--- I’m sorry for stepping on your foot. --- ______.A.That’s all rightB.No, it’s my mis

--- I’m sorry for stepping on your foot. --- ______.A.That’s all rightB.No, it’s my mis,第1张


试题分析:A 不客气,没关系;B不,这是我的错。 C 你没有伤害我。D是的,不要担心。对不起,我踩了你的脚。结合语境可知选C为最佳答案。















借书、还书频率越大,说明图书馆的作用越大,然而随之而来的大量的借书、 还书登记、实存图书的更新以及借出图书超期、遗失等的处理,其工作量之大,往 往是人工操作所难以胜任的。而且经常会出现这样那样的差错。













此次信息系统开发是大学专业知识的一次综合应用与提高,我们小组可以在主教5楼机房完成系统开发。该机房计算机配置肯定能满足系统开发的要求。我们小组可以选定两三台计算机,建立系统开发环境,主要是安装数据库工具(MS SQL SERVER 2000),应用程序开发工具( VISUL BASIC 60或DELPHI),Office程序组以及网络传输工具。

我们小组的部分成员有计算机,配置是Pentium4 15G,256M以上内存,80G以上硬盘,可连网。小组成员之间可以通过QQ或电话进行即时交流,协调开发工作,解决开发工作中出现的问题。

就技术力量来说,我们小组可以完成此次开发工作。开发过程中会出现许多问题,有我们预想之中的,也有一些没有我们预想到,但,我们有信心克服一切困难。该学期,我们小组各成员已经学习了SQL SERVER,对网络技术和操作系统也有系统的了解,有些成员熟悉计算机原理,能解决常见的硬件故障和硬件选择。目前,图书管理信息系统已得到了大量应用,有许多可供参考的成功系统。而且,网上有许多关于VISUL BASIC编程的资料和SQL SERVER方面的资料。 从技术角度考虑,此信息系统开发可行。



3 法律上可行














1 能按各种方式(比如书名、编号、作者)查询图书馆的藏书情况。

2 能够方便地借阅图书、续借图书、归还图书。

3 能够查询自己的基本资料、借阅图书情况。

4 能够熟悉图书管理系统的使用。


1 能方便的对图书进行录入登记,注销陈旧的书籍。

2 能够方便地对新生进行登记,或注销已经毕业的学生信息(基本信息,借阅信息)。

3 能够随时发布一些诸如各学院学生借阅图书超期情况、馆内藏书情况、借情况等信息,以便各学院能够随时获知本院学生的一些借书信息。





















1. 数据库需求分析



● 读者种类信息,



● 读者信息,



● 书籍类别信息,



● 书籍信息,



● 借阅信息,




基本信息录入 基本信息录入

D1 D2

基本信息录入 基本信息录入

D3 D4



读者信息返回 书籍信息返回

数据字典(Data Dictionary)。


数 据 流

系统名:图书管理 编号:

条目名:读者信息 别名:

来源:读者登记 去处:D3




修改记录: 编写 日期

审核 日期


数 据 元 素

系统名:图书管理 编号

条目名:读者编号 别名

属于数据流:读者登记 存储处:D3读者信息表



宽 度:10



修改记录: 编写 日期

审核 日期


数 据 存 储

系统名:图书管理 编号:D4

条目名:书籍信息表 别名:

存储组织: 记录数:约3000 主关键字:书籍编号

数据量:约500KB 辅关键字:



字段名称:书籍编号 书籍名称 … 书籍作者 … 关键词

宽度: 14 32 … 8 10 …


修改记录: 编写: 日期:

审核: 日期:


数 据 加 工

系统名:图书管理 编号:

条目名:借阅信息录入 别名:

输 入:借阅编号、读者编号… 输出:借阅信息表基本属性



修改记录: 编写: 日期:

审核: 日期:







