show Me Your Love!)

또 언제나 함께 있도록

[유노] 난 기도 할게요


지금 내 마음도 흰눈속에 쌓여가

[시아] 그리움이 너무 많잖아

[성민,려욱,믹키,이특,예성] I'll go anywhere!

([믹키] I'll go anywhere!)

그대 원하는 어디라도

[한경] 내 손을 잡아요

[시원+8] 흰 눈이오면 그 눈을 타고 날아

[최강] 온 세상을 내려다 볼 수 있게

[려욱] 붐비는 거리 수많은 사람

그 속에 그대만 보여요

[최강] 나는 지금 살아있는 건가요

행복해 믿을 수 없어 이 기분

[강인] 두근대는 내 맘이 너무 어색해 지지만

또 이대로 좋아

[믹키] 거짓말도 괜찮아요 안아주고 싶은걸요

[강인,믹키] That's what I see in your eyes


Just Show Me Your Love!

([이특] Just Show Me Your Love!)

그대에게 하고픈 얘기 [이특] 난 너무 많지만


오늘만큼은 바라보기만 해요

[예성] 눈빛만으로도 알잖아

[유노+7] I'll go anywhere!

([성민] I'll go anywhere!)

너무 따뜻한 그대 눈에

[동해] 내가 담기네요

[유노+7] 그냥 좋은걸요 곁에 있다는 것도

[려욱] 소리 없이 다가온 겨울 속에

[동해] 그대의 모습 그대로 살아가줘요

[영웅] 어쩌면 내가 아는 것도 너무 조금일까 봐

난 걱정이 되는걸요


[은혁] Cause I love you, My princess

나의 사랑하는 그대

내가 원하는 건 절대 변치 않고

나만을 바라보는 눈빛인데 보여줘 망설이지마

[All] Just Show Me Your Love!

([최강] Just Show Me Your Love!)

또 언제나 함께 있도록

[예성] 난 기도 할게요

지금 내 마음도 흰눈 속에 쌓여가

[시아] 그리움이 너무 많잖아

[All] I'll go anywhere! ([시원] I'll go anywhere!)

그대 원하는 어디라도

[유노] 내 손을 잡아요

흰 눈이 오면 그 눈을 타고 날아

[시아] 온 세상을 내려다 볼 수 있게


[신동] 하나(One) 둘(Two) 셋(Three) 넷(Uh!)

신! 신나게 놀아보자 동! 동상이 걸려도 좋아

추운 겨울 내가 너를 녹여줄께 Ha~

[희철] 하늘을 보며 그대를 사랑한다 소리쳤던 말

새하얀 눈 속에 묻힌다면 꽃으로 피길 바라죠

[은혁] 그대는 모르고 있죠

우리가 어느 샌가 하나가 됐죠

영원토록 함께


Show Me Your Love音译


[Micky] Yeah~ What a sweet time!

TVXQ with a new family Super Junior!!

The reason why I'm shy!

Because of your blue eyes!

Pure Beauty! Don't hide it from my side!

You know it It's like bling bling ball!

Can't stop it even though it's not that cool

[HeeChul]a rum ta un nun gots eul ba ra bo myun

er rin si cul som sa tang I ter ol ra

ku te wa ham ge ku si cul eul chu erk hal su it nun

hang un I ne ge ta ka on ta myun

[Hero]kam chuer wat tern ku te ma eum eul I cen bol su it ge he cuer yo

[SungMin]ner e cern hwa sok e su man eun sa ram

keu sok e a mu in na nun sil er yo

[Xiah]ner mu o re ki ta rin na reul a cik to mol ra yo

nan yer ki it neun te…

[SiWon]o cik ku te mam eul da ra ne ka ka neun kot I ra myun

[Xiah, SiWon]That’s what I see in Your eyes…


Just show me your love

([HanGyung]Just show me your love)

do ern ce na ham ge it to rok

[U-Know]nan ki to hal ga yo

[KiBum, SungMin, Hero, Xiah, EunHyuk]

