

1 世界知名化妆品品牌中英对照

2 护肤化妆术语

3 化妆品权威选购指南

4 各品牌化妆品的权威推荐与不推荐

1 世界知名化妆品品牌中英对照



avene 雅漾

Biotherm 碧欧泉

Borghese 贝佳斯

Chanel 香乃尔

Christian Dior(CD) 迪奥

Clarins 娇韵诗

Clinique 倩碧


Estee Lauder 雅诗兰黛

Guerlain 娇兰

Helena Rubinstein 郝莲娜后面不会念 -_-!

H2O+ 水之奥



Kanebo 嘉纳宝


Lancome 兰蔻

L’Oreal 欧莱雅



Max Factor 蜜丝佛陀


Nina Ricci 莲娜丽姿

Olay 玉兰油

Revlon 露华浓


rutina 若缇娜(KOSE的一个系列产品)

Shiseido 资生堂

Sisley 希思黎



yve ssaint laurent(ysl)依夫“圣罗郎

ZA 姬芮

2 护肤化妆术语

21 护肤品术语

护肤: skin care

洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream,Gel)

爽肤水: toner/astringent

紧肤水:firming lotion

柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist)

护肤霜: moisturizers and creams


隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block




日霜:day cream

晚霜:night cream

眼部GEL: eye gel

面膜: facial mask/masque

眼膜: eye mask

护唇用:Lip care

口红护膜:Lip coat

磨砂膏: facial scrub

去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining

去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub

润肤露(身体): body lotion/moisturizer

护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer

沐浴露: body wash

22 护肤专业术语



After sun(日晒后用品)










Fast/Quick dry(快干)





Long lasting(持久性)















Sun block(防晒用)

Toning lotion(化妆水)




23 化妆工具及其他术语

工具: cosmetic applicators/accessories

彩妆: cosmetics

遮瑕膏: concealer

修容饼:Shading powder

粉底: foundation (compact,stick)

粉饼: pressed powder

散粉:loose powder

闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter

眉粉: brow powder

眉笔:brow pencil

眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner

眼影: eye shadow

睫毛膏: mascara

唇线笔: lip liner

唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状 lip pencil,膏状 lip lipstick,盒装 lip color/lip gloss)

唇彩: lip gloss/lip color

腮红: blush

卸装水: makeup remover

卸装乳: makeup removing lotion

帖在身上的小亮片: body art

指甲: manicure/pedicure

指甲油: nail polish/color/enamel

去甲油:nail polish remover

护甲液:Nail saver

发: hair products/accessories

洗发水: shampoo

护发素: hair conditioner

锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment

摩丝: mousse

发胶: styling gel

染发: hair color

冷烫水: perm/perming formula

卷发器: rollers/perm rollers

粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush

粉扑: powder puffs

海绵扑: sponge puffs

眉刷: brow brush

睫毛夹: lash curler

眼影刷: eye shadow brush/shadow applicator

口红刷: lip brush

胭脂扫: blush brush

转笔刀: pencil sharpener

电动剃毛器: electric shaver-for women

电动睫毛卷: electric lash curler

描眉卡: brow template

纸巾: facial tissue

吸油纸: oil-Absorbing Sheets

化装棉: cotton pads

棉签: Q-tips

化装包: cosmetic bag

3 化妆品权威选购指南




31 卸妆清洁:

第一位: dhc deep cleansing oil

第二位: 资生堂tiss deep off oil

第三位: kose 清肌晶cleansing oil

第四位: 植村秀 high performance balancing oil

第五位: clarins娇韵诗 cleansing milk









32 普通清洁:




33 化妆水:

第一位:albion公司essential skin conditioner。

第二位:蓝蔻的blanc expert。美白精华化妆水



34 乳液:

第一位:albion公司 exage系列 美白乳液 white w/x milk 1

第二位:kose cosme decorte micro-perfomance

第三位:kose 雪肌精乳液



35 美白精华:

第一位: albion公司exage whitening cellmission

第二位: 花王苏菲娜 whitening deep science 深层美白精华

第三位: 资生堂 whitess 特效柔白精华

第一位又是albion公司的产品!!速攻美白,而且有活肤功能,改善肤质 albion中文名字被翻译为傲之美, 觉得实在难称信达雅,古意昂然意境优美的albion被糟蹋成这样,情愿叫她原名