字段名称 数据类型 字段说明

bookid 文本 保存书号

bookname 文本 保存书名

booktype 文本 保存书的类型

bookauthor 文本 保存保存书的作者

bookpub 文本 保存书的出版社

bookpubdate 日期/时间 保存书的出版日期

bookpages 数字 保存书的页数

bookkeyword 文本 关键字

bookindate 日期/时间 入库时间

putup 文本 是否借出

bookmemo 备注 备注



字段名称 数据类型 字段说明

readerno 文本 保存读者编号

readername 文本) 保存读者姓名

readersex 文本) 保存读者性别

readertype 文本 保存读者类别

readerdep 文本 保存读者所属部门

address 文本 保存读者地址

readertel 文本 保存读者电话

email 文本 保存读者的电子邮件地址

checkdate 日期/时间 借阅日期

readermemo 备注 备注



字段名称 数据类型 字段说明

borrowno 文本 保存借阅号

readerid 文本 保存读者ID

readername 文本 保存借阅者姓名

borrowdate 日期/时间 保存借阅日期

returndate 日期/时间 保存还书日期

memo 备注 备注



字段名称 数据类型 字段说明

booktypeno 文本 保存图书分类号

typename 文本 保存类别名称

keyword 文本 关键字

memo 备注 备注



字段名称 数据类型 字段说明

typeno 文本 保存读者分类号

typename 文本 保存类别名称

booknumber 数字 保存允许借书数量

bookdays 数字 保存允许借阅天数

userfullife 数字 保存专业ID

memo 备注 备注



字段名称 数据类型 字段说明

user_ID 文本 保存用户ID

user_PWD 文本 保存用户密码

user_Des 文本 ……





一、 服务器的要求

1. 服务器的中央处理部件(CPU)建议使用PIII 1G(以上) Xeon处理器芯片。

2. 服务器内存必须使用服务器专用ECC内存

3. 为了保证数据存储的绝对可靠,硬盘应使用磁盘冗余阵列(RAID 01)

4. 为了防止服务器不可预测的故障,或者服务器的定期维护对公司整个业务造成的影响,所有建议使用两台服务器。两台服务器应构成双机热备份。中间使用WatchDog电路。这样的结构可以保证整个系统的长时间不间断工作,即使在服务器定期维护的时候也可以使用后备另一台服务器工作。

5. 服务器应支持热插拔电源

6. 服务器必须配备UPS(不间断电源)。

7. 服务器应该放在学校内部。不然无法进行程序调试。

8. 服务器应该必须有固定IP地址。

9. 其他性能在经济条件允许的情况下,应该尽量使用高速稳定的配件。

二、 服务器上应该配备的软件

a) 操作系统:Microsoft Windows 2000 server 或者 Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced server

b) 数据库:Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (简体中文版)

c) 服务器必须使用专业的防火墙和反病毒软件。

d) 除了为了运行必须配备的程序以外,服务器上建议尽量不要安装其他无关程序,以减少程序的混乱或者程序的意外冲突。

e) 各系的操作系统尽量统一。(Windows 9x系列或者Windows 2000系列)。这样可以避免管理软件在出来因为操作系统版本不一致造成的过多的开销。

f) 各系的机器必须也安装反病毒软件和防火墙。以防止网络上的蠕虫病毒在整个网络范围内的蔓延。

g) 如果要打印涉及字段比较多的报表,应该配备针式打印机。




anti-加在名词、形容词前边最常见的是anti-Japanese抗日战争、anti-social厌恶社会的 反社会的、antidite解毒的药;

de-加在名词、形容词前,常见的例词有decrease减少,deteriorate恶化,demobilize遣散 使…复员、decolor 脱色 漂白;


in-常加在形容词,名词之前,如incorrect不正确的、inability无能 无力、inaccurate不准确的等;






ir-放在以r开头的英语单词前面,比如:irregular不稳定的、irresistable不可抵抗的、irresolvable不能分解的 不能解决的;



小时候 常常望着窗外的天空

幻想 长大以后 实现从前走过的美梦

长大后 发现世界真的不同 不知该要往哪走

还是停在原地 一动也不动

我无意在逃脱 眼看着时间流走 想回到小时候

I wanna or stay away i wanna stay oh。。。最真最美丽的童年

我stay~or stay away i wanny stay Wu。。。

听你讲 你讲 为什么大汉之后 世界就变的不同 完全就变的不同

是不是听到小时候的那样画 我的 就 白白灭不离 不离

小时候 常常望着窗外的天空

幻想 长大以后 能实现从前走过的美梦

长大后 发现世界真的不同 不知该要往哪走

还是停在原地 一动也不动

我无意在逃脱 眼看着时间流走 想回到小时候

I wanna or stay away i wanna stay oh。。。最真最美丽的童年

我stay~or stay away i wanny stay Wu。。。

听你讲 你讲 为什么大汉之后 世界就变的不同 完全就变的不同

是不是听到小时候的那样画 我的 就 白白灭不离 不离






 美国MIS学科主要涉及以下一些专业领域:信息系统(Information Systems );管理科学(Management Sciences );生产运营管理等。