ci keum ne ma eum to heen nun sok e sa yer ka

[Xiah]keu ri um I ner mu man can a

[SungMin, RyukUk, Micky, LeeTeuk, YeSung]I’ll go anywhere

([Micky]I’ll go anywhere)

keu te wuern ha neun er ti ra to

[HanGyung]ne son eul cap a yo

[SiWon+8]heen nun I o myun keu nun eul ta go nal a

[Max]on se sang eul ne ryer ta bol su it ge

[RyukUk]bum bi neun ker ri su man eun sa ram

keu sok e keu te man bo yer yo

[Max]na neun ci keum sal a it neun kern ka yo

hang bok he mit eul su ert er I ki bun

[KangIn]tu keun te neun ne mam I ner mu er sek he ci ci man

do I te ro col a

[Micky]ker cit mal to kwen chan a yo an a cu ko sip eun kerl yo

[KangIn, Micky]That’s what I see in your eyes


Just show me your love

([LeeTeuk]Just show me your love)

keu te e ga ha ko peun ye ki [leeTeuk]nan ner mu man ci man

[HanGyung, SiWon, Max, U-Know, YeSung, KiBum]

o neul man keum eun ba ra bo ki man he yo

[YeSung]nun bit man eu ro to al can a

[U-Know+7]I’ll go anywhere

([SungMin]I’ll go anywhere)

ner mu ta teut han keu te nun e

[DongHae]ne ka tam ki ne yo

[U-Know+7]keu nyang co eun kerl yo kyerl e it ta neun kert to

[RyukUk]so ri erts I ta ka on kyer ul sok e

[DongHae]keu te e mo seup keu te ro sal a ka cuer yo

[Hero]er ccer myun ne ka a neun kert to ner mu co kerm il ga bwa

nan kerk cerng I twe neun gerl yo


[EunHyuk] Cause I love you, My princess

na e sa rang ha neun keu te

ne ga uern ha neun kern cerl te byun chi an ko

na man eul ba ra bo neun nun bits in te bo yer cuer mang serl I ci ma

[All]Just show me your love

([Max]Just show me your love)

do ern ce na ham ge it to rok

[YeSung]nan ki to hal ge yo

ci keum ne ma eum to heen nun sok e ssa yer ka

[Xiah]keu ri um I ner mu man can a

[All]I’ll go anywhere ([SiWon]I’ll go anywhere)

keu te uern ha neun er ti ra to

[U-Know]ne son eul cap a yo

heen nun I o myun keu nun eul ta ko nal a

[Xiah]on se sang eul ne ryer ta bol su it ge


[SinDong]ha na (one) tul (two) se (three) ne (uh!)

sin! Sin na ke nol a bo ca tong! Tong sang I kerl ryer to co a

chu un kyer ul ne ka ner reul nok yer cul ge Ha~

[HeeChul]ha neul eul bo myer keu te reul sa rang han ta so ri chyert ta mal

se ha yan nun sok e mut hin ta myun got eu ro pi kil ba ra cyo

[EunHyuk]keu te neun mo reu ko it cyo

u ri ga er neu sen ka ha na ka twet cyo

yerng uern to rok ham ge…


show me your love 中译

yeah,what a sweet time ,tvxq with the new family super junior。。。。






That‘s what i see in your eyes

show me your love 总想在一起

我祈祷 我的心也被雪覆盖

太多的思念 i go anywhere go anywhere

她期待的任何地方 抓住我的手







That‘s what i see in your eyes

show me your love 想对她说的话 我有很多



i go anywhere go anywhere

温暖的她的眼神 装着我

能在一起感觉很好 在无声到来的冬天里



cause i love you my princess 我深爱的她


show me your love show me your love 无论何时都在一起

我会祈祷 她的心被白雪覆盖 思念非常多

i go anywhere go anywhere

她期待的任何地方 抓住我的手



1 2 3 4 愉快的玩吧 即使冻伤也无所谓


望着天空高呼我爱你 埋在雪里 希望能开出美丽的花

喊她的名字 我们成为一体 永远一起



Rap(Micky)] Yeah~ What a sweet time!