第二位的苏菲娜可以说是日本市场上最畅销的美白精华,使用感清爽,尤其用于去斑很好 花王苏菲娜广告做得很质朴, 产品不花哨但质量上乘今年10月就会在国内上市,有几件东西很值得一买


36 预防皮肤老化护理:

1 保持弹性专用:

第一位: 资生堂的elixir系列 orange zone shot

第二位: 克里斯汀�习model lift 三重紧肤纤容霜




2 综合护理专用:

第一位: sk-Ⅱ signs treatment 多元面霜

第二位: HR赫莲娜 collagenist 胶原蛋白弹性精华液

第三位: 克里斯汀�习耼o-age essentiel



第三位只看名字就足够诱人, no-age! 改善暗淡肤色,平衡水分,减轻细纹的产生.


3 细纹护理专用:

第一位: 花王苏菲娜 wrinkle seraty

第二位: kose cosme decorte progression dn-a

第三位: 倩碧clique stop signs





37 问题皮肤的特别护理:

371 防痘产品:

第一位: albion公司essential skin conditioner。

第二位: dhc公司 olive virgin oil 纯橄情焕采精华

第三位: 日邦药品工业 eadue muge





372 赶走暗淡,重放光泽护理:

第一位: 雅诗兰黛 idealist 完美焕颜修护精华露

第二位: clinique倩碧 clarifying lotion 2

第三位: kanebo佳娜宝 power of clear perfect




373 超级干燥皮肤护理:

第一位: clinique倩碧 moisture surge extra 水磁场特效保湿润肤霜

第二位: de la mer moisturizing creme

第三位: ipsa the time reset 生肌再造霜





第一位: 花王 碧柔鼻贴

第二位: 雅诗兰黛 idealist 完美焕颜修护精华露

第三位: rohto制药 obagi c10





375 T区特护:

第一位: sk-Ⅱ facial clear solution净脂明肌精华

第二位: 花王苏菲娜 very very poundly

第三位: chanel precision t-mat


苏菲娜 very very poundly是个散粉一样的dd,油光满面的时候,轻轻一扑,立刻亚光。和彩妆的粉不一样的是她有吸附毛孔深处油分的作用,用她补妆最方便。是个用起来很舒服功能粉哦。


376 敏感皮肤特护:

第一位: 资生堂 d program lotion ad

第二位: avene thermal spring water 雅漾活泉喷雾

资生堂的d program是个为敏感肌肤设计的综合系列,从香波浴液到护肤共几十项产品。榜上的这个是化妆水,高保湿,零刺激。


38 娇嫩部位特护:


第一位: 雅诗兰黛 advanced night repair eye recovery

complex 特润眼部修护精华

第二位: sk-Ⅱ eye treatment film水嫩无痕眼凝露

第三位: sisley sisleya contour des yeux et des levres 抗皱活颜眼霜

第四位: chanel precision eye correction紧致眼霜





39 按摩霜:

第一位: albion exage white skin refiner

第二位: origins品木宣言 never a dull moment 磨砂乳霜

第三位: cle de peau creme de massage

第四位: est skin alive massage

第五位: ipsa refiner tone up cream clay 深层清洁矿物泥







310 面膜:


第一位: albion skin conditioner mask

第二位: 久光制药 lifecella facemask

第三位: kanebo嘉娜宝 肌美精 弹力水分面膜

第四位: sk-Ⅱ facial whitening mask 美白面膜

第五位: sk-Ⅱ facial treatment mask修护面膜






4 各品牌化妆品的权威推荐与不推荐(按品牌顺序)


Biosource Foaming Gel Cleanser 活泉洁面凝胶(有泡沫)

Biocils Waterproof Eye Make-up Remover 眼部卸妆水(可卸防水眼妆)

Aquasource Oligo-Thermal Moisturizing Gel For Dry Skin 活泉水分露(粉色,适合干性)

Aquasource Oligo-Thermal Moisturizing Gel For Normal Skin 活泉水分露(绿色,中性皮肤)

Bionuit Overnight Visibly Effective Skin treatment 显效护理晚霜

D-Stress Fortifying Anti-Fatigue Radiance Gel/Cream for Dry Skin 抗压舒容醒肤晚霜(干性)

