


1、A Pet for Pete

A Pet for Pete是一个温馨的小故事。Pete的绘画作品得到身边人的肯定和赞赏,而他也十分愿意将这份快乐分享给大家——为每个人(每只猫)画一幅画,可是自己精力有限,最终还是妈妈想出了好办法。

2、Good Night, Gorilla


3、The Very Hungry Caterpillar

The Very Hungry Caterpillar是卡爷爷Eric Carle得意之作之一。这是一本充满了诗情与创意的图画书。如果说有一条虫子能一路畅通无阻地从一个国家爬到另一个国家,那么就是它了!


4、Go Away Mr Wolf


5、Chris Van Dusen

Chris 这本绘本的画风很复古,还有朋克蒸汽的元素,在一方面也给孩子扩展了西方绘画文化,故事讲得非常正能量,引导孩子有正确的价值观,语言也颇为西方古风,一个生活在英格兰地区的可爱作者。





Pete Richard was the loneliest man in town on the day Jean Grace opened the door of his shop It‘s a small shop which had come down to him from his grandfather The little front window was strewn with a disarray of oldfashioned things: bracelets and lockets worn in days before the Civil War, gold rings and silver boxes, images of jade and ivory, porcelain figurines1 On this winter’s afternoon a child was standing there, her forehead against the glass, earnest and enormous eyes studying each treasure as if she were looking for something quite special Finally she straightened up with a satisfied air and entered the store

The shadowy interior of Pete Richard‘s establishment was even more cluttered than his show window Shelves were stacked with jewel caskets, dueling pistols, clocks and lamps, and the floor was heaped with irons, mandolins and things hard to find a name for Behind the counter stood Pete himself, a man not more than thirty but with hair already turning gray There was a bleak air about him as he looked at the small customer who flattened her ungloved hands on the counter

“Mister,” she began, “would you please let me look at the string of blue beads in the window?” Pete parted the draperies and lifted out a necklace The turquoise2 stones gleamed brightly against the pallor of his palm as he spread the ornament before her “They‘re just perfect,” said the child, entirely to herself “Will you wrap them up pretty for me, please?”

Pete studied her with a stony air “Are you buying these for someone?” “They‘re for my big sister She takes care of me You see, this will be the first Christmas since mother died I’ve been looking for the most wonderful Christmas present for my sister”

“How much money do you have?” asked Pete warily She had been busily untying the knots in a handkerchief and now she poured out a handful of pennies on the counter “I emptied my bank” she explained simply

Pete looked at her thoughtfully Then he carefully drew back the necklace The price tag was visible to him but not to her How could he tell her? The trusting look of her blue eyes smote3 him like the pain of an old wound “Just a minute,” he said, and turned toward the back of the store Over his shoulder he called, “What‘s your name?” He was very busy about something “Jean Grace”

When Pete returned to where Jean Grace waited, a package lay in his hand, wrapped in scarlet paper and tied with a bow of green “There you are,” he said shortly, “Don‘t lose it on the way home”

She smiled happily over her shoulder as she ran out the door Through the window he watched her go, while desolation flooded his thoughts Something about Jean Grace and her string of beads had stirred him to the depths of a grief that would not stay buried The child‘s hair was wheat yellow, her eyes sea blue, and once upon a time, not long before, Pete had been in love with a girl with hair of that same yellow and with eyes just as blue And the turquoise necklace was to have been hers

But there had come a rainy night—a truck skidding on a slippery road—and the life was crushed out of his dream Since then, Pete had lived too much with his grief in solitude He was politely attentive to customers, but after hours his world seemed irrevocably4 empty He was trying to forget in a selfpitying haze that deepened day by day The blue eyes of Jean Grace jolted him into acute remembrance of what he had lost The pain of it made him recoil from the exuberance of holiday shoppers During the next ten days trade was brisk; chattering women swarmed in, fingering trinkets, trying to bargain When the last customer had gone, late on Christmas Eve, he sighed with relief It was over for another year But for Pete the night was not quite over

The door opened and a young woman hurried in With an inexplicable start, he realized that she looked familiar, yet he could not remember when or where he had seen her before Her hair was golden yellow and her large eyes were blue Without speaking, she drew from her purse a package loosely unwrapped in its red paper, a bow of green ribbon with it Presently the string of blue beads lay gleaming again before him

“Did this come from your shop?” she asked

Pete raised his eyes to hers and answered softly, “Yes, it did”

“Are the stones real?”

“Yes Not the finest quality—but real”

“Can you remember who it was you sold them to?”

“She was a small girl Her name was Jean She bought them for her older sister‘s Christmas present”

“How much are they worth?”

“The price, ”he told her solemnly, “is always a confidential matter between the seller and the customer”

“But Jean has never had more than a few pennies of spending money How could she pay for them?”