 美国MIS专业其它方向:包括 Marketing 、Finance 、Management 、Accounting 、Business Law 、Economics 等等。






 Data Base——数据库

 Analysis, Modeling and Design——分析,建模与设计

 Communications and Networking——通信与网络

 Economics for IS Managers——IS管理人员经济学

 Systems, Technology and Change——系统,科技与变革

 Managing Projects and Change——管理工程与变革

 IT Policy and Strategy——IT政策与策略

 Information Technology, Ethics and Social Issues——信息科技,道德与社会问题

 Leveraging Human Capital in a Technological Workforce——技术人力资源规划

 High-Technology Marketing——高科技市场规划

 Managing Resources for IS——IS资源管理

 IT Security——IT安全



专辑:Different Class


Album:Different Class

Mis-shapes, mistakes, misfits

Raised on a diet of broken biscuits

Oh, we don't look the same as you

We don't do the things you do

But we live around here too, oh really

Mis-shapes, mistakes, misfits

We'd like to go to town but we can't risk it, oh

'Coz they just want to keep us out

You could end up with a smash in the mouth

Just for standing out, oh really

Brothers and sisters can't you see

The future is owned by you and me

There won't be fighting in the street

They think they got us beat

But revenge is going to be so sweet

We're making a move

We're making it now

We're coming out of the sidelines

Just put your hands up, it's a raid yeah

We want your homes

We want your lives

We want the things you won't allow us

We won 't use guns

We won't use bombs

We'll use the one thing we've got more of

That's our mind

Check your lucky numbers

That much money could drag you under, oh

What's the point of being rich

if you can't think of what to do with it

'Coz you're so bleeding thick

Oh, we weren't supposed to be

We learnt to much at school and now we can help but see

That the future you've got mapped out

Is nothing much to shout about

We're making a move

We're making it now

We're coming out of the sidelines

Just put your hands up, it's a raid yeah

We want your homes

We want your lives

We want the things you won't allow us

We won't use guns

We won't use bombs

We'll use the one thing we've got more of

That's our mind

Brothers and sisters can't you see

The future is owned by you and me

There won't be fighting in the street

They think they got us beat

But revenge is going to be so sweet

We're making a move

We're making it now

We're coming out of the sidelines

Just put your hands up, it's a raid yeah

We want your homes

We want your lives

We want the things you won't allow us

We won 't use guns

We won't use bombs

We'll use the one thing we've got more of

That's our mind

And that's our minds, yeah



Information Systems Management

Chapter 1: Introduction

1 Introduction

11 The Origin of This Research Interest

As an Information Systems manager, the author worked at Xi’an Jiaotong University

(XJTU), China, (http://wwwxjtueducn) for many years Her personal experience can

be traced back to 1984 when XJTU was the first university in China to launch a

project of management information systems Since then, various Information Systems

(IS) at XJTU have been continually developed and improved At present, the existing

IS are covering almost all the transaction processes of XJTU

In the year 2000, I had an opportunity to study at the Eindhoven University of

Technology (TUE), in The Netherlands (http://wwwtuenl) During my study at TUE,

I had the opportunity to talk with several managers of the university IS, as well as to

look and study more closely at some existing IS at the TUE

Comparing the several IS between XJTU and TUE in practice, I became convinced

that there were tremendous differences Below I will present some typical examples of

the differences


Information Systems at XJTU

Generally speaking, the existing IS at XJTU were all self-designed and constructed

upon the demand of superior management levels The Chinese expression for this is

“the one hand involvement” This means that the highest senior manager who is

responsible for the particular business processing in the organization has taken the

initiative to develop his own supporting IS This is still the dominant slogan and basic

principle in the IS community in China, for both IS research and IS development

In practice, all the existing IS are separately designed, developed and deployed in the

several administrative divisions and offices The output of the IS, mostly printed on

paper like general reports with tables, still plays a significant role on campus Such

paper output provides the necessary transfer of messages between the different

offices, which is necessary due to the fact that offices and departments are not

completely autonomous but depend on each other to a certain degree Additionally,

paper output enables the creation of working archives These archives will be

collected and stored in special departments every certain period

XJTU has also an electronic campus network linking all offices, the student as well as

staff dormitory, inside the university Most computers in offices at XJTU are

physically connected to the campus network However, the IS mentioned above still

work in their original set up and are functioning more or less as information islands