Hydra-Detox Daily Moisturizing Creams 深层排毒保湿霜(日用)

Hydra-Detox Daily Moisturizing Lotion 深层排毒保湿露(日用)

Reducteur Rides Anti-Wrinkle and Firming eye Cream 抗皱紧肤眼霜

Symbiose Daily Aging Treatment Liposome Gel 抗皱护理者哩(日用)

BioPur Pure Cleansing gel 清脂清爽洁肤者哩


Biosource Instant Cleansing Foam 活泉瞬间洁肤沫(有泡沫)

Biosource Softening Cleansing Mousse 活泉软化清洁摩丝

Biosource Clean Skin Peel-Off Mask 活泉洁肤面膜(撕拉式)

Biosensitive Calming Regulating Oil-Free Lotion SPF12 抗敏镇静无油露SPF12

D-Stress fortifying Anti-Fatigue Radiance Essence 抗压舒容醒肤精华

D-Stress Fortifying Anti-Fatigue Radiance Gel/Cream for Normal/Combination

Skin 抗压舒容醒肤者哩/霜(中,混合型)

Reducteur Rides Tensing Wrinkle and Firming Essence 抗皱紧肤精华

BioPur Mattifying Astringent Lotion 清脂紧肤水(带粉)

BioPur Clarifying Balancing Night Gel 清脂平衡晚间凝胶

BioPur Matte Hydrating Fluid 清脂水分露(哑光)

BioPur Emergency Anti-Imperfection with AHA 清脂瞬间抗痘露(含果酸)

BioPur Ultra-Matte T-Zone Essence 清脂T区调理精华素

soothing After Sun Gel for Face and Body 活泉晒后舒缓乳(脸部和全身用)


Ablutia Fricheur Purifying Foam Cleanser 清爽洁肤泡沫(有泡沫,具体系列不详)

Clarifiance Oil-Free Gel Cleanser 康尼芬无油洁面者哩

Exfoliance, delicate Exfoliating Gel 柔白磨砂凝胶(敏感性可用)

Vinefit Complete Energizing Lotion SPF1 葡萄多酚日乳SPF15

Complexion Expert 一种调整肤色的乳液,名字不详,好象是可以做底乳的

ReSurface 除皱理纹精华

Touche Optim’ Age 一种抗皱霜,系列名字不详

SPF 15 Face and Body Lotion with Pure Vitamin E 脸部身体防晒露SPF15(含纯VE)

SPF 25 Face and Body Lotion with Pure Vitamin E 脸部身体防晒露SPF25(含纯VE)

High Protection SPF 30 Face Cream with Pure Vitamin E 高效脸部防晒霜SPF30(含纯VE)

UV Expert SPF 15 Sunscreen, Daily UVA/UVB Protection Water-Lite Fluide 柔白每日隔离防晒露SPF15(隔离UVA,UVB,清新水质配方)

Soleil Expert Sun Care SPF 30 High Protection sun Stick 柔皙高效防晒棒SPF30

Soleil Ultra Eye Protection SPF 40 柔皙高效眼部防晒SPF40

Stick Nutrix Levres, Lip Balm 滋润润唇膏


Gel Eclat Cleansing Gel 焕容洁肤者哩

Clarifiance Alcohol-Free Natural Astringent 康尼芬无酒精收缩水

Tonique Controle Toner for Oily and Normal to Oily Skin 去油光清脂带粉爽肤水(绿水,油性,中油性)

Vitabolic Clarifier Radiance Boosting Tonic 光彩活力爽肤露

Bienfait Total Creme SPF15 全美护肤霜SPF15

Extra Controle Anti-Imperfections Acne Treatment Matifying Solution 绿色去油光瞬间抗痘露

Spot Controle Acne Treatment 绿色去油光抗痘护理露


Gel Purete Foaming Gel Face Wash 纯净脸部洁肤者哩(泡沫)

Gel Tendre Non-Foaming Makeup Remover Face and Eyes 柔和眼面卸妆乳(无泡沫)