“She paid the biggest price anyone can ever pay,” he said “She gave all she had”

There was a silence then that filled the little curio shop He saw the faraway steeple, a bell began ringing The sound of the distant chiming, the little package lying on the counter, the question in the eyes of the girl, and the strange feeling of renewal struggling unreasonably in the heart of Pete, all had come to be because of the love of a child

“But why did you do it?”

He held out5 the gift in his hand

“It‘s already Christmas morning,” he said “And it’s my misfortune that I have no one to give anything to Will you let me see you home and wish you a Merry Christmas at your door?”

And so, to the sound of many bells and in the midst of happy people, Pete Richard and a girl whose name he had yet to hear, walked out into the beginning of the great day that brings hope into the world for us all


珍 格雷斯走进皮特 理查德小店的那天,恰恰是皮特最感孤寂的日子。这间小店是祖父传给他的,各种古玩杂乱地堆放在前面小小的橱窗里:有内战前人们戴的手镯和纪念品盒,有金戒指、银盒子、翡翠、象牙制品和精美的小雕像等。在这个冬日的下午,一个小孩站在那儿,前额顶在橱窗上,瞪大眼睛,认真地看着每一件物品,仿佛在寻找什么奇特的宝贝。最后,她站直了身子,脸上露出满意的神情。然后,走进了店里。





皮特若有所思地看着她。然后,他小心地抽回了拿着项链的手。这时价格标签露了出来,但只是他能看到,小女孩看不到。怎么跟她说呢?小女孩晶莹的蓝眼睛中充满了信任,这眼神触动了他隐隐作痛的旧伤。“你等等,”说着,他转身走进储藏室后面。“你叫什么名字?”他边忙边回头问道。“珍 格雷斯。”


她高兴地跑出去,出门时回头对他微笑。透过窗户,皮特看着她远去的身影,一片悲凉猛然袭上心头。他内心深处无法掩饰的悲伤,被珍 格雷斯的某些东西和那串项链再次唤醒。这个孩子有着麦**的头发,海水般深蓝色的眼睛。不久前,皮特曾爱上一个女孩,她也有着同样的麦**头发和海水般深蓝色的眼睛,而那串蓝宝石项链本该是她的。

然而,一个雨夜——一辆卡车在光滑的路面上紧急刹车——她的生命就这样消失了,他的梦就这样破碎了。从那以后,皮特就陷入了极端的孤苦与悲痛的煎熬之中。工作时,皮特把注意力全放在顾客身上,但到了晚上,他的世界几乎就是一片空白。于是,他极力想冲出日渐强烈的自怜自悯的阴霾。然而,珍 格雷斯的蓝眼睛又勾起了他对已逝至爱的回忆。这些苦痛,让他在节日中欢愉购物的顾客面前显得有些畏缩了。接下来的10天中,店里的生意很好,善于砍价的女士们蜂拥而入,她们抚弄着店中各式各样的饰品,讨价还价。最后一个顾客走出店时,已经是圣诞节前夕的深夜了,皮特舒了一口气。又过去了一年,然而对于皮特来说,这一夜还是很漫长的。

















首先他是个优秀的词曲作者。我觉得他的文字方面是有一定功底的,情感也挺细腻,所以写的词——哪怕是日渐式微,已经过气的81年《Face dances》专辑里,《I like nightmares》里他还是能写出像“ There's a simple way to die they call it news/There's a simple way to fly they call it booze/There's a common way to weep they say just smoke/There's an easy quiet escape just sleep and cruise ”这样有趣的歌词。

作曲方面,因为他们家主唱Roger有一把龙精虎猛真汉子嗓,所以曲风硬朗是一定的,比如最著名的,《Who are you》和《Baba o'riley》,词曲配着听看确实让人又兴奋又动容。最主要的是,你到现在,听《who are you》,不会觉得过时,产生一种“这一听就是70年代产物”的年代感。时髦硬朗悦耳一个不少。哪怕再过三十年,好像也能拿出来打榜。


《Quadrophenia》虽然被批评说是Tommy的拙劣翻版,但挺有格调的。个人特别喜欢其中一首《sea and Sand》,词曲都喜欢——都非常有腔调。

还有这个乐队最别出心裁的一张,《the who sell out》,一开始不知道该怎么形容它,写这段的时候去找了找,说它是电台概念专辑,总的来说就像是一段一段的广告,能听到电台的广告,而且乐队四个人每人代言样东西,还有歌,pete卖代言的是除臭剂-_-|| 总之蠢萌蠢萌的。


他很玛丽苏的,动不动就对别的乐队抱大腿,表达赞美和迷恋。这个性格不是坏事,很有趣。在我看来就有点儿像他们乐队的外交发言人:“Mick jagger,老子喜欢你,想同你困觉。”



小题1:考查定语从句和语境理解。A whom谁,做宾语;B who 谁,做主语;C which 哪一个,代指物,做主语宾语;D what 什么,不引导定语从句。在定语从句中,先行词a boy指人,并在从句中做主语,故答案选who。