As a matter of fact, there are quite a few database links between the different IS

within the different departments Generally speaking, the IS work inside a particular

division for particular administrative business processes These systems are not

intended or accessible outside the “owning” department Even within a specific department there are strict authorization rules for those who have access to IS and

who do not

After the Internet was implemented at the XJTU campus, the ISM became involved in

new tasks and responsibilities, such as publishing university information on the

website, transferring messages by E-mail and communication by Bulletin Board

Systems (BBS)

The website technology has provided a new form and a new opportunity for

publishing information The primary information at the official XJTU website

includes: university hot news, distinguished academics, an introduction to the

university organization, existing national key laboratories, information about

educational programs, admission, studying abroad, staff and vacancy information,

information about international conferences, including the call for papers, the XJTU

journal, information about scientific programs and technology transfer, information

about international co-operation, library information, information about the available

ICT services, alumni news, and so on

In general, Email is not prevalent for both collective and individual use The

notifications from the organization to individuals are generally communicated through

the medium of paper Business communications, as well as private communications,

are often in a face-to-face mode or by phone, sometimes by FAX

In addition, the BBS is a very attractive communicating facility at campus There are

many participants discussing themes, covering a lot of messages both at campus, as

well as outside the campus The total number of the actual running chat themes is

nearly 200 in the BBS area Some of the most favorite themes are: the top ten hottest

topics, the latest prime topics, news from the XJTU forum science, technology issues,

sociology, liberal arts, sports, music, games, news from other universities, on-line

chatting and discussions, searching friends, and so on

Many students, teachers, university staff, as well as managers are quite interested in

the chatting themes and topics It appears to be a very useful communication facility

between colleagues, between students and teachers, as well as between staff and


There are two modes of access to the BBS One is through inputting the registered

name and password Another mode is the anonymous one without any input of

personal information People can enter BBS practically anywhere and anytime

globally, as long as the user’s computer is connected to the Internet

Regardless of which model one use to access the BBS, all reading and writing of

topics are open to users In other words, users can access any topic in both access

modes However, the published information on the BBS will be monitored and will be

cancelled if that information is not allowed to be published


Information Systems at the TUE

There are many management IS at the TUE, supporting the many business processes

at campus Classifying them into major categories, one could say that one type of IS

has to do with issues regarding educational programs and student affairs, another

deals with research themes and issues (the several programs, staff involved, external

participants involved, contract agreements, etc), still another handles personnel

affairs, and the last deals with financial issues and facilities (lecture halls, laboratories,

buildings, etc)

The objective of all the IS at TUE relate to the internal business processes The IS are

either self-developed or standard software purchased from external suppliers Most

information tasks are carried out by TUE personnel or students, but some

applications, like salary payments, are completely outsourced The IS are functioning

at university levels, department levels, or sub-department levels

The majority of IS are user centered In other words, it is up to the users whether a

particular information system is necessary and acceptable The ease of use is, in that

respect, quite an important feature Next to that, and even more important, is the

usefulness of the information system itself for the users An information system will

only be successful if, and only if; the users involved have a direct or indirect benefit

from that system This principle is described by Bemelmans as the “Closed Loop

Principle” A system should be designed in such a way that the people, who are

mainly responsible for the input, have a direct benefit of doing that input job in a

correct way The system should function as a closed loop in that respect [Bemelmans,