Lotion Tendre Soothing Toner 柔和爽肤水

Hydra Max Balanced Hydrating Cream 水分平衡保湿霜

Hydra Max Balanced Hydrating Gel 水分平衡保湿露

Rectifiance Day Lift Refining Cream SPF 15 日间紧肤霜SPF15

Rectifiance Day Lift Refining Lotion SPF 15 日间紧肤露SPF15

Rectifiance Day Lift Refining Oil-Free Lotion SPF 15 日间紧肤无油露SPF15

Rectifiance Nuit Night Lift Restoring Cream 夜间紧肤修护霜(以上四个都是抗皱提拉肌肤的东西)

Source Extreme Dual Benefit Complex 复合精华双效营养露

Dyd Correction Anti-Wrinkle Firming eye Cream 抗皱紧实眼霜

Fluide Multi-Protection Daily Protection Lotion SPF25 多效日用防晒露SPF25

Lift Serum Extreme Anti-Wrinkle firming Complex 极致抗皱紧实精华

Solution Destressante Calming Emulsion 抗压镇静乳液

Masque Lift Express 紧肤面膜

Masque Force Hydratante 保湿面膜


Lotion Pruete Purifying Toner 清爽洁净爽肤水

Eye Lift Anti-Puffiness/Dark Circle eye Lotion 眼露(抗眼袋和黑眼圈)

T-Mat Shine Control T控精华


Capture Rides Wrinkle Creme for Eyes 活肤驻颜眼部精华霜

Hydra-Star Moisture Creme for Dry Skin 水分保湿霜(干性)

Hydra-Star Night Treatment Creme for Dry Skin 水分保湿夜间护理霜(干性)

Icone Hypersensitive Skin Emulsion for the Face ICONE系列抗敏面乳

Icone Regulation Creme Dehydrated Skin ICONE系列调节面霜(专为缺水皮肤)

Icone for Hyper-Sensitive Skin ICONE抗敏系列的???(标注不明,翻不出)

Vitalmine 焕彩活力素(可作底乳)

Model Lift 纤容霜

UV 30 Ultra UV Face Coat 高效UV面部防晒液SPF30


Purifying Lotion 清新焕容爽肤水

刷新ing Wash-Off Cleansing Gel 清新水洗洁面者哩

刷新ing Lo

Her contribution :

When the name, Hildegard E Peplau, is mentioned in psychiatric circles there is no need for identifying explanations Hilda is well known to the nursing profession, and to other health disciplines Her name is synonymous with the interpersonal relationship in nursing Her conceptualization and delineation of the process of the interaction between nurse and patient is one of her major contributions to the profession

The selection of Hilda for special recognition by the ANA Council of Advanced Practitioners in Psychiatric/ Mental Health Nursing seems a very natural event in a career which has charted such a wide path through psychiatric nursing and the discipline of nursing Her work has touched the career of each psychiatric nurse here today, either through her teaching, consultation, writing, professional organization activities, or governmental advisory endeavors There are many contributions in Hilda's rich career which could be singled out for special recognition Her excellence as a teacher, her consistency as a scholar, and her creativity as a theoretician stand out as her most significant attributes

Hilda entered the nursing profession in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, where she earned her diploma in nursing at Pottstown Hospital She worked in operating room supervision as a new graduate, and later moved to New York, where she did surgical nursing She went to Bennington College in Vermont and headed the nursing staff in the college infirmary and earned her Baccalaureate Degree in Psychology She did clinical work at Bellevue; worked in child care with David Levy; had contact with Harry Stack Sullivan and Frieda Fromm-Riechman in her experience at Chestnut Lodge; and did private duty in psychiatric nursing in New York During World War II, she was stationed in London in a neuropsychiatric center, the 312th Station Hospital This assignment afforded interchange with many outstanding people in psychiatry

Hilda earned her Masters Degree at Teachers College, Columbia University, and worked in psychiatric nursing in Highland Hospital in Ashville, North Carolina She was invited back to Teachers College to develop and conduct the graduate program in psychiatric nursing She completed her Doctorate in Education at Columbia; was on the faculty for six years; then moved to Rutgers, the State University in New Jersey, to develop and chair the graduate psychiatric nursing program Now a professor emeritus of Rutgers with a continuing active professional involvement at local, national, and international levels, Hilda defines retirement as a time to do things you want to do, not what you have to do It is no surprise that what she wants to do comprises a full-time schedule