小题2:考查不定代词和语境理解。A something某物;B nothing什么也没有;C anything任何一个 D everything一切。上文说男孩非常渴望成功,所以对他,来说赢就是一切。肯定句中用everything;anything用在否定句和疑问句中。故答案选D

小题3:考查动词和语境理解。一群人在观看孩子们的比赛。Join加入;run跑; watch观看; hear听见。观看比赛应该用动词watch,故选C。

小题4:考查动词和语境理解。A failed 失败;B beat打败;C won 赢得;D lost失去。因为男孩的体很好,所以很轻易的赢得了比赛。根据The crowd cheered and waved可知男孩赢得了比赛。故选C。

小题5:考查形容词辨析和语境理解。calm平静的;modest 谦虚的;surprised吃惊的;proud自豪的。因为上文提到男孩赢得了比赛,所以感到自豪,故选D。

小题6:考查代词和语境理解。A other 其他的;B another三种以上另一个的;C the other 两者中的另一个 D the others别的人或物。这次进行的是男孩和另两人的比赛。因为空格后有two,故排除D;这里是把三个人看成两部分,把一个是男孩看成一部分,另外两个是一部分,所以另一部分用the other;故选C。

小题7:考查介词短语和语境理解。in delight高兴的;in surprise 吃惊的;in sadness伤心的;in fear害怕的。该句句意为:男孩赢得比赛,高兴的举起双臂。根据the boy was the only one to cross the line可知男孩赢得了比赛,当然心里是很高兴的。故选A。

小题8: 考查副词及语境理解。therefore因此,表示前后是因果关系;however然而;rather 宁愿;although尽管,后跟句子。该句句意为:然而人群却沉默不语。however表示前后是转折关系,是副词,可以用在句中,前后都用逗号。因为前面提到男孩赢得了比赛很高兴,而观众却是沉默的,前后是转折关系,故选B。

小题9:考查疑问词和语境理解。A What 什么;B How 怎么样;C When什么时候;D Why为什么。 该句句意为:男孩赢得比赛却没人鼓掌,他想知道为什么。根据he asked the wise old man可知男孩在问为什么人们不鼓掌。故选D。

小题10:考查副词和语境理解。A well 好;B together 一起;C away远离;D off离开,远离。该句句意为:智者要求他们三人一起完成比赛。根据stood 11 of the blind man and the old lady, and then took them by the hand这里可知男孩挽着另外的两个人一起比赛,故选B。

小题11:考查介词、介词短语和语境理解。 A in the middle在……中间;B at the center在……的角落; C among 在……三者之间;D between在两者之间,不和of连用。 句意为:男孩站在两人中间,in the middle of…在……中间。故选A

小题12:考查副词和语境理解。该句句意为:男孩牵着两人的手慢慢的走向终点。slowly慢慢地 ;quickly很快地;easily 轻易地;hardly几乎不。根据上文可知男孩挽着一位盲人一个老人走路肯定是很慢地。故选A。

小题13:考查动词和语境理解。 A shouted 大喊;B cheered欢呼;C talked 谈话;D cared关心。上文说男孩牵着两人的手慢慢的走向终点。人群为他们欢呼。根据“Which one of us three are the crowd cheering for可知人们在欢呼,故选B。

小题14:考查动词和语境理解。智者看到上文这一幕,微笑着点点头,表示对男孩行动的赞许。noddin 头;shaking 摇头;holding 举行;losing失去。故答案选A。


Long ago there was a boy was hungry for success For him, winning was One day the boy was to pete with two other young boys in a race in his village A large crowd gathered to including a wise old man The race began With strength and power, the boy easily the race The crowd cheered and waved The little boy felt and important However, the wise man remained still and calm

“Another race, another race!” cried the little boy The wise old man came over and presented the little boy with two new runners: an old woman and a blind man The race started and the boy was the only one to cross the line, two left standing at the starting line The little boy raised his arms The crowd, , was silent “ don’t the people cheer for my success” he asked the wise old man “Race again!” replied the wise man, “But this time, all three of you finish ” The little boy thought a little, stood of the blind man and the old lady, and then took them by the hand The race began and the little boy walked to the finishing line and crossed it The crowed The wise man iled, gently his head

“Which one of us three are the crowd cheering for” asked the little boy

“For this race, you have won than in any race you have ever run before,” said the wise old man “For this race, the crowd cheer not for any winner!”

小题1: A.whom B.who C.which D.what

小题2: A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything

小题3: A.join B.run C.watch D.hear

小题4: A.failed B.beat C.won D.lost

小题5: A.calm B.modest C.surprised D.proud

小题6: A.other B.another C.the other D.the others

小题7: A.in delight B.in surprise C.in sadness D.in fear

小题8: A.therefore B.however C.rather D.although

小题9: A.What B.How C.When D.Why

小题10: A.well B.together C.away D.off

小题11: A.in the middle B.at the center C.among D.between

小题12: A.slowly B.quickly C.easily D.hardly

小题13: A.shouted B.cheered C.talked D.cared

小题14: A.nodding B.shaking C.holding D.losing



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