The TUE Campus network is linked to all offices at the university, highly facilitating

various applications As a matter of fact, all databases and IS are connected to each

other according to the users’ business processes requirements Modifying those links,

such as adding, changing and deleting, has to be done according to the user’s


Back up facilities are strongly developed at the campus network at the TUE All the

existing IS and relevant databases, as well as the back ups are distributed by the

campus network at both departmental and university level Normally, users make their

own initial back up at the department level whenever they like Afterwards, both

department and university level back up will regularly and automatically proceed

according to fixed periods

Email is a very popular communicating facility at the TUE For example, with email it

is quite easy to make an appointment, to exchange messages, to announce an event, to

issue an invitation, and so on

The public folder of the Email includes various information from all faculties,

departments, institutes, as well as sub-departments, such as the introductory events for

new students and/or staff, all kinds of messages, agenda, public announcements,

notifications, meeting minutes, general contacts, project proposals, staff issues, tasks

to be done, etc

The website of the TUE provides general information about TUE, the campus plan,

the mission statement, slideshows, agendas, publications, departmental information,

study programs, research programs and schools, management & service issues,

internationalization, vacancies, library information, information about and for

students, employees, prospective students, alumni, companies, general visitors, etc

In addition, the personal website is very popular at TUE Every staff member can

design his or her own personal website according to his or her own desire regarding

content, style and form Meanwhile, he or she can revise the personal website at


113 Some Differences between XJTU and TUE

Comparing the situation of the IS at XJTU and the TUE, we find some interesting

differences These will be discussed in the following section

• Different Involvement of Senior Management

As we described before, at XJTU it is quite normal that the basic initiative to develop

an information system is taken by the superior management Chinese people are

familiar with hierarchical relationships and from that perspective, it is quite

understandable that IS development is only started on the initiative of the “boss”

Earlier we indicated that attitude as “the one hand involvement” Said another way,

the Chinese approach is a top-down one Many studies in the IS field concern the

question of how to effectively involve the senior and primary managers in the

different activities and tasks regarding ISM In practice, many successfully

implemented IS at universities are sufficiently supported by senior and primary


In contrast, the approach in the Netherlands regarding university systems seems to be

“bottom up” The future users of a system have a very important influence on system

design and development In that respect, the user’s involvement is significant at the

TUE in the Netherlands For example, users are heavily involved in proposing new

IS, and also in designing, evaluating, and upgrading IS, etc

• Different Information Systems Architectures

The IS at XJTU are mainly located in and reserved for specific application units

Generally speaking, they are internally oriented At the university level, there are

hardly any existing links or connections between IS Databases do not cross the

application units so there is no practice in sharing common data In other words, the

architecture of the Chinese IS is distributed but at the same time isolated, not

integrated The several systems are functioning on their own, that is, they behave like

information islands

Although the IS at TUE are also decentralized and distributed in the several

application units, they are all connected together according to business process

requirements The links between the existing systems and databases are quite

complicated Seen from an architectural viewpoint, one could characterize the TUE

systems as distributed, but at the same time highly integrated Responsibilities related

to the IS, as well as with the databases, are organized according to user requirements

• Different Information Sharing Approaches

At XJTU, the information sharing is mainly dependent on the reporting manner

Whenever information has to be exchanged between different units, this could be

provided in both paper mode and electronic mode, according to the required type and

form In practice, each exchange must be approved by management and has to follow

certain strict authorization procedures

Information sharing at TUE is mainly online and in electronic mode As mentioned

previously, all the databases and IS are substantially connected with each other,

according to the requirements of the daily business processes If a new requirement

comes out because of new or adapted business processes, the IS architecture will be

adapted by creating new links and connections

• Different Information Communicating Channels

People at the XJTU and the TUE are using the available information communication

channels in different ways At XJTU, email is not prevalent, as people are still used to

being informed face to face, by phone or fax However, the Bulletin Board System

(BBS) appears to be a popular communication channel, providing a complementary

bridge to the traditional communication channels at campus

In contrast to XJTU, at TUE Email is the most commonly used communication

channel Many communications, both at the group and individual level, are done by


From the given examples above, the following questions could be asked:

– Why are the existing IS organized differently in

practice between XJTU and TUE

– Why are the approaches of designing and developing IS

different between XJTU and TUE

– What is the reason that the management emphasis and

involvement is different between XJTU and TUE

In order to answer the questions above, there is a compelling need for researching the

domain of ISM

12 Expected Results of the Research

“Information system management is a key component of successful implementation

and utilization of Information and communication technology in an organization”

[Looijen, 1998] “It is increasingly becoming an important part of the responsibilities

of managers and information workers at all levels of the organization” [Ralph H

Sprague et al, 1993] Particularly, with the increasing internationalization of trade and

consequent integrations of the global economy, ISM is becoming increasingly obvious More and more businesses are strongly depending on the reliable functioning

of IS At the same time, applications of IS are continuously infused and diffused

world wide, due to the rapid development of information technology Many new

technical products are introduced New technologies are demanded and also provided