Hilda has made the statement that nurses facilitated the movement of a sizeable number of people into the middle class in this country in the first half of the twentieth century, a contribution to society that is little recognized Preparation for a nursing career could be acquired without paying tuition, and room and board were supported in return for service rendered during the training period Young people earned their nursing diplomas, then supported the college educations of brothers, sisters, and spouses This custom promoted the upward economic mobility of many families Many a medical education was so supported prior to World War II: after acquiring their nursing diplomas, some nurses used nursing to work their way through medical school In fact, it was a commonly held expectation that if you were in nursing and you happened to be bright, surely you would aspire to a medical career

Hilda was one of the bright ones who had no such aspirations She visualized the nursing and medical professions as sharing some commonly held goals and services, but each with a different and separate health mission in meeting the health needs of people There has been no uncertainty in her identification with her profession and in her steadfast efforts to push its growth to its full potential throughout an illustrious career

Hilda Peplau and her colleagues who were engaged in the early development of graduate education in nursing were facilitators of another kind of social movement-the movement of the profession into graduate education and specialization in fields of practice In the 1860s, Florence Nightingale was establishing her School of Nursing and struggling to convince those around her that women were educable, that they should have satisfying professional careers, and that they should be highly paid One hundred years later, there still remained some unfinished business in the implementation of these convictions Many nurses who entered graduate school had had work experiences that had inhibited the use of their intellectual capacities; some had experienced derogation and harsh treatment for any demonstration that they were knowledgeable Hilda was adept in creating learning opportunities that assisted these students to rediscover their intellectual resources and to develop useful strategies for dealing with such occupational hazards

I would like to emphasize at this point that by mentioning Hildegard E Peplau and Florence Nightingale in the same paragraph I am not trying to relegate Hilda to history before her time, nor am I trying to promote the illusion that these two nursing leaders are contemporaries We all know Hilda gets around a lot, but as yet, she has not achieved travel by time machine However, a conversation between these two well-known women would be quite fascinating, if it were possible

I know nothing of Hilda's childhood, for which she must be very grateful today I suspect she was one of those children who came home from her first-grade experiences, collected the neighborhood kids in the backyard, and played school Teaching seems such an integral part of her personality

I first met Hilda Peplau in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1951 at the National League of Nursing Education's second Conference on Advanced Programs in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Throughout the fifties and sixties we psychiatric nurses were occupied with differentiating graduate from undergraduate education and forecasting what the clinical specialist should be Grayce McViegh Sills and I studied with Hilda to Teachers College in 195152 in one of the graduate classes early in her appointment at Columbia By the time we entered her classroom, she had perfected a lecture-discussion style in which she engaged students in an on-going, problem-examining approach to learning All she needed for a visual aid was a blackboard and a piece of chalk to diagram points in a discussion made complex by the thoroughness with which her lively mind examined an issue

Generally, teachers are expected to have a reasonable command of the information in their field and the ability to select from it and communicate in ways useful to the learner Occasionally, one finds a teacher who involves students in a partnership in learning, conveying the anticipation that they will share an interest in the critical examination of the problems and issues in the field, be concerned with the development of new knowledge, and with its implementation in clinical practice and professional actions Hilda was such a teacher She could pick up a dusty old problem which had defied solution, shake it around a bit, make some observations from a new perspective which enticed others to re-examine the problem, and an intriguing discussion was under way

Whether Hilda is conducting this foray on problems through old territory or into new ground, there is much to be learned about the investigative process along the way Some problems are examined to the extent that there is information available, with the gaps in observational data and theoretical concepts pointed out, then they are set aside for further consideration when additional observations can be completed or the discovery of new knowledge can be brought to bear on a puzzling facet or changes in the problem situation alter the examination In this process she helps students learn to juggle a variety of problems and concerns within the field and keep open the eventual work on their resolution As students in classroom discussions and in conversations as professional colleagues many of us find stimulation from the lively intellectual curiosity Hilda employs in making observations, the critical thought she invests in examining an observed situation, and the interpretations she formulates