TVXQ with a new family Super Junior!!

The reason why I'm shy! Because of your blue eyes!

Pure Beauty! Don't hide it from my side!

You know it It's like bling bling ball!

Can't stop it even though it's not that cool

(Hee Chul) These beautiful snow flowers remind me of cotton candy from my childhood

If only I was lucky enough to have memories of us

(Young Woong) Let me see the feelings you have for me

(Sung Min) I don't like any of the people whose phone numbers you have

(Xiah) You still don't know I've been waiting here all along

(Shi Won) If only your heart was a place I could visit

(Xiah,Shi Won) That's what I see in your eyes

(Kang In,Dong Ae,Sung Min,Shi Won,Shin Dong,Yunho,Choikang,Han Kyung,Hee Chul)

Just Show Me Your Love!

[(Han Kyung) Just Show Me Your Love!] So we can always be together

(Yunho) I will pray for it

(Ki Bum,Sung Min,Young Woong,Xiah,Eun Hyuk) These feelings of mine are covered by white snow

(Xiah) There are too many clouds

(Sung Min,Ryo Wook,Micky,Iteuk,Yeh Sung) I'll go anywhere!

[(Micky) I'll go anywhere!] Anywhere you want me to go

(Han Kyung) Hold my hand

(Kang In,Dong Hae,Sung Min,Shi Won,Shin Dong,Yun Ho,Choi Kang,Han Kyung,Hee Chul) When the white snow falls, I'll ride it and fly

(Choikang) To I can look upon the whole world

(Ryo Wook) Among the large crowd, you're the only one I see

(Choikang) I'm so happy, I can't believe I'm alive

(Kang In) The loud beating of my heart is uncomfortable, but in a way I like it

(Micky) I can accept lies, I just want to hold you

(Kang In,Micky) That's what I see in your eyes

(Ki Bum,Sung Min,Shi Won,Iteuk,Young Woong,Yeh Sung,Yunho, Eun Hyuk) Just Show Me Your Love!

[(Iteuk) Just Show Me Your Love!] Words I want to say to you

(Iteuk) Are so many

(Han Kyung,Shi Won,Choikang,Yunho,Yeh Sung,Ki Bum) Just for today, look at me

(Yeh Sung) In my eyes, I'll be holding you

(Ki Bum,Sung Min,Shi Won,Iteuk,Young Woong,Yeh Sung,Yunho,Eun Hyuk) I'll go anywhere!

[(Sung Min) I'll go anywhere!] In your warm eyes

(Dong Hae) I'm falling in

(Ki Bum,Sung Min,Shi Won,Iteuk,Young Woong,Yeh Sung,Yunho,Euh Hyuk) I'm just happy having you near me

(Ryo Wook) During this winter that has silently approached

(Dong Hae) Always look like you do now

(Young Woong) I'm a little afraid I won't know enough about you

Rap(Eun Hyuk)] Cause I love you, My princess

You're the one I love, I won't ever change my mind

Don't hesitate to show me how you look at me

(All) Just Show Me Your Love!

[(Choikang) Just Show Me Your Love!]

So we can always be together

(Yeh Sung) I'll pray for it

(All) These feelings of mine are covered by white snow

(Xiah) There are too many clouds

(All) I'll go anywhere!

[(Shi Won) I'll go anywhere!] Anywhere you want me to go

(Yunho) Hold my hand

(All) When the white snow falls, I'll ride it and fly

(Xiah) To look upon the whole world

(Rap)(Shin Dong) One(One) Two(Two) Three(Three) Four(Uh!)

Shin! Let's have a good time Dong! Even if we get frostbite

I'll keep you warm in this cold winter Ha~

(Hee Chul) The words I screamed out to the sky

If they're covered by snow, they'll bloom as flowers

(Eun Huyk) You still don't know

How we've become one over time

Forever we'll be together



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上一篇 2023-10-17


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