New IS are developed and implemented The border and the scope of IS are crossing

organizations, regions and countries Consequently, globalization is typical of the

application of modern information technology On the one hand, the development and

application of IS are boosted because of globalization On the other hand, managing

those IS properly is getting more and more difficult because of the enormous

complexity of modern global IS

This study is significant for several reasons First, from a global point of view,

studying the differences of ISM between Chinese and Dutch would be meaningful

Insights from the research findings would be helpful in understanding the differences

that are important when one has to set up an internationalized ISM Second, the

research findings would be helpful to understand people’s behavior from different

countries Third, the results of the research would also contribute to developing

relevant management strategies for an internationalized ISM The results would then

be useful to study, design and develop more flexible and compatible IS in a global IS

world And last, but not least, the research could benefit IS producers if they are

moving from their own domestic markets towards international markets

13 The Research Scope and Focus

It should be clear from the previous sections that this research could be meaningful,

useful and helpful for IS researchers, IS-producers, users, as well as for managers

Comparing the several IS at the XJTU and the TUE and then understanding the

differences in ISM are the reason and motivation for this research

It is necessary to clarify the research scope and the research focus As described in

previous sections, some observable differences in ISM between XJTU and the TUE

exist in practice This might be caused by many factors

Since countries are different, the IS and its ISM have been embedded in different and

situational circumstances Accordingly, the research scope could include many issues

related to country specific factors, such as Politics, Law/Legislation, Economics,

Organizational issues, Technology, National Culture, etc

Although all those country specific factors are of significance for ISM, it is not

possible to include all those factors in this research Therefore, this research will focus

on national culture and its influence on ISM Of course, answering the national

cultural impact on ISM would not mean that all other country specific factors have

been solved In that sense, this study has its clear shortcomings However, the result

of this research might be useful and helpful for studying the other country specific

factors The research scope and the research focus are depicted in Figure 11

the research scope

the research focus

country specific factors

related ISM issues

national culture

related ISM issues

Figure 11: The Research Scope and Research Focus

14 Research Objective

As stated before, we are interested in finding answers to the following questions:

1 Why are IS in practice organized differently at XJTU

and TUE What generalized conclusions can be drawn

from that

2 Why are there different development approaches in

China and The Netherlands What consequences would

this have for ISM

3 What are explanations that the management emphasis

on IS is different between XJTU and TUE To what

adapted strategies should that lead in case one has to

develop and deploy IS in general

The research scope and research focus were clarified in the previous section In other

words, this research will study country specific factors influencing ISM in general,

and focus on the national culture factors, in particular Therefore, one of the

objectives of this research is to answer the following research question:

What is the impact of national cultural differences on


If national culture plays an important role in the application of IS, it would also

profoundly affect the corresponding ISM in practice Understanding the importance of

culture on ISM then becomes particularly relevant because IS cross the borders of

countries or regions and thus various users are involved It is quite a challenge for a

(global) ISM to facilitate the reliability, availability, compatibility, flexibility,

maintainability, etc of the several IS in use

Apart from aiming at a direct contribution to understanding and realizing how

national culture influences ISM, the second objective of this research is to propose

designs for organizing and implementing ISM in the several situational

circumstances Our research ambition is thus not only to clarify the impact of national

culture on ISM (explanatory research) but also finding practical solutions for ISM

implementations (design oriented research) Therefore, the second objective of this

research is answering the following question:

– How can IS be managed properly by taking into account

national cultural differences


管理信息系统(Management Information System,简称MIS)

HRM 是human resource management的缩写,是指人力资源管理(也叫HR管理)

IT = Information Technology,信息技术。

数据库管理系统(database management system)是一种操纵和管理数据库的大型软件,用于建立、使用和维护数据库,简称dbms。

结构化查询语言(Structured Query Language)简称SQL

MRP(Material Requirement Planning 物料需求计划)是被设计并用于制造业库存管理信息处理的系统,它解决了如何实现制造业库存管理目标

ERP是Enterprise Resource Planning(企业资源计划)的简称

CIMS是英文Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems或contemporary的缩写,直译就是计算机/现代集成制造系统。



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