Hilda's career has been dominated by a scholarly quest for knowledge and an avid interest in the development of theory upon which clinical actions can be based Her teaching has been rooted in these two aspects of her scholarly behavior-the acquisition of knowledge of established theory and the systematic development of theoretical concepts and processes from clinical observations that will lead to the development of nursing theory Her pursuit of knowledge has been focused on her spedalty field of psychiatric nursing, but has not been limited to it An opportunity to select a narrow focus in the pursuit of knowledge inevitably leads to expansion into a broad focus in the acquisition of relevant information Hilda personifies the true scholar whose critical examination of phenomena in a selected, limited specialty area and whose search for explanatory theory lead to the acquisition of knowledge of the work of other specialists in related disciplines

Hilda's career exemplifies the purposes and benefits of specialization She has centered her work on the development of the clinical expertise and theoretical base for the practice of the clinical specialist in psychiatric nursing Her primary focus in education has been in the graduate education of that specialist Her contributions have been major in the development of this specialty and its clinical services to people Throughout her career, Hilda has believed that the total profession will benefit from the specialist's opportunity to push forward the frontiers of knowledge and practice That belief is evident in her writing, which has enabled nurses to utilize concepts from psychiatric nursing in other areas of nursing practice She has been interested in how individuals learn concepts and how they employ them in different levels of practice and in different areas of practice Her consultation and teaching activities have taken her beyond the graduate school into diverse clinical settings across the country and into curriculums other than those of the graduate school to share what she has learned and developed in her own specialty

Hilda's willing participation in the political responsibilities of the profession throughout her career has had an impact on the professional life of everyone here Along with her colleagues, Hilda has devoted extensive thought, time, and effort in various training committees of the National Institute of Mental Health and advisory boards of other governmental agencies contributing to the development of policies for funding, which greatly influenced the development of graduate education and research in this field, and deliberating on the distribution of funds Conferences on education in psychiatric and mental health nursing sponsored by nursing organizations and by universities with grant funding held periodically over the years have afforded opportunities to share and collaborate in shaping the direction of the field, and Hilda has had a vital role in these endeavors She has always appreciated the importance of viable and strong professional organizations and has served in many responsible roles in organized nursing She brings to her organizational and political roles the same intellectual investment in dealing with problems that she demonstrates in her clinical field

Problems seem to challenge Hilda, and although the complexity of large organization slows the process, she can lead the deliberation to resolution, strengthening the internal integrity of the organization along the way There is an element of the old Pennsylvanian philosophy in Hilda that, "What will be, will be," and "Chust let it," in her appreciation of situations in which there is slow movement and that people do what they are ready to do

But then, behavior has meaning, and if one can delineate the antecedents and if the group can view the behavior as changeworthy, the process of effecting change can be determined The most consistent hope for progress, no matter how troubled the situation, is the truly intellectual person, educated lifelong and continually involved in the problems and growth of the field Hildegard E Peplau is that kind of person

You can't leave all the work of healing your body to your doctors Most medical treatment focusses on correcting what's wrong with the body But don't forget what's right with your body! How you eat and take care of yourself in other simple ways can have a vital influence on your general physical functioning The stronger your system as a whole, the easier it will be for the sick parts to heal

Ideally, healing should start long before the body gets sick! It's harder to restore health to a body that has been allowed to deteriorate than to maintain good health when the body is essentially sound Sometimes it takes a bout of illness or injury to make people realize the importance of taking good care of themselves Even so, it's never too late to start taking proper care Make up your mind to live wisely and sensibly from now on!

Guarding health is taught in the Bible: "Take care of yourself, and guard your soul diligently" (Deuteronomy 4:9) Physical and spiritual healthcare contribute to each other Good physical health promotes mental and spiritual wellbeing Conversely, spiritual wellbeing and a strong sense of mission in life make it easier to maintain the self-discipline required to keep healthy physically

Often you have to sacrifice immediate physical gratification for the sake of long-term benefits You have to learn to say no to your favorite bad foods or other things that are no good for you, even when they're right in front of you You must maintain your fitness routine even when you don't feel like it

Focus your mind on why you want to heal and keep healthy -- in order to live your life to the full The stronger your sense of mission and commitment to your goals, the more incentive you will have to maintain your healthcare program

Wonders of the body

We are usually so busy going about our lives that we tend to take our physical functioning for granted What is more wonderful than the functioning of the body -- growth, renewal, self-repair, respiration, circulation, digestion, excretion of wastes, vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch, movement, coordination, etc etc -- every second, every minute, every day for seventy, eighty, a hundred years and more!

Take a few moments to reflect on the complexity and subtlety of your body The Jewish practice is to offer a blessing of thanks over the wonders of the body after relieving oneself: "Blessed are You, Eternal, All-Powerful God, Ruler of the universe, Who designed man with wisdom and created within him many openings and many cavities It is revealed and known before Your Seat of Glory that if one of them is ruptured or one of them blocked, it is impossible to survive and stand before You even for a brief moment Blessed are You, God, Who heals all flesh and acts wondrously"

Your diet

Regardless of any medications you may be taking, remember: by far the most important medicine you take into your body every day is the regular food you eat This is what is keeping you going! Your diet provides the physical building blocks of your body and the energy it needs to function Moreover, the food you eat turns into your thoughts and feelings, your moods and your mental and spiritual states

Everybody knows that eating badly is unhealthy for the body Yet many people are quite unaware of the ravaging effects poor dietary patterns can have on our mental, emotional and spiritual life as well Bad foods, or even good foods eaten badly, can cause moodswing, anxiety, negativity, fatigue and depression

Among the main villains in our society are excesses of caffeine, sugar, fat and protein, additives, over-refined and processed foods It's not only a matter of what you eat How you space your meals through the day and combine different kinds of foods also affects your energy cycles and the way you think and feel

Eat to feed your mind, your heart and your soul as well as your body Eat only the finest, purest, most nourishing foods -- foods that are fit to heal you physically and spiritually

Just as some foods are good and others bad for the physical body, so there are good and bad foods for the mind and soul This is the basis of the Jewish dietary code, which excludes impure and spiritually damaging foods, such as unclean animals, mixtures of meat with milk, etc Acquaint yourself with the details of the Jewish dietary code

How to eat

Good nutrition is more than a matter of chewing and swallowing your food and then forgetting all about it The way you eat affects both the satisfaction you derive from your food and also the kind of energy and vitality it gives you

Wherever possible, try to arrange things so that you can sit down for your meals in a relaxed state of mind Freshen yourself and wash your hands before you eat

As you are about to eat, don't just put the food into your mouth and bite Pause for a moment Reflect on the wonderful way in which this specific item of food came into being Think about the subtle energies in the food and how they will enter your body, turning into your thoughts and feelings and your very life

Offer your thanks to the Creator of the food Your words of blessing before eating are the channel through which your soul receives the refined spiritual energy contained in the food

Always chew your food carefully Chewing is the beginning of the digestive process Proper chewing makes for better assimilation of the nutrients in the food by the body Thorough chewing also brings greater satisfaction, making it easier to overcome bad dietary habits As you chew and taste your food, think about how the subtle spiritual energies in the food are being released into your body and soul

Many people forget about what they've eaten as soon as they've swallowed it But long after you've finished your meal, your body carries on dutifully breaking down the food, assimilating the nutrients and distributing them to all the different body parts

So too on the mental and spiritual planes, the processes of "digestion" and "assimilation" continue as the spiritual energy in the food is released, turning into your moods, your mental states, your thoughts and feelings, words and actions

When you are finishing your meal, these processes are just beginning Set them off to a good start by pausing for a little while after you finish eating in order to thank God for the food and the physical and spiritual energy it contains Remind yourself that God is taking care of you and providing for all your needs "Eat and be satisfied, and bless HaShem, your God" (Deuteronomy 8:10)


Exercise should be approached with the utmost caution by those who are sick or out of condition Anyone who is sick, in recovery or rehabilitation should exercise only under the supervision of an expert Even those who are healthy should seek expert advice about a suitable fitness program, and follow it with the greatest care The body is extremely subtle and delicate, and must be treated with the utmost care and respect Sudden crash courses of exercise can be very dangerous

On the other hand, proper exercise is one of the most important keys to good health Exercise improves blood circulation, brings more oxygen into every cell of the body, speeds up a sluggish metabolism, enhances the functioning of internal glands and organs, improves digestion, facilitates the removal of poisonous wastes from the body, reduces the risk of many diseases, keeps joints flexible and muscles trim and strong, builds coordination and balance, heightens reflexes, reduces stress, improves sleep patterns, increases energy, and helps maintain a relaxed body and a tranquil mind

If your daily life involves a fair amount of physical activity you may not need to devote much time to formal exercise But if you spend much of the day sitting, you should definitely try to do some kind of exercise at least three or four times a week

Which kind of exercise you do depends on your state of health and fitness and other individual factors If you've not exercised for a long time and you're out of condition, you must be very patient and gentle as you slowly encourage stiff joints and muscles to start working again People sometimes try to take a short-cut to fitness by over-straining themselves But this can cause pain and injuries that may prevent you from exercising altogether

A balanced fitness program should include movements that promote joint flexibility and muscular endurance, and it should also include some "aerobic" exercise This means a steady, non-stop movement that increases the pulse rate without putting strain on the cardiovascular system Prime examples are walking (the oldest, most natural form of exercise, which utilizes almost all of your muscles); running (preferably on grass or a dirt track to reduce stress on the muscular/skeletal system and internal organs); swimming and cycling

One of the most perfect forms of exercise is chassidic dance, in which all parts of the body are moved with grace and joy in praise of the Creator Why not put on a recording of your favorite nigunim (holy melodies) and dance free-style as gently or as vigorously as you like, exploring your body and expressing your inner thoughts and feelings through your movements!

Don't forget to breathe!

The way you breathe affects your bodily health and strength, your energy levels, your calm and clarity and your mental, emotional and spiritual states Every one of the activities of life is bound up with this fundamental process, through which the oxygen vital to our body cells enters the blood, and carbon dioxide waste is eliminated

It will be worth your while to take a little time to explore your breathing Familiarize yourself with the different phases of breathing Become aware of any ingrained habits that may be inhibiting your breathing and strive to cultivate better habits (Those who are sick should only attempt breathing work under the supervision of a medical expert)

There is no single correct way to breathe valid for all people at all times Obviously, physical activity requires more rapid breathing than sitting or resting Aim to allow your breathing to adjust freely according to your specific needs at each moment The goal should be to remove breathing malfunctions by eliminating tension and correcting the bad habits that may be causing you to inhibit the long, full, rhythmic breathing your body is geared for

When you exhale, let your lungs empty entirely At the end of the exhalation there is a brief pause before inhalation starts by itself Relax your stomach and allow the air to flow in During the inhalation, the abdominal region swells as the diaphragm lowers, drawing air into the base of the lungs The rib-cage expands, filling the middle section of the lungs Finally the collar bones are raised, allowing the lungs to fill to capacity

You can practice breathing any time -- at home, at work, while relaxing, waiting for buses or appointments, walking, travelling, etc Ten long, deep breaths immediately after waking up in the morning will help banish drowsiness and heaviness and set you up for the day's activities From time to time throughout the day, stop to re-energize with a few long, deep breaths Deep breathing before going to bed at night will relax you and prepare you for a restful, refreshing night's sleep

Getting dizzy from breathing exercises is a sign of hyperventilation Use up the extra oxygen with a few vigorous movements If the feeling persists, stop practicing deep breathing for the time being

Concentrating on your breathing can be a powerful way of entering a state of profound calm and contemplative clarity in hisbodedus Sit erect with your head balanced and your eyes closed Use the relaxation technique to release all bodily tension Now focus your awareness on your breathing Watch each phase of the breathing process: the slow, long exhalation, the pause, the way the abdomen begins to swell and rise Feel the cool air drawn into your nostrils and down into the lungs

Each exhalation is actually a kind of death! It is the death of the moment that has passed, as you breathe out the stale air But this death is a preparation for rebirth: the birth of the new moment As you breathe out, sigh deeply and flush out all the stale air from within you Breathe out your tensions and bad feelings Then, as you breathe in again, focus on how you are drawing in fresh, pure, good air and breathing new life into yourself

General healthcare

Whether you are sick or healthy, now is the time to learn to love your body and nurture it so that it becomes a fine, healthy vessel for your soul Take the best care of yourself Eat well Make sure you get adequate rest and sleep Pay careful attention to cleanliness and hygiene Pamper your body with your favorite bodycare items

Seek out the very best advice on healthcare You owe it to yourself and your dear ones If you have a medical problem, use it as a prompt to acquire a deeper understanding of your body and how to take care of it properly Do everything possible to get the best medical attention where this is called for If you are not satisfied with your medical treatment, ask for a second opinion

Do whatever is in your hands to take care of yourself, and remember: the rest is up to